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#Unit 10.docx

1、#Unit 10 Unit 10 Can you play the guitarThe first period Section A (1a-1c) 【学习内容】 1. 熟练读并记忆9个单词及短语。 2熟练的掌握下列的句型。Can you swim ? No, I cant. I want to join.【学习目标】 熟练的谈论表示能力的话题,以及自己的意愿。【学习重点】 能使用本课时的重要的单词,短语及句型。【学习难点】 学会谈论自己或别人的能力. Can you -? Yes, I can. No, I cant. .I want to .【学习过程】一、自学教材(教师寄语:Many h

2、ands make light work. )认读并背本课单词 . 1.个人自读,记忆单词 2.小组互相检查读、写情况 尝试练习:(在小组内核对答案)写出下列词并展示 弹吉他_ 跳舞_ 游泳_ 唱歌_ 下国际象棋_ 画画_说话,说_不能_二、学习教材:学会谈论自己的能力并询问他人的能力 .1.完成1a 将单词与图画匹配, 听录音完成1a,排序 2. 让学生理解并复述听力对话. 并和你的同学编新对话. 3. 练习下面的对话: Can you -? Yes, I can. No, I cant. . 三 挖掘教材(课堂练习)I. 单项选择( ) 1. Can John play the _ wel

3、l? A. piano B. basketball C. chess D. football( ) 2. -_you swim? -No, I_. A. Can; can B. Can; dont C. Do;cant D. Can;cant ( ) 3. My sister can play _ guitar, but Jack can play _ baseball. A. a; the B. the ; a C. /; the D. the; / ( ) 4. -Can you play football? -_.Its hard. A. Yes, I can B. No, I cant

4、 C. No, I can D. Yes, I cant ( ) 5. Can he play_ ping-pong? A./ B .a C. an D .the II. 从B中找出A相应的答语 A B( ) 1. Can you play chess ? A. I want to join the swimming club.( ) 2 Can he play the piano? B. Yes, I can .( ) 3 Can she draw? C . No, he cant ( ) 4 What club do you want to join? D. Yes, I do .( )

5、5 Do you want to join the music club? E .Yes, she can.四、反思小结(翻译以下短语和单词,并讨论有什么不同?)1. play the guitar,play the violin,play the piano等与play basketball ,play chess,play football2. speak,say,talk五、再次尝试(课后作业)I. A.根据汉语意思或首字母,补全单词。1. Do you _(说) English? Sorry, I dont.2. My parents like to play _(象棋) at hom

6、e.3. Can she _(跳舞)? Yes, she can.4. My brother sings _(好).5. She w_ to join the music club.B、用所给单词的正确形式填空。6. He can _(sing).7. Does Tom want _(join) the art club?8. I can speak a little _ (China).9. Jacks father and mother like _(paint).10. I like _ (comedy) very much.II、单项选择 ( ) 1. Can you _ Englis

7、h?A. speak B. talk C. say D. tell( ) 2. - _ can you play? -The drums. A. When B. How C. What D. Where( ) 3. - _ you sing? - Yes, I can. A. Do B. Can C. Are D. Am( ) 4. I want to _ the chess club. A. join B. join in C. join to D. join for( ) 5. My brother can play _ chess. A. the B. a C. an D. /( ) 6

8、. Can you help me with _? A. dance B. dancing C. dances D. to dance( ) 7. -What club _ you want to join? - Chess club. A. does B. do C. can D. are( ) 8. Her sister can play _ piano, but she cant play _ basketball. A. the; the B. /; the C. the; / D. /; /( ) 9. My brother can play the guitar _ he cant

9、 play it very well. A. and B. so C. or D. but( ) 10._ like to go swimming _ summer. AChildren, on BChildren, inCA child, on DA child, in( )11.We want two good _ our rock band. Amusic for Bmusician in Cmusic in Dmusicians for( )12. -_club do you want to join? -I want to join the music club. A. Where

10、B. When C. What D. How( ) 13.I like comedies _ I dont like Beijing Opera, too. A. and B. but C. or D. notIII. 句式转换 按要求完成下列句子。1. He can play the piano. (改成否定句) He _ _ the piano.2. I can join the swimming club. (改成一般疑问句)_ you _ the swimming club ?3. Jim likes action movies and comedies. (对划线部分提问)。_ _

11、of movies _ Jim _?4. Lucys brother wants to join the music club. (改成一般疑问句)_ Lucys brother _ to be an actor?5. Can his father speak Japanese? (用否定回答)_, _ _.The second period Section A (2a-2c) 【学习内容】1.掌握并运用各种俱乐部的短语。 2.谈论自己的喜好和意愿句型。What club do you want to join? We want to join the chess club.【学习目标】 学会

12、谈论自己的喜好和意愿及表达自己在某一方面所具备的才能。【学习重点】 能使用本课时的重点短语及句型。English club , chess club , art club, swimming club, music clubWhat club do you want to join? We want to join the chess club.【学习难点】通过小组一起谈论彼此的特长和爱好,培养一种群体意识。【学习过程】一、自学教材: 认读并背本课短语及句型。 . 1.个人自读,记忆短语 2.小组互相检查读、背情况 尝试练习:(在小组内核对答案)写出以下俱乐部名称,看谁写的即快又正确。英语俱乐

13、部_ 艺术俱乐部_ 说英语_音乐俱乐部_ 象棋俱乐部_弹吉他_游泳俱乐部_ 足球俱乐部_下象棋_二、学习教材 熟练掌握各种俱乐部名称。1. 听录音,在2a中圈出你所听到的俱乐部。小组相互核对答案。 2. 听2b录音,运用情态动词can谈论自己在某方面所具备的才能。用方框中的词完成2b对话。3. 完成2c部分。通过小组一起谈论彼此的特长和爱好,培养一种群体意识三、挖掘教材(课堂练习)I. 仿写句子:cancantclubssingswimmusic clubpaintplay the guitarart clubplay chessplay basketballchess clubswimdan

14、ceswimming clube.g. I can sing. I cant swim. I want to join the music club.1._2._3._II.选择填空( ) 1. Can you _a little English? A. speak B. talk C. say D. tell( ) 2. Can he _ basketball? A. play B. plays C. playing D. /( ) 3. My brother wants _ the chess club. A. join B. to join C. joins D. join to( )

15、4. Mary can play the chess_ she cant swim. A. and B. or C. but D. so( ) 5. His brother plays _soccer every day. A. / B. a C. an D. theIII 翻译下列句子 1. 你会跳舞吗?是的,我会。_ 2. 我想加入美术俱乐部。_ 3. 我会弹吉他。 _ 4. 你想加入什么俱乐部? 我想加入英语俱乐部。 _ 5. 你会下象棋吗? 不,我不会。_四、反思小结 讨论如何询问第三人称能力的句型并总结一下在这节课中你所学的俱乐部的名称 Can he sing ? Yes, he c

16、an . No, he cant. What club does he want to join? He wants to join the chess club. 总结一下在这节课中你所学的俱乐部的名称 五、再次尝试(课后作业)I. 从B中找出A相应的答语 A B( ) 1.Can you help the kids with computers ? A. Yes, I do. ( ) 2.What club do you want to join ? B. No, I cant.( ) 3.Do you want to join the chess club? C. She can swi

17、m.( ) 4.What can she do ? D. No, Im not.( ) 5.Are you an actor ? E. The basketball club.II. 按要求完成句子:1. I want to join the music club.(改为一般疑问句) _ _ want to join the music club?2. He can speak English.(就划线部分提问) _ _ he speak?3. Bill plays cards well.(用can改写) Bill _ _cards well.4. The students can play

18、basketball after class.(改为一般疑问句) _ the students_ basketball after class?5. I want to join the music club.(就划线部分提问) _ _do you want to join the music club?III. 阅读理解,正确的T,错误的F:There are many interesting clubs in our school. They are the music club, the movie club, the basketball club, the chess club, t

19、he art club, etc. We like these clubs, but I think the movie club in our school is really interesting . Sixty-four students are in it. Forty are boys and twenty-four are girls. We all like seeing movies very much. So we join the movie club. Here you can see many kinds of movies. This month we have t

20、wo action movies ,two thrillers and three comedies . But girls dont like them. They think the comedies are very funny. Do you like seeing the movies? Please join our movie club.( ) 1.We have many interesting clubs in our school.( ) 2.There are twenty-four girls in the movie club.( ) 3.You can see ma

21、ny movies in our music club.( ) 4.Girls like actions movies very much.( ) 5.Boys like action movies and thrillers.IV、拓展延伸:(选作)根据汉语完成句子:1. 放学后咱们下象棋吧。 Lets _ _ after school.2. 大山汉语说得非常好。 Da Shan _ _ very well.3. 你会弹吉他吗? _ you _ _ _?4. 我表弟时常去看中国功夫片。 My cousin often _ to see _ action movies.The third pe

22、riod Section A (3a-4)【学习内容】1. 熟练读出背单词 2. 进一步学会询问某人能力的句型.【学习目标】 通过学习学生能动手制作海报及招聘广告。【学习重点】 学会谈论自己或别人的能力. 【学习难点】 本课时的重点句子及短语运用。【学习过程】:一、自学教材学生自学61页的单词及短语。swimmer , job , kid , summer camp ,help sb with ,be good with 下列句子可以组成一则会话。根据提示,请排列出顺序。(在小组内核对答案)A . Yes, I can. B . Do you want to join the art club

23、? C . Can you paint? D . What club do you want to join? E . Can you swim? F . No, I cant. G . Yes, I do. H . I dont know. 1 D 2_ 3 E 4_ 5 B _ 6_ 7._ 8._二、学习教材1. 学生自己完成3a,以小组为单位询问学生会与不会做什么,然后每组一个学生来报告结果完成3b。Tom can .but he cant.2. 学习Groupwork,首先学生仔细地读广告,然后用自己所学的语言来面试同学。 句型:Can you help kids with doin

24、g? Are you good with ? We need help for Come and join us.三、 挖掘教材(课堂练习)I. 根据句意及词首字母写出单词。 1Gina wants to j _ the music club. 2Can you s _ English? 3I can play the g_ but cant play the violin(小提琴). 4I can dance b_ I cant swim. 5Can you h _ kids with swimming?II. 单项选择( ) 1Tom wants _ to you. Are you fre

25、e? Ato tell Btells Cto talk Dtalks( ) 2Can you help me _ dancing? Awith Bof Clearning Dabout( ) 3Bob can play _ tennis but cant play _ violin. Athe, the B/, / Cthe, / D/ , the( ) 4Mario can _very well. A. swims B. swimming C. to swim D. swim( ) 5 .Tom can draw _. His drawings are very _. Agood, well Bwell, good Cgood, good Dwell, wellIII. 根据下面海报完成下列短文,每空一词。

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