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1、高中英语Module3BodyLanguageandNonverbalCommunication模块综合测评外研版必修4模块综合测评(时间:100分钟,满分:120分).阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)AAll of us communicate with one another nonverbally (不使用语言地),as well as with words.Most of the time were not aware that were doing it.We gesture with eyebrows or a hand,meet someone elses eyes

2、 and look away,change positions in a chair.These actions we think are occasional(偶然的)However in recent years researchers have discovered that there is a system to them almost as consistent (一致的)and understandable as language.One important kind of body language is eye behavior.Americans are careful a

3、bout how and when they meet one anothers eye.In our normal conversation,each eye contact lasts only about a second before one or both of us look away.When two Americans look searchingly into each others eyes,they become more intimate.Therefore,we carefully avoid this,except in suitable situations.Re

4、searchers who are studying communication through body movement are not prepared to spell out a precise vocabulary of gestures.When an American rubs his nose,it may mean he is disagreeing with someone or refusing something.But there are other possible interpretations (解释),too.Another example: when a

5、student in conversation with a professor holds the older mans eyes a little longer than it is usual,it can be a sign of respect;it can be a challenge to the professors authority (权威);it can be something else entirely.The researchers look for patterns in the situation,not for a separate meaningful ge

6、sture.Communication between human beings would be just dull if it were all done with words.【语篇解读】 本文通过举例子说明身势语在交流上同语言一样重要。1The main idea of this article is that_.Astudy of communication through body movement is a new scienceBbody movements are as important as words in communicationCall of us communi

7、cate with one anotherDeye behavior is the most important part in body language【解析】根据全文内容尤其是第一段的首句和最后一段可知,我们平时使用语言交流,也进行非语言的交流,如果世界全部用语言交流,那将是很无聊的。因此B项正确。【答案】B2The word “intimate” in Paragraph 2 probably means _.Agreat BcloseCgood Dimportant【解析】一般眼睛接触不超过一秒钟,如果双方都想从对方的眼睛里找到什么,这种眼睛交流要在特定的场合下使用,因此推出他们的关

8、系应该是很亲密(close)了。【答案】B3According to the passage,you make an American person feel uncomfortable,if you _.Ameet his eyesBavoid meeting his eyesCstare into his eyes for one secondDlook into his eyes for a long time【解析】根据第二段的“In our normal conversation,each eye contact lasts only about a second before on

9、e or both of us look away.” 可知B项错误;A项,C项属于正常的,美国人不会不安。超过一秒的目光接触是不正常的,会使他不安。【答案】D4The sentence “The researchers look for patterns in the situation,not for a separate meaningful gesture” means _.Athe researchers explain the meaning of a gesture according to the situation in which it is usedBthe resear

10、chers believe that one gesture has only one meaningCthe researchers think that one gesture can not be used in different situationsDthe researchers look for patterns in textbooks to explain the meaning of a gesture【解析】根据倒数第二段的例子:一个人盯着长辈的眼睛看有几种解释,每种解释都要依据当时的情景来判断。因此该句的意思是:研究人员对于身势语的解释要依据它所使用的语境。【答案】AB

11、If you can speak English,you know a lot of English words.You can read,speak and understand.But there is another kind of language you need to knowthe language of the body,a part of what is called nonverbal communication.All over the world,people “talk” with their eyes.When Japanese people meet,they p

12、ut their hands together.What do Americans and the British do? Americans are more informal than the British.They like to be friendly.They use first names,they ask questions and they talk easily about themselves.When they sit down,they like to relax in their chairs and make themselves comfortable.Brit

13、ish people are more quiet.They take more time to make friends.They like to know you before they ask you home.When British and American people meet someone for the first time,they shake hands.They do not usually shake hands with people they know well.Women sometimes kiss their women friends,and men k

14、iss women friends(on one cheek only)When a man meets a man friend,he just smiles,and says “Hello”Men do not kiss each other.Even fathers and sons do not often kiss each other.【语篇解读】本文从一个侧面说明了不同国家交际语言的差异。5When an American man meets a woman for the first time,he probably_.Akisses her on the cheekBjust

15、 smilesCtalks with his eyesDshakes hands【解析】根据文章最后一段的句子When British and American people meet someone for the first time,they shake hands.They do not usually shake hands with people they know well.可知,美国人和英国人第一次见面时握手,熟悉的人之间才kiss,故选择D项。【答案】D6From this passage we can come to the idea that_.Amost of the

16、body language in different countries may be differentBmost of the body language in different countries is the sameCall the body language in different countries is differentDnone of the body language in different countries is the same【解析】通读全文可以知道,全世界的人都使用the language of the body,但是不同国家的人的习惯有所不同,故选择A项

17、。【答案】A7Which of the following is RIGHT according to the passage? AAmericans and the British share the same body language.BMen and women share the same body language.CBody language is the main part of written language.DBody language is the system of human expression by signs,movements and gestures.【解

18、析】通读全文可知,美国人和英国人、男女之间在使用the language of the body时有所不同,故A、B两项错误;根据文章中的句子All over the world,people “talk” with their eyes.可知,the language of the body不能称为written language,故C项错误。Body language是通过signs,movements and gestures等来进行交流的,故D项正确。【答案】DC 【导学号:98180052】The way that people sit in chairs isnt the same

19、.If youre sitting with arms and legs hanging freely,its probably a sign that youre relaxed and feeling comfortable.If you stay on the edge of the chair with your legs stretched (伸直)before you and your feet crossed,it can signal unconcern.In a country where rules of behavior in court were very strict

20、,a witness sat as described above,with his huge boots placed on top of each other,wearing a big coat and with his arms crossed.The judge said: “Sit up straight and take your coat off,or Ill hold you in contempt(藐视法庭)” The man got his posture straightened out immediately.Someone waiting for a job int

21、erview might be seated on the edge of the chair with his or her feet together.If its a woman shell probably be hugging her handbag.Body tension(紧张)forces your breathing system and makes you sound short of breath.When youre in such a position its easy to lose your head and simply run away if things t

22、ake a turn for the worse.On television its interesting to watch people on quiz shows like “Who wants to be a millionaire”You can notice their understandable tension from the way they hold their hands till their knuckles(指关节)turn white and also from their quickened breathing.We dont believe that you

23、can teach people to control their body language completely;theyll lose control at some point or otherwhen they become too eager or too angry.Take a discussion between politicians,for example.The control is there,even when they get angry but therell be a small muscle by the mouth that is shaking.Chee

24、ks turn red in women who are angry while mens ears often turn red when they are angry.【语篇解读】 本文说明了人们就座时不同姿势所反映出的心理。8In the first example,why did the judge warn the witness?AThe judge was too strict.BThe witness was against the law.CThe judge was only nervous.DThe witness didnt respect the court.【解析】

25、根据文章第二段可知,由于这个目击证人的姿势不端正,给人一种藐视法庭的感觉,因此,法官对此提出警告,促使其改变姿势,故选D项。【答案】D9Which of the following postures show that one is nervous in a job interview?aCrossing ones arms.bSitting with ones feet together.cHugging ones handbag.dSitting straight.Aa,b Bb,cCa,c Db,d【解析】根据文章第三段的叙述可知,一个人在面试时感到紧张会双脚并拢或紧抱手提包,故选B项。

26、【答案】B10On television quiz shows,some peoples knuckles turn white because _.Athey are quickening their breathingBthey are celebrating their successCthey hold their hands too tightlyDthey become more and more nervous【解析】根据文章倒数第二段可知,这些选手的指关节都发白了,那是因为他们太紧张了,以至于手一直紧紧地攥着,故选C项。【答案】C11The last paragraph is

27、mainly to tell us that_.Abody language cant be controlled completelyByour body language may give you awayCanger has different effects on men and womenDpoliticians can completely control their body language【解析】文章最后一段的第一句为主旨句,主要是表达身体语言有时是很难控制的,接着举了政治家演讲的例子进行说明。【答案】ADDo Animals Communicate?When we thin

28、k of communication,we normally think of using wordstalking face to face,writing messages and so on.But in fact we communicate far more in other ways.Our eyes and facial expressions usually tell the truth even when our words do not.Then there are gestures,often unconscious: raising the eyebrows,rubbi

29、ng the nose,raising the shoulders,tapping the fingers,nodding and shaking the head.There is also the even more subtle (微妙的)body language of posture: Are you sitting or standing with arms or legs crossed? Is that person standing with hands in pockets,held in front of the body or hidden behind? Even t

30、he way we dress and the colors we wear communicate things to others.So,do animals communicate? Not in words,although a parrot might be trained to repeat words and phrases which it doesnt understand.But,as we have learnt,there is more to communicate than words.Take dogs for example.They show their te

31、eth to warn,shake their tails to welcome and stand firm,with hair upright,to fight.These signals are surely the equals of the human body language of facial expressions,gestures and posture.Color can be an important means of communication for animals.Many birds and fishes change color,for example,to attract partners during the mating (交配)season.And mating itself is commonly done after a special dance which both partners take part in.Here,again,there are striking similarities to young men and women who dress up to meet partners at parties,where the music is often too loud for word com

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