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1、仁爱英语九年级Unit4topic2重点知识点2016年仁爱英语九年级Unit-4-topic-2-重点知识点Unit 4 Amazing ScienceTopic 2 Im excited about the things that will be discovered in the future.1重要句型:Section A1. A wonderful movie will be shown tonight.一场精彩的电影将在今晚上映。 Houses, schools and hospitals will be built on Mars .房屋、学校、医院都将被建在火星上。两句划线部分

2、均为将来时态的被动结构。将来时态的被动结构为:will / be going to + be v.ed练一练:a).Dont worry. You _plenty of time to work it out. A.will give B.have given C.will be given D.are givenb).We are glad a famous writer_ to our school to give a talk next week. A.Invites B.invited C.will be invited D.was invited2. And they can vis

3、it planets like Mars. 他们还能访问像火星一样的星球。 like 与 as 的用法区别: A. like 说明相似关系,即两者在形态、性质上的相似,但不等同。 He has done a lot of good things like Lei Feng. 他像雷锋那样做了很多好事。B. as 说明同一关系,指身份,意为“作为,当作”。Dont treat me as a child. Im 15. 别把我当小孩子,我已经十五岁了。C. as 还有 “像,按照”的意思。Please do it as I do as I tell you. 请照我的吩咐去做。3. We wil

4、l be able to do anything that can be done on the earth.我们将能在地球上能做的任何事。(1)be able to+动词原形意为“能,会”,常用于一般现在时、过去时、将来时和完成时时态。它的同义词是can,但它仅有一般现在时和过去时态。在shall,will, have 后面,要用 be able to。He is able to cook. = He can cook. 他会煮饭。练一练:Everyone _ read many English articles so far.A.can B.have C.was able to D.has

5、 been able to(2)that can be done on the earth 定语从句修饰anything。从句的谓语动词的是带有情态动词的被动语态,构成形式“情态动词+be+及物动词的过去分词”。 Trees can be planted in spring.树可以在春季栽种。4. What fun! 多么有趣啊! 这里的fun 为不可数名词,意为“有趣的事”。类似的感叹句: What a pity! = What a shame! 多么遗憾啊!5. they are reading information on the internet in order to learn a

6、bout human culture. in order to . 意为“为了”,表示目的,后接动词原形,相当于 so as to。in order to 即可放在句首也可放在句中;so as to 只能放在句中,不能放在句首。 它们的否定形式都是在to 前加 not, 即 in order not to , so as not to。 In order not to fail the exam,he studied for fourteen hours everyday. 为了考试不失利,他每天学习14小时。 She went to England last year in order th

7、at / so that she could learn standard English. 她去年去了英国,为的是学习标准的英语。6. But I dont think aliens will be found in space. 但是我认为在太空中找不到外星人。(1) 当 think, believe, suppose, imagine, expect 等动词后接的宾语从句含有not 等否定词,且主语为第一人称时,该否定应移至主句,即否定主句的谓语动词。 I dont think it will rain tomorrow. 我认为明天不会下雨。(2) 当主句的主语是第二、三人称时,否定式

8、一般不转移。 He supposes they wont win the game. 他猜想他们赢不了比赛。(3) 改写成反意疑问句时,当主句的主语为第一人称时,反义疑问句的主、谓与从句一致。 I dont think it will rain tomorrow,will it? 我认为明天不会下雨,是吗?(4) 如果主句的主语是第二、三人称时,反义疑问句的主谓与主语一致。 He thinks he can make it, doesnt he? 他认为他能办到,是吗?Section B1. They will travel into space and discover something

9、new about Mars. 他们将遨游太空,发现与火星有关的新事物。 A. discover v. 发现(找到原本存在但未被发现的东西); Columbus discovered America in 1492. 哥伦布在1492年发现了美洲。 B. invent v. 发明(发明的对象是以前从未存在的新东西);The inventor invented a lot of things all his life. 这位发明家一生发明了很多东西。C. find v. 多指偶然发现、碰到,后可接名词、复合结构或that 从句。强调“找”的结果。Have you found the book y

10、ou have been looking for?你找到那本你一直在找的书了吗?D. find out 指通过观察、探索而发现秘密、错误等,后一般接名词或是从句。 Have you found out why he was late? 你弄清他为什么迟到了吗?E. look for 强调“找”的过程。 Im looking for my watch, but cant find it. 我在找我的手表,但没找到。2. But I prefer science to dance. 但同跳舞相比,我更喜欢科学。常用结构:a. prefer sth. 与某物相比,更喜欢某物; I pr

11、efer apples to bananas. 与香蕉相比,我更喜欢苹果。 b. prefer doing sth. to doing sth. 与做某事相比,更喜欢做某事; I prefer playing basketball to swimming. 与游泳相比,我更喜欢打篮球。 c. prefer to do sth. 愿意做; I prefer to go at once.我愿意马上就走。 d. prefer doing sth. 宁愿做某事,更喜欢做某事; I prefer going by bike.我宁愿骑单车去。 e.prefer to do rather than do s

12、th.宁可做而不做,喜欢做而不做 He preferred to die rather than (to) steal.他宁死也不去偷窃。3. Im excited about the things that will be discovered in the future.我一想到将来可能被发现的东西就很兴奋。be excited about意为“对很兴奋”,excited为形容词。that 是连词,引导定语从句。练一练:a).Well feel_ about a long winter holiday well spend this year. A.pleased B.interested

13、 C.amazed D.excited b).I dont like stories_ have unhappy endings. A.who B.that C.where D.those Section C1. Its diameter is 53% as wide as that of the earth.它的直径是地球直径的53%。 The gravity on the surface of Mars is about two-fifths as strong as it is on earth.火星表面的引力大约是地球表面引力的五分之二。(1)two-fifths as strong

14、as. 相当的五分之二强度;two-fifths = two fifths 五分之二。 (2)倍数词/分数/百分数as 形容词或副词原级as. 的几倍/几分之几/百分之几; 练一练:We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen _ we speak. twice much as B.twice as much as much as twice much twice as2. Mars goes around the sun at a distance of about 228 million kilome

15、ters.火星在相隔大约2亿2千8百万千米的地方绕着太阳旋转。A. at a distance of 相隔; The moon goes around the earth at a distance of 380000 km. 月球在距地球38万千米的地方绕地球旋转。B. at a distance 在远处;The police followed him at a distance. 警察远远地跟着他。3. But during spring and summer, the surface of Mars is covered by strong storms. 但在春、夏两季,火星表面会被强

16、烈的风暴所覆盖。 A. be covered 被覆盖; The snake was covered by the earth. 这条蛇被土盖住了。 B. be covered with 遮盖,遮蔽; The ground is covered with snow. 土地被雪覆盖。4. It has been two days since we landed on Mars. 自从我们登上火星已经两天了。 相当于 We have been on Mars for two days. 这里的时间two days 的计算是从从句的动作land完成后算起的。 Its six weeks we had

17、a proper shower last time. = We havent had a proper shower for six weeks. 我们已经六个礼拜没有像样地洗澡了。Section D1. Scientists thinks that there has been life on earth for millions of years. 科学家认为地球上生物已经存在了数百万年。A. . there has been.已经有,是there be 的现在完成时,其结构: There has / have been . There have been many kinds of ro

18、bots so far. 到目前为止已经有很多种机器人。B. There be 结构的其他时态形式还有:There may be. 可能有;There will be / is going to be. 将要有2. We havent found life on other planets yet. 我们还没有在其他行星上发现生命。yet用作副词,有已经,还的意思.常与一般现在时或现在完成时连用,常用于否定句,一般疑问句中,在美式英语中通常用于一般过去时。而already用于肯定句,常可用于完成时,也可用于一般过去时(与延续性动词连用)。如果是系表结构的句子,也可用于一般现在时,still常用

19、于肯定句、疑问句或否定句中,表示“某事尚在进行中”。练一练:a).Wearenotsure_whether well goor not . A.already B.yet C.still D.evenb).Although he is very old,_he is quite strong . A.yet B.but C.and D.alreadyc).Who will teach_ oral English next term? Can it be a new teacher? Perhaps.But our head teacher hasnt told us_. A.your,alre

20、ady, yet ,already D.your,yet3. With so many stars in space , are we alone , or is there life on other planets in space? 太空中有如此多的星星,我们是单独存在?还是太空中的其他行星也存在生命呢?A. alone独自的,独立的,单独地,作形容词时只可以作表语,不可以作定语,不含感情色彩。He likes living alone. 他喜欢独居。 B. lonely寂寞的,孤寂的,有浓厚的伤感色彩,可作定语或表语。He is alone ,but he do

21、esnt feel lonely. 他独自一人,但并不感到寂寞。 4. Some spaceships have gone beyond the solar system. 有些飞船已经飞出了太阳系。 beyond介词,意为“超过; 越过; 那一边; 在较远的一边”。 练一练:a). There is a temple _ the mountain. A.over B.across C.beyond D.tob). What happened was _ my control. I dont know how to do it next. A.beyond C.of D.after2

22、重点语法-一般将来时被动语态1. 肯定式will(shall)be动词的过去分词 A new stadium will be put up here2否定式will(shall)notbe动词的过去分词 A new stadium will not(wont)be put up here 3疑问式Will(Shall)主语be动词的过去分词? 简略回答Yes,主语will(shall)No,主语wont(shant) Will a new stadium be put up here?Yes,it willNo,it wont 4. 特殊疑问句及回答:What will be put up h

23、ere?A new stadium三重点短语:1be shown 将被放映; 2life in space 在太空中的生活;3sound exciting 听起来令人兴奋;4live on Mars in the future 未来生活在火星;5can be done 能够被做; 6visit planets like Mars 参观像火星一样的星球;7space travel 太空旅游的梦想;8in the soil 在土壤中;9on soft screen 通过不刺目的屏幕;10send into space 发射到太空;11outer space 外太空;12human culture

24、人类文化;13on the internet 在网上;14read information 阅读资料;15on TV 在电视上;16the space flight 太空飞行;17travel into space 遨游太空;18master some basic computer skills 对电脑技术知道一点点;19perform ballet on the stage 在舞台上跳芭蕾;20prefer . to . 和相比更喜欢21work hard 努力学习;22various shapes of UFOs 不同形状的不明飞行物;23under the sea 在海底;24in th

25、e universe 在宇宙;25discover something new 发现新东西;26hear the news . 听到有关的新闻;27be realized 将被实现;28will be discovered 将被揭秘/发现;29know about 了解,知道;30by chance 偶然;31in the near future 在不远的将来;32name.after. 以的名字给取名;33the god of war 战神;34at a distance of about 228 million kilometers相隔大约2亿2千8百万千米;35the surface o

26、f Mars 火星的表面;36at a distance 在远处;37be covered 被覆盖;38be covered with 遮盖,遮蔽;39倍数词/分数/百分数as 形容词或副词原级as. 的几倍/几分之几/百分之几; 40weigh 90 kilos 重达九十公斤;41reach Mars from the earth 从地球到达火星; 42be closest to each other 彼此相距最近;43search for more information 搜寻更多的信息;44have a good climate for. 有适合的气候;45heavy people 胖人

27、;46Whats more 而且;47Whats worse 更为糟糕的是;48go around the sun 围绕太阳转;49seven other planets 另外七颗行星;50the solar system 太阳系; 51a small part of the universe 宇宙的一小部分;52launch many spaceships 发射很多宇宙飞船;53explore other planets 探测别的行星;54beyond the solar system 超出太阳系; 55send sb. a message 给某人发送信息;练习。A. 选择题:1. Elec

28、tricity was_ many centuries ago and electric lights were later_. A.discovered,discovered B.invented,invented C.discovered,invented D.invented,discovered2.Wood can_ paper. A.used to make used make used to make used to making3.Im afraid the class has begun.Dont worry.It _ until the bell

29、_. A.doesnt begin,rings B.wont begin,will ring C.wont begin,rings D.doesnt begin,will ring4.What did you think of her speech?She _ for one hour but didnt _ much. A.spoke,speak B.spoke,say C.said,speak D. said,say5.He found the rare(罕见的 )book he needed in a small second-hand bookshop_. mistake B

30、.by the way chance oneself6.I much _ jazz to rock music. A.give C.prefer 7.Wed like as many students as we can to_ our school sports meeting next week. A.join B.join to C.attend D take part in8.The girl finally_ her dream of becoming an actress. A.achieve B.realized C.realize D.made9.Its said that Mo Yans speech was wonderful. Thats ture. We clapped our hands _ many times during his speech yesterday. A.excited B.excitedly C.exciting D.excitingly10.Many people will come to Rio de Janeiro when the 31st Summer Olympic Games_ in

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