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1、英语播音主持稿英语播音主持稿篇一:英语广播稿 英语广播稿 广播稿一 A: Dear teachers and students, good afternoon. B: 敬爱的教师,亲爱的同窗们,大伙儿下午好。 A: Welcome to English Bar again. B: 欢迎再次来到“英语吧”。 A: Hello,boys and girls,Im,I come from Class,Grade大伙儿好,我是来自于年班的 B:Hi,every one,Im,I come from Class,Grade大伙儿好,我是来自于年班的 A:Good afternoon,B B:Good a

2、fternoon,A A:How are you? B:Fine, thanks. How are you? A: Im fine. Thank you. B: 同窗们,咱们已经学过了许多有关动作的单词,不明白大伙儿是不是还印象深刻呢,此刻让咱们一路温习一下吧! Walk 走 swim 游泳 jump 跳 dance 跳舞 sing 唱歌 catch 抓,接住 run 跑 skip 跳绳 skate 滑冰 skiing 滑雪 (一人读英文单词,一人读出中文译意) A: 温习了那么多动作的单词,我都想起来跑跑跳跳了呢。 B: 说到运动sports ,你都明白哪些体育项目的表达呢?今天的Engli

3、sh Bar 栏目,你就给同窗们绍一些体育项目的表达吧? A: A piece of cake. 小意思. Let me tell you. 让我来告知大伙儿 Race, race 赛跑; diving,diving 跳水;volleyball, volleyball 排球;basketball, basketball 篮球;soccer, soccer 足球;table tennis, table tennis 乒乓球;long jump, long jump 跳远;cycling, cycling 自行车;boxing, boxing 拳击;shooting, shooting 射击;we

4、ightlifting, weightlifting 举重。 B: You are so great! 你真棒!大伙儿都听到了吗?请同窗们再跟我说一遍。Read after me, please. Race, race 赛跑; diving,diving 跳水;volleyball, volleyball 排球;basketball, basketball 篮球;soccer, soccer 足球;table tennis, table tennis 乒乓球;long jump, long jump 跳远;cycling, cycling 自行车;boxing, boxing 拳击;shoot

5、ing, shooting 射击;weightlifting, weightlifting 举重。 A: B, 这么多体育项目,你最喜爱哪个呢? Whats your favorite sport? B: en My favorite sport is table tennis. 我最喜爱的体育运动是乒乓球。你呢?How about you ? A: My favorite sport is long jump. 我最喜爱的体育运动是跳远。To be honest, I am good at long jump. 说实话,我很擅长跳远呢。 B: Really? I like long jump

6、, too. 真的吗?我也喜爱跳远。有时刻咱们来比一比吧! A: Ok. 好啊!同窗们,你们最喜爱的运动是什么呢?Whats your favorite sport? Think about it. 想一想然后告知我吧。 B: How time flies! 时刻过得真快啊! A: Its time to say good-bye. 今天的English Bar 又要和大伙儿说再会了! B: Thank you for listening! 谢谢收听! A: See you next time! 下期见! 本期节目主持人: 特邀播音员: 广播稿二 A: Dear teachers and st

7、udents, good afternoon. B: 敬爱的教师,亲爱的同窗们,大伙儿下午好。 A: Welcome to English Bar again. B: 欢迎再次来到“英语吧”。 A: Hello,boys and girls,Im,I come from Class,Grade大伙儿好,我是来自于年班的 B:Hi,every one,Im,I come from Class,Grade大伙儿好,我是来自于年班的 A:Good afternoon,B B:Good afternoon,A A:How are you? B:Fine, thanks. How are you? A:

8、 Im fine. Thank you. 下面,让咱们进入今天的第一个板块“Say you, say me” 说你说我。B: Hi, - , what do you want to do this weekend? A: We want to have a barbecue. Will you go with us? B: Sure! Barbecue 现在是个时兴的词,约上朋友去户外烧烤野餐,既尝到了美味,又是个放松,谈天的好机遇。那么那个听起来,吃起来都不错的barbecue背后有个如何的故事呢?barbecue 来源于海地语,最初是指由树桩制成的木制平台,是人们当床用的。而barbecu

9、e 最先出此刻英语当中有“床”和“烧烤架”两种意思,到了18世纪才进展成今天的“烤肉”之意。大伙儿是不是越听越有食欲了呢?好了,选择一个风和日丽的周末和你的mom and dad 一路去barbecue 吧!不要忘了叫上我哟! (Music) 此刻大伙儿即将听到的是“Big big world ”, 大世界。这一期我要教大伙儿一个俚语,让咱们一路听听下面那个小对话吧! A: Tom, you look very angry. B: Yes, they think I am a black sheep, but I am a good boy! Sheep 绵羊是性情温顺的动物,通经常使用来比喻

10、仁慈,纯洁的人。一群绵羊中有时会夹杂一只长黑毛的绵羊,因为黑绵羊不如白绵羊值钱,因此black sheep 就比喻为无用之辈,大伙儿明白了吗?black sheep 指人时是“无用之辈”的意思哦,大伙儿必然要记住,万万不要闹出笑话了。 (Music) 接下来是今天的最后一个板块了,和大伙儿一路享受英语真是一件美好的情形,尤其是听听这首charming music, 今天要推荐给大伙儿的魅力音乐是“ Do Re Mi” 这首歌,希望大伙儿喜爱,会唱的同窗一路唱吧! ( Do Re Mi) 同窗们,又到了咱们有奖竞猜的时刻了,今天我要别离给低年级和高年级的同窗提个问题。第一,请一到三年级的同窗们听

11、好了,你们的问题是“You are a black sheep” 是什么意思呢? A. 你是只黑色的绵羊 B. 你真没用。然后是四到五年级的同窗们了,你们的题目是“请写出 black sheep 这句俚语的英文”, 请将答案交到你们的英语教师那吧。 (Music) B: How time flies! 时刻过得真快啊! A: Its time to say good-bye. 今天的English Bar 又要和大伙儿说再会了! B: Thank you for listening! 谢谢收听! A: See you next time! 下期见! 本期节目主持人: 特邀播音员: 广播稿三 A

12、: Dear teachers and students, good afternoon. B: 敬爱的教师,亲爱的同窗们,大伙儿下午好。 A: Welcome to English Bar again. B: 欢迎再次来到“英语吧”。 A: Hello,boys and girls,Im,I come from Class,Grade大伙儿好,我是来自于年班的 B:Hi,every one,Im,I come from Class,Grade大伙儿好,我是来自于年班的 A:Good afternoon,B B:Good afternoon,A A:How are you? B:Just so

13、 so . Thanks. A: You look so sad, what happened?(你看起来很悲伤吗?怎么了?发生什么了?) B: Ill never talk with Jack, he is a stupid guy.(我再也可不能和杰克玩了,他是一个愚蠢的家伙。) A: Why?(什么缘故这么说?) B: Just n(转载于: 小 龙文档 网:英语播音主持稿)ow he called me “a lucky dog”, I am not a dog, he is really a dog, a stupid dog.(适才他说我是一条幸运的狗,我才不是狗,他才是狗,一条愚

14、蠢的狗。) A: Oh, my god, you misunderstand him.(噢,你误解了他。) B: Oh, really? (真的吗?) A: 仍是让我来告知你什么缘故吧? 英美人超级看重狗,以为dog是“忠诚、靠得住”的象征。常常能听到他们赞美dog是mans best friend.他们还经常使用它来比喻人,如a clever dog(伶俐的小孩),a lucky dog(幸运儿)等。乃至,咱们大伙儿都超级熟悉的洋快餐hot dog,也离不开狗。还有很多带dog的谚语还表现了对狗的爱惜。如love me, love my dog, dog does not eat dog.

15、(播放音乐) B: Oh, I see. Many thanks A: Never mind.英语中还有许多俚语呢!比如Face the music乍一听,Face是脸,Music是音乐的意思。面对音乐,似乎是一件美好的情形。若是你这么明白得就大错特错了,在英语中Face the music和享受音乐的那种美好感觉相差十万八千里,它表达是恰正是和享受音乐相反的一种感觉不能不同意承,承担后果。在舞台上,演员常常会由于紧张或怯场而造成忘词等为难的局面。只要音乐一响,演员就没有任何选择的余地,只能去Face the music(必需经受显现的局面)。因此关于演员来讲,音乐响起时,只能“硬着头皮”上了

16、!因此也确实是“不能不经受,不能不面对。” B: Your words remind me of another one English idiom. 你的话让我想起另外一个英语俚语) However, I want to tell you a story firstly. One day, my good friend Peter came over to my home, and we played very happily. Suddenly, I broke my mothers vase. Then Peter told me: “, youll in hot water! (有一天

17、我的好朋友Peter来我家玩,咱们玩得超级高兴,突然,我把我*的花瓶打坏了,然后Peter就对我说:, youll in hot water!”)“In hot water确实是你闯祸了,你将会有麻烦了!若是你的好朋友或同窗犯了一个错误你能够对他说:“Oh, youll in hot water!” A: Yes, I got it.(嗯,我明白了)。Today, we have learned two useful phrases. One is face the music, the other is in the hot water. Can you keep them in mind?

18、 (同窗们,今天咱们学了两个有效的词组,一个是 Face the music, 另外一个是in hot water,你们能记住吗?) B: How time flies! 时刻过得真快啊! A: Its time to say good-bye. 今天的English Bar 又要和大伙儿说再会了! B: Thank you for listening! 谢谢收听! A: See you next time! 下期见! 本期节目主持人: 特邀播音员: 篇二:英文广播稿 happy english欢乐英语广播稿(3) (最好就跟你一名学生主持,还有注明哪句话是你仍是学生读。蓝色字体为更改) w:

19、good morning, everyone. 同窗们, 早上好!欢迎大伙儿收听校园英语广播,im miss li.我是李教师。 how time flies! 时刻过得真快啊,咱们已经开学两个多月了,大伙儿每周都能够享受英 语组的教师们预备的英语广播,are you ready? ok, follow miss ye and enjoy it! 预备 好了吗?和我一路享受吧!在今天节目开始前,咱们来发布一下上礼拜miss li抽出的十位幸运听众得奖名单。以 下读到名字的同窗请于今天早上之内到五年级 生活中,同窗们常常会在不同的地址遇见一些似曾相识的,但又不明白如何用英语来表 达的东西。如:诺

20、基亚电话上的nokia;肯德基的标牌是kentucky;雪碧饮料上的sprite; 福特汽车上的ford等,多成心思。你想明白更多的有关国际品牌的外语原名吗?下面我就给 大伙儿介绍一些生活中常见的国际品牌: 可口可乐 coca cola麦当劳 macdonald 日立 hitachi 菲利浦 philips 本田 honda 丰田 toyota 请同窗们高声跟我念:black tea i like black tea.接着,咱们再来学习第二个关于颜色的用语:blue monday blue monday的blue表示“不高兴的”,monday表示“礼拜一”,不开 心的礼拜一叫做blue mon

21、day。read after me. blue monday 刘子锐,英语是不是很有趣呢? 好,下面是有奖问答的时候了。三、 四年级的同窗听好了,今天咱们学习的”black tea”的中文意思是什么呢? 五、六年级的同窗,你们的问题是“不高兴的礼拜一”怎么表达呢? 同窗们,咱们今天的英语广播节目到那个地址就终止了。记得踊跃参与咱们的有奖问答活动, 并把纸条投入五年级办公室的抽奖箱里。 thank you for listening. 谢谢大伙儿的收听。篇二:english studio 英文广播稿 part3: video cmpilot 采编:吴蔚 播音:吴蔚 林妍均 技术:张菲 监制:林妍

22、均 其他参与人员: b: hi, long time no see, i : ok, b, who do you think is the most received pop male singer in china?b: a ha, of course ,jay chou is, most all of our young people regard him as our super star. i like each song of him, unique melody , profound lyrics and ? a: err, what a real fan you are, so

23、you must know the movie he just taken pictures of recently? b: yeah, i got you. you mean the film . its be a release on feburary 8th, XX in china and ive just seen it in the : what a fun, can you just tell us some introduction to it? a: wow!, sounds very cool, and a typical style of jay. and then, t

24、ell us some more details? b: britt reid is the son of the most famous respected media magnate in los angeles, he goes through his daily life at all kinds of parties, until his father (tom wilkinson) was mysteriously killed, left britt a huge media : what a grand mission!, b, it makes me think of ano

25、ther one movieman, how cool they were, to help the people in bottom, to fight for justice, what a huge encourage it needs to do these, it really very dangerous, you could get hurt easily or may be killed in the waves of guns and bullets anywhere at : yes, but due to this, a man can be called a hero.

26、 so i think thats the spirit of being a hero. a: yeah, thats true. fill with the sense of justice, not be fear of sacrifice and the evil force, willing to challenge himself and all kinds of risks. in a chinese saying that served all for the : definitely, right, seems that you are really admire heros

27、?b: ok, with the excellent wisdom and skills, kato developed a very advanced weapons black beauty (black beauty), a impregnable, restoring ancient car with big firepower. they rode on their mobile fort, with interesting small tools kato developed in their fights against crime. soon, “the green horne

28、t” and kato have earned high reputation for themselves in the city. under the help of the beautifull secretary lenore britt (cameron diaz plays), they began gradually shake the influence of the head of the la mafia, chudnofsky. but chudnofsky has his own plan: for he will strike “the green hornet”,

29、he will win once and for all. a: and ,then the end, what the end? why dont you just stop here? b: a ha, if you watch it, you will : well, you are keeping me dangling., how pretty cliff-hanging i cant wait to watching it. b: it really a nice one that if you like action films. now, i want to say that

30、there are many classic bloody and interesting lines in it. a: oh? lets listen to it. insert 1: lines from chudnofsky “you said that people in suits are not fearful? i dont know how many people have died under a man who wear be honest, i was also frightened your blood casted into mask, red will be the last color to see. insert2 lines from kato and britta: this is my : im not your : well, hes not my person. wrong, the sense is that he is my man. anyhow we are in pure boyfriend of relationship. “lets upholding justice hand in hand.” “i can go toge

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