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1、剑桥少儿英语二级教案unit1unit5剑桥少儿英语二级教案剑桥少儿英语二级上Unit1 Where are you going?教学目的和要求:1)使学生掌握本单元的重点句型2)使学生初步学会并掌握有关地点的名称3)使学生能用所学的句型、所学的地点名称做替换练习交际句型:-Where are you going? -I m going to school.交际词汇:post office, market, zoo, park, bus station, cafe, supermarket, hospital, cinema, bank, library, shop复习内容:物主代词my, y

2、our, his, her, their, our, its具体教学方式:上课时,首先让大家看自己手中的图片,并对大家说:Hi, everyone, Ive got many pictures. They are places. Do you know what they are? Now, look at this one.(拿出一个大家比较熟悉的地点-医院) This is a hospital. Do you this one? Very good. Its a school. Its a school. We are now in the school.按照此种方法,可以把单词一一介绍

3、给大家。介绍时要注意与学生在情感上的交流。如:This is a supermarket. Have you ever been to a supermarket? What can you buy in the supermarket? Is it far from your home? 等。语言要尽量简练,否则学生会有很多的听觉障碍。学生把所有的地点学说几遍之后,教师说:Now I put these pictures in different places. And Im going to ask you a question. Where are you going? You tell

4、 me , Im going to the bank. Then you go and stand near the bank. Lets see which place has more people. Do you understand?Who wants to try first? OK, come here please. Everybody, listen! Where are you going. Lin Feng? Im going to the zoo. Very good. Now you can go to the zoo and stand here. Do you un

5、derstand us now?教师带领学生做几个示范之后,可以让某个学生到前面来做同样的练习。待大家都理解了意思之后,教师应给学生一些时间做小组练习,然后再进行抽查。教师可以对学生说:Now I want you to work in pairs. One of you may ask questions and the other answer questions with these words. Lets see who can answer more questions. 这样通过大量的练习,学生就能进一步掌握该课的句型和单词。最后教师可以让学生两人一组迅速到前面来表演一下。教学活动

6、1 Find your way!教师将各种地点用透明胶带贴在黑板上,然后叫全班学生站起来跟着自己做动作。教师给学生发出指令,Turn left, turn right, go straight, make a left/right turn. 等学生对这些指令比较熟悉之后,教师找一个学生问:Where are you going?另一个学生回答:Im going to the hospital.这时,教师让学生到黑板前来,并让学生用英语告诉大家应该怎么去。教师可以这样说: Ok, XXX, please come here. Tell us how you can get to the hos

7、pital.学生可以:You go straight, turn right and then go straight, turn left and go straight again. The hospital is there.第一个学生做完之后,可以根据时间再叫几个学生来说。教学活动2 Flip pictures and answer questions.教师将所有的图片打乱顺序翻过来放在黑板上,然后按小组进行竞赛。第一组的学生上来一个人随意翻一张,教师就可以问问他(她)问题。如:Have you been to the post office? Do you often write l

8、etters? What can you buy in the post office?等。如果学生能回答上来这些问题,就可以给该组记上10分,然后再请第二组的学生到前面来继续进行。这样依次类推,最后看总分,决定胜负。类似的问题有:Zoo. Do you often go to the zoo? Do you like animals? Whats your favourite animal?School. Do you go to school every day? When do you usually go to school? Do you like your school?Libra

9、ry. Do you often read in the library? Do you often go to the library? Do you often borrow books?Park. Do you often go to parks on Sundays? Which is your favourite park? Is the park near your home?Shop. Do you go to shops? Are they near your home? What can you buy in the shops?Bus station. Do you oft

10、en take a bus? Is the bus very crowded? Is it very expensive?Cinema. Do you like to go to movies? Is the cinema near your home? Whom do you often go with?Supermarket. Do you like to go to the supermarket? Is it big or small? Are there many things in the supermarket?Hospital. Do you often go to the h

11、ospital? Do you like to go to the hospital? Is it far very far from your home?Cafe. Do you like to drink coffee? Is there a cafe near your home? Are there many people in it?Exercise 2.1 Tom: Where are you going, Fred?Fred: Im going to school. Are you going to school, Tom?Tom: No, Im not going to sch

12、ool. Im going to the hospital.2 Daisy: I like reading books. Lets go to the library, Jane!Jane: But Im going to the library. Im going to the zoo. I like watching animals. Lets go to the zoo, Daisy. You can read books there and I can watch animals.Daisy: Good. Lets go.3 John: Jim is going to the post

13、 office and Sam is going to the cinema, and where are you going, Ben?Ben: Im going to the supermarket. Where are you going , John?John: Im going to the library.4 Daisy: Where is Jill going, Mary?Mary: She is going to the bus station. Shes going to meet her brother there.Daisy: But her brother is at

14、school now. Lets go and tell Jill now.Mary: OK. Lets go.Exercise 3.Yes .No. No. Yes. No. No. Yes. Yes.Exercise 4C B B CHomework:1 Find out:(1)How long will it take to go to your home by bike?(2)Which is the shortest way to go home?(3)Which is the quickest way to go home?2 Everybody prepares some car

15、ds. Write a word of a place on each card and bring them to the class next time3. Look at the example and make sentences.Example: This is Marys bag.This is her bag 1)This is Harrys dog.2)This is Pat and Nancys school.3)This is Jack and my class.4)That is Jenny and your room.4. Read and choose the bes

16、t answer.剑桥少儿英语二级上Unit2 Whats the weather like today?教学目的和要求:*要求学生通过学习本单元掌握询问天气的基本问句*要求学生熟读和掌握有关天气的词汇*看懂有关天气的小短文*练习和掌握字母组合ai的读音交际句型:Whats the weather like today?Its cloudy and windy.Its going to rain.How is the weather on Monday?交际词汇:weather, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, rainbow, wet, cold, hot, sky

17、, away, always, laugh, sing, shout, cry, heavy, light具体教学方式:上课时,首先拿一张适合当地天气的图,如刮风、下雨或晴天等,然后问学生:Whats the weather like today? Whats the weather like today? 边说边指着外面的天气,然后再指着自己手里的晴天图说:Its sunny.Its sunny.Now answer my question all together. Whats the weather like today?教师讲的时候要注意用手势引发学生回答问题。学生熟悉几遍以后,教师让

18、学生看另外一张图并对学生说:Look, its windy.说话的同时做出刮风的姿势。然后教师将图片贴在黑板上,并在旁边写上“上海”,在问学生,Whats the weather like in Shanghai?教师边说边启发大家用刚才学过的巨性,Its winday.用这样的方法还可以把其他的单词一一介绍出来。然后看第二部分。第一部分。Oh, we have nice pictures here. Look at the first part. There is a boy playing on the sand near the sea, right? Whats the weather

19、 like here?问完之后,教师期待着学生回答Its sunny.教师应用快慢结合的问句来问学生。接着,可结合当日的上课的天气,指着窗户问:Whats the weather like outside today?然后再指图片:Whats the weather like here? What is the boy doing? Good. Who is in the clouds? (Its an angel.) Do you know angel? What is she doing? What is she doing? Yes, she is playing the harp. W

20、hats the weather like?(Its cloudy) Can you see a big cloud? Oh, look here. Whats this? Its a snowman. And what are these? Do you know?停顿一下说:Listen, they are snowflakes.Whats the weather like here? Its snowy.用类似的方法让学生学习winday和rainy.在与学生交流中,教师可以问:How do you know that its windy?( I can see the boys hol

21、ding their hats tightly.I can see the wind blowing hard.)涉及到雨的时候,可以问:Is the boy happy? (Yes, he is) How do you know that?( He is jumping in the water.) Yes, he is wet all over the body. Oh, there si a beautiful rainbow. Have you fond it? Yes, here. Do you like rainbows? Good, I like rainbows too.第一部

22、分完成之后,教师可以对学生说:Now lets play a game. Word-touching game. Three pupils are in one group. One person saysCloudy, the other pupils touch the word quickly. Lets see who is the firsst and how many times each person wins. OK, lets start.学生做完之后,可询问一下结果:Who wins eight times? Seven times? Six times?依次类推,并给予一

23、定的奖励。第四部分。可先让学生自己读该部分的内容,并把生词划出来。Its a story about the sun, the clouds , the wind and the rain. Please read it by yourselves. If you have some new words, underline them first. OK, start.然后教师把几个词写到黑板上问大家:Who can read this word? 比如: laugh, shout, cry, stop, always, away, feel, sky, above等。如果某个学生读得很好,就

24、让该生带领大家一起读这些单词。Good. You read it one by one. Everybody reads after him/her please.第六部分可以让学生自己学习,然后做对话表演,因为本部分是进一步复习前面的内容。在做练习一和练习四的时候,一定要让学生到前面,将答案写在黑板上。教师要进行核对,一保证学生写的每个词是正确的。练习一。rainy, hot, snowy, sunny, cold, windy, wet, cloudy练习四。jacket, umbrella, sunglasses, T-shirt, rain rainy, snow snowy, rai

25、nbow rain, wind windy特别是rain, rainy, snow, snowy. 一般来说尽量不要去解释,必要的时候只说:There is rain on rainy days.(在多鱼的天气里常常有雨),强调重读rain和rainy,不必说明哪个是名词,哪个是形容词。练习五1 -Look, there is a big sun.-Yes, draw a small red sun and a big yellow sun.-What? A red sun and a yellow sun?-Yes, draw a small red sun and a big yellow

26、 sun.2 -Look its very hot outside.-Draw some rain?-Yes, Draw some rain. Look, there is a boy in the rain.-Yes, Draw a big umbrella for him. -Ok. Draw a big umbrella for him.3 -Look at the snow. Its white and clean.-Yes. Draw a snowman in front of the house.-Ok.Draw a snowman in front of the house.-P

27、lease draw a red nose and two black eyes.-Ok. Draw a red nose and two black eyes.4 -Oh, its a rainbow. There si a rainbow over there.-Good! Lets draw a rainbow.-I like rainbows. Its beautiful. Lets draw a rainbow.教学活动 Lets play the sun and the wind.如果教室的场地比较大,教师可以让学生到教室的后面来玩这个游戏。教师先找出几个人,分别拿着rain, s

28、un, wind, hot, cold, snow, wet的单词卡,让这些学生站到一边,其余学生都站到另一边,另外再找一个学生给指令。如果他说rain,拿rain这个单词卡的人马上要跑出来。与此同时,未拿卡的学生都要做出挡雨、防雨的动作。拿卡的人要在很短的时间内抓住一个没有防雨、挡雨的人。如果抓住得一分,被抓的学生出场。这几个单词的动作分别是:rain,挡雨、防雨,要用手或东西遮住头部sun,用说遮住太阳wind,弯腰,同时用手捂住衣服和帽子hot,流汗、檫汗的样子cold,紧裹着衣服,全身哆嗦snow,堆雪人的样子wet,单腿跳,避免站到水里的样子家庭作业:1、Read the text

29、on your own three times.2、如果上课的时间是5月份,就可以给舞月份生日的学生过生日。可以先了解谁是5月的生日。Now listen, who were born in May? Please raise your hands. Good, we have four children born in this month. Next time we are going to have a birthday party for them. Now here is your homework. Go home and prepare a very small present

30、for these four pupils. Remember you dont need to buy anything. You can make it by yourselves.3.Look at the words and find the odd one. 1) A. butB. busC. shutD. put 2) A. bookB. schoolC. goodD. took 3) A. catB. capC. cakeD. man 4 Read and fill in the blanks. There are 1) _seasons in a year. They are

31、spring, summer, fall and winter. 2) _ is the first season of the year. It is very 3)_. Many flowers are here and there. And leaves are 4)_ again. 1) A. twoB. threeC. four 2)A. SpringB. SummerC. Fall 3) A. coldB. hotC. nice 4) A. yellowB. greenC. brown 剑桥少儿英语二级上Unit3 Is that dog yours教学目的和要求:使学生通过学习进一步掌握名词性物主代词的用法帮助学生进一步巩固日常的生活词汇使学生能用英语表演一些简单的小对话交际句型:Is that dog y

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