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1、中心仓库物品摆放规则文件update3中心仓库物品摆放规则 Central Warehouse Material Placement RegulationNo.1 作者AuthorViolin Zhou2013.3.7审核Reviewer批准Approver修改记录 Change Records版本 Version修改主要内容 Contents生效日期 Effective DateA首次发布First release2013.03.071. 目的 Purpose 使公司仓库物品及物料摆放规范化,保证仓库整洁,有序,安全。The regulation purpose is to standard

2、ize the warehouse goods and material placement, to ensure the warehouse tidy, in order and safe. 2. 适用范围Scope 本规范适用于蒂森电梯有限公司中心仓库。This regulation refers only to the center warehouse of ThyssenKrupp Elevator China, Co., Ltd. 3. 描述和说明 Description and Explanation 3.1物料在仓库内按物料种类、规格、等级等分区。 仓库物料分新件区域,返修件区域

3、及收发货区域。新件区域按电气件,机械件分类存放;返修品按坏件,修复件分类存放。The material shall be divided in different areas in warehouse according to the type, specifications, and grade. The warehouse material areas consist of new-parts, repair and shipping /receiving areas. The new parts shall be stored in new-parts area according to

4、 the electrical/mechanical classification. The parts in repair area shall be stored according to the classification of broken/repaired parts. 3.2物料号及描述。物料标识清楚,库位卡记录准确、字体清晰,物卡一致。库位上加贴磁性标签,标注物料号及描述。The material shall be marked distinctly, he store card shall record correctly, be written in a clear han

5、d, and the material shall confirm to the store card. On store position, man shall stick the magnetic label, explain with the material number and note. 3.3物料入库时在外包装上贴标签。The material external packing shall be labeled for warehouse entry. 3.3.1新件标签为白底黑字,标签内容包括物料号、描述、合同号、入库日期、数量、条形码、序列号(条形码控制的产品需标注条形码及序

6、列号,如PCB板,F9门机)。 The new-part label shall be in black and white, include the material number, explanation, contract number , warehousing date, quantity, and bar code as well as serial number. (The product controlled by bar code shall be marked with bar code and serial number, such as PCB board, F9 do

7、or drive.)3.3.2返修件标签为黄底黑字,标签内容包括物料号、描述、入库日期、条型码、序列号及分公司名称。The repair-part label shall be in black and yellow, include the material number, explanation, warehousing date, bar code, and serial number as well as branch name. 3.4 物料按大小选择不同的包装盒/包装袋进行包装并入库。The material shall be packed in the appropriate p

8、acking box/package according to its size,then be warehoused. 3.4.1 PCB板新件按单件入包装盒,盒内需垫入上下各一块防静电海绵垫,以预防物料受到外界挤压或因晃动受损。放入库位时按照条码从小到大依次摆放。The new PCB board shall be packed individually, underlaid and covered with the static-free sponges, which could prevent the board damage due to external extrusion and

9、 shake. The boards shall be placed on the store position according to the small to large bar code. 3.4.2 PCB板返修件需根据大小套入不同的屏蔽袋,统一装入纸箱,预防产生静电对物料造成二次损伤。PCB repair-boards shall be put into the different barrier bag according to its size, then packed into the carton unitedly, to prevent material from the

10、 second hit, which would be caused by static. 3.4.3体积较小的物料按大小选择不同自封袋包装,一袋装入单个或多个数量,存放在专用零备件塑料盒中,并放入库位卡。物料标签贴在自封袋上。物料号及描述标签插在塑料盒上的小槽中,代替磁性标签。Smaller material shall be packed into the different size valve bag according to material size, single or multiple parts could be packed into one valve bag, then

11、 stored in spare parts plastic casing with the relative store position card. The description label with material number shall be inserted in the groove on the plastic casing, instead of the magnetic label. 3.4.4不能放入货架的大型物料用托盘打包放入指定区域,登记库位卡以便出货时查找。The big-sized material shall be packed on the pallet,

12、 and placed in the specified area then registered in the store card convenient for shipment, which could not be stored on the shelves. 3.5同一物料尽量做到集中保管在唯一货位区域内,便于统一管理,避免多货位提货。Identical material shall be centralized stored in the one goods allocation, convenient for unified management, so that it coul

13、d be avoided to pick up the goods from several goods allocation areas. 3.6所有物料标签一致朝外,面对同一方向,使库房人员能够始终流畅有效地进行工作。All material labels shall point outwards and face in the same direction, so that warehouse personnel could work throughout smoothly and effectively. 3.7每一排货架侧面安装物料信息栏,显示整排货架物料信息。The materia

14、l information bar is set up on the every shelve side, and shows the material info on the whole row of shelve. 3.8上层货位摆放重量轻的物品,下层货位摆放重量大的物品,以减轻搬运强度,保证货架、货物与人员的安全。 The upper goods allocation is for the lightweight goods, and the lower goods allocation for the heavier, which could reduce the transport

15、reduce, ensure the safety of shelves, goods and the personnel. 3.9易燃易爆物品应存放在专门区域内,严禁烟火,保证通风。包装保持密封良好并做好二次防护。货架信息栏上张贴化学品安全技术说明书(MSDS),并根据MSDS的要求配备相应的劳保用品和救生设施(急救箱、灭火器等必须的设施)。The inflammable, explosive articles shall be stored in the specific area, and in warehouse there shall be no open flames, and g

16、ood ventilation is ensured. The goods keep the package, shall be sealed well, and protected secondly. The technical specification of Chemicals Safety shall be pasted on the information bar. The warehouse shall be provided with the relative labor protection articles and rescue appliances according to

17、 MSDS.3.10遵守先进先出原则,并确定货架上物品进出方向。 The FIFO (first-in, first-out) principle must be abided, and the direction for goods passing in and out shall be fixed. 3.11物料摆放区域不能影响主干道和消防通道。消防器材应设置在明显且便于取用的地点,周围不得堆放物品和杂物。The material placement area shall not affect the major and fire passages. The extinguishers s

18、hall be placed in the obvious and accessible position, and in its surroundings there is not allowed to pile up the articles and sundries. 3.12仓库区域应设有安全、防盗、消防等设备,如有损坏要及时上报,及时处理。安装24小时监控设施,随时监控仓库物料各个区域的状况。 The warehouse area shall be equipped with safety, burglarproof, fire devices etc. If any damage,

19、 please report and handle in time. The 24hours monitoring devices shall be installed, for supervisory control every area status in the warehouse at any time. 3.13仓库需张贴清晰的疏散路线图(图中必须有安全出口、消防器材、报警按钮位置,疏散路线图设置在醒目的位置)。The clear evacuation route map shall be pasted in warehouse ( The map must include safe

20、ty exist, extinguisher, and alarm button position, which shall be set up in the striking position. 3.14注意储存场所环境和温度,保证通风。有温湿度要求的仓库(例如存放PCB板),安装温湿度表,每天定点进行温湿度检查并记录。Please pay attention to the storage place environment and temperature. Please ensure the good ventilation. The warehouse with the temperat

21、ure and humidity requirement (e.g. PCB board storage) shall be equipped with Temperature & humidity indicator .the Temperature & humidity check shall be carried out every day at the fixed time and recorded. 3.15库房内不得存放个人物品。 It is not allowed to store personnel belongings in the warehouse. 4. 发放范围 Release to范围 scope 说明Remark中心仓库 Central warehouse其他 Other

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