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1、大学英语B统考三随堂练习+答案大学英语 B 统考(三)随堂练习 + 答案1.(单选题 ) - Thank you ever so much for your lovely gift.- A: Never mind B: Im glad you like it. C: Please dont say so. D: No, Its not so good.参考答案: B2.(单选题 ) Would you go to the concert with me? , but Im very busy now.A: Id like to B: Sure C: No problem D : Certain

2、ly参考答案: A3.(单选题 ) - Thank you for inviting me.- A: I really had a happy time. B: Oh, its too late. C: Thank you for coming. D : Oh, so slowly?参考答案: C4.(单选题 ) - Hello, Im Harry Potter.- Hello, my name is Charles Green, but .A: call my Charles B: call me at Charles C: call me Charles D : call Charles

3、me参考答案: C5.(单选题 ) - Excuse me, could you show me the way to the nearest post office?- Oh yes! Two blocks away from here at the Green Avenue. You cant miss it.A: I beg your pardon? B: What do you mean? C: Youre welcome. D : Mm, let me think.参考答案: D6.(单选题 ) - I have an appointment with Dr. Edward.- A:

4、 Please wait for a minute. B: Are you sick?C: Tell me about your appointment. D : Dr. Edward didnt tell me.参考答案: A7.(单选题 ) May I move your bag a little and take this seat? .A: I dont mind B: It doesnt matter C: You do it please D: Go ahead参考答案: D8.(单选题 ) - This box is too heavy for me to carry it up

5、stairs.- A: You may ask for help. B: Ill give you a hand. C: Please do me a favor. D : Id come to help.参考答案: B9.(单选题 ) - - Well, they got there last Wednesday. So about a week.A: When did your parents arrive in Paris? B: How long have your parents been in Paris?C: Did your parents arrive in Paris la

6、st Wednesday? D : When will your parents go to Paris ?参考答案: B10.(单选题 ) - Hello, could I speak to Mike please?- A: Who are you? B: Who is speaking? C: Whats wrong? D: Why?参考答案: B11.(单选题 ) -Well have a basketball match this afternoon. - .A: Good luck B: Never mind C: Yes, please D: Its nothing参考答案: A1

7、2.(单选题 ) Happy birthday to you!- A: Happy birthday to you! B: I am very glad C: Thats all right D : Thank you 参考答案: D13.(单选题 ) - Mr. Jones, this is Sean, an English teacher from the United States.A: What can I do for you? B: Nice to meet you. C: Please keep in touch. D : Havent seen you for ages.参考答

8、案: B14.(单选题 ) - How are you, Bob?- A: How are you? B: Im fine. Thank you. C: How do you do? D : Nice to meet you.参考答案: B15.(单选题 ) -Do you dance?-Yes, I do.-Every weekend.A: How hard do you practice B: How much do you pay for itC: How often do you go dancing D : How long do you practice it参考答案: C16.(

9、单选题 ) -I went to the beach and got plenty of rest.- . You looked tired last time I saw you.A: I hope so B: Really C: Im glad you did D : The sound was nice参考答案: C17.(单选题 ) - Wow! This is a marvelous room! Ive never known youre so artistic.A: Great, I am very art-conscious. B: Dont mention it. C: Tha

10、nks for your compliments. D : Its fine.参考答案: C18.(单选题 ) - Madam, do all the buses go downtown?A: Wow, you got the idea. B: No, never mind. C: Pretty well, I guess. D: Sorry, Im new here.参考答案: D19.(单选题 ) - Whos speaking?- This is Tom .A: speaks B: spoken C: speaking D : saying参考答案: C20.(单选题 ) - Bring

11、 me the bill, please. - A: You are welcome. B: Please wait for a moment, sir. C: Ill hurry up. D : Be quick.参考答案: B21.(单选题 ) - Did you win the 100 metre race?- Yes, I did.- Really? .A: Congratulations B: Best wishes C: Good luck D : Right参考答案: A22.(单选题 ) - Hello, may I talk to the director now?- A:

12、Sorry, he is busy at the moment. B: No, you cant. C: Sorry, you cant. D : I dont know.参考答案: A23.(单选题 ) - Could you help me with my physics, please ? - A: No, no way. B: No, I couldnt. C: No, I cant. D : Sorry I cant. I have to go to a meeting right now.参考答案: D24.(单选题 ) - Must I take a taxi?- No, you

13、 . You can take my car.A: had better to B: dont C: must not D : dont have to参考答案: D25.(单选题 ) - today.-Yes. It was even hotter yesterday.A: Its so cold B: Its so wet C: Its so hot D : Its so windy参考答案: C26.(单选题 ) Our class won the girls relay race in our schools sports meeting.- A: Thats right. B: Th

14、anks a lot. C: Congratulations! D: Its a pleasure.参考答案: C27.(单选题 ) - David injured his leg playing football yesterday. - Really? A: Who did that? B: Whats wrong with him? C: How did that happen? D : Why was he so careless? 参考答案: C28.(单选题 ) - - You too!A: Merry Christmas! B: What a beautiful day! C:

15、Help yourself! D : Its very kind of you!参考答案: A29.(单选题 ) to have kept you waiting so long. Oh, never mind .After all, you are here.A: I am happy B: It s a pleasure C: I am sorry D : I am welcome参考答案: C30.(单选题 ) Can you go to the concert with us this evening?A、 No, I already have plans. B、 I d love t

16、o, but I m busy tonight.C、 No, I really don t like being with you. D、 I m ill, so I shouldn t go out.参考答案: B31.(单选题 ) I have been looking forward to from my parents.A: hear B: being heard C: be heard D : hearing参考答案: D32.(单选题 ) He has been for nearly three weeks after the death of his dear pet.A: sa

17、d B: satisfied C: evil D : joyful参考答案: A33.(单选题 ) He is interested football, but not good at it.A: at B: in C: on D: of参考答案: B34.(单选题 ) The top of the Great Wall is for five horses to go side by side.A: wide B: so wide C: wide enough D : enough wide参考答案: C35.(单选题 ) - Do you want to wait?- Five days

18、too long for me to wait.A: was B: were C: is D : are参考答案: C36.(单选题 ) Its bad for you to smoke in the public places where smoking is not allowed.A: behavior B: action C: manner D : movement参考答案: A37.(单选题 ) My friend helped me my cat when I was on vacation with my wife.A: look for B: look on C: look a

19、fter D : look up参考答案: C38.(单选题 ) If you your work, you can go there first.A: will finish B: finished C: finishing D : have finished参考答案: D39.(单选题 ) Why not and do some outdoor activities?A: goes out B: go out C: to go out D : going out参考答案: B40.(单选题 ) - is your girl friend like?- She is very kind an

20、d good-looking.A: How B: What C: Which参考答案: B41.(单选题 ) The red flower goes from one to in the class.A: the other B: others C: another D : other参考答案: C42.(单选题 ) We go to the cinema a week.A: often B: once C: seldom D : usually参考答案: B43.(单选题 ) It is for people to feel excited when they start doing som

21、ething new.A: normal B: ordinary C: average D : regular参考答案: A44.(单选题 ) After walking hurriedly for half an hour, I wanted to drink .A: something cold B: cold something C: something with cold D : something to be cold 参考答案: A45.(单选题 ) -Have you got E-mail address?-Yes, mine is Li Ping .A: the B: an C

22、: a D: /参考答案: B46.(单选题 ) Some famous singers live on the from their record sales.A: salary B: price C: bill D : income参考答案: D47.(单选题 ) You neednt make such a funny noise, ?A: dont you B: doesnt it C: need you D : need it参考答案: C48.(单选题 ) When Lily came home at 5 p.m. yesterday, her mother dinner in t

23、he kitchen.A: cooked B: was cooking C: cooks D : has cooked参考答案: B49.(单选题 ) Mike is better than Peter swimming A: for B: at C: on D: in参考答案: B50.(单选题 ) Did you notice the guy head looked like a big potato?A: who B: which C: whose D : whom参考答案: C51.(单选题 ) these honors he received a sum of money.A: Ex

24、cept B: But C: Besides D : Outside参考答案: C52.(单选题 ) I wont be free I finish this work.A: after B: until C: but D: when参考答案: B53.(单选题 ) The window was broken. Try to who has broken it.A: find out B: find C: look for D : look参考答案: A54.(单选题 ) -Where is Mr.Green?- the library.A: Hes gone to B: Hes been t

25、o C: He isnt in D : Hes out参考答案: A55.(单选题 ) You have finished the work, you?A: havent B: have C: dont D : do参考答案: A56.(单选题 ) If she wants to stay thin, she must make a in her diet.A: change B: turn C: run D : go参考答案: A57.(单选题 ) That was a difficult question, but Mary still to work it out.A: did B: f

26、ailed C: kept D : managed参考答案: D58.(单选题 ) There are a lot of news todays newspaper.A: in B: on C: at D: with参考答案: A59.(单选题 ) Ill give you a ring if Mike tomorrow.A: comes B: will come C: came D : is coming参考答案: A60.(单选题 ) The rain was make our picnic impossible.A: hard enough B: hard so to C: so har

27、d as to D : so hard to参考答案: C61.(单选题 ) Professor Smith promised to look my paper, that is, to read it carefully before the thesis defense.A: after B: over C: on D: into参考答案: B62.(单选题 ) Both the kids and their parents English, I think. I know it from their accent.A: is B: been C: are D: was参考答案: C63.

28、(单选题 ) They were the only men who received votes me.A: next B: besides C: unless D : accept参考答案: B64.(单选题 ) Mathematics study or science of numbers.A: is B: are C: was D: were参考答案: A65.(单选题 ) I thought that honesty the best policy.A: was B: is C: were D : be参考答案: B(一)Do you want to know something ab

29、out the history of weather? Dont look at the sky. Dont look for oldweather reports. Looking at the tree rings is more important. Some weather reports go back only one century , butsome trees can show us an exact record of the weather even further back.Its clear that a tree would grow best in a clima

30、te with lots of sunlight and rainfall. It is also expected that little sunlight or rainfall would limit the growth of atree. The change from a favorable ( 有利的 ) to an unfavorable climate can be reading the tree rings in tree trunk. To find out the weather of ten years ago , count the rings of a tree

31、 trunk from the outside to the inside. If the tenth ring is far from the other rings , then we are sure that lots of sunny and rainy weather happened. If the rings are close together , then the climate was bad for the tree.Studying tree rings is important not only for the history of the weather , but also for the history of man. In a place of New Mexico you can find only sand no trees and no people.

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