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1、高考英语经典长难句分析及重点词汇用法2019高考英语经典长难句分析及重点词汇用法 (1)1.For example, adolescent boys are morelikelyto buy computer games than any othergroup, so itmakes senseto make computer game ads thatappeal tothis group.例如,进入青春期的男孩子就可能比任何其他人群更愿意购买电脑游戏,因此,针对这个目标群体制作有吸引力的电脑游戏广告是有意义的。【句式分析】本句是一个含有so引导的结果状语从句的复合句,同时又含有一个than

2、引导的比较状语从句。【词语点拨】1)likely adj. 可能的;常用于句型:sb/sth be likely to do= it is likely that 可能做Hes very likely tosend me an email tonight.=Its very likely thathell send me an email tonight.很可能他今晚会给我发电子邮件。The companyis likely toset up a branch in our city. =Its likely thatthe company will set up a branch in ou

3、r city.这个公司可能要在我们的城市建立分公司。2) make sense 有意义;讲得通;make sense of 理解I cant follow these instructions - they dontmake sense.我不理解这些指示-根本讲不通嘛。We read the sentence through, but could notmake sense ofit.我们我们把句子看了一遍, 但不明白它说些什么。3) appeal to吸引;appeal to sb. for sth/appeal to sb. to do sth 呼吁某人干某事;求助于Blue and re

4、dappeal tome, but I dont like gray or yellow.我喜欢蓝色和红色, 而不喜欢灰色或黄色。Jack sincerelyappealed tohis friends to support him.杰克真切地向朋友请求支持。We canappeal tothe website for the information we need.我们可以在网上查找我们需要的信息。【语法点拨】本句中的 than any other,意为“比其他任何一个”,所谈论的对象在比较的范围之内;若不在范围之内,则不用 other。如:China is largerthan any o

5、ther countryin Asia.中国比亚洲任何别的国家都大。China is largerthan any countryin Africa.中国比非洲的任何国家都大。2.The moreexposedyoung people are to financial issues, and the younger they become aware of them, the more likely they are to become responsible, forward-planning adults whomanagetheir finances confidently and ef

6、fectively.年轻人越接触经济问题,他们就能越早地了解这些问题,他们就更有可能成为有责任感的、早作打算的成年人,能够有信心地、有效地管理自己的经济问题。【句式分析】本句含有“the+比较级,the+比较级”的句式,同时又含有一个who引导的限制性定语从句,修饰先行词adults。【词语点拨】1) expose vt.揭露;使暴露;be exposed to暴露于;接触We mustexposethis shameful activity to the newspapers.我们一定要向报社揭露这一无耻行径。We should allow children tobe exposed ton

7、ew ideas.我们应当让孩子们接触新思想。2)manage v.应付,设法对付;管理;能解决;manage to do设法做成We need people who are good atmanaging.我们需要擅长管理的人。Hemanaged tosend the tourists to the airport in time.他设法把游客及时送到机场。Small sailboats can easily turn over in the water if they are notmanagedcarefully.如果掌控小帆船不够小心,它们在水中就容易翻。【语法点拨】“the+比较级,

8、the+比较级”,表示“越越”。如:The morewe get together,the happierwell be.我们越是多聚会, 我们越快乐。The longershe worked at it,the more enthusiasticshe became.她越干越来劲。3.She found that kids praised for “trying hard” did better on testes and were more likely totake ondifficult assignments than those praised for being “smart”.

9、她发现因为努力被表扬的孩子比因为聪明被表扬的孩子在考试中表现得更好,更愿意承担困难的任务。【句式分析】本句含有一个than引导的比较状语从句。【词语点拨】take on 承担;呈现He is always ready totake onheavy responsibilities.他一向乐于挑重担。The chameleon can take on the colourof its background.变色龙可呈现出与其背景相同的颜色。【语法点拨】当我们要对两个人或物进行比较时,就采用比较级,比较级的构成:形容词或副词的比较级+than+比较成分,意思是:“更些”或“较”。Deeds are

10、better thanwords when people are in need of help.当别人需要帮助时,行动胜于语言。In a word,practice isfar more important thanbook knowledge.一句话,实践远比书本知识重要。4.Perhaps more importantly, the better you are at managing the time youdevoteto your studies, the more time you will have tospend onyour outside interests.也许更重要的

11、是,你越善于管理你的学习时间,你就会有更多的时间用在你课外的兴趣上。【句式分析】本句含有“the+比较级,the+比较级”的句式,同时含有两个非限制性定语从句,分别修饰先行词the time和the more time。【词语点拨】1) devote vt.献身;专心于;常接time/money/energy/life/oneself作宾语,构成短语be devoted to=devote oneself to献身于,致力于;to为介词,后面接名词、代词或者动名词。Lang Langdevoted a lot of time to playingthe piano even when he w

12、as a little child. 郎朗小时候就把很多时间都用来弹钢琴。After her marriage, the singer couldntdevote herself totally toher music. 结婚之后这个歌手无法全力倾注于音乐。2)spend some money/ time on sth=spend some money/time (in) doing sth表示“花费(时间、金钱等)做某事”,其中的介词in可以省略。Every day, most of the students in this schoolspend three hours ontheir h

13、omework. 这所学校大多数学生每天花三个小时做家庭作业。It is bad for children tospend a lot of time playingcomputer games. 用很多时间玩电脑游戏对孩子是有害的。【语法点拨】“the+比较级,the+比较级”,表示“越越”,具体用法参见第2句。5.He worked there through his school and university years until 1942, a year after he hadgaineda Masters degree at university in chemistry.他读中

14、学和大学的那段时间都在那里工作,一直到1942年,也就是他在大学里获得化学硕士学位后的那一年。【句式分析】本句含有一个after引导的时间状语从句,从句中运用了过去完成时态。【词语点拨】gain vt.(经过努力)获得,取得Wegainknowledge by practicing again and again.我们从反复训练中获取知识。They realized that passing the exam was no longer enough togaina place at university.他们认识到仅仅通过这个考试,并不能确保在大学获得一席之位。【语法点拨】过去完成时的构成:

15、had done,表示“过去某一时间或动作以前已经发生或完成了的动作。它表示动作发生的时间是“过去的过去”。表示过去某一时间可用by, before, after等构成的短语,也可用when, before等引导的从句或通过上下文表示。如:His eyes shone brightly when he finally received the gift hehad long expected.当她终于收到她盼望已久的礼物时,她兴奋得两眼闪光。By the time he was twelve, Edisonhad begunto make a living by himself.12岁时,爱迪

16、生就开始自己谋生。6. By the end of the century, we will have discovered other places in our solar systemsuitablefor living and we will have discovered ways to go further into space.到本世纪末,我们将会在太阳系中发现其他适合人类居住的星球,并将发现进行更远空间探索的方法。【句式分析】本句是由并列连词and连接的复合句,句中运用了将来完成时态。【词语点拨】suitable adj.合适的,适当的;构成短语:be suitable for

17、适合They dont think this article issuitablefor publication.他们认为这篇文章不宜发表。John wanted to change over to a moresuitablejob.约翰想换一个更加适合的工作。【语法点拨】将来完成时的构成:will/shall have done,表示“到将来某一时间为止已经完成的动作”。常与by + 将来时间,before+将来时间和by the time 引导的表示将来时间的从句连用。如:Hewill have finishedwriting his novel by the end of next y

18、ear.到明年年底他就会写完他的小说了。When we get there,shell have goneto work.我们到那里时她会已上班去了。7. In todays world, winners arecelebratedand treated as heroes, but if doping and gene-therapy continue toaffectthe outcomes of major sporting events, the word hero will have lost all meaning.在当今世界,人们祝贺获胜者,并把他们看作英雄,但如果服用兴奋剂和基

19、因治疗继续影响着主要体育项目的成绩的话,“英雄”就失去了它的全部意义。【句式分析】本句是由并列连词but连接的复合句,第二个分句运用了将来完成时,同时,包含有一个if引导的条件状语从句。【词语点拨】1) celebrate vt.庆祝The whole citycelebratedthe New Year with fireworks.全城放焰火来庆祝新年。2) affect vt.影响,感动I told him firmly that his opinion will notaffectmy decision.我坚定的告诉他,他的观点不会影响我的决定。The audience present

20、 was deeplyaffectedby his speech.在场的听众都被他的演讲深深地打动了。【语法点拨】将来完成时, 具体用法参见第6句。8.One of the earliest epidemics on record happened about 500-550 AD when the Roman emperor at the time wasattemptingto rebuild the Roman Empire.历史上有记载的最早的传染病之一发生在公元500-550年,当时的罗马皇帝正在试图重建罗马帝国。【句式分析】本句包含一个when引导的限制性定语从句,从句中运用了过去

21、进行时。【词语点拨】attempt v.& n.尝试,试图Williamattemptedto find the solution to the problem.威廉试图找到问题的解决办法。He was nearly drowned in theattemptto swim across.他在试图游到对岸去时差一点被淹死。【语法点拨】过去进行时的构成:was/were doing,表示“过去某个时间正在进行的动作”。常用的时间状语有this morning, the whole morning, from nine to ten last evening, when, while等。如:Wha

22、twas he writingall day last Sunday?上周日他一整天都在写什么?My brother fell while hewas ridinghis bicycle and hurt himself.我哥哥骑自行车的时候从车上摔下来受伤了。9. The last few years have seen environmental disasterson a grand scale, and experts are predicting far worse to come.最近的几年里,人们见证了大规模的环境灾难,专家们预测更为严重的灾难即将发生。【句式分析】本句是由并列连

23、词and连接的复合句,第一个分句运用了现在完成时。【词语点拨】on a grand scale大规模地,大张旗鼓地We should popularize scienceon a grand scale.我们应该大规模普及科学。【语法点拨】现在完成时的构成:has/have done,常表示“某一动作或状态发生在过去,对现在有影响”,也可表示“持续到现在的动作或状态”。常用的时间状语:for或since引导的时间状语及before, until now, up till now, so far, up to the moment, in the last few years等。如:Wehave

24、 bookeda room for today and tomorrow.我们已经预订了今天和明天的房间。The househas been emptyfor ages.这幢房子已经空了相当长时间了。(现在仍空着)10.In the last few decades,scientists havereached consensusand reported that human beings are causing changes in the Earths climate - something previously seen asbeyondour control.最近几十年,科学家们达成共

25、识并报道说,人类正在引起地球的气候变化而这在以前看来是我们不能控制的。【句式分析】本句是复合句,含有一个that引导的宾语从句,主句中运用了现在完成时。【词语点拨】1) reach (a) consensus 达成共识,达成一致意见It is very difficult for them toreach a consensuson this issue.他们在这个问题上很难取得一致意见。2) beyond prep. 超过;越过;在较远的一边The delay was caused by heavy weather and wasbeyond our control.延迟是由恶劣天气造成的,

26、我们无法控制。The beauty of the scene wasbeyond compare.景色之美无与伦比。Linda always wondered what wasbeyond the horizon.琳达总是纳闷着地平线的那一边是什么。【语法点拨】现在完成时,具体用法参见第10句。11. Treatments for jellyfish stings and snakebites have also beendevelopedand in the last five years there have been only three deaths from jellyfish st

27、ings and about the same number from snakebites.治疗水母刺伤和毒蛇咬伤方法也已经研制成功,在过去的五年里只有三人死于水母刺伤,这与被蛇咬伤致死的人数大体相同。【句式分析】本句是由并列连词and连接的复合句,第一个分句运用了现在完成时的被动语态。【词语点拨】develop v.开发,发展,研制(新产品)Over the last few years tourism here hasdevelopedconsiderably.在过去几年里,这里的旅游业获得了相当大的发展。The two companies have teamed up todevelo

28、pa new racing car.那两个公司已合作研制新型赛车。【语法点拨】现在完成时的被动语态的结构就是现在完成时态和被动语态的结构的叠合,即:has/have been done,表示“过去发生的动作对现在有影响或持续到现在,并且主语与谓语动词之间为被动关系”。常用的时间状语:for或since引导的时间状语及before, until now, up till now, so far, up to the moment, in the last few years等。如:The office looks nice. Ithas just been cleaned.办公室看起来很干净。它

29、刚被打扫过。The machinehas been repairedfor two hours.这台机器已修了两小时了。12. Adverts are not only made and paid for by business, but also by individuals, organizations and associations that wish toinformor educate the public.广告可由商家付费制作,也可以由想给公众传达某种信息或教育公众的个人、组织或协会来出资制作。【句式分析】本句是由并列连词not onlybut also连接的复合句,第一个分句运

30、用了一般现在时的被动语态。【词语点拨】inform vt.通知,告知;构成短语:inform sb of sth通知某人某事I shallinform yousoonofthe date of my arrival.我将把我到达的日期通知你。I regret toinform you thatI am unable to help you.我遗憾地告诉你我没法帮助你。【语法点拨】一般现在时的被动语态的构成:is/are done。表示“现在经常性、习惯性的动作,并且主语与谓语动词之间为被动关系”。A lot of foodis wastedevery year.每年浪费掉很多食物。Millio

31、ns of tons of waste and poisonous gasesare sent intothe air with the smoke. 数百万吨的废气和毒气随着烟尘散发到空中。13. Margaret,marriedwith two small children, has been working for the last seven years as a night cleaner, cleaning offices in a big building.玛格丽特,已婚,带着两个孩子,七年来一直在做清洁工,晚上给一座大楼里的办公室打扫卫生。【句式分析】本句是简单句,运用了现在完成进行时,包含有两个非谓语短语,married with在句中作后置定语,cleaning offices作伴随状语。【词语点拨】marry v. (使)结婚;嫁;娶Because of her beauty, she has managed tomarryabove her.由

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