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1、级口语考试历年真题整理 内部编号:(YUUT-TBBY-MMUT-URRUY-UOOY-DBUYI-0128)级口语考试历年真题整理2004年5月 IIQuestions about Sense of Responsibility responsible people 1. What kind of people would you like to work with2. What do you think about people who dont keep their promises3. How do you feel about students who are often late

2、for class4. What kind of people would you like to employ if you were the bossSense of Responsibility (for candidates)DiscussionWhether the younger generation today has a strong sense of responsibilityMore Questions1. Do adult children have the responsibility to care for their elderly parents Why or

3、why not2. Do you think its important for students to have a strong responsibility Reasons3. Could you suggest some ways to enhance ones sense of responsibility4. What could you do with an irresponsible employee5. During the discussion, why did you say thatIII. Questions about Social Behavior honesty

4、 1. Do you get along with your roommates2. Do you think people are less honest today than they used to be3. Do you think its always wrong to tell a lie4. Do you think one should always be ready to help others5. Some people say interpersonal relationships are becoming more and more complicated. Whats

5、 your opinionFighting Dishonesty (for candidates)Please comment on the following form of dishonest behavior and give examples to illustrate your point.1. Cheating in exams2. Selling fake commodities3. Taking stimulants, or illegal drugs, for better athletic performance4. Evading or escaping taxesDis

6、cussionThe best way to fight dishonestyMore Questions1. Do you believe in the saying that honesty is the best policy2. Have you ever been cheated by anybody If yes, please tell us about it. If not, how did you avoid being cheated3. Do you believe honesty is important in developing friendships4. What

7、 would you do if your found somebody cheating in exams5. Do you think people will benefit from being dishonest6. During the discussion, why did you say thatIV. Questions about City development urbanization, city construction1. Can you give examples to illustrate the rapid development of cities in Ch

8、ina2. Which city do you like best Why3. Where do you prefer to work, a coastal city or an inland city4. Why does the government encourage young people to work in the western areas of China5. Now many people from rural areas are trying to make a living in cities . What do you think about thatIf You W

9、ere Mayor of a City (for candidates)Please tell us what you would do about the two areas of concern listed on your card if you were mayor of the city.1. Environment Housing2. Employment Public Security3. Education Medical Care4. Welfare for the unemployed Public transportationDiscussionThe qualities

10、 a mayor should haveMore Questions1. If you were given the job of a mayor, would you accept it2. What do you think could be the most difficult problem for a mayor3. What do you think is the best way to solve the problem of unemployment4. Have you ever thought of doing administration work after gradu

11、ation5. What contribution so you think a university student can make to city developmentV. Questions about Education Education1. How did you feel when you first went to school2. How did you like the school you attended3. Do all children in your hometown go to school when they reach school age Why or

12、 why not4. Did you have to pay a lot of extra fees when you went to school Explain.5. Can you say something about your former classmates who failed to get into university6. Have you ever been back to your former school to see your teacherThe Right to Education (for candidates)Describe the pictures a

13、nd talk about the difficulties children in poor areas face in getting an education.1. 学校环境对比2. 上学路途对比3. 考上大学与否对比4. 兄妹上学对比 DiscussionWhy all children should be given equal opportunity to get an educationMore Questions1. Why is education important for the development of our county2. Do you think its a

14、 good idea for parents to send their young children abroad to study3. Why do you think some parents like to send their children to expensive private schools4. Whats your comment on schools which charge students unreasonable fees5. Why do we encourage people to contribute to Project HopeVI. Questions

15、 about College Education College Education1. Do you think studying in college is challenging2. Do you consider yourself a hard-working student3. Have you won any awards since entered college If yes, what kind of award is it If not, what do you think about winning awards4. Why do you think some stude

16、nts indulge in playing computer games5. Do you think you are overburdened in your studiesWays to Motivate Students (for candidates)Do you think the following way is effective in motivating students to learn1. Giving frequent exams2. Updating course content3. Enhancing students interest in what is be

17、ing taught4. Enforcing strict regulationsDiscussionWhy some students lack motivation for learningMore Questions1. Whats your motivation for learning2. Do you think its the teachers job to motivate students3. Do you think motivation is important for success4. DO your have any other suggestions for mo

18、tivating students5. Some students are planning to study abroad after graduation. Whats their reasons for doing so6. During the discussion, why did you day that2004年11月I. Questions respected people 1. What kind of people do you like working with2. Do you believe in the saying “A friend in need is a f

19、riend indeed”3. What do you think of people who always rely on other peoples homework4. What do you think of students who often copy other peoples homework5. Among your classmates, who do you admire most6. Among your teachers, who do you respect most People you admire (for candidates) 1. people who

20、have team spirit2. people who are ready to help others3. people who have a strong determination4. people who are willing to try new ideas or methods DiscussionWhich kind of person is more likely to be successful in lifeMore Questions1. Do you think we should carry on the spirit of Lei Feng today2. D

21、o you think Bill Gates would have been successful if he had finished college3. Do you think a good education will ensure a successful career4. Would you say wealth is a symbol of success5. Do you think people who get rich overnight can be considered successful6. During the discussion, why did you sa

22、y thatII. Questions reuse waste1. Do you ever throw away things that can still be used Please give an example.2. Do you think garbage can be recycled3. Do you save used things like plastic bags for future use4. What sort of people do you think like to keep used things5. Do you think used things are

23、always worthlessThe Throw-away Culture (for candidates)A card listing two different groups of people:1.manufacturers & consumers2.young people & elderly people3.wealthy people & low-income people4.people who care about durability & people who care about fashionDiscussionWhether the throw-away cultur

24、e should be encouragedMore questions1. Do you think its wasteful to throw away things that can still be used2. Why are many young people in the habit of throwing away things which can still be used3. Are wealthy people wasteful4. Are disposable products a waste of natural resources5. Why do elderly

25、people rarely have the habit of throwing away things which can still be used6. In which way can we stimulate productions7. Why government encourage people to consumeIII. Questions means of transportation1. Do you think bicycles are a good means of transportation2. Which form of city transport do you

26、 prefer3. Have you ever traveled long distances Please say something about our travels. If not, have you any plans to do so4. Which do you think is the most convenient way to travel over distances5. Do you think more and more people are going to buy cars6. Some people dont what to own a car even tho

27、ugh they can afford it. What do you think is their reason for not buying oneIntercity transportation (for candidates)Please talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the means of intercity transportation as shown on your card.1. Trains2. Airplanes3. Long-distance buses4. Private carsDiscussionW

28、hich means should be given priority when planning intercity transportation systemsMore questions1. What is the biggest problem with public transportation in the city you live in2. What is the major cause of traffic jams in big cities3. Should drivers always be held responsible for road accidents4. C

29、an you think of any measures to make people obey traffic rules Please name one or two.5. What form of transportation causes the least environmental pollution Please explain.IV. Questions1. Do you spend a lot of time reviewing your lessons after class2. Do you often attend lectures given by distingui

30、shed scholar In what way have those lectures benefited you3. Do you like taking exams4. Do you spend a lot of time preparing for exams5. Do you think exams are helpful to your studies6. Are you happy when an exam is postponed or cancelledCheating in Exams (for candidates)Please comment on the statem

31、ent about cheating in exams given on your card.1. “Its shameful to cheat and those who cheat should be severely punished.”2. “I dont care whether other people cheat in exams so long as I dont cheat myself.”3. “Im strongly against cheating in exams and will report any such case.”4. “As long as there are exams, there will be people who cheat. Nothing can be done about it.”DiscussionWhat should be done to stop cheating in examsMore questions1. Do you think exams are ne

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