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1、仲伟合英语口译教程1第二部分练习篇Exercise One Listen to the following texts and then reproduce in the same language at the end of each segment: Text 1.1 Mr Governor, Ladies and Gentlemen, It is my great pleasure to be invited to attend the Guangdong Governors International Advisory Council Meeting./ I would like to

2、 take this opportunity to highlight our report to the Governor and share with you our view on the role of telecommunications and information infrastructure (ICT) in the economic development./ International experience suggests that Information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure and ser

3、vices can have a substantial impact on the competitiveness of firms, nations, and regions. The most important impact of ICT does not come from manufacturing ICT goods, but from investing in and using ICT infrastructure and services./ According to the ITU, global telecommunications services sales rea

4、ched US$ 1.1 trillion in 2002, more than three times the value of telecommunications equipment sales of US$335 billion. The value created by use of telecommunications services is estimated to be far higher than the total services revenue. Thus investment in ICT infrastructure creates value many time

5、s that of the investment itself. / Firm level studies show that ICT investments help firms gain competitiveness through improved efficiency, reduced inventories, better designs, and faster rates of innovation. ICT allows firms to increase the efficiency of their business processes by decreasing proc

6、urement and transaction costs, improving accounting and control, enhancing management systems, and streamlining their supply chains./ Several studies also indicate that ICT is a key driver of productivity and growth. There are several distinctive features of ICT that make them particularly important

7、 to national and regional economies, which include the pervasive and cross-cutting nature of ICT, the low or declining marginal costs of using the technologies, the ability to foster efficiency gains through streamlining supply chains, the facilitation of the creation of entirely new business models

8、 and industries, and the global nature of ICT./ All of these characteristics imply that ICT can have an important impact on competitiveness and economic development./ Text 1.2 主席先生: 我很高兴参加2001国际投资论坛。我愿意借此机会,向大家介绍一下中国加入WTO 谈判和对外开放的有关情况。/ 15 年“复关”和加入WTO 的马拉松谈判到今天应该说已经到了最后阶段。继1999 年11 月中美达成双边协议,2000 年5

9、 月中欧达成双边协议后,中国加入WTO 进程加快,截止2000 年9 月,除墨西哥外,双边谈判已经基本结束。墨方曾多次表示即使不能达成协议, 也不会影响中国加入WTO 的进程。/ 自2000 年6、7 月起,我国加入WTO 转入多边谈判,中国与WTO 成员就中国加入WTO 的多边法律文件(包括议定书及附件和工作组报告书)进行了磋商,谈判取得了重要进展。/ 今年6 月初上海APEC 贸易部长会议期间,我部石广生部长与美国贸易代表佐立克就我国加入WTO 多边谈判的主要遗留问题进行了磋商,并达成了全面共识。接着,石部长又率团赴欧盟与欧盟贸易委员拉米就中国加入WTO 的有关问题进行了建设性的磋商,也达

10、成了全面共识,从而为中国在年内加入WTO 创造了重要条件。/ 今年6 月和7 月分别召开的WTO 第16、17 次工作组通过了我加入WTO 的议定书草案和工作组报告书草案的最后案文,下周将举行WTO 工作组第18 次会议,宣布WTO 中国工作组结束工作,将上述文件提交WTO 成员审批后,于11 月送WTO 总理事会或部长级会议通过。/ 女士们,先生们,中国加入WTO,意味着中国参与世界经济的进程正在加快,随着这一进程的加快,将会进一步促进中国与世界各国经济贸易关系的发展。/ 中国实行的改革开放政策是中国参与世界经济的基本条件。中国经济改革的目标是建立社会主义市场经济,这将使中国经济的运行体制与

11、世界经济的运行机制建立在一个共同的基础上,并确保中国参与世界经济的进程不可逆转。中国参与世界经济的进程不仅有利于中国,而且有利于全世界。/ (外经贸部副部长龙永图在2001“国际投资论坛”上的演讲节选) Exercise Two Instruction: Listen to the following texts once, then start interpreting at the end of each segment. Text 2.1 Each of you is a witness to that potential, in what you have learned and ac

12、hieved here, and in your own hopes for the future. Twenty years ago, almost to the day, President Ronald Reagan spoke at this university and expressed the essence of economic and political freedom. / It is based, he said, on a belief in the dignity of each man, woman, and child. Free institutions, h

13、e said, reflect, in appreciation of the special genius of each individual, and of his special right to make his own decisions and lead his own life./ 诸位在这里学业有成,诸位对未来充满憧憬,在座的每一位都是这种潜力的见证。几乎在整整二十年前,里根总统曾到贵校发表演讲,道出了经济和政治自由的真谛,他说,自由的根基在于坚持男女老幼都具有尊严的信念。他还说,自由的制度反映了尊重每一个人特有的聪明才智,尊重每一个人拥有自主自决、自由自在生活的特定权利。

14、Compared to President Nixons, or even President Reagans day, many Chinese citizens are now freer to make their own ways in life to choose careers, to acquire property, and to travel. And across this land are many millions of young people just like you, with their own abilities and their own expectat

15、ions of a better life for themselves, their families and their country./ 与尼克松总统访华甚至里根总统访华的时期相比,如今大量中国公民获得了更多的自由,正在开拓自己的生活道路。他们可以选择职业,购置产业和外出旅行。全中国各地有许许多多与诸位一样的年轻人,他们依靠自己的能力,殷切希望他们自己和自己的家人生活蒸蒸日上,期盼国家繁荣昌盛。 On the path of reform that began a quarter-century ago, the Chinese people have make great strid

16、es. Over the past twenty-five years, Chinas rapid and sustained economic growth has lifted the living standards of many citizens and raised China into the ranks of the worlds largest economies./You have reduced poverty, and in recent years, have consistently reported high economic growth rates. This

17、 dramatic economic progress shows what is possible when governments leave more decision-making power in the hands of private enterprises and individuals above all, it is a tribute to the Chinese citizens whose talents and daily efforts are making this a vibrant modern economy. / 在始于25 年前的改革道路上,中国人民取

18、得了长足的进展。25 年来,中国经济持续快速增长,提高了许多公民的生活水平,使中国跻身于世界最大经济体的行列。贵国减少了贫困,近年来始终保持高经济增长率。这种种巨大的经济成就表明,政府允许私营企业和个人享有更多的决策权能带来什么样的变化。归根结底,这是对中国公民的一曲颂歌。正是由于中国公民的聪明才智和日复一日的辛勤劳动,中国现代化经济才能如此生机勃勃。Chinas economic success has also come about through far greater integration into the world economy. In the last two decades

19、, your country has emerged as a major exporter of all kinds of manufactured goods, from heavy machinery, to computers, to toys. / China has gained enormously from access to foreign markets. Its development has also been fed by vast inflows of investment capital over 50 billion dollars last year alon

20、e and by imports of foreign technology, and the ever-increasing quantities of energy and raw materials necessary to sustain growth. /经济取得的成就也是更大程度融入世界经济的结果。过去20 年来,贵国已经成为各类制造业产品的出口大国,从重型机械、电脑到玩具应有尽有。中国产品进入外国市场, 因此获得巨大的利益。中国的发展还因外来投资大量涌入仅去年一年,外来投资已超过五百亿美元及吸收外国技术和获得持续增长所需的源源不绝的能源和原材料供应获得动力。 Chinas pro

21、gress is part of a much wider story. So many of the great nations of Asia began the 20th Century ruled by colonial powers, or by dynasty, or bitterly divided by civil strife. And throughout that century, ideologies of violence and malice took hold in Asia, as they did in Europe, and caused terrible

22、harm and grief. Now the people of Asia are writing a different chapter. Great nations in this region have entered the 21st Century as independent peoples, growing in prosperity and individual freedom. / 中国取得的成就已成为在更大范围内取得进展的组成部份。在进入二十世纪之时,亚洲许多伟大的国家或者处于列强的殖民统治之下,或者仍实行王朝制度,或者因国内冲突而四分五裂。整个二十世纪,主张暴力和仇恨的

23、思潮在亚洲和欧洲泛滥,造成了极大的伤害和痛苦。如今,亚洲人民正谱写截然不同的新篇章,在这个地区,一个个伟大的国家,一批批独立自主的人民跨入二十一世纪,国家日益繁荣昌盛,个人的自由程度也越来越高。 (2004 年4 月15 日,美国副总统Dick Cheney 在复旦大学的演讲,节选) Text 2.2. Party Secretary Zhang, Governor Huang , Ladies and Gentlemen. Good morning. Thank you for inviting BP to contribute once again to the discussions o

24、f the Advisory Board./ 张书记、黄省长,女士们、先生们, 早上好。感谢你们再次邀请BP 公司参加广东省长国际顾问委员会的讨论。It has been a fascinating experience for us to be a part of the extraordinary growth and development of Guangdong over the last few years. This is a province that has become a leader in many respects / 过去数年中,BP 公司成为广东经济超高速增长和超

25、常发展中的部分,对此我们深感荣幸。广东是一个在众多领域都居于领先地位的省份: leading China in a range of industries, from electronics to plastics, watches to footwear; leading the programme of reform and openness to world markets; and leading in economic growth, with the Pearl River Delta being the fastest growing part of the fastest gr

26、owing Province in the fastest growing large economy in the world. / -在从电子到塑胶、从钟表到鞋类的一系列产业中在中国居于领先地位; -在通向世界市场的改革开放进程中,在中国居于领先地位; -在经济增长中居于领先地位,而珠江三角洲是全世界增长最快的大型经济体中、增长最快的省份中、增长最快的部分。 So the question now is this. What next for Guangdong? How can we build on this success? Can we recreate the economic

27、miracle of the last two decades in the years ahead? These questions are addressed in a paper which we are presenting to the Advisory Board today./ 因此,我们今天面临的问题是:广东未来迈向何方?如何才能够继往开来?我们能否再创过去20 年的经济奇迹? We have commissioned the paper from Professor Michael Enright, who is a world authority on competitiv

28、eness, and who has spent seven years studying the economy of the Pearl River Delta./ 在我们今天向顾问委员会提交的报告中,对这些问题进行了探讨。该报告是我们委托米高.恩莱特教授完成的。恩莱特教授是一位研究竞争力的世界级权威人士,过去7 年来,他一直在研究珠江三角洲的经济发展状况。 The report describes Guangdong as an economy that has been completely transformed in a little over two decades, but w

29、here officials, managers and employees are not satisfied to rest on their laurels and where there is a realization that additional work is needed if the Province is to continue its phenomenal growth./ 该报告认为,广东是一个在20 年稍多一点的时间就完成了彻底转型的经济体,然而, 当地的官员、管理人员和雇员们却不满足于已取得的成就,他们认识到,如果广东要继续保持其超常的发展轨迹,就必须付出更多的劳

30、动,必须额外努力。 Two overall messages come through clearly. The first is that some of this additional work needs to be radical in its nature. There comes a point in the growth of any organisation or region when future development cannot be secured simply by more of the same. New approaches, new solutions a

31、nd new thinking are required./ 从总体上看,有两个方面的原则是显而易见的。第一个原则是,这些额外的努力中有一部分必须是根本的变革。广东的发展已经进入一个转折点,在这个关键时刻,任何机构和地区的发展,都不能再机械地依靠“更多的重复过去”来实现。我们需要新的尝试、新的方法和新的思路。 This is the case, for example, when a manufacturing company has reached the limits of its capacity. It has to invest in new plant if it is to co

32、ntinue growing strongly. / This was case for BP a few years ago - our established oil and gas fields had become mature, and we needed to discover new ones in order to maintain strong growth./Similarly for Guangdong Province. The record has been a proud one, but now new engines of growth are needed for the future./ 例如,当一家制造厂达到其生产能力的极限时,就需要投资建设新的厂房,以便维持快速发展。这也是BP 在几年前遇到的情况我们原有的油田和天然气田进入开发后期,因而需要开发新的油气田来维持强劲的增长。广东也是如此。毫无疑问,广东过去的成就是辉煌的,但现在需要为未来的增长寻找新的动力。 The second general message

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