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1、消防安全英语标语消防安全英语标语 1、火灾无情,消防先行。 Fire is merciless, fire prevention is the first. 2、珍惜生命,远离火患。 Cherish life, keep away from fire. 3、居安思危,防患未然。 Danger, prevent trouble before it happens. 4、用火不预防,失火就遭殃。 Fire does not prevent fire. 5、人人防火,户户平安。 All fire, a safe. 6、酒店是我家,防火靠大家。 The hotel is my home, and fi

2、re protection depends on everyone. 7、珍爱生命,关注消防。 Cherish life, focus on fire. 8、关注消防,珍爱生命。 Focus on fire, cherish life. 9、学校是我家,防火大家抓。 The school is my home, fire prevention, everybody catch. 10、远离火患,幸福一生。 Stay away from fire, and live happily ever after. 11、慎放烟花,快乐全家。 Caution fireworks, happy family

3、. 12、麻痹大意,防火大忌。 Careless fire taboo. 13、关注消防,护我家园。 Attention to fire, protect my home. 14、贼偷一半,火烧精光。 Half the thief burnt the fire. 15、关注消防,珍爱家园。 Pay attention to fire, cherish your home. 16、安全防火,人人有责。 Fire safety responsibility. 17、随意扔烟头,安全有隐优。 Throw cigarette butts at random, safe hidden advantage

4、s. 18、火灾无情,防火先行。 Fire is merciless and fire prevention is first. 19、烧香祭祀,当心火烛。 Burn incense and sacrifice, beware of fire. 20、生命诚贵,平安无价。 Life is precious, and peace is priceless. 21、关注消防,关爱生命。 Attention to fire, love life. 22、火灾猛于虎,消防大于天。 The fire is fiercer than the tiger, and the fire is greater t

5、han the day. 23、消除火患,珍爱家园。 Eliminate fire and cherish your home. 24、求生是本能,逃生靠技能。 Survival is instinct, escape by skill. 25、社区是我家,防火大家抓。 Community is my home, fire prevention, we catch. 26、预防为主,防消结合。 Prevention first, bination of prevention and elimination. 27、火情发现早,小火灭得了。 The fire was found early an

6、d the fire died out. 28、消除火患,造福后代。 The elimination of fire, for the benefit of future generations. 29、火起于幽微,灾缘于疏忽。 The fire disaster due to negligence in principle. 30、远离火患,幸福平安。 Far from the fire, happiness and peace. 31、消防设施,人人爱护。 Fire protection facilities, everyone loves. 32、消防安全,人人有责。 Fire safe

7、ty responsibility. 33、生命热线,平安音符。 Life line, safety note. 34、消防是大树,责任是沃土。 Fire is a big tree, responsibility is fertile soil. 35、消防时时在,安全传万代。 From time to time in the fire, safely bandai. 36、火灾不留情,预防要先行。 A fire without mercy, to advance prevention. 37、预防火灾,人人有责。 To prevent fire. 38、火灾抢救,以救人为先。 Fire r

8、escue, the first to save people. 39、防水两大忌,麻痹和大意。 Waterproof two taboo, paralysis and carelessness. 40、社区是我家,防火靠大家。 The munity is my home, and fire protection depends on everyone. 41、烟头虽小,祸患无穷。 A small cigarette is a small curse. 42、国泰民安,消除火患。 Peace and prosperity, elimination of fire. 43、遵守消防法,不做违规人

9、。 Compliance with fire law, no violation. 44、疏散通道,生命之门。 Evacuation passage, gate of life. 45、警惕火灾,珍惜生命。 Watch out for fire, cherish life. 46、防火两大忌,麻痹和大意。 Two fire taboo, paralysis and carelessness. 47、人人抓消防,幸福进万家。 Everyone catch fire, happiness into ten thousand. 48、防火时时抓,幸福你我他。 Fire always catch, h

10、appiness you, I, he. 49、消防工作,人人有责。 Fire control work responsibility. 50、凤凰涅盘,人无复生。 Phoenix Nirvana, no resurrection. 51、安全用火,幸福你我。 Safe fire, happiness you and me. 52、随手灭烟头,防火心中留。 Hand out cigarette butts, fire keep in mind. 53、防止火灾,消除隐患。 Prevent fire and eliminate hidden trouble. 54、爱惜家园,消除火患。 Cher

11、ish the home, eliminate the fire. 55、消防连万家,幸福你我他。 Fire pany, happiness, you, me, he. 56、消除火患,爱惜家园。 Eliminate fire and cherish your home. 57、会引导疏散,能逃生自救。 Will lead evacuation, can escape self-help. 58、公安消防队,救火不收费。 Public security fire brigade, fire fighting free of charge. 59、生命至上,平安和谐。 Life first, p

12、eace and harmony. 60、抢险救援,为您服务。 Emergency rescue service for you. 61、小小灭火器,保护神。 Little fire extinguisher, family protector. 62、依法治火,利国利民。 The rule of law, the country. 63、火灾似猛虎,防患于未燃。 The fire is like a tiger, it is avoided by fire. 64、制度有漏洞,火灾就钻空。 Loopholes in the system, the fire will be drilled.

13、65、大意一把火,损失无补。 The effect of a fire, no loss. 66、全民消防,生命至上。 Universal fire protection, life first. 67、要想人财安,防火位居先。 If you want people to be safe, fire first. 68、爱心献人民,安全送万家。 Love the people and send them safely. 69、家庭多电器,安全要注意。 Home appliances, safety should pay attention to. 70、乱扔烟头,火患无穷。 Throw cig

14、arette butts, fire infinite. 71、安全自查,隐患必除。 Security self-examination, hidden danger must be removed. 72、出门无牵挂,先把火源查。 Go out without worries, first check the source of fire. 73、火灾无情,警钟长鸣。 Merciless fire, alarm bells ringing. 74、从小学消防,共创平安家。 From primary school fire fighting, create peace home. 75、电线乱拉,引火烧家。 The wires were broken and the fire maker burned. 76、创业千日难,火烧一日光。 Thousands of days of hard work, burning sun. 77、消除火患,国泰民安。 Elimination of fire, peace and prosperity. 78、家家防火,户户平安。 Every fire, every household safe. 79、消灾解难,真情奉献。 Good life, sincere dedication. 模板,内容仅供参考

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