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1、沪教版三年级上英语全套练习三年级上英语Module1U1.Read the words.朗读下列单词1,morning 2.afternoon 3.evening 4.night 5.good6.Mr 7.Mrs 8.Miss 12.thanks 13.fine 14.Im 15,too.Read the sentences.朗读下列句子。1.Good morning. 2. Im Peter. 3.How are you?4.Fine,thank you. 5.Very well,thank you. 6.Draw and colour.Learn

2、 the sound.学语音.Jane likes cakes. Jane makes cakes. The cakes are on the plates. The plates are on the table.Read and circle.读一读,圈出相应的单词1. 小姐 Miss Mrs 2.你好 how hello3.下午 afternoon morning 4.粘贴 stick cut5.蛋糕 cake table 6.这 this is .Look and plete.选词填空Mr Mrs Miss Lin Lin Lin林小姐 林先生 林太太.Look and choose.

3、看图,选句子填空A.Good morning,Tony. B.Hello,I am Sarah.C.Hello, Im Jim. D.How are you?1. Hi,my name is Tom.2. . Good morning,Alice. 3. . Fine,thank you.4. . Hello, Im Mike.Fill in the blanks.填空,每空一词。1. afternoon.Eddie.2. are you? ,thank you.3.Hello,Ann. ,Alice.4.Good night,Mum and Dad. Good . .Read and cho

4、ose.选择正确答案填空1.Hello,how are you? .A.I am Alice B.Hello C.Fine,thank you2.Good morning,Kate. .A. Hello B.Good morning C.good morning3. Hello,Mr Wang. A.This is Mr Wang,Jim. B.Are you Mr Wang? C. How are you?4. . Good night. A. Good morning B. Good night. C.Good evening.5.Hi! Im Lily. .A. Im Kate B.Th

5、ank you C. Good night.Read and choose.根据所给的情景意思选择恰当的英文表达。( )1.你想知道好朋友的身体状况如何,你问道: A. How are you? B. Who are you?( )2.下午你碰到同学Mary,你和她打招呼说道:A. Good afternoon,Mary. B. Good morning, Mary.( )3.刘(老师)先生第一次给你们上课,他会对你们说: A. Hello,Im Mr Liu. B. Hello,Im Mrs Liu.( )4.别人问你的名字,你会说:A.He is Jim. B. Im Tom.Read a

6、nd judge,阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。Good morning,Miss Fang. Im Alice. Im eight.I like cakes and I eat an apple every day. Im tall and thin.My father is a teacher and my mother is a teacher too.They are young.I go to school on foot every day. I love my school.I love my teachers.( )1.Alice is nine. ( )2. Alice

7、 likes cakes.( )3. Alices mother is a woker.( )4. Alice loves her school.( )5.There are four people in her family.Unit 2 Whats your name?.Read the words.朗读下列单词 2.close 3.door 4.write 5.what6.please 9.blackboard 10.paper.Read the sentences.朗读下列句子。1. Whats your name? 2.Open your book

8、.3.Look at the blackboard,please. 4.Pick up your pencil.5.Ok,Miss Fang. 6.Sit down,please.Learn the sound.学语音.The fat man likes jam. He has a jam in his hand.He is not sad. The jam is not bad.Read and answer.读一读,答一答。1. Hello,how are you? 2. Whats your name? 3. Write your name,please. 4. Good morning

9、. .Read and write,读一读,用am,is,are填空。1. What your name? I Peater.2.You Kitty.3.Hello,I a boy.4. you Peter? No.He Peter.5.What this? It an apple.Read and choose.读一读,选择恰当的单词补全句子 open close clean look1. the classroom,please.2. It is cold.Please the window.3. your mouth.Say “AH”.4. Please your chair.5. at

10、 your book. .Look and match.连线sit down 开门stand up 坐下open the door 关门close the door 起立 . Read and choose.选择正确答案填空( )1.Whats name? name is Jim. A.your;My B.your;I;My( )2. down,please. Thank you. A.Stand B.Sit C.sit( )3. the blackboard. OK,Mr Wang. A.Look at B. Look C.Open ( )4. Fine,thank you. A

11、. How are you? B. Good morning. C.Hello.( )5. Close window,please. Yes,Miss Fang. A. a B. the C./( )6.Kate in the classroom. B. are Read and choose.根据所给的情景意思选择恰当的英文表达。( )1.马上要开饭了,妈妈要你帮忙擦桌子,妈妈可以说:A Close the desk,Mary.B Clean the table,Mary.( )2.上课时,老师要求大家集中注意力看黑板,老师可以说:A. Dont look at the

12、 blackboard.B. Look at the blackboard. ( )3.你想知道新同学的名字,你问:A. Whats your name? B. How are you?( )4.外面很冷,爸爸要你把窗户关好,你可以说: A.OK,Dad. B.Thank you very much. . Read and judge,阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。 Hello! Im Ben. This is my room.There is a desk in my room.Its yellow. The red ball is under the chair.The bag is

13、 on the chair.The chair is blue. My rubber is blue,too. Its on the book.I like my room.( )1.This is Bens room. ( )2.The desk is blue.( )3.The chair is under the desk. ( )4.The ball is red.( )5.The chair is blue. Unit3 How old are you ?.Read the telephone number in English.用英语读下列xx号码。110 112 114 119

14、120 86445343 56753543. Read the sentences.朗读下列句子。1.Happy Birthday! 2. How old are you ? 3.Hello,Im Miss bird.4.Cut the cake. 5.Here you are. 6.The cake is yummy.plete the words.根据中文提示,补全单词。1. yo r(你的) 2.f ur(四) 3.eig t(八)5. nly(仅仅) 5.Mis (小姐) 6.c ke(蛋糕)7.h re(这里) 8.tha k(谢谢) 9. low(吹). Read and choo

15、se.选择正确答案填空( )1. How are you ? . A.Fine,thank you. B. Thank you. C.Yes.( )2. Im eight. A. How are you ? B. Here you are. C. How old are you ?( )3. Thank you.A. Happy Birthday! B.Good morning. C. How are you ?( )4.Are you Kate? . A.Yes,I am. B. Fine,thank you. C.OK. Read and choose.读一读,选词填空。 blow cut

16、 clean look guess open1. the cake ,Kate.2. How old are you ? !3. the window,please.4. the candles(蜡烛),Alice.5. at your book,Jim.Look and match.连线。three books 八支铅笔six oranges 十根香蕉ten bananas 两个苹果one cat 四把尺子eight pencils 三本书two apples 六个橘子four rulers 五个番茄five tomatoes 一只猫.Read and write.读一读,填入合适的数词。1

17、. two,three, ,five,three, ,seven2. one+two= 4.eight+ =ten5.nine-three= .Read and choose.读一读,选词填空。1. Its (your;you)birthday.2. Here you (is;are) Thank you.3. Open (the;a)window,please.4. How (are;is)you?5. (Are;Am)you eight? (Yes;No),I am. Read and judge,阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。This is m

18、y classroom.You can see two doors and four windows.In front of the classroom,there is the teachers desk. On it,there are three books and five pencils.Miss Fang is our English teacher.She likes to eat apples. But she doesnt like to eat oranges.We like her very much.( )1. Mr Fang is our English teache

19、r.( )2. Three books and five pencils are on the teachers desk.( )3. Miss Fang likes to eat oranges very much.( )4. We like our English teacher.Look and write.看图写话。 Heres your cake,Alice. Thanks,Mum. Module2 Me,my family and friendsUnit 1 My friends.Read the words.朗读下列单词1.fat 2.thin 3.tall 4.short 5.

20、boy6.girl 7.friend 8.pen 9.bow 10.again11.mothers 13.teacher 14.rain 15.from.Read the sentences.朗读下列句子。1.Look at the boy. 2. She is my friend. 3.Who is your friend?4.He can play football. 5.Tom is fat. 6.The girl is thin.Look and write.看图根据首字母写单词 f_ b_ g_ d_ b_.Think and write.想一想,用am,is,are

21、填空1. I_Mary. You _ Eddie.2. He _ eight.He _ a boy.3. What _ your name? I_Alice.4. How old _ you? I _ eight.5. _ he fat? No,he_thin.Look,choose and write.看图,选词填空。 Hes Shes1. Tom is a boy._thin.2. Kate is a girl._short.Read and choose.选择正确答案( )1.Look at the boy.He is _friend.A. my B.I ( )2.Is sh

22、e Alice? _.She is Kate.A. Yes,she is. B.No,she isnt. C.Yes,I am. ( )3._?Kitty.A. Who is your friend,KittyB. Who is your friend,KateC. Are you kitty ( )4.She can sing,_she cant swim. A.and B.but C./ ( )5.Who is _? _is Kate. A.she;She B.she;Her C.her;She.Look,read and write.看图,照样子写句子Hello,Im Kitty. Im

23、 a girl. Im seven. Im thin. Im small. I can dance. I like bananas. Im your friend. KittyPeter _ _ _ _ _.Read and choose.读一读,选词填空1.She _ (is;am) a student. 2._(I;My) name is Jim.3.I _(am;is) tall and thin. 4.Kate can (sing;sings),but she _(can;cant)swim. 5.This is _(I;my)book;that is _(your;you)book.

24、Read and choose.根据情景,选择恰当的句子( )1.你想要知道那个男孩是不是Tom的朋友,你问Tom: A.Is the boy your friend? B.Who is your friend? ( ) 2.你要告诉老师你的母亲又高又瘦,你可以这么说: A.She is fat and tall. B.My mother is tall and thin. ( )3.芳芳看上去很胖,可她自己总说自己瘦,她说: A.I am thin. B.I am fat. ( )4.你知道在雨中的那两个男孩都是八岁,你会告诉你的朋友: A.The two girls in the rain

25、 are eight.B. The two boys in the rain are eight. Read and judge,阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。Im Eddie. Im a boy. Im thin and tall.My brother,Tom,is two .Hes fat.Hes short.He can walk(走路).He can draw.Jane is my sister.She is eight.She is tall.She is thin.She has got a dog,Sam.Sam is fat and small.Its lovely.(

26、)1.Eddie is a boy. ( )2.Eddie has two brothers.( )3.Eddie and Jane are tall and thin. ( )4.Tom has got a dog.Unit 2 My family.Read the words.朗读下列单词1.grandfather 2.father 3.grandmother 4.mother 8.picture 13.cake 14.thin 15.short. Read the sent

27、ences.朗读下列句子。1.Who is he? 2. Shes my sister. 3.Please e in.4.Nice to meet you. 5.We are good friends. 6.They can paly it well.plete the words.根据中文提示,补全单词。2. c k (蛋糕) 2.fa il (家庭) 3.y r(年)6. bo (书) 5. ri nd(朋友) t r(姐姐/妹) r (矮的) 8. ath r(爸爸) (名字). Read and choose.选择正确答案填空( )1. Hi, how ar

28、e you ? . A.Yes,thank you. B. Fine,thank you. C.Here you are.( )2. Is your sister? Yes. A. he B.she C. it( )3. is he? He is my grandfather.A.Who B.How C. What( )4.Nice to meet you. . A.Fine, thank you B. Nice to meet you too C. Thank you( )5.Is he your brother? No,_. A.he isnt B.she isnt C.he is.Loo

29、k and choose.看一看,选一选( )1. A.grandfather( )2. )3. C.sister( )4. D.grandmother( )5.,read and plete. 看图填空,完成对话1. Who is he? Hes my _. 2. Is she your sister? _,she is. .Read and choose.选出每组单词中不同类的选项( )1. A. mother C.father )2. A. he B.she D.I( )3. A. nice B.good C.e D

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