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1、语法教案第一讲 词素、词、名词教学目标:帮助学生认识词素和词以及词的分类,掌握名词的性、数变化。教学步骤:1、词素、词及其分类 2、名词的分类、数、所有格 3、练习一、 词素和词一)词素词素(morpheme)是最小的语法单位,也是最小的语意单位。词素分为两大类:自由词素(free morpheme)和粘附词素(bound morpheme)。1) 自由词素指本身具有完整意义并能做为“简单词”(simple word)而单独使用的词素,比如boy, girl, kind take等都属于这一类。自由词素可以充当词根(root)加上词缀(affix)构成派生词(derivative).另外还可以

2、构成复合词(compound word)例如:bookmark.2) 粘附词素指本身没有完整意义,不能单独使用,而必须黏附在自由词素或其他形式上才能表示出意义的词素。粘附词素的主要功能是在构词上充当词缀。二)词词(word)是比词素高一级的语法单位,由一个或一个以上的词素构成。3) 根据构词法,英语的词可分为简单词,派生词和复合词。a) 简单词,又叫“单词素词”,是由单一自由词素构成,多半是一些短小的词,如at, by, in.b) 派生词,是由词根加派生词缀构成。例如:un-,mis-,pro-c) 复合词,通常由两个或两个以上自由词素构成。如:deadline, handbook, som

3、ething 二、名词一)可数名词和不可数名词1可数名词和不可数名词的区别a) 可数名词有单复数形式,如a book, an eggb) 下列名词常用做不可数名词accommodation, advice, baggage, fun, luck, paper等2、可数名词和不可数名词的相互转化a) 很多蔬菜动物等名词,一般是可数的,但用来表示食品时就转化成不可数名词。例如:They grow their own carrots.Good stew must contain carrot.There are few lambs in the zoo.Would you like some lam

4、b or pork? b)物质名词或抽象名词一般是不可数的,但用来表示具体个别事物时,通常是可数的。例如:Beer ie refreshing in summer.They have two beers.Some rich men live in luxury.A refrigerator is a luxury here.c)物质名词用于表示各种不同品种时,几乎都能用做可数名词。例如:a store sellingmany different teas, various soaps等。应注意某些物质名词或抽象名词用做复数时,词意往往起变化。例如:Light travels faster th

5、an sound.Do you have lights in the corridor?d)当抽象名词前后有修饰语表示某一种或某一方面的抽象概念时,其前可加a, an。例如:There is a certain honesty about this man which forces me to admire him.Geography gives us a knowledge of other countries.二)复合名词2) 复合名词的形式a) 两个名词写做一个名词,中间无连字符,如:headache, newspaper, railwayb) 两个名词写做一个词,中间有连字符,如:mo

6、use-trap, tooth-brushc) 两个名词分开写,如:flower shop, police station, goods train上面三条无一定的规则可循,需要熟记。3) 复合名词的复数a) 以不可数名词结尾的复合名词没有复数形式,如:homework, moonlightb) 以可数名词结尾的复合名词有复数形式,如:bedrooms, bookcasesc) 以man 或woman为前缀的复合名词变复数时,前后两个名词均变成复数,如:woman student-women studentsd) 以可数名词加介词(短语)构成的复合名词,在名词后加s,如:looker-on-l

7、ookers-on, mother-in-law-mothers-in-lawe) 以动词或动词的ed形式加副词构成的复合词,在词尾加s,如:sit-in-sit-ins, stand-by-stand-bys, grown-up-grown-upsf) 一动词ing形式加副词构成的复合名词,在动词ing形式后加s,如:coming-in-coming-ins(收入)三)单位名词单位名词常用来表示不可数名词的个体性,即使之能以“个体”计算,也能与可数名词搭配表示“一双”,“一群”等意义。4) 表示形状的单位名词有:a ball of string, a bar of chocolate, a

8、block of ice, a cake of soap, a drop of water, a grain of sand, seven head of cattle, a loaf of bread, a lump of sugar, a slice of meat等。5) 表示容积,重量的单位名词有:a bag of flour, a basket of fruit, a bottle of wine, a gallon of oil, a quart of milk, a pound of butter,等。6) 表示成双成群的单位名词有:a couple of players, a

9、flock of birds, a pair of shoes, a swarm of bees等。单位名词及其搭配需要结合句子或课文熟记。练习 书后P69,73四)名词复数1)以字母o结尾的名词复数a) 加-es的有:echo, hero, Negro, potato, tomato, torpedo, vetob) 加-s的有:auto, bamboo, dynamo, kilo, memo, photo, piano, radio, shampoo, studio, tango, zooc) 既可加-s又可加-es的有:buffalo, cargo, Eskimo, mosquito,

10、motto, tornado, volcano2)以字母f或fe结尾的名词复数a) 加-s的有:belief, chief, cliff, grief, gulf, handkerchief, roof, proof, safeb) 去掉f或fe加-ves的有:calf, half, knife, leaf, life, loaf, thief, shelf, self, wife, wolfc) 有几个常见名词可以直接在后面去掉f加-ves或直接加s: hoof, scarf, wharf3)单复数形式相同的名词有:deer, means, series, sheep, species4)一

11、些外来词汇的复数需要看见的时候特殊记忆,如:analysisanalyses五)名词属格英语名词有两种属格,s属格和of属格。例如:what is the ships name?What is the name of the ship?1)s属格的使用a) 主要用于表示有生命的名词,如:womens clothes, the horses mouthb) 用于国家机关,社团及一些地理名称,如:the governments property, Europes futurec) 用于船只,飞机,火车等,如:the ships bell, a gliders wingsd) 用于表示时间,距离,价

12、值和重量的名词,如:a moments thoughts, eight hours drive, two dollars worthe) 常用于一些习惯用语当中,如:for heavens sake, at the wits end2)of属格的使用 主要用于表示无生命的名词,如:the wheel of history, the windows of the houses3)双重属格 双重属格用来表示的所有关系是人而不是物。例如:a friend of mine, some sons of Mrs Whites , two plays of Shakespeares 双重属格还常用this,

13、 that, these, those修饰of短语前面的名词,以表示爱憎褒贬等情感。例如:this idea of yours, that dog of Roberts三、练习见书 86、87 页第二讲 形容词和副词教学目标:形容词:形容词的作用、形容词的位置;副词:副词的构成、位置。 教学步骤:1、形容词的构成、形容词-that 从句、形容词的位置。 2、副词的位置、常见副词的用法。 3、练习一、 形容词1) 形容词在句子中的作用:Healthy children are happy children.(定语)We make our children happy.(宾语补语)The pati

14、ent is asleep.(主语补语) 注:以a开头的表示状态的形容词若用作定语,必须后置。如果它前面有修饰它的副词,可以前置。The patient, tired and asleep, came a long way from a factory.The half-asleep patient was taken to the operating room.常见的这类形容词有:ablaze, adrift, alike, alive, alone, ashamed, asleep, awake, aware 2)形容词加that 从句 Im sure hell succeed. We a

15、re aware that there is danger. 3)起形容词作用的名词和名词词组 a)名词用作形容词 stone wall-wall made of stone honey bee-bee producing honey fire brigade-a brigade for fighting fire b)名词词组用作形容词 There wasnt a ghost of chance (a ghostly chance) that Jack would win. They had a hell of a time (a hellish time) in the desert. Y

16、ou will catch your death of cold (a deadly clod).4)形容词的位置 a)单个形容词作定语,一般前置,但也有后置。 Do you know the man clever at painting? Theres something wrong in this sentence. John is the best person available. They have tried all the ways possible. 有几个形容词修饰一个名词时,形容词的次序并无固定的规律,一般的顺序是: 限定词-性质-大小,长度或形状-年龄-颜色-国籍-名词或

17、动词ing形式。 She has a very valuable big gold watch. This is a long brown leather belt. Two brilliant young Chinese engineers live here.二、 副词1) 副词的构成a) 大部分副词由“形容词+-ly构成,如capable-capably, extremeextremely, gay-gaily, slow-slowly, true-truly, whole-wholly等。但是brotherly, friendly, heavenly, likely, lonely,

18、lovely等词虽然有-ly后缀,却不是副词,而是形容词。b) deep, direct, early, enough, far, fast, hard, high, late, low, much, near, pretty, straight, wrong等既是形容词又是副词,但要根据上下文确定其词性,有时词义也不同。 Adj. Adv. an early train The train arrived early. hard work He works hard.a pretty girl The problem is pretty difficult.副词的比较级或最高级常不带-ly.

19、Would you mind walking slower?Lets see who is able to run quickest. 2)副词的位置 几个副词在一起时的次序 程度-状态-地点-时间 They played fairly well there yesterday.注:不能把副词放在动词和宾语之间,如果宾语较长,可以把副词放在动词前。 John earnestly recommended to adopt their method of making the machine. 副词位置不同,有时意义也不一样。 He answered the questions foolishly

20、.他的回答不高明。 He foolishly answered the questions.他真傻,回答了这些问题。3)几个常见副词的意义和用法a)fairly, quite, rather 这几个副词都可用来表示形容词或副词强度的变化。他们表示的程度: fairly最弱,quite较强,rather更强。 The film is fairly/ quite/ rather good. (这部电影还好/ 好/ 很好。) Fairly一般只与褒义连用;rather既可以与褒义连用也可与贬义连用。 Tom is fairly clever, but Peter is rather stupid.

21、不定冠词可以放在rather之前或之后,但只能放在fairly之前,quite之后。 This is rather a silly book. This is fairly interesting lecture. I took quite a long walk this morning. rather 可以用在比较级前,意为a little 或slightly The weather was rather worse than I had expected. too 可用于rather后,不用于fairly, quite, very后。 Jack is rather too sure of

22、 himself. quite 与alone, amazing, exhausted, finished, perfect等词连用时,相当于completely, absolutely. They are quite exhausted. Her Russian is quite perfect.b)hardly和scarcely这两个词都含有否定的意思,可通用。They hardly/ scarcely need your help.c) high, highly; late, lately; most, mostlyThe plane flew high above. (表示位置)This

23、 book is high interesting.(表示程度)He arrived late. (early的反意词)I havent seen him lately. (=recently)Which one do you like most? ( = in the greatest degree)My friends are mostly engineers.(= mainly; chiefly)4) 名词或名词词组起副词作用 The water tower stood miles from the place.(距离) This cloth is thirty six inches w

24、ide. (度量) I dont care a bit what you do with it.(程度) Step this way, please.(方向) He is thirty years old.(年龄) This is twenty five cents above the usual price.(价值) This box weighs five kilogrammes(重量) I am coming next week.(时间) Wait a minutes.(持续时间) I have told you several times.(重复次数) 此外,kind of, sort

25、 of, hand and foot等也都可用作副词。 I kind of admire him.(我有些敬佩他) I was sort of tired.(我有点累了) He was bound hand and foot.(他手脚被捆绑着)三、练习见书P420, P443第三讲 代词、限定词教学目标:使学生了解代词的分类及其用法,冠词的用法、常见的几个限定词的用法教学步骤:1、人称代词的分类及其用法。 2、冠词的用法。 3、常见的几个限定词的用法。 4、练习。一、代词一)人称代词1) 人称代词的主格与宾格we sat in the car.(主语)It was she.(主语补语)The

26、police found her.(动词宾语)The call is for me.(介词宾语)2) 人称代词的次序在连续使用两个以上人称代词时,通常单数you放在第一位,I放在最后;复数we放在第一位,they放在最后。3) 人称代词做同位语The two captains, Lola and I , were to set the date.The group chose two representatives, Tom and me.二)反身代词4) 一般用法Heaven helps those who help themselves.(做直接宾语)Mary asked herself

27、the same question.(做间接宾语)I am not worried about myself.(做介词宾语)Why dont you be yourself?(你为什么不能自然些?做主语补语)5) 强调用法I myself took Mary to the airport. I want to speak to the president himself-and to nobody else.3)常用的反身代词短语a) beside oneself(发狂,情不自禁),all by oneself(单独地,独自地),for oneself(亲自地,独立地),抽象名词加itself

28、=very+形容词三)疑问代词1)who 与whom Who borrowed my tie?(主语) Who is it?(主语补语) Whom did you take to the theatre?(宾语) Whom did you go with?(介词宾语)4) whose, which, what 可以单独使用,也可以和名词放在一起,前者称名词性用法,后者称形容词性用法.例如:Whose is that bike outside?(名词性用法)Whose bike is that?(形容词性用法) What do you like to drink?(名词性用法)What size

29、 do you wear?(形容词性用法)四)不定代词5) one, oneself ,onesOne must take oneself seriously.One is usually over-sensitive about ones own family.在美国英语当中可以用himself herself her his 与前面的one 对应二、限定词限定词用来限定名词所指的范围,如使名词成为泛指、特指或说明数量。限定词包括冠词、不定代词、指示代词、名词或代词所有格、数词与某些形容词性的物主代词。一)、冠词冠词的位置1)在名词词组中,冠词一般放在最前面。例如:the last few

30、days a really good concert2)名词词组里如果有all ,both, exactly, just, many, quite, rather, such, what, 等词,这类词可以放在冠词之前。例如:all the time both the brothers exactly the wrong colour just the right place quite a nice day rather a mess such a funny story3) 和 as, howhowever, so, too连用时,形容词放在冠词之前。例如: He is not so bi

31、g a fool as you think. She is as clever a girl as youre ever likely to meet. This is too heavy a bag for me to carry. How large an armchair did he have?一)、不定冠词 1)aan表示“任何一个(类)”,只能用于单数可数名词前。如:We are having a committee meeting this afternoon.但不可数名词用做可数名词时,前面可以用aan。6) 表示职业,社会地位,宗教,民族和年龄的名词用做补语或同位语时,前面一般要用aan 。例如:When he was a child, he decided to become a racing driver.Hes a lawyer, a bachelor, and

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