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1、leave扩充知识用法讲解修改版【关于left的原形动词leave扩充知识用法讲解】【1】主语+leaveIts time for us toleave. 我们现在该走了。She apologized andleft. 她表示了歉意就走了。When we got there the train hadleft. 我们到那儿时,火车已经开走了。【2】主语+leave+名词/代词Our shipleavesport tonight. 我们的船今晚出港。For how long can weleavethe steamer at the next port? 船在下个港口停泊时,我们可以离船多久?T

2、his is the first glass of whisky I have had since IleftParis. 这是我离开巴黎以来喝的第一杯威士忌。【3】主语+leave+间接宾语+直接宾语Helefthis sister 300 pounds. 他给妹妹留下300英镑。We havelefthim enough food. 我们给他留下了足够的食物。His fatherlefthim nothing when he died. 他父亲去世时什么也没有给他留下。In his will, my uncle hasleftme all his property. 我的叔父在遗嘱里已把他

3、的全部财产留给了我。Leavehim the book before you go. 你走之前把这本书交给他。主语+be ed+主语补足语+其它She waslefta big fortune by her husband. 她丈夫给她留下一大笔遗产。【4】主语+leave+直接宾语+to+间接宾语This letter needs answering. Can Ileaveit to you? 这封信需要答复,这事交给你办,好吗?Leavehim to his father, hell deal with him. 让他父亲去收拾他吧!Heleftthe dictionary to me.

4、他把那本词典给了我。I dont likeleavingimportant decisions to inexperienced people. 我不喜欢把重大决策问题留给没有经验的人去处理。直接宾语+谓语+be+to+间接宾语The catering can beleftto mother. 伙食的事可以交给母亲去办。【5】主语+leave+直接宾语+for+间接宾语The postmanlefta letter for you. 邮递员给你留下一封信。Ill make sure toleaveword for you as to where you can find me. 我保证给你留个

5、信,告诉你去哪儿找我。Heleavesall the worst jobs for me. 他把最难干的活都留给了我。We canleavethe difficult jobs for the chairman to do. 我们可以把困难的工作留给主席去做。主语+谓语be ed for sbA parcel has beenleftfor you at the desk. 有人在服务台给你留下个包裹。【6】主语+leave+宾语+宾语补足语(形容词复合宾语)He said he hadleftthe door open on purpose. 他说他是有意让门开着的。We canleavei

6、t open for the moment. 这事我们可暂时不作结论。As to your wish to have an extra secretary , letsleaveit open until the next fiscal year. 你希望增补一名秘书的事,到下一财政年度再定。His illness haslefthim very weak. 他的病使他身体很虚弱。The famine in 1933leftpeasants helpless.1933 年的那次饥荒使农民陷于毫无办法的境地。His long and dull speechleftall of us cold.

7、他的那场既长又乏味的讲演引不起我们的兴趣。Thatllleavethe whole morning free, wont it? 这样,我们整个上午就有空了,是吧?This willleavethe joints free to move. 这样就可以使关节自由活动。The absence of the directorlefthim the chief of the office. 处长不在,他成了处里的头头。主语+谓语be ed+主语补足语I wasleftan orphan at the age of eight. 我8岁时就成为孤儿了。He wasleftrich by his fat

8、her. 他父亲死时留给他大宗的财产。That firm is looking for a new accountant. At present, the salary they will offer has beenleftopen. 那家公司正在物色一位新的会计,工资多少尚未确定。【7】主语+形式宾语+wh-从句Theyleftit undecided who was to be the chief. 谁当主任还没有定下来。【8】主语+leave+宾语+宾语补足语(不定式复合宾语)Leavehim to do it himself. 让他自个儿去做。We mustleavethe chil

9、dren to settle their affairs themselves. 我们必须让孩子自己解决自己的事情。Illleaveyou to settle all the business. 我让你去处理所有事务。Her parentslefther to choose her own friends. 她父母让她自己去选择朋友。You mustleaveme to decide what course to follow. 何去何从你得让我来决定。Wellleaveyou to negotiate with them. 我们委托你去与他们谈判。How could Ileavehim to

10、 suffer in a strange family? 我怎么忍心让他到一家陌生人家去受苦呢?主语+be left to do sthShe wasleftto organize the party herself. 她只得自己亲自动手组织这次晚会。【9】主语+leave+宾语+宾语补足语(现在分词复合宾语)Heleftme waiting outside in the rain. 他让我站在雨里等候。Why did youleavethe guests standing there? 你为什么让客人站在那儿?They walked off andleftme sitting there a

11、ll by myself. 他们走了,让我孤零零一个人坐在那里。She alwaysleavesthe light burning all night long. 她常常让灯整夜地亮着。Our roaring gunsleftthe enemy trembling with fear. 我们的隆隆炮声使敌人胆战心惊。【10】主语+leave+宾语+宾语补足语(过去分词复合宾语)They could notleavethe city unguarded. 他们不能让这座城市不设防。Im sorry Iveleftsome of your questions unanswered. 很抱歉,你的一

12、些问题我没有回答。But a days talkleftthem still divided on some issues. 讨论了一天,但在有些问题上,他们的意见还有分歧。【11】主语+leave+宾语+过去分词化形容词作后置定语I felt I had little energyleft. 我感到一点劲都没有了。There is nothingleftin the box. 盒子里什么东西也没剩。【12】主语+谓语+leave作为名词用法She asked for a daysleave. 她要求请1天假。John had a weeks sickleave. 约翰请了一个星期的病假。Hi

13、sleaveis up tomorrow. 他的假从明天开始。They are given twoleaveseach year. 他们每年有两次假期。I dont know if you can getleavefor that long time. 我不知道你能否获得那么长时间的假期。My brother, who is in the army, is home onleave. 我在陆军里的弟弟现在在家休假。Im in command of the regiment while the colonels onleave. 上校休假时,我指挥这个团。The boy was happy to

14、 haveleaveto be away from school. 男孩很高兴被批准离开学校。Have you gotleaveto go with us? 你得到批准和我们一块去了吗?Who gave youleaveto do that? 谁准许你那样做的?He askedleaveof the landlord to use his telephone. 他请求房东允许他使用电话。You have myleaveto stay away from the office tomorrow. 我允许你明天不来上班。May I have yourleaveto photograph the p

15、lace? 您能允许我在此拍照吗?We got theleaveto visit the military base. 我们得到允许参观军事基地。I haveleaveto do what I like. 我得到同意做我喜欢做的事。In case you give meleave,Ill start at once. 如果你同意,我马上就出发。Id like to read the letter by yourleave. 如果你同意,我想看看这封信。He took the book without myleave. 他没有得到我的同意就把书拿走了。【13】leave sth about (1

16、)乱丢/乱放某物He is apt to leave things about.他总喜欢把东西到处乱放。She told her child not to leave his toys about .她叫孩子不要乱丢玩具(2) 把随便乱放Dont leave your things about. 别把东西到处乱扔。He is always leaving his toys about. 他老是把玩具随便乱扔。【14】leave sth aside搁置/不考虑某物/某事Lets leave the matter aside for a moment.我们把这件事搁一会儿再说。【15】leave

17、sth behind(1)忘带/留下/丢弃 某事Dont leave me behind. 不要把我忘了。He left his wife and children behind. 他抛下了妻子儿女。The invaders were forced to flee, leaving behind their corpses and weapons. 侵略者被迫逃窜,留下许多尸体和武器。I think Ill leave my heavy coat behind,I shall not need it on holiday I hope ! 我打算把厚大衣留下,想来在度假时不需要穿它。主语+谓语

18、+be+left behindThe luggage has been left behind. 忘了带行李。In their withdrawal, much of the heavy equipment had to be left behind. 在撤退时,他们不得不丢弃许多重型装备。(2)使某人落后;把某人丢在后面 leave sb/sth behindThe young athlete soon left the others far behind. 那位年轻运动员很快就把其他选手抛在后面。The thousands of revolutionary martyrs who laid

19、 down their lives for the sake of the people have left behind a lasting memory. 成千上万为人民利益而献身的革命先烈将永远活在人民心中。主语+谓语+be left behindHe was left behind in the race. 他赛跑时落在后面。If you dont study hard, youll be left behind. 你要是不努力学习,就会落在别人后面。【16】leave for +地点名词(1)出发去(某地) 去某地/前往某地Were leaving for Rome next wee

20、k.我们下星期要到罗马去。The newly married couple are leaving for their honeymoon.这对新婚夫妇将动身外出度蜜月。(2)leave A for B 离开A地方前往B地方She left Beijing for New York last year.她去年离开北京去了纽约。Before leaving Guangzhou for Hong Kong, the foreign guest came with her sons and daughters to thank the hotel assistants.在离开广州去香港之前,那个外宾

21、带着儿子和女儿来向旅馆服务员表示感谢。(3)离开(某人)以同(他人)生活在一起;离开(某职位)以寻求leave sb/sth for sb/sthHe left his wife for a worthless actress.他离开了妻子,同一位不值一提的女演员生活在一起。The director is thinking of leaving the firm for a better position elsewhere.经理正在考虑离开这个公司,到其他地方找个更好的职位。He left medicine for the law.他离开医学界而转入法学界。【17】leave sb hold

22、ing the bag/sack让某人背黑锅 lThey all ran off and left me holding the bag.他们全都逃了,留下我一个人背黑锅。【18】leave sth in 让留下 They have left those words in after all.他们毕竟还是保留了那些话。The editor finally agreed to leave the paragraph in.编辑最后同意把那一段保留下来。【19】leave it at that 行了,够了,到此为止 I think Ive given you a strong enough war

23、ning;well leave it at that for the moment. 我想我给你的警告也够厉害的了,现在暂时就不说了。Lets leave it at that;weve worked hard enough today. 我们就到这儿吧,今天也够辛苦的了。【20】leave nothing/much to be done (1)leave nothing to be done十分完美/令人满意 The work leaves nothing to be desired. 这项工作十分完美。(2)leave much to be done 不十分完美/不令人满意 What we

24、ve done still leaves much to be desired. 我们的工作还有很多不足之处。This hotel leaves much to be desired. 这个旅馆不能令人满意【21】leave off (1)停止(做)某事,戒掉某事 Has the rain left off yet?雨停了吗?Lets leave off here for lunch.吃饭了,就到此为止吧。I think we should leave off now and have some coffee.我想现在我们该休息一下,喝点咖啡了。(2)leave sth off 脱掉某物Do

25、not leave off your overcoat, it is cold.不要脱大衣,天气很冷。We left off work earlier than usual today.今天,我们比平时下班早。用于 be ed 结构Cooling pumps were left off for more than an hour.冷却泵关了一个多小时。(3)leave off v-ing停止一直那样做某事Leave off doing that, will you?别那样干了,好吗?Please leave off biting your nails.请不要再咬指甲。Leave off tea

26、sing that boy.不要再逗那个男孩了。Leave off interrupting me whenever Im talking!无论我什么时候说话,不要打断我!It is time to leave off talking and to start acting.现在该停止讨论,开始行动了。They leave off quarrelling to sleep.他们停止了争吵,然后就去睡觉了。【22】leave on (1)让留在原处 Leave the cloth on,I want to lay the table for supper. 不要取下台布,我要摆桌子吃晚饭了。(2

27、)让(火)燃着,让开着 allow to remain alight;be burningDont leave the light on when you go out. 出去时,请关灯。I wish you wouldnt leave the air-conditioner on when you go out. 希望你出去时,别让空调开着。【23】leave out遗漏,省略,删去;未顾及,忽略某物In copying this document, be careful not to leave out any word.抄写这份文件时,当心不要漏掉任何词。I notice that th

28、e advertisement leaves out the price of the product.我注意到广告没有提到产品的价格。If you leave your bicycle out at night, itll soon have trouble with rust.如果你晚上把自行车放在外面,车很快就会生锈的。用于 be ed 结构Not a comma was left out.一个逗号也没漏掉。Nothing of value is left out.没有删掉任何有价值的东西。Nobody speaks to him;he is always left out.没人跟他讲话

29、,他总是被冷落。Please complete this cheque properly;the date has been left out.请把这张支票好好填写完整,你把日期漏填了。【24】leave sth over 留下/剩下某物(1)留下/剩下/剩余某物 No food has been left over after the meal. 饭后没有剩下什么。(2)延后/推迟;(暂时搁置)留待以后处理某物/某事postpone;leave to be dealt with at a later dateLets leave the meeting over till next mont

30、h. 我们把会议推迟到下月吧。Well leave the meat over for tomorrow. 我们要把肉留到明天吃。 用于 be ed 结构That matter can be left over until the committee meets next month. 此事可延至下周委员会开会时再进行处理。He thought the matter might be left over for the present. 他认为这事眼下也许会缓一缓。【25】leave sth up to sb 把某事交由某人处理Leave it up to me,Ill see to it.留给我吧,我会负责的。用于 be ed 结构At some colleges, the amount of work you wi

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