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1、学校生活的常用句子学校生活的常用句子据360教育集团介绍:课堂常用的句子:课堂常用的句子:Stand up. 起立。Sit down, please. 请坐。Hello, boys and girls(children). 同学们好。Who is on duty today? 今天谁值日?Is everyone present? 大家都出席了吗?Is everybody here? 大家都出席了吗?Is anyone anybody absent? 有人缺席吗?Whos absent? 谁没来?Lets start class.=Its time for class. 上课。Lets begi

2、n our class. 咱们上课吧。Lets review what we learned yesterday. 我们复习一下昨天学过的内容。Lets begin a new lesson.我们开始学新课。Well start(begin) a new lesson today.今天我们讲学习新课。Well learn something new .我们将学习新知识。Lets learn some new words(sentences). 我们学些新单词(句子)。The class, we need to seriously undermine the classroom lectures

3、 and not to discipline. 课堂上我们需要认真听课和不要破坏课堂纪律。Could I have your attention, please? 请注意听讲,好吗?I beg you to pay attention. 我请你们注意听课。Keep your mind on your lessons. 请把注意力集中在你的功课上。Please take notes of the lecture. 请做听课笔记。She was all ears in class. 她全神贯注地听课。Start. 开始。Please take out your books. 请拿出你们的书。Ope

4、n your book and turn it to page 78. 打开书翻到78页。Turn to page4. 翻到第4页。Open the book. Lets go from page 5. 打开书,让我们从第5页开始。Close your books, please. 请把书和上。Now, my class, please close your books and sum up useful expressions in this topic. OK? 现在,全班同学请合上书,归纳总结一下本话题中的有用表达,明白吗。Lets have a dictation. 我们听写吧。Ple

5、ase look at the blackboard. 请看黑板。Look at my mouth, please. 请看我的口型。Look carefully. 仔细看。Listen, please. 请听。Listen carefully, please. 请仔细听。Please listen to me. 请注意听我说。Please listen to the tape recorder. 请听录音。Please listen to the recording. 请听录音。Do you understand? 听懂了吗?Can you follow me? 你能听懂我的话吗?Is tha

6、t clear? 听清楚了吗?Is this right or wrong? 这个是对还是错?Is this correct? 这个正确吗?Who can pronounce this correctly? 谁能发这个音?Please put the book aside and answer my question. 请把书放在一旁,回答我的问题。Please answer the questions without looking at your books. 请回答问题,不要看书。Please answer these ten questions. 请回答以下10个问题。Fill out

7、 answers to the following questions. 请回答下列问题。Please respond to the question. 请回答这个问题。Would you kindly answer my questions? 请回答我的问题好吗?Please answer my questions. 请回答我的问题。Please answer my questions correctly. 请正确地回答我的问题。Please reply to my question. 请回答我的问题。Think carefully before answering my question.

8、 在回答我的问题之前,请仔细考虑。Please think for a moment before answering. 请考虑考虑再回答。Please answer the questions as loud as you can in class. 在课堂上,请尽可能大声地回答问题。Please stand up when I call your name. 我叫到你的名字时请起立。When you want to answer a question in class, please raisehand. 在课堂上,你想回答问题时,请举手。Hands up before you answe

9、r. 回答问题前,请举手。Hands up, anyone who knows the answer. 能回答的举手。Those who can answer the question may raise their hand. 能回答这问题的人请举手。Put up your hands, please. 请举手。Raise your hands, please. 请举手。Put down your hands, please. 请放下手。Hands down, please. 请放下手。The student raised his hand to answer the question. 这

10、名学生举手回答问题。Please listen carefully and see whether his answer is correct. 请仔细地听他回答得对不对。Whats this in English? 这个用英语怎么说?In English, please. 请用英语。Can you spell the word.? 你能拼读这个单词吗?Spell the word., please. 请拼读这个单词。How do you read this word? 你怎么读这个单词?Pardon? I cant hear you clearly. Louder, please. 请原谅,

11、我没能听清你的话请大点声。Put it(them) into Chinese. 把它们译成汉语。Practice the dialogue, please. 请练习这个对话。Pay attention to your spelling(pronunciation). 注意你的拼写(发音)。Read after me, please. 请跟我读。Say after me, please. 请跟我说。Read after me sentence by sentence. 一句一句跟我读。Read after the tape. 跟录音读。Read by yourself. 自己读。Write af

12、ter me, please. 请跟我一起写。Try to keep up with me, please. 请跟我学。Please say it again. 请再说一遍。Please repeat. 请再作一次。Once more, please. 请再作一次。Again please. 请再作一次。In pairs, please. 请两人一组练习。Practice in groups, please. 请按小组练习。In groups, please. 请按小组练习。Stand in line. 站成一排。Ask each other questions. 互相问问题。Please g

13、et your things ready. 请把你的东西准备好。Ready? Are you ready? 准备好了吗?Whos going to . ? 谁准备.?Who wants to.? 谁想要.?Whose turn is it? 该轮到谁了?Any volunteers? 有谁自愿做这件事吗?Now you, please. 请你来。Would you, please? 请你来?Do you want to try it? 你想试一下吗?Can you try? 你能试一下吗?Try, please. 请试一下。Its your turn now! 现在轮到你了!Wait your

14、 turn, please. 请等等,就轮到你了。Dont be afraid. 别害怕。Dont be shy. 别害羞。Please come to the front. 请到前面来。Quickly, please. 请迅速点。Be quick, please. 请迅速点。Hurry. 请快点。Hurry up, please. 请快点。Please a little faster. 请快点。Please to back to your seat. 请回到你的座位上去。Think it over. 仔细想。Think it over and try again.仔细想一下,再试。Who c

15、an help him? 谁能帮助他?Go on, please. 请继续。All together. 大家一起来。Read all together now. 大家一起读。Lets do it. One by one, please. 请一个接一个地做。Next, please. 请下一个。Now ( you) do the same. 现在你做同一个。Is it easy(difficult)? 它容易(难)吗?Lets sing an English song. 让我们唱一首英文歌。Lets act. 让我们表演Lets act the dialogue. 让我们表演对话。Who wou

16、ld like to act out the dialogue? 谁喜欢表演对话?Who wants to be A? 谁想演A?Now tom will be A and I will be B. 现在汤姆演A,我演B。This half of the class will be act A and the other half will be B. 班级这一半扮演A,另一半扮演B。Be quiet, please. 请安静。Dont talk. 不许说话。Stop talking. 不许说话。Right. 对Thats right. 对OK. 对Thats OK. 对Good. 好Very

17、 good. 非常好。Excellent. 优秀。Great. 太好了。Well done. 做得好。Youve done well. 你做得很好。Not bad, but please think one more minute! 你的回答真好,不过,请你再想一想好吗?Thats wrong. 错了。Im sure youll be even better next lesson(next time). 我相信下节课(下次)你会做得更好。Thats all for today. 今天就到这。Time is up. Lets stop here. 时间到了,就到这吧。Stop here. 到此

18、为止。Now stop. 到此为止。Next time well have a dictation(spelling) test. 我们下次将举行听写(拼写)测验。For todays homework. say Hello to each other.今天的作业。互相说:Hello。Well do Exercises 1 and 2. 我们将做练习一和练习二。Do it orally before write it out. 在写之前作口头练习。Write down the word twice. 把这个单词抄写两遍。Do your best. 尽最大努力写好。Try your best.

19、尽最大努力。There goes the bell. 铃声响了。The bell is ringing. 铃声响了。Class is over. 下课了。Ask me if you have questions. 如果你们有问题,就来问我。Please put away your things.请把你的东西收拾好。Please hand in your workbooks. 请把你们的作业交上来。Goodbye. 再见。Bye, See you next time. 下次见。考试和成绩常用的句子:考试前准备常用的对话:Oh, the mid-term exam is coming soon.

20、哦,期中考试快到了。There is one more week left before the exam begins. 离考试时间还有一周多了。Have you prepared well for it? 你准备好了吗?No, I havent begin my preparations. 没有,我还没有开始准备呢。Get down to business if you wouldnt like to flunk out. 如果你想通过考试,就赶紧做正事吧!Youd better review your lessons before the exams. 你最好还是在考试前复习一下你的功课

21、。Thank you for reminding me of the exam. 谢谢你提醒我这次考试的事。I guess Id better start cramming. 我想我应该开始报佛脚了。Lets begin our reviewing. 我们开始复习吧。Ive got an English exam tomorrow, and Im worried. 我明天要参加一个英语考试,我很担心。Im very tired. Last night I stayed up late preparing for finals. And I am worried to death! 我好累。我昨

22、晚熬夜准备期末考试,我快担心死了。I worried about the finals. 我担心期末考试。Which subject? 哪科?All of the subjects. I skipped so many classes. 所有科目。我逃了很多课。Its no use worrying about the exam now. 现在担心考试也没用。Take it easy. Youll definitely pass. 放轻松.你一定会通过考试的.I hope so. By the way, do you know what type of final it is going to

23、 be? 但愿如此.对了.你知道期末考试会怎么考吗?No, Im not sure. 我也不确定。If its all essay questions, Im dead. 如果全是论述题,我就死定了!Why? 为什么?You have to know all the material and present it in the form of a composition. Thats extremely difficult, isnt it? 你必须知道所有相关资料,然后把它们写成一篇文章.那是非常难的,不是吗?What type of test would you prefer, then?

24、 那么你比较喜欢哪一种考试?I hope its an objective test. True-false, multiple-choice, and matching are easier for me. 我希望考客观题,像判断题,选择题或是搭配题,对我来说比较容易。But objective questions can be very tricky. I usually guess a lot of the answers when I take those kinds of tests. 但是客观题有时也不好答,考这类题时,很多答案我通常都是猜的。Yeah, sometimes I d

25、o, too. Everybody does, I think. 是啊,我有时候也是这样,我想每个人都是这样吧。Some people say theres a system. If the first question is A, then the second will be B or C. 有些人说那是有规律的,如果第一题的答案是A,那么第二题的答案会是B或C.Yeah. But what if you guess wrong? Why dont we go to ask our professor about the final? 是啊,要是你猜错了怎么办? 我们何不干脆问问教授期末考

26、试要怎么考?Sure, why not? Lets go. 好啊,为什么不呢? 走吧。Right. We might as well be nervous about something we know, instead of something we dont know. 是啊,与其对未知的事情感到紧张,还不如为我们知道的事情紧张。Dont cram for the test. 别靠前临时抱佛脚了。Last minute cramming doesnt work. 临时抱佛脚没有用。谈考试具体形式常用的对话:Your final exam will be at 9:00 a.m. on Fr

27、iday, December 17th. 期末考试是12月17号星期五早上9点。Where will we take the exam? 在哪里考呢?Im not sure which hall the register will assign to us. During reading period Im sure they will have posted the exam location list. Check then. 我不太清楚教务处安排我们在哪里考,读书期间我相信他们会把考试地点张贴出来.到那时再查一下。How much will the final count in our

28、final grades? 期末考试占总分的多少啊?The final will be 50% of your grade, so it is obviously a key factor. Obviously you want to do well in it. 占一半,所以是关键所在,很显然你们必须考好才行。What format will it be? Multiple choice questions? True false? Essay questions? 考试的形式如何? 选择? 是非? 论述题?It will be a combination. There are three

29、sections. The first part is a series of twenty true of false questions. The second will be ten short answer questions. Finally you will have a choice of three topics to write an essay on. 都有。考试分三部分,第一部分是20道是非题,第二部分是10道简答题,最后一部分有三个主题,从其中选一个来写一篇文章。How long will the test take? Its not a take-home, is i

30、t? 考试时间有多长? 不能拿回去写吧?No, youre not so lucky. You have to finish it in the classroom. 不能,你们运气没有那么好,一定要在教室里写。I suppose its not an open-book exam either? 我想这也不是开卷考试吧?Once again, no such luck. You can only use your pencils to write down whatever knowledge youve been able to store in your minds. 再说一次,没有那么幸运,你们只能用笔把脑袋里记得的知识写出来。考试后常用的对话:How was your exam yesterday? 你

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