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1、Awomanonaroof英语原文A woman on a roof It was during the week of hot sun,that June. Three men were at work on the roof,where the leads got so hot they had the idea of throwing water on to cool them. But the water steamed,then sizzled;and they make jokes about getting an egg from some woman in the flats

2、under the flats under them,to poach it for their dinner. By two it was not possible to touch the guttering they were replacing,and they speculated about what workmen did in regularly hot countries. Perhaps they should borrow kitchen gloves with the egg They were all a bit dizzy,not used to the heat;

3、and they shed their coats and stood side by side squeezing themselves into a foot wide patch of shade against a chimney,careful to keep their feet in the thick socks and boots out of the sun. There was a fine view across several acres of roofs. Not far off a man sat in a deck chair reading the newsp

4、apers. Then they saw her,between chimneys,about fifty yards away. She lay face down on a brown blanket. They could see the top part of her:black hair,a flushed solid back,arms spread out. “Shes stark naked,” said Stanley,sounding annoyed. Harry,the oldest,a man of about forty-five,said:“Looks like i

5、t.”Young Tom,seventeen,said nothing,but he was excited and grinning.Stanley said:“Someonell report her if she doesnt watch out.” “She thinks no one can see,” said Tom,craning his head all ways to see more.At this point the woman,still lying prone,brought her two hands up behind her shoulders with th

6、e ends of a scarf in them,tied it behind her back,and sat up. She wore a red scarf tied around her breasts and brief red bikini pants. This being the first day of the sun she was white,flushing red. She sat smoking,and did not look up when Stanley let out a wolf whistle . Harry said:“Small things am

7、use small minds,” leading the way back to their part of the roof,but it was scorching . Harry said:“Wait,Im going to rig up some shade,” and disappeared down the skylight into the building. Now that hed gone,Stanley and Tom went to the farthest point they could to peer at the woman. She had moved,an

8、d all they could see were two pink legs stretched on the blanket. They whistled and shouted but the legs did not move. Harry came back with a blanket and shouted:“Come on,then.” He sounded irritated with them. They clambered back to him and he said to Stanley:“What about your missus ” Stanley was ne

9、wly married,about three months. Stanley said,jeering:“What about my missus” - preserving his independence. Tom said nothing,but his mind was full of the nearly naked woman. Harry slung the blanket,which he had borrowed from a friendly woman downstairs,from the stem of a television aerial to a row of

10、 chimney-pots . This shade fell across the piece of gutter they had to replace. But the shade kept moving,they had to adjust the blanket,and not much progress was made. At last some of the heat left the roof,and they worked fast,making up for lost time. First Stanley,then Tom,made a trip to the end

11、of the roof to see the woman. “Shes on her back,” Stanley said,adding a jest which made Tom snicker ,and the older man smile tolerantly. Toms report was that she hadnt moved,but it was a lie. He wanted to keep what he had seen to himself:he had caught her in the act of rolling down the little red pa

12、nts over her hips,till they were no more than a small triangle. She was on her back,fully visible,glistening with oil. Next morning,as soon as they came up,they went to look. She was already there,face down,arms spread out,naked except for the little red pants. She had turned brown in the night. Yes

13、terday she was a scarlet-and-white woman,today she was a brown woman. Stanley let out a whistle. She lifted her head,startled,as if shed been asleep,and looked straight over at them. The sun was in her eyes,she blinked and stared,then she dropped her head again. At this gesture of indifference,they

14、all three,Stanley,Tom and old Harry,let out whistles and yells. Harry was doing it in parody of the younger men,making fun of them,but he was also angry. They were all angry because of her utter indifference to the three men watching her. “Bitch,” said Stanley.“She should ask us over,” said Tom,snic

15、kering.Harry recovered himself and reminded Stanley:“If shes married,her old man wouldnt like that.”“Christ,” said Stanley virtuously,“if my wife lay about like that,for everyone to see,Id soon stop her.”Harry said,smiling:“How do you know,perhaps shes sunning herself at this very moment” “Not a cha

16、nce,not on our roof.” The safety of his wife put Stanley into a good humor,and they went to work. But today it was hotter than yesterday;and several times one or the other suggested they should tell Matthew,the foreman , and ask to leave the roof until the heat wave was over. But they didnt. There w

17、as work to be done in the basement of the big block of flats,but up here they felt free,on a different level from ordinary humanity shut in the streets or the buildings. A lot more people came out on to the roofs that day,for an hour at midday. Some married couples sat side by side in deck chairs,th

18、e womens legs stockingless and scarlet,the men in vests with reddening shoulders. The woman stayed on her blanket,turning herself over and over. She ignored them,no matter what they did. When Harry went off to fetch more screws,Stanley said:“Come on.” Her roof belonged to a different system of roofs

19、,separated from theirs at one point by about twenty feet. It meant a scrambling climb from one level to another,edging along parapets, clinging to chimneys,while their big boots slipped and hered slithered ,but at last they stood on a small square projecting roof looking straight down at her,close.

20、She sat smoking,reading a book. Tom thought she looked like a poster,or a magazine cover,with the blue sky behind her and her legs stretched out. Behind her a great crane at work on a new building in Oxford Street swung its black arm across roofs in a great arc. Tom imagined himself at work on the c

21、rane,adjusting the arm to swing over and pick her up and swing her back across the sky to drop her near him. They whistled. She looked up at them,cool and remote,then went on reading. Again,they were furious. Or,rather,Stanley was. His sun-heated face was screwed into a rage as he whistled again and

22、 again,trying to make her look up. Young Tom stopped whistling. He stood beside Stanley,excited,grinning;but he felt as if he were saying to the woman:Dont associate me with him,for his grin was apologetic. Last night he had thought of the unknown woman before he slept,and she had been tender with h

23、im. This tenderness he was remembering as he shifted his feet by the jeering,whistling Stanley,and watched the indifferent,healthy brown woman a few feet off,with the gap that plunged to the street between them. Tom thought it was romantic,it was like being high on two hilltops. But there was a shou

24、t from Harry,and they clambered back. Stanleys face was hard,really angry. The boy kept looking at him and wondered why he hated the woman so much,for by now he loved her.They played their little games with the blanket,trying to trap shade to work under;but again it was not until nearly four that th

25、ey could work seriously,and they were exhausted,all three of them. They were grumbling about the weather by now. Stanley was in a thoroughly bad humor. When they made their routine trip to see the woman before they packed up for the day,she was apparently asleep,face down,her back all naked save for

26、 the scarlet triangle on her buttocks. “Ive got a good mind to report her to the police,” said Stanley,and Harry said:“Whats eating you What harms she doing” “I tell you,if she was my wife!”“But she isnt,is she” Tom knew that Harry,like himself,was uneasy at Stanleys reaction. He was normally a shar

27、p young man,quick at his work,making a lot of jokes,good company.“Perhaps it will be cooler tomorrow,” said Harry. “But it wasnt;it was hotter,if anything,and the weather forecast said the good weather would last. As soon as they were on the roof,Harry went over to see if the woman was there,and Tom

28、 knew it was to prevent Stanley going,to put off his bad humor. Harry had grownup children,a boy the same age as Tom,and the youth trusted and looked up to him.Harry came back and said:“Shes not there.” “I bet her old man has put his foot down ,” said Stanley,and Harry and Tom caught each others eye

29、s and smiled behind the young married mans back.Harry suggested they should get permission to work in the basement,and they did,that day. But before packing up Stanley said:“Lets have a breath of fresh air.” Again Harry and Tom smiled at each other as they followed Stanley up to the roof,Tom in the

30、devout conviction that he was there to protect the woman from Stanley. It was about five-thirty,and a calm,full sunlight lay over the roofs. The great crane still swung its black arm from Oxford Street to above their heads. She was not there. Then there was a flutter of white from behind a parapet,a

31、nd she stood up,in a belted,white dressing-gown. She had been there all day,probably,but on a different patch of roof,to hide from them. Stanley did not whistle;he said nothing,but watched the woman bend to collect papers,books,cigarettes,then fold the blanket over her arm. Tom was thinking:If they

32、werent here,Id go over and say . what But he knew from his nightly dreams of her that she was kind and friendly. Perhaps she would ask him down to her flat Perhaps . He stood watching her disappear down the skylight. As she went,Stanley let out a shrill derisive yell;she started,and it seemed as if

33、she nearly fell. She clutched to save herself,they could hear things falling. She looked straight at them,angry. Harry said,facetiously :“Better be careful on those slippery ladders,love.” Tom knew he said it to save her from Stanley,but she could not know it. She vanished,frowning. Tom was full of a secret delight,be

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