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1、完整word版英国文学选读练习题含答案word文档良心出品docxExercise for English Literature (2)Choose the best answer for each blank.1._, the“ father of English poetry” and one of the greatest narrative poets of England, was born inLondon about 1340.A. Geoffrey ChaucerB. Sir GawainC. Francis BaconD. John Dryden2.Chaucer died

2、on the 25th October 1400, and was buried in _.A.FlandersB. FranceC.ItalyD. Westminster Abbey3.The progress in industry at home stimulated the commercial expansion abroad. _ encouraged exploration and travel, which were compatible with the interest of the English merchants.A. Henry VB. Henry VIIC. He

3、nry VIIID. Queen Elizabeth4.Except being a victory of England over _, the rout of the fleet“ Armadawasalso”the(Invincible)triumph of the rising young bourgeoisie over the declining old feudalism.A. SpainB. FranceC. AmericaD. Norway5.At the beginning of the 16th century the outstanding humanist _ wro

4、te his Utopia in which he gave aprofound and truthful picture of the peopleandputs sufferingforward his ideal of a future happy society.A. Thomas MoreB. Thomas MarloweC. Francis BaconD. William Shakespear6.Absolute monarchy in England reached its summit during the reign of Queen _.A. MaryB. Elizabet

5、hC. WilliamD. Victoria7.English Renaissance Period was an age of _.A. prose and novelB. poetry and dramaC. essays and journalsD. ballads and songs8.From the following, choose the one which is not Francis Bacon s work: _.A. The Advancement of LearningB. The New InstrumentC. EssaysD. The New Atlantics

6、E. Venus and Adonis9.“ Shall I compare thee to a summer s day? ” This is the beginning line of one of ShakespeareA. songsB. playsC. comediesD. sonnets10.The heroines of Shakespeare greats comedies, _ are the daughters of the Renaissance, whoseimages and stories will remain a legacy to readers and au

7、diences of all time.A. Portia B. Roseland C. Viola D. Beatrice11. Choose the four great tragedies of Shakespeare from the following _.A. Hamlet B. OthelloC. Macbeth D. King LearE. Timon of Athens12. Which play is not a comedy? _A. A Midsummer Night s Dream B. The Merchant of VeniceC. Twelfth Night D

8、. Romeo and JulietE. As You Like It13.“ Denmark is a prison” . In which play doeserothesummariseh his observation of his world into such a bittersentence? _A. Charles I B. Othello C. Henry VIII D. Hamlet14.The works of _ and the Authorised Version of the English Bible are the two great treasuries of

9、 the English language.A. Geoffrey Chaucer B. Edmund SpenserC. William Shakespeare D. Ben Johnson15. In which play does the hero show his profound reverence for man through the sentence: “ Whawok is a man! How nobel in reason! How finite in faculty! ” _A. Romeo and Juliet B. HamletC. Othello D. The M

10、erchant of Venice16. In 1649, _ was beheaded. England became a commonwealth.A. James I B. James IIC. Charles I D. Charles II17.The revolution of 1688 meant three of the following things: _. A. the supremacy of ParliamentB. the beginning of modern England C. the triumph of the principal libertyD. the

11、 triumph of the principle of political liberty E. the Restoration of monarchy18.Who of the following were the important metaphysical poets? _A. John Donne B. George HerbertC. John Milton D. Richard Lovelace19. Which work was NOT written by John Milton? _A. Paradise Lost B. Paradise RegainedC. Samson

12、 Agonistes D. Volpone20. Paradise Lost is _.A. John Milton s masterpieceB. a great epic in 12 booksC. written in blank verseD. about the heroic revolt of Satan against God s authority21. John Milton is _.A.a great revolutionary poet of the 17th outstanding political pamphleteerC.a great

13、stylistD.a great master of blank verse22.From the Old Testament, John Milton took his stories of Paradise Lost, i.e. _. A. the creationB. the rebellion in Heaven of Satan and his fellow-angels C. their defeat and expulsion from HeavenD. the creation of the death and of adam and Eve E. the fallen ang

14、els in hell plotting against God F. Satan s temptation of EveG. the departure of Adam and Eve from Eden23.The finest thing in Paradise Lost is the description of hell, and _ is often regarded as the real hero of the poem.A. God B. SatanC. Adam D. Eve24. Who is the greatest of the Metaphysical school

15、 of poetry? _A. John Donne B. George HerbertC. Andrew Marvell D. Henry Vaugham25. _ was a progressive intellectual movement throughout Western Europe in the 18th century.A. The Renaissance B. The EnlightenmentC. The Religious Reformation D. The Chartist Movement26.The main literary stream of the 18t

16、h century was _. What the writers described in their works were mainly social realities.A.naturalismB. romanticismC.classicismD. realismE.sentimentalism27.The eighteenth century was the golden age of the English _. The novel of this period spoke the truthabout life with an uncompromising courage.A.

17、drama B. poetry C. essay D. novel28.In 1704, Jonathan Swift published two works together, _ and _, which made him well-known as a satirist.A. A Tale of a Tub B. Bickerstaff AlmanacC. Gulliver s Travels D. A Modest Proposal29. “ Proper words in proper places, makes the true definition of a style. ” T

18、his sentence is said by _of the greatest masters of English prose.A. Alexander Pope B. Henry FieldingC. Daniel Defoe D. Jonathan Swift30.As a journalist, _ had learned how to make his reporting vivid and credible by a skillful use of circumstantial detail. This power to make his characters alive and

19、 his stories credible is an inimitable gift.A. Joseph Addison B. Daniel Defoe C. Samuel Richarson D. Tobias Smollett31. Which of the following are NOT written by William Blake? _A.Poetical SketchesB. Songs of InnocenceC.Songs of ExperienceD. Auld Lang SyneE.The Marriage of Heaven and HellF. Propheci

20、sG. Visions of the Daughters of Albion and America, a Prophecy32. In the 18th century English literature, the representative poets of pre-romanticism were _.A. William Wordsworth B. William BlakeC. Robert Burns D. Jonathan Swift33. The Romantic Age begab with the publication of The Lyrical Ballads w

21、hich was written by _.A. William Wordsworth B. Samuel JohnsonC. Samuel Taylor Coleridge D. Wordsworth and Coleridge34. The Romantic Age came to an end with the death of the last well-known romantic writer _.A. Jane Austen B. Walter ScottC. Samuel Taylor Coleridge D. William Wordsworth35. The glory o

22、f the Romantic Age lies in the poetry of _.A. William Wordsworth B. Samuel Taylor ColeridgeC. George Gordon Byron D. Percy Bysshe ShelleyE. John Keats36.The English Romantic Age produced two major novelists. They are _. A. George Gordon Byron and Percy Bysshe ShelleyB.William Wordsworth and Samuel T

23、aylor ColeridgeC.Walter Scott and Jane AustenD.Charles Lamb and William Hazlitt37. Which poets belong to the Active Romantic group? _A. George Gordon Byron B. William WordsworthC. Percy Bysshe Shelley D. John KeatsE. John Milton38. Which poets belong to the Lakers? _A. William Wordsworth B. Samuel T

24、aylor ColeridgeC. John Keats D. Robert SoutheyE. Walter Scott39. Which of the folloeing were written by Wordsworth ONLY? _A. To the Cuckoo B. The Lyrical BalladsC. Lucy Poems D. The Solitary ReaperE. I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud40.The publication of _ marked the break with the conventional poetical

25、tradition of the 18th century,i.e., with classicism, and the beginning of the Romantic revival in England.A. The Lyrical Ballads B. The Prelude C. Childe Harold s Pilgrimage D. Don Juan41.As contrasted with the classicists who made reason, order and the old, classical traditions the criteria in thei

26、r poetical creations, _ based his own poetical principle on the premise that “ allgood poetry is thespontaneous overflow of powerf ul feeling. ”A. Samuel Taylor Coleridge B. George Gordon ByronC. Percy Bysshe Shelley D. William Wordsworth42. _ was the first critic of the Romantic School.A. William W

27、ordworth B. Samuel JohnsonC. Samuel Taylor Coleridge D. Wordworth and Coleridge43. Which of the following statements is (are) NOT true about George Gordon Byron? _A. Byron s early years had been far from happy for he was born with a clubfoot, in the frequent family scenes hismother called him “ you

28、lame brat. ”B. Byron died in Italy annd was deeply mourned by the Italian people and by all progressive people throughoutthe world.C. The reactionary criticism of the 19th century tried to belittle Byron s genius and his role in the deEnglish literature, but Byron remains one of the most popular Eng

29、lish poets both at home and abroad.D. Since the May 4 Movement in 1919, more and more of Byron s poems have been translated into Chinese andwell received by the poets and young readers. Byron has now become one of the best-known English poets in our country.44. In 1805, Wordsworth completed a long a

30、utobiographical poem entitled _.A. Biographia literaria B. The PreludeC. Lucy Poems D. The Lyrical Ballads45._ is regarded as the most wonderful lyricist England has ever produced mainly for his poems on nature, on love, and on politics.A. William WordsworthB. John KeatsC. George Gordon ByronD. Percy Bysshe Shelley46. Which of the following statements is (are) NOT true about Percy Bysshe Shelley? _A. Prome

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