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1、高中生英语故事演讲稿4篇 高中生英语故事演讲稿4篇高中生英语故事演讲稿篇1 A man was walking along the street when he saw a woman struggling with a large box. It was half in and half out of her car. He was a nice man, so he went up to the woman and said, Let give you a hand with that box, It looks very heavy. That is very kind of you,

2、the woman said. Im having a lot of trouble with it. I think its struck. Together well soon move it. The man said, He got into the back seat of the car and took hold of the other end of the box. He said, And he began to push hard. For a few minutes the man and the woman struggled with the box. Soon t

3、hey were tired. Lets rest for a minutes, the man said, Im sorry, but it is struck. A few minutes later, the man said, lets try again.Are you ready? Both of them took hold of the box again. one, two, three! the man said, and they went on with their struggle. At last, when they were very tired, the ma

4、n said, youre right, It is really struck, I dont think theres any way we can get it out of the car. The woman cried. Im trying to get it in! 高中生英语故事演讲稿篇2 Good morning teachers and fellow students. Today we would like to introduce a few favorite books to you. My favorite book is Heart (Italian: Cuore

5、). This is a diary written by an Italian boy Enrico. The diary is about his life and study. It included various touching stories that happened around Enrico, the mottos taught by his parents, as well as the wonderful ten monthly stories told by his teacher during the class. Every word in the chapter

6、 describes the word love. From patriotism to friendship, and to the love between parents and child - really touching. This novel taught me how to love, and how to learn from love. I really like this book very much. How about you? What is your favorite book? My favorite book is Little princess. Have

7、you read it before? Oh, I havent read this book before. What is it about? Well, it is a story of a rich girl who maintained her noble character after the bankruptcy of her father. The story is happy ending. Can you tell us why you love this book so much? Sure. It is because the story taught us to be

8、 brave and to face the challenges and difficulties with courage. I am deeply impressed by the strength and perseverance of the little princess in the story. I have decided to learn from her from now on. Oh I see, the story sounds very good. I cannot wait to read this book as well. 高中生英语故事演讲稿篇3 There

9、 were three brothers, of whom the eldest was called Jacob, the second Frederick, and the youngest Peter. This youngest brother was made a regular butt of by the other two, and they treated him shamefully. If anything went wrong with their affairs, Peter had to bear the blame and put things right for

10、 them, and he had to endure all this ill-treatment because he was weak and delicate and couldnt defend himself against his stronger brothers. The poor creature had a most trying life of it in every way, and day and night he pondered how he could make it better. One day, when he was in the wood gathe

11、ring sticks and crying bitterly, a little old woman came up to him and asked him what was the matter; and he told her all his troubles. Come, my good youth, said the old dame, when he had finished his tale of woe, isnt the world wide enough? Why dont you set out and try your fortune somewhere else?

12、Peter took her words to heart, and left his fathers house early one morning to try his fortune in the wide world, as the old woman had advised him. But he felt very bitterly parting from the home where he had been born, and where he had at least passed a short but happy childhood, and sitting down o

13、n a hill he gazed once more fondly on his native place. Suddenly the little old woman stood before him, and, tapping him on the shoulder, said, So far good, my boy; but what do you mean to do now? Peter was at a loss what to answer, for so far he had always thought that fortune would drop into his m

14、outh like a ripe cherry. The old woman, who guessed his thoughts, laughed kindly and said, Ill tell you what you must do, for Ive taken a fancy to you, and Im sure you wont forget me when youve made your fortune. Peter promised faithfully he wouldnt, and the old woman continued: This evening at suns

15、et go to yonder pear-tree which you see growing at the cross roads. Underneath it you will find a man lying asleep, and a beautiful large swan will be fastened to the tree close to him. You must be careful not to waken the man, but you must unfasten the swan and take it away with you. You will find

16、that everyone will fall in love with its beautiful plumage, and you must allow anyone who likes to pull out a feather. But as soon as the swan feels as much as a finger on it, it will scream out, and then you must say, Swan, hold fast. Then the hand of the person who has touched the bird will be hel

17、d as in a vice, and nothing will set it free, unless you touch it with this little stick which I will make you a present of. When you have captured a whole lot of people in this way, lead your train straight on with you; you will come to a big town where a Princess lives who has never been known to

18、laugh. If you can only make her laugh your fortune is made; then I beg you wont forget your old friend. Peter promised again that he wouldnt, and at sunset he went to the tree the old woman had mentioned. The man lay there fast asleep, and a large beautiful swan was fastened to the tree beside him b

19、y a red cord. Peter loosed the bird, and led it away with him without disturbing the birds master. He walked on with the swan for some time, and came at last to a building-yard where some men were busily at work. They were all lost in admiration of the birds beautiful plumage, and one forward youth,

20、 who was covered with clay from head to foot, called out, Oh, if Id only one of those feathers how happy I should be! Pull one out then, said Peter kindly, and the youth seized one from the birds tail; instantly the swan screamed, and Peter called out, Swan, hold fast, and do what he could the poor

21、youth couldnt get his hand away. The more he howled the more the others laughed, till a girl who had been washing clothes in the neighbouring stream hurried up to see what was the matter. When she saw the poor boy fastened to the swan she felt so sorry for him that she stretched out her hand to free

22、 him. The bird screamed. Swan, hold fast, called out Peter, and the girl was caught also. When Peter had gone on for a bit with his captives, they met a chimney sweep, who laughed loudly over the extraordinary troop, and asked the girl what she was doing. Oh, dearest John, replied the girl, give me

23、your hand and set me free from this cursed young man. Most certainly I will, if thats all you want, replied the sweep, and gave the girl his hand. The bird screamed. Swan, hold fast, said Peter, and the black man was added to their number. They soon came to a village where a fair was being held. A t

24、ravelling circus was giving a performance, and the clown was just doing his tricks. He opened his eyes wide with amazement when he saw the remarkable trio fastened on to the swans tail. Have you gone raving mad, Blackie? he asked as well as he could for laughing. Its no laughing matter, the sweep re

25、plied. This wench has got so tight hold of me that I feel as if I were glued to her. Do set me free, like a good clown, and Ill do you a good turn some day. Without a moments hesitation the clown grasped the black outstretched hand. The bird screamed. Swan, hold fast, called out Peter, and the clown

26、 became the fourth of the party. Now in the front row of the spectators sat the respected and popular Mayor of the village, who was much put out by what he considered nothing but a foolish trick. So much annoyed was he that he seized the clown by the hand and tried to tear him away, in order to hand

27、 him over to the police. Then the bird screamed, and Peter called out, Swan, hold fast, and the dignified Mayor shared the fate of his predecessors. The Mayoress, a long thin stick of a woman, enraged at the insult done to her husband, seized his free arm and tore at it with all her might, with the

28、only result that she too was forced to swell the procession. After this no one else had any wish to join them. Soon Peter saw the towers of the capital in front of him. Just before entering it, a glittering carriage came out to meet him, in which was seated a young lady as beautiful as the day, but

29、with a very solemn and serious expression. But no sooner had she perceived the motley crowd fastened to the swans tail than she burst into a loud fit of laughter, in which she was joined by all her servants and ladies in waiting. The Princess has laughed at last, they all cried with joy. She stepped

30、 out of her carriage to look more closely at the wonderful sight, and laughed again over the capers the poor captives cut. She ordered her carriage to be turned round and drove slowly back into the town, never taking her eyes off Peter and his procession. When the King heard the news that his daught

31、er had actually laughed, he was more than delighted, and had Peter and his marvellous train brought before him. He laughed himself when he saw them till the tears rolled down his cheeks. My good friend, he said to Peter, do you know what I promised the person who succeeded in making the Princess lau

32、gh? No, I dont, said Peter. Then Ill tell you, answered the King; a thousand gold crowns or a piece of land. Which will you choose? Peter decided in favour of the land. Then he touched the youth, the girl, the sweep, the clown, the Mayor, and the Mayoress with his little stick, and they were all free again, and ran away home as if a fire were burning behind them; and their flight, as you may imagine, gave rise to renewed merriment. Then the Princess felt moved to stroke the swan, at the same time admiring its plumage. The bird screamed. Swan, hold fast, called out Peter, and so he won the P

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