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1、英语初二第二学期详解MODULE1五种简单句歌决英语简单句,五种结构型,缩简句子后,结构自分明,表主语状态,即为主系表,主谓关与主谓宾,二者需分清,动作对象人和物,则是间宾加直宾,二宾位置可互换,介词to,for记心间,句子已有主谓宾,宾语再补方完整,宾语加上补足语,二者构成复合宾。1、主语+不及物动词(SV)不及物动词,不能带宾语,但有些要接状语意义才完整。2、主语+系动词+表语(SVP)系动词:be ,look,seem ,become,feel ,get ,turn ,grow,smell,taste ,keep, sound 3、主语及物动词宾语(SVO)4、主语+及物动词+间接宾语+

2、直接宾语(SVOO)直接宾语在前,加for或to连接间接宾语。Give,show ,send,bring ,pass, lend ,leave ,hand ,teel ,return, promise ,refuse,throw 用to ,make ,buy ,do ,get ,play ,order, sing,pay用for .5、主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语(SVOC)there be 句型。tidy up 收拾, fan扇,fan oneself ,给某人自己扇风,fan the flame煽动情绪, a movie fan , 影迷, un反义前缀,tidy-untidy,hap

3、py-unhappy,comfortable-uncomfortableat least至少, 祈使句,肯定以动词原形开头,反问用will you ?/wont you?,否定用Dont +动词原形,反问用will you ?,Lets 用shall we?take up占据,代词放中间 , take away拿走 ,take sth. back,收回某物 take .to 把带到.take off脱 下,起飞 .take place发生 ,take a rest 休息一下, a bit ,a little ,作状语时可互换a bit of =a little,有点儿,修饰名词 on time

4、按时 ,in time及时 , from time to time有时 ,a long time很长时间 , for the first time首次,have a good time ,玩得高兴be/get /become interested in 主语是人,某人对某事产生兴趣指人的不定代词somebody/someone,everybody/everyone ,anybody/anyone,nobody/no one 指物的不定代词,anything,something,everything,nothing play the violin ;弹奏乐器,play +the+乐器, 球类,p

5、lay+球,世上独一无二的加the ,前面出现过的用the ,make+宾语+宾语补足语(使.处于某种状态,地位)make sth.使某人做某事,后接动词不定式作宾语,不要to 的有,一感feel,二听hear,listen to,三让have let make,四看see,look at ,watch ,notice,半帮助help,make sb.sth=make sth for sb.为某人做某事, make money赚钱,make a living谋 生, make trouble引起麻烦,make friends with sb.与某人交朋友, make war 开战,

6、make a fire生火, make a face做鬼脸,make .from用.制成(用被动) make of用.制成(用被动)make fun of 取笑,与开玩笑, make room for 为让地方,make up 编造, make up ones mind 决心,拿定主意,现在完成时:表过去发生或已经完成的某一动作,对现在造成的影响和结果,或持续到现在的动作。常用词语already,yet ,ever ,never,just ,before, for + some time ,since,at the end of 在尽头,在末尾,(时间,位置) by the end of =n

7、ot later thanby the end of 到末为止,+过去时间,用于过去完成时by the end of+现在时间,用于现在完成时, in the end =at last =finally,最后end(动词) up with以结束, come to an end 告终,结束 ,begin with以开头 , sth happen to sb某事发生在某人身上.happen to do sth.碰巧发生某事 take place发生,预料中发生的事,.happen是偶然发生的, be famous for因.而出名,外界客观,be famous as作为.而出名,本身身份 , be

8、 good for 对有益be good at擅长, a collection of.的收藏 ,take an interest in 对某事感兴趣, give an interview,会面,做访谈as a result结果, as a result of 由于,因为,also 也,肯定句中,too也,肯定,句末,逗号 ,either也,否定,句末,逗号, as well也,肯定,句末, be sure确信,相信, in life一生中, all ones life一生,终身 buy sb .sth=buy sth for sb .think about考虑,思考,想起 ,think of想

9、起 think over工,思考book after=take care of =care for,照顾 look over, 检查,查看 ,look for寻找, look up 查找, be popular with,受的欢迎 when , while,as的用法:when可引用可延续性和非延续性,若两分句是非延续性,只用when while引用可延续性,若两分句是可延续性,只用whileas常 用于同时发生的be useful to/for 对.有用, be useful in (for )doing sth,有助于useful 反义词useless ,比较级前加more ,最高级前加m

10、ost ,develop ,名词development ,developing 发展中.developed 发达的,success名词 ,succeed动词, successful形容词 ,successfully副词,failure失败someothers没有范围的“一些”另一些,但不是全体,somethe others某一范围的 “一些.其他”的,表全体,one .another不定数目中的“一个”“另一个”one .the other两者中的“一个,另一个”花费: sb.spend (s) some money on some time on

11、. spend(s)some money (in) buying some time (in) doing some money for sth.cost: sth cost sb. some money/timetake :It takes sb. sometime to do sthIt takes sb .some money to buy sth .Its +adj.+for sb. +to do sth .外界原因,Its +adj. +of sb. +to do sth .人的品质,remember/forget

12、 to do sth.想起/忘记要做某事,remember/forget doing sth.想起/忘记做过某事。 in the way 以这种方式, long ago很久以前,start ,begin当用于进行时,后用to +V原,主语是物时,后用+to V原,such as 像,例如, for example 句首,句中,用逗号隔开,缩写e.g,as well as连接两相同的内容 , come out 出版 ,开放,出现,probably句中,不用于句中,不用于句首, maybe可能性很小,口语,句首perhaps或许句首,句中what do you think of =how do y

13、ou like . show sb .sth =show sth to sb. try to do sth 努力做某事, try doing sth.尝试做某事try ones best 尽某人的最大努力, try out试验 ,try on 试穿 a piece of music一首乐曲,动词后只跟 Ving 的有:finish ,practice ,mind ,feel like ,miss ,kee p,pardon,excuse ,suggest consider,give up ,cant help, need to do sth 需要做某事,主语是人, need doing需要被做

14、某事,主语是物dress sb给某人穿衣 , drss oneself 自己穿衣be/get dressed in=dress in +衣服或颜色 , find out查明,就近原则: not onlybut also ,不仅.而且 eitheror .不是就是,或者.或者neithernor 既不也不,there be 动词以最近的主语为标准 MODULE 2 宾语从句是在动词、介词、动词不定式等后带的从句。引导词展示关:1.宾语从句是陈述句时,常用that引导,that可以省略;2.特殊疑问句改为宾语从句时,由原来的连接代词、副词引导;3.一般疑问句改成的,用连词if或whether引导,

15、两者都有是否的意思,通常可以替换。不能省略。语序应用关:主语在前,谓语动词在后,(带有宾语从的复合句的标点符号,取决于主句的句式,与从句无关。主是陈述句,用句号,主是疑问句,用问号)时态照应关:1.主句是祈使句或主句的谓语动词是一般现在时或将来时,从句不受影响,根据情况选用。2.主句是过去时,从句也一定用过去的时间(一般过去时、过去进行时等)3.从句是客观真理、自然现象等,任何时候都用一般现在时。(以Could you tell me .?/ would you tell me .?开头的不能用过去时态。)否定转移关:当主句的谓语动词是think,believe,guess,suppose等时

16、,主句的主语是又是第一人称,人句表示的否定意义转移到主句,(反问句遵循主是我人用他,主是他就用他。)转换“变脸”关:一些动词:tell,know,ask,show,teach,find(out),forget都可接连接(副)词+不定式(连接副永why除外)也就是疑问词+动词不定式(to)举行会议hold a meeting; 抓住,得到catchhold of ;(不挂断)等一下hold the line ,hold on, 趾高气扬hold one heae high;阻止,抵制hold back; 赞同,赞成hold withif当“是否”讲时引导的是宾语从句,该用将来时就用将来时。E.g

17、 I dont care if doesnt rain.if当“如果”讲时引导的是条件状语从句。主句是一般将来时,从句用一般现在时。 闷热的日子a close day ; 在附近close by;接近于close to , 结束,终止bring to a close;停止,关闭close down hear of/about听说;hear from sb,收到某人的来信; hear sb .out , 听某人把话讲完;hear,see, watch,notich,后跟V-原,表示发生了,后跟V-ing表示正在发生。In加一段时间,常用用将来时will,用how soon 提问。be diffe

18、rent from与.不同; be excited about对.感到兴奋/激动;为什么不做某事呢,做.怎么样?Why dont you do that?=why not do that?提建议:Lets do sth! Shall we/I do sth? What (how) about doing sth?sometime过去或将来某个时候,用于过去时或将来时;some time一段时间表,some times几次几倍, sometimes 有时常用于一般现在时。alone 强调单独的个体,多作表语。 lonely表示感情上的孤独。Laugh at sb.嘲笑某人, laugh ones

19、elf to death笑得要死;Worry sb with sth某事使某人烦恼; worry about sb/sth.担心某人/某事;be worried about=worry about担心的,忧虑的; as usual照常,像平常一样;than usual较平常. a unusual man一个不寻常的人,用冠词“a”pass away去世,磨时间; pass by过去(人)从旁而过;pass through路过,经过,经历,经验; pass on (to)继续前进,传递;touch sb to the heart.触动某人的心弦, be in touch with与.接触;kee

20、p in touch with与.保持联系; get in (into) touch with与.取得联系;lose touch with与.失去联系, touch off触发,激起。It doesnt matter.不要紧; the matter麻烦事;no matter how(what,when ,where.)不管怎样(什么,哪里,何时.)How many 多少,用于可数名词数量提问,后跟名词复数;how much多少,用于不可数名词数量或价格提问,how old 多大,对年龄进行提问;how long多长,多久,对一段时间和物体长度进行提问,how tall多高,对有生命事物高度提问

21、,多指人和树;how often多久,对事物的频率进行提问,如对这些提问often,usually,sometimes,never,always,three times a day,twice a week,once a month等how soon 多快,对将来时的时间状语in+一段时间提问how far多远,对距离进行提问。how high 多高,对无生命事物高度提问,多用于山、建筑物等;be afraid of doing sth.担心,害怕发生某种后果;make friends with sb.和某人交朋友, a piece of advice一条建议a piece of inform

22、ation一条信息; a piece of news一条新闻want to do sth=would like to do sth=feel like doing sth.想要做某事。not.any more=no more不再,表示次数上或程度上不再,not .any longer=no longer不再,表示时间上不再延续。电话常语:Is that sb.(speaking)? This is sb(speaking) Sb speaking/Speaking. May I speak to sb?Hold on ,please. Can I take a meesage,please?W

23、ho is that ?/Who is calling? expect to do sth,预计做某事 so much如此多,on ones way to在某人去.的路上 by the way顺便说一下,in ones way 阻挡, in a(one) way某种程度上,在某点上 ones own某人自己的 , no one 一般不与of连用,动词用单数,指人,但不具体指,常用来回答who/anyone/anybody引导的疑问句。none与of连用,动词可用单复数,具体指什么人或物,用来回答how many +n./how much +n./any +n.引导的疑问句。nothing 掼物

24、,不用于人,动词用单数,用来回答anyting ,what 引导的疑问句。talk to /with sb.与某人交谈, talk about sth.with sb.与某人谈论某事at the moment;此时此刻 make sb do sth.使某人做某事give/take /follow/ask for a piece of advice.Would you like sth? Yes ,please/No ,thanks.Woulld you like to do sth.? Yes,Id like/love to. have fun做某事很愉快 call back回电话;call

25、sb.back 给某人回电话, hold the line请稍等,立刻right now ,at once,right away , 刚才just now.take a message for sb, 为某人捎信, leave a message for sb.为某人留口信。whether.or not是否 welcome to .欢迎来.in fact事实上, a couple of 几个,两个。Be different from与.不同, be the same as .与.一样a pair of 一双,一对,是不能分开的,缺一不可, a couple of ,是同一类事物中相关的两个。

26、Good luck with.祝.顺利。Good luck to sb.表示祝某人幸运; early autumn初秋,late autumn晚秋, junior high school初级中学,far away遥远的, far away from=far from离.远 near to so far到现在为止,与现在完成时连用; turn back折回,往回走;without a word没有说话; get in touch with和.取得联系;keep in touch with和.保持联系 change ones life 改变某人的生活whats the matter with yo

27、u?=whats wrong with you?=whats the trouble with you?believe in sb.信任某人 at first起初;first of all首先,第一; so.that如此.以至于;tooto太而不能 take pride in以自豪in pulic公开地,当众; at that time=at that moment在那时day by day一天天地trun back转身smile at 对微笑, laugh at .sb嘲笑某人play jokes on sb.开某人的玩笑tell jokes 讲笑话if 与whether的用法:在ask,k

28、now,wonder等动词后引导一个宾语从句时,可以互换。1、引导主语从句、表语从句或同位语从句时,只能用whether2、如果其后接动词不定式,则只能用whetherI cant make up my mind whether to go or not .3、用于介词之后时,只能用whether4、与or not 连接时,只用whether而不用if .5、if可引导条件状语从唏,意为“如果”,whether可引导让步状语从句,意为“不管,无论是否”6、even if 和as if 中的if不能换成whetherMODULE3动词不定式与动词的ing形式作宾语1、常见的跟不定式作宾语的动词。

29、一些动词后面常跟不定式作宾语,如want ,agree,decide等。口诀:要想拒绝忘记 want , refuse ,forget需要努力学习 need , try , learn喜欢同意帮助 like, agree, hel希望决定开始 hope ,wish ,decide, begin ,start2、常见的跟动词的ing形式作宾语的动词。 这些词主要有: finish, enjoy, ,practice等。完成 练习 值得忙 finish, practice,be worth ,be busy,继续 习惯 别放弃 keep on ,be used to ,give up 考虑 建议

30、不禁 想 consider, suggest, cant help, feel like,喜欢 思念 要介意 enjoy,miss, mind3、有的动词既可以跟动词不定式,也可以跟动词的ing形式作宾语,但意义差别很大。(1)gorget to do sth. /forget doing sth.forget doing 忘了做过某事forget to do sth 忘记要做某事(2)remember to do sth.记着要做某事 remember doing记着做过某事(3)stop to do sth.停下正在做的事去做另一件事stop doing sth.停止做某事everybod

31、y /everyone每个人,动词用第三人称单数,用于否定句中表示部分否定。thank sb.for sth(doing sth =thanks for/thank you for sth(doing sth)为而向某人表示感谢,后加ing; take sb .around=show sb.around带领某人参观, look out (for)当心;小心 ,look at看 , look like 看起来,look for寻找, look after照顾, look up 查找,向上看, look out of向外面看 ,look forward to盼望,期待 , look over检查,Dont mention it不客气 ,Its my pleasureThats all right ./Youre welcome. /Not a

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