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1、届100天突破新高考3000词一记忆背诵词性转换同步检测打印版2022届100天突破新高考3000词(一)(记忆背诵、词性转换、同步检测和能力提升)Day 1一、记忆背诵1. a (an) ,e(n) art. 一(个、件)2. abandon bndn v. 抛弃,舍弃,放弃 abandon oneself to sth. 沉湎于,放纵(感情) 3. ability blt n. 能力;才能 have the ability to do sth. 有能力做某事 to the best of ones ability 尽最大努力 4. able eb()l a. 能够;有能力的 be able

2、 to do sth. 能够做某事5. abnormal bnm()l a. 反常的,变态的 6. aboard bd prep. 上(船,飞机,火车,汽车等)7. about bat ad. 大约;到处;四处 prep. 关于;在各处;四处 What /How about .? 怎么样? be about to do sth. 正准备做某事8. above bv prep. 在上面 a. 上面的 ad. 在之上 above all 最重要的是 9. abroad brd ad. 到(在)国外 at home and abraod 国内外10. absence bsns n . 不在,缺席 i

3、n/during ones absence 在某人不在时11. absent bsnt a. 缺席,不在 be absent from 缺席12. absolutely bslutli ad. 完全地,全部地,绝对地13. absorb bsb v. 吸收,使全神贯注 be absorbed in 全神贯注于14. abstract bstrkt a./ n. 抽象的(作品)15. abuse bjuz v.(酗酒)滥用,虐待,辱骂 bjus n. 滥用,辱骂,虐待 alcohol /drug abuse 酗酒/吸毒16. academic kdemk a. / n. 学术的,教学的17. a

4、ccent ksnt n. 口音,音调 18. accept ksept vt. 接受 Its generally accepted that 普遍认为19. access kses n. / v. 通道,入径,存取(计算机文件) have/get access to 有/得到的机会(权利)20. accident ksdnt n. 事故,意外的事 by accident 偶然,意外地21. accommodation kmde()n n.住宿,膳宿22. accompany kmpn v. 陪同,陪伴,与同时发生23. according to kd t ad. 按照,根据24. accou

5、nt kant n. 账目;描述 v. 认为是,视为 on account of 由于 take sth. into account 考虑,顾及 account for 占(比例);说明,解释的原因25. accurate kjrt a. 准确的,精确的26. accuse kjuz v. 指责,指控,控告 accuse sb. of (doing) sth. 指控某人做某事27. ache ek vi.& n. 痛,疼痛 28. achieve tiv vt. 达到,取得 29. achievement tivmnt n.成就,成绩,功绩 a sense of achievement 成就感

6、30. acid sd a. 酸的二、词性转换1. able (adj.)有能力的 - ability (n.)能力 - inability (n.) 无力;无能 - disable (vt.)使伤残- disabled (adj.) 残疾的-disability (n.)残疾;伤残 - unable (adj.)未能;无法 - enable (v.) 使能够2. abnormal (adj.) 不正常的;反常的- abnormally (adv.)反常地;不规则地 (反)normal (adj.) 正常的-normally (adv.) 正常地; 通常地;正规地3.absent (adj.)

7、缺席的- absence (n.)缺席 (反)present (adj.)出席的;现在的;在场的 - presence (n.)出席;在场;到场 4.absolute (adj.) 绝对的 - absolutely (adv.)完全地; 绝对地 (反)relative (adj.)相对的;有关系的- relatively (adv).相对地;比较地5. absorb (v.) 吸收,使全神贯注- absorbed (a.) 专心致志的,全神贯注的-absorption (n.) 吸收;专心致志6. academic (adj.)学术的,学业的-academy (n.)学院;学会 - acade

8、mically (adv.)学业上;学术上;理论上7. accept (vt.)接受 - accepted (adj.)公认的;一般所相信的;可接受的-acceptable (adj.)可接受的 - acceptance (n.)接受8. access (n.)(进入的)权利或机会-accessible (adj.)可进入的;可使用的9. accident (n.)事故,意外的事- accidental (adj.) 意外的;偶尔的- accidentally (adv.) 意外地;偶然地10. accommodation (n.)食宿 - accommodate (vt.)容纳(乘客等);向

9、提供住处 11. accomany (v.) 陪伴;伴随 - company (n.) 陪伴;伴侣;公司- companion (n.)同伴;同事;朋友12. account (v.)账目;账户- accountant (n.)会计13. accurate (adj.)准确的;精确的-accuracy (n.)准确;精确-acccurately (adv.) 正确地;精密地 (反)inaccurate (a.) 不精确的;不准确的;有错误的 - inaccuracy (n.) 不精确;不准确14. achieve (vt.) 取得(成就) - achievement (n.)成就;功绩三、同步

10、检测A. 根据所给中文,写出单词的正确形式。1. It is very difficult to get a(n) _ (准确的) answer.2. The captain gave the order to _ (放弃) the ship because it was sinking.3.The plane crashed killing all the 157 passengers aboard who came back from _(国外).4. She spoke English with a Dutch _(口音). But it could be absolutely unde

11、rstood.5. Our trained leaders will _ (陪伴) you and tell you everything you need to know.B. 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。1. I dont consider it good for a peron to be afraid of _ (abuse). 2. The ability _ (smile) is actually something we are born with.3. He is _ honest man and he studies in _ university in

12、 Beijing.4. He is able to run the company very well. His _(able) is beyond me.5. When deeply _ (absorb) in his work, he always forgets all about eating or sleeping. 6. My parents thought it was _ (normal) for a boy to be interested in ballet. 7. I felt a great sense of _ (achieve) when I reached the

13、 top of the mountain.8. It is generally _ (accept) that smoking does harm to our health. 9. I didnt break the vase on purpose. It _(accident) slipped from my hands.10. This device helps make virtual reality a more usable and _ (access) technology. C. 根据中文及所给单词或短语,完成句子。1. Only when you realize the im

14、portance of diligence, _(你才有可能达到目标) . (achieve)2. Students in our school_(有机会使用好的资源) in the library. (have access to)四、能力提升阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的的正确形式。High school plays an important part in the careers and lives of human beings. While at high school, we learn how to prepare for the 1_(pract

15、ice) life and get the abilities to manage the problems of life. Problems are also the best challenges 2_ bring new experiences and knowledge to us.High school for me has proved to be a 3 _ (learn) experience and also a challenge. There are many lessons that I learned. I learned 4_ (much) about mysel

16、f, who my friends are, what kind of help 5_ (offer) to me, and what my strengths and weaknesses are. 6 _ (attend) high school helped build my 7_ (confident) because my classmates supported me, and my teachers taught me how to study for tests, and they 8_ (actual) helped me overcome my fear of math.

17、My classmates were so kind. I used 9 _(attend) study groups for the subjects that I was fond . My classmates would even talk and try to comfort me when I was having personal problems and help me get them 10_.High school is in fact what you make of it, but it is also the time of great change for ever

18、ybody.2022届100天突破新高考3000词(一)(记忆背诵、词性转换、同步检测和能力提升)Day 2一、记忆背诵1. acknowledge knld v. 承认 be acknowldeged as 被认为是 Its generally acknowledged that .普遍认为2. acquirekwa(r) v. 获得,得到 3. acrosskrs prep. 横过,穿过 4. actkt n. 法令,条例 v. (戏)表演, 扮演(角色),演出(戏);行动,做事 act as 担任,充当 act out 把表演出来;将付诸行动6. actionk()n n. 行动 tak

19、e action 采取行动 in action 在活动中;在运转 out of action 失去作用;停止运转 put . in action 使行动起来;使起作用6. activektv a. 积极的,主动的 be active in 在方面很积极 take an active part in 积极参加7. activityktvt n. 活动8. actorkt(r) n. 男演员9. actressktrs n. 女演员10. actuallyktli ad. 实际地;现实地 11. AD n. 公元 12. adapt dpt v. 使适应,适合,改编 adapt to 适应13.

20、adaptation dpte()n n. 适应,改编本14. add d vt. 添加,增加 add to 增加 add up 把加起来 add up to 合计达,结果是15. addict dktd n. 吸毒成瘾的人; 瘾君子 vt. 使沉溺; 使上瘾;使自己沾染(某些恶习) be/get addicted to 沉溺于;对上瘾15. addition d()nn.增加;(算数用语)加 in addition 另外 in addition to 除外17. addressdres n. 地址 18. adjustdst v.调整, 调节, 适应,习惯 adjust . to 调整以适应

21、 adjust oneself to sth. 适应19. administrationdmnstre()n n.管理,行政部门20. admiredma(r) v. 钦佩;羡慕 admire sb. for (doing) sth. 因某事钦佩某人21. admitdmt vt. 承认,准许(入场,入学,入会) be admitted to 准许进入;被录取22. adoptdpt v. 收养,领养;采纳 adopt ones advice 采纳某人的建议23. adored:rbl adj. 可爱的; 讨人喜爱的24. adultdlt n. 成年人 25. advancedv:ns; (

22、US) dvns v. 推进,促进;前进 in advance 提前,事先26. advantagedv:ntd n. 优点;好处 take advantage of 充分利用 have advantage over 胜过;优于 to ones advantage 对某人有利27. adventuredvent(r) n. 冒险;奇遇 28. advertisedvtaz vt. 为做广告 29. advertisementdv:tsmnt n. 广告 30. advicedvas n. 忠告,劝告,建议 accept /take/follow ones advice 听从某人的意见 ask

23、sb. for advice (ask sbs advice) 征求某人的意见二、词性转换1. act (v)表演;行动 - actor (n.)男演员- actress (n.)女演员- action (n.)行动2. active (adj.)积极的; 主动的 - actively (adv.)积极地 - activity (n.)活动3. actual (adj.)实际的 - actually (adv.)实际地4. adapt (v.)适应;改编- adaptable (adj.)可以改编的;能适应的- adaptation (n.)适应;改编5. add (vt.)增加 - addi

24、tion (n.)增加;加法- additional (adj.)附加的;另外的6. addict (vt.)对有瘾;使沉溺,使入迷 (n.)瘾君子- addicted (adj.)上瘾的- addictive (adj.)上瘾的-addiction (n.)上瘾7. adjust (v.)适应; 使适应- adjustable (adj.) 可调节的- adjustment (n.)适应 8. administration (n.)管理- administrator (n.)管理人- administrate (vt.)管理9. admire (v.)钦佩; 羡慕-admirable (ad

25、j.)令人钦佩的-admiration (n.)钦佩; 羡慕10. admit (vt.)承认;准许(入场,入学-admission (n.)许可; 准入- admittedly (adv.) 诚然,不可否认11. adopt (v.)收养;领养;采纳;采用-adopted (adj.)收养的;移居的-adoption (n.)收养;领养;采纳; 采用12. adore (v.)崇拜-adorable (adj.) 可爱的,讨人喜欢的-adoration (n.)崇拜;爱慕13. advance (v.)使前进;增进 -advanced (adj.)高级的14. advantage (n.)优

26、点;长处- disadvantage (n.)缺点;弊端;不利因素15. adventure (n.)冒险- adventurous (adj.)冒险的- adventurist (n.) 冒险主义者16. advertise (vt.)登广告;为做广告- advertisement (n.)广告-advertiser (n.)登广告的人三、同步检测A. 根据所给中文,写出单词的正确形式。1. Spare no effort to _ (获得) knowledge and never get discouraged easily.2. As his best friend, I can mak

27、e _ (精确的) guesses about what he will do or think.3. The government wont even _ (承认) the existence of the problem.4. We got lost on the Metro - it was quite an _(冒险).5. The movie was _ (改编) by Forsyth from his own bestselling novel.B. 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。1. Thanks to the _(advance) technology, w

28、e live in an age of bettered communication. 2. You need money and time; _ addition, you need diligence.3. I dont want the kids getting _ (addict) to stupid TV programs.4. The President agreed, _ (add) that he hoped for a peaceful solution.5. Joe is proud and stubborn, never _ (admit) he is wrong and always looing for someone to blame.6. One _ (advantage) of living in the town is the lack of safe places for children to play.7. They suspected that shed killed him but they could never _(actual) prove that it was her.8. It is an_(admire)book, the first to tell thewholetruthabout thewar.9. I fel

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