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1、中考英语单词拼写总复习 2012年中考英语总复习:单词拼写 第一部分 单词过关单词拼写(1)1. What does he look (像)? He is of medium height. 2. I am very _ (饿). I want to buy some food to eat.3. Hows the weather today? Its (晴朗的).4. Mum often tells(告诉) us to wash hands before each meal.5. My pen pal is in Japan. He speaks _ (日语).6. Shanghai is

2、a _(繁忙的) city.7. He is a _(幸运的) dog.8. What would you do if you had a million dollars? Id give it to medical _ (研究).9. English is very_ (重要的) and many people enjoy learning it. 10. The people in the _ (村) are richer than before.单词拼写(2) 1. I hope youre feeling (更好)soon.2. He has a good idea to (解决) t

3、he problem.3. -What size bowl of (面条) would you like? -Id like a large one. 4. Theres a bank near the post office. We can (节约)our money there.5. Would you mind (关) down the radio? The boy is doing(做) his homework.6. China is a _(国家)with a long history.7. Most of the teenagers can deal with their pro

4、blems _(容易地)now.8. They are _(友好的)to each other.9. His uncle is a _ (科学家). He works in Beijing.10. Mr Wangs _(办公室)is on the fourth floor.单词拼写(3) 1. Its impolite to _ (指向)at others with chopsticks at table.2. This is an _ (空的)box. Could I have a full one, please?3. Its _ (冷)outside. Please put on you

5、r coat.4. Would you mind not making a loud _ (噪音)here? Your father is sleeping.5. If we do our homework more carefully, we will make fewer _(错误). 6. Dont _(浪费)any water. We should save it. 7. “ _(安全)is the first” he said to all the workers.8. There is a beautiful _(花园)in front of the tall building.9

6、. He is neither blind nor _(聋的). He can see and hear anything well.10. We should learn to _(拒绝)the bad things. 单词拼写(4) 1.She hasnt (看见) her pet dog for a week.2. There is a supermarket near my home. Lets go _(购物). 3. What are people in China supposed to do when they meet for the (第一) time? -They are

7、 supposed to shake hands.4. He often (借)books to us. And we return them to him as soon as possible. 5. Of four (季节), I like autumn best, because its cool. 6. Ruth loves to tell a _ (笑话). 7. -Could you please take out the trash? -With _ (乐意). 8. Hi, little boy, dont _ (爬) the wall. Its dangerous. 9.

8、I didnt _ (赶上) the last bus, so I had to take a taxi home last night.10. Well have tea in the garden _(代替)of in the sitting-room. 单词拼写(5) 1. -When was the telephone _(发明)? -In 1876.2. He is _(渴). He wants something to drink.3. Lucy spoke too (快) and I couldnt follow her.4. The manatee weighs about 1

9、,000 _(英镑). Its too heavy.5. Teachers Day is (九月)10th.6. The computer is too expensive. I dont have _ (充足的) money to buy it.7. -_(谁的)backpack is this? -Oh, its Lilys.8. I will feel _(自豪的)when I see the national flag of China.9. -What do you think of soap operas? -I cant (忍受) them.10. I like soft mus

10、ic. It always makes me_(轻松的).单词拼写(6) 1. Julias sister is a nurse. She works in a _(医院) .2. This question is very _(难). I cant answer it.3. We visited a small village in Gansu Province. The _(村民) there are really friendly.4. He was upset, because he didnt _(通过) the math test again last week.5. Be _(小

11、心) when you drive, its very dangerous to drive in such bad weather.6. -Paul, what day is today? -It is _ (星期三).7. The weather report says that tomorrow will be _ (阴天).8. Eating more vegetables and less meat can make you _ (健康的).9. Sally, can you _ (带来) some story-books here from your home?10. Good _

12、 (友谊) can make you happy. So we all need friends.单词拼写(7) 1. -Whats wrong with Jenny? -Shes not well, she has a _ (发烧), 39.5 .2. -Whats your e-mail _(地址)? Its cindyj.3. -How did you get to school yesterday? -I _ (骑)my bicycle.4. -Whats your hobby? -I like to _ (收集)shells.5. Liu Ming is very tall, but

13、 Zhang Qiang is quite s_(矮).6. -Excuse me, wheres the bank? -Walk along this street and turn _(右边). Its next to the movie theater.7. -Do you know my new friend? -I think I know him. He often_ (抽烟).8. Chen Yong always plays computer (游戏). He doesnt want to go to school.9. France is a beautiful countr

14、y. Its _(著名的) for its wine.10. Alice made a living by _(她自己) when she was young.单词拼写(8) 1. We (错过)the last bus. So we had to walk home.2. Talking loudly in the library is i_(不礼貌).3. -How often do you go to the movies? -I go to the movies _(一次) a month.4. When is Sallys birthday _(聚会)?5. Dont be near

15、 the lions. They are _(危险).6. Everyone goes to play soccer (除外)Tom because he doesnt like it.7. Are you _ (有空的)next Sunday? Lets go to the zoo.8. It is _ (必要的) to learn a foreign language. 9. She _ (成为) a basketball player in 2005.10. Science is one of my favorite _ (科目). What about you?单词拼写(9)1. Pl

16、ease keep _ (安静). I m trying to study. 2. She didnt go to bed (直到)her mother came back last night.3. Take the medicine (两次)a day, then youll be better soon.4. My father doesnt let me (踢) football after lunch.5. I received a gift yesterday. My grandma (寄) it to me from Nanning.6. Our classroom is ver

17、y (脏的) Please clean it at once.7. He borrowed my pen and didnt (还) it last week.8. Li Hua is one of the (成员) of the school football club. 9. (除之外) milk and cheese, we also need vegetables.10. He (学习) math every night because he is not good at it.单词拼写(10) 1. What is your friend going to be when he (长

18、大) up ?2. They cant go to a movie tonight, because they have lost their (票).3. One hundred years is a (世纪) .4. Last week we held a concert to (筹集)500,000 yuan for Hope Project.5. She has two (孩子), a son and a daughter .6. (猴子) like to eat bananas.7. That is a _ (令人惊叹的) film. You should go to see it.

19、 8. China (赢) the most gold medals at the 2008 Olympic Games. 9. Confidence is the key to (成功).10. Whats your (电话) number? Its 7822360.单词拼写(11)1. Dont forget to (锁)the doors when you leave the classroom.2. Will you join us in the (讨论)about the teenage problems.3. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

20、, Friday are (平日). 4. In the morning taking a walk and (呼吸)some fresh air are good for your health.5. Broccoli and tomatoes are healthy (蔬菜). 6. Listening to tapes is (有帮助的) for you to improve your English.7. Lana always gets (神经紧张的) when she answers the teachers questions. 8. I think this theater h

21、as the most _ (舒适的) seats.9. Liu Xiang is famous in the _ (世界).10. China has a long (历史)of about 5,000 years. 单词拼写(12)1. Dont (横过)the street when the light is red. 2. My (喜爱的)movie star is Jackie Chan.3. Did you listen to the weather (报告)last night?4. -What s Jim doing ? -He s watching a football _(

22、比赛) .5. An accident (发生)on the road yesterday. A man was hurt.6. I want to buy a _ (毛衣) for my mother. 7. Where does he _(居住)?8. I _(相信)he will come this evening.9. I have (粥) every morning. 10. This kind of bus is made in a (南方的)city.单词拼写(13)1. You can cross the road in (安全)when the traffic lights

23、turn green.2. We need eleven (运动员) for our soccer team.3. No one can achieve anything without (努力).4. Steven (参加) the school dancing club last year.5. The soldiers coming to help people in Yushu county are also (英雄)in my mind.6. We should _ (复习) our lessons every day.7. Excuse me. Where is the park?

24、 Its _ (在对面) from the library. 8. I like to live in the _ (北方) .9. The woman is very _(疲倦的) because she has work all the afternoon. 10. Do you think she is telling the _(真实)?单词拼写(14)1. Whats your favorite subject? -I like _ (物理)best.2. Children like to eat candy. But I dont like it, because it taste

25、s too _ (甜的).3. Two men were badly _ (受伤)in the car accident.4. My fifteenth _ (生日)will be on next month. Can you come to my party?5. Dont forget to take an u_ ()with you. Its raining outside.6. The boys were all very _ (激动) when they heard the good news.7. “One World, One _ (梦想) ” is the most popul

26、ar words in the Beijing Olympics.8. Her mother agreed with her _ (决定).9. Where is Li Hua? -Hes not here. He has _ (已经) gone to Shanghai.10. Mr Smith is a _ (外国人) , but he speaks Chinese quite well.单词拼写(15)1. This book is too old. Do you have a _ (新的)one?2. Are you _ (感兴趣)in music? We want a music te

27、acher.3. The students in the school are not (允许) to go out at night.4. A knife is used for (割) things.5. Dont trouble me. Im (忙) with my homework.6. Shall we meet (在外面) the zoo or the park?7. You need to have a good (休息) after the long walk.8. Young people like to send (信息) to friends to greet each other on mobile phones.9. His _(爱好) is to listen to music after school.10. When the earthquake happened I was in my _ (卧室).单词拼写(16)1. Last night it rained (大)in the southern part of the city.2. You read the sentence too fast, I cant follow you. Please read it (慢).3. -How much is

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