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1、人教pep五年级上册recycle2教学设计Recycle 2 教学设计小学教师太原市阳光双语 (Tina)宋洁一 设计理念 The Designing Ideas of Teaching本单元是属于总结和运用的教学单元。 教学内容是总结了 四 六单元的知识和句型, 围绕两条,一是有关家务劳动的活动,二是有关房屋的位置以及房间乃至物品摆放的方向。利用这些几乎是学生天天接触的内容来展开话题, 用英语来完成各种学习活动等任务, 在培养孩子们的英语学习和运用兴趣以及英语思维能力的同时, 以熟悉的学校和家庭生活为背景, 进行英语语言操练, 让任务真实化, 使学习生活化,让他们在实践中激发自我能力, 激

2、发学习兴趣, 使其为寻求并实现自我价值而努力;另一方面,让他们在了 解生态环境的基础上,培养热爱大自然、热爱生活的心绪,学会保护环境,为营造和谐的家园去努力,因而确立自己的学习目标。要鼓励、激发学生积极运用所学的英语进行交际,获取更多信息,为进一步学习打下基础,完成了 “质与量,识与能,学与用,情与境”核心的融合,升华。二 教学目标1本单元内容分析 Analysis of this unit1.要求灵活运用 “There be”句型描述房屋,小村庄和公园的场所;重点训练There be 句型的一般疑问句形式的询问、回答。2. 巩固情态动词can的使用, 重点训练 “Ican I?m helpf

3、ul,”为完成课堂教学真实任务, 学习运用语言进行交际,从而提高运用英语语言的能力,且通过课文的阅读理解和复述培养,掌握知识,提高会话能力。3.句型的综合运用是这个单元的重难点,其中有 There be 句型/ can /Where?s ? It ?s ./How many ?等。4. 以兴趣为支点,以交际为目的,拓展教学宽度,帮助学生学习运用英语看图说话,并合作互动、交流评价,最终达到完成语言真实任务,形成了 话题、语言、功能、结构、任务和评价的有机结合。2学情对象分析学习需要分析:由于此单元是复习单元, 重点在于运用和巩固 4、5、6 单元的知识点,学生能在书中新的环境中操练学习,然而需有

4、扩充环境,防止局限不能满足,可添加一些新颖的,可激发学生兴趣的图片,具体、形象的教学材料,以及有意义的真实任务引导学习,有条件可以让学生主动搜集信息,借此过程运用语言交际。学习水平分析: 本单元是前三个单元的复习和巩固, 又是总结和拓展,学生已经能够听、说、读、写一些课本要求掌握的四会单词及句子;能够运用一些如:What can you do? I can . Can you ? Yes,Ican./ No,I can?t./ There is a ? There are many 等简单的对话交际和表演;但运用英语作为思维语言进行大段描述, 连续形容的能力还没有很好地形成,真实运用的方法和能

5、力欠缺,需要培养和总结。3. 教学目标制定1)基本目标 Basic goals :(1)Ss can read the new words and sentencesin ,let?s read ?and,Read and write? ,Let?s play?, then can answer the questions from ,Let?splay?(2)To be able to listen, speak, read and write the new words in,Let?s learn? and ,Read and write ” from unit4. to unit6(3

6、) Can act the chant out and make an ad for a house , then candescribe that ad.(4) Can understand and practiec the dialogue from ,Pair work?.2)能力目标 Skill goals :( 1 )Can read and listen the new words from unit4 to unit6 and canread the important sentences in every part.( 2 )Can listen and describe th

7、e activities about the housework.( 3 )Can use the sentences,There is /There are ?to describe ahouse , the nature park and a village , and so on.( 4 )Can use different prepositions to describe a place andlocations.( 5 )Can listen, speak, read and write the sentences: Isthere Yes, there is. /No, there

8、 isn?t./Are there Yes, there are./No, therearen?t.( 6 )Can sing the song, We Can Help Our Plant?3)情感目标 Emotion goals(1)培养孩子们的英语学习和运用兴趣以及英语思维能力。(2)熟悉的学校和家庭生活为背景,进行英语语言操练,让任务真实化,使学习生活化, 大篇幅的复述文章有易于提高记忆力。(3) 了解生态环境的基础上,培养热爱大自然 热爱生活的心绪,学会保护环境。(4) 通过情景语言的教学,帮助建立个人的学习目标,鼓励、激发学生积极运用所学的英语进行交际, 体会这一获取更多信息的好方

9、法, 为进一步学习打下基础。三 课时安排 (3 课时)Period 1 Let?s chant Let?s read Pair work(由季节chant 引话题, 做铺垫, let?s read 中做听力和阅读训练, pair work 拓展口语交际, )Period 2 Listen and choose Let?s sing Let?s play(listen and choose 口语交际,呈现重点句型, let?s sing 升华情感语言表达, let?s play 在游戏中拓展句型,体现语言的实用性)Period 3 Read and write Task time(Read an

10、d write 通过听、 看、读和说来学习综合运用语言, Task time 动手动脑, 团结合作,真实任务,操作性强。)第 一 课 时 The first period 教学内容分析 Reading and speaking1To be able to listen, speak and read the words about twelve months.2. To be able to listen, speak and read these words: young, funny,kind.3. To be able to listen, speak, read the sentenc

11、es from ,Let?s read? Andcan use them freely to talk about someone.4. To be able to listen and speak the dialogue in ,Pair wrok?. 教学准备 Tape and record,CAI ,board,textbooks. 教学流程与设计意图 Teaching ProceduresStep 1: Pre -taskLook and review the words1教师出示四幅关于 winter, spring,autumn, summer的图片。T:What season

12、is it in picture 1/ 2/ 3/ 4?Ss: Winter/ Spring/ Autumn/ Summer.教师将四个词 Winter Spring A utumn Summer写到黑板上2教师出示 12 个月的单词卡片。并请学生来读,复习关于月份的单词。 设计意图 通过这个练习有效复习与有关的词汇,不仅为学生学习和运用相关句型打下了基础,也活跃了课堂气氛。2. Free talk and lead in1师生互动问答,引起话题。T: Which month are there in spring? S1:March to May.T: Which month are the

13、re in winter? S2:December to FebruaryT: Which month are there in autumn? S3:September to NoveberT: Which month are there in summer? S4: June to August 。2接下来和学生们谈谈这些季节。T:Which festival is in Jan. and Feb? / What?s the weather like inOctober./What do you do in August?/. 设计意图复习与 chant相关的句型 . 目的是让学生运用英语

14、说说自己喜欢做的活动和喜欢的季节,既为下面的课文呈现做铺垫。Step2: While-task3. Presentation1) 教师介绍自己的喜好和原因 。T: I like four season, too.In winter ,there are many festivals.;Spring iswidy,so I can fly the kites;Summer is hot but sunny everyday;Andthere are many beautiful flowers in autumn.Right?Now, do you likethem ?Ss:Yes, I do.

15、2) 教师向学生布置任务 , let?s chant的学习。在前面讨论的基础上,利用录音机或多媒体设备范读,练习听力后,让学生进行跟读,朗读,表演。T: Let?s listen to our chant. I t?s about our beautiful season.T: Today we will talk about the 4 seasonsin a chant. Open yourbook , page 82, look at,Let?s chant?. Ss: OK! 设计意图和学生谈论关于季节特点和对不同季节的喜好,因为有共同点,更易拉近师生的亲近关系,快速进入主题,使学生对

16、课文产生兴趣,听到课文后引起共鸣,也降低听力难度。4. Practice1)教师利用录音机播放录音, 并利用暂停段开语句, 让学生跟读。(The teacher can play the tape as many times as necessary.)2)播放全部录音,只要求学生听,而不跟读,反复两次后让学生齐读一次。(listen and repeat about 2 or 3 times).3)让学生自己读 chant 后,试着给全班表演表演,可以自编一些配合动作。(If they can, get them try to recite, and act it out by bodyla

17、nguage. ) 设计意图通过听、 读、背诵以及表演练习本节活动的任务, 总体复习月份,季节和活动短语的英语表达方式。5. 阅读练习。1)看图说话 Show the second picture from ,Let?s read?.(有红叶的第二幅图 )T: What season is it now? Ss: Autumn.T: How do you know?What colour are the leaves?(借红、黄叶提醒是秋天)2) 老师指图片中树上的房子与学生问答。T:On this big tree ,there is a ? Ss: A house.T: Guess, wh

18、ose house is it?Ss: Monkeys. There are two monkeys.T: Clever! This is a family of monkeys. Today, Mum monkeyisn?t at home. There are only Dad and the baby monkey athome. So the baby monkeywant to help his father. Can hehelp his father? And what can he do? Ok! Let?s listen andthen answer the question

19、s. 设计意图 引导学生看图说话,创设英语语境,激发学生的情趣,使学生尽快进入角色,全身心投入语言实践和思维活动中去。3) 听力训练让学生听录音,可以不看书,找出答案。 设计意图 听力训练是高年级学生英语训练的一项重要部分,把他放在阅读之前面来,是传统又有效的好方法。4) 课文理解再次播放录音, 要求这次可以看书 80 页,看 , Let?s read?, 思考课后练习题。e.g. 1. Is Mother Monkey at home? No, she isn?t.2. Can the monkey cook the meals? No,he isn?t.3. Can the monkey

20、wash the clothes? No,he isn?t.4. What can he do? He can empty the trash! 设计意图通过回答问题,检测对课文的理解程度;学生带者问题阅读也激起了对文章的兴趣。5). 重点课文学习 呈现课文对话:The teacher play the tape and pause it after each sentences,andhave students try to repeat those sentences, as many time asnecessary. 示范并操练对话:Read the dialouge together

21、, then practise in groups, after in pairs. 拓展操练:(示范:)T: Is the baby monkey useful?.Are you useful? /What can youdo?.The teacher countinues asking individual students for these questions.(操练: )Get the students practise in pairs, then act them out for all theclass. 设计意图任务型语言教学中,进行具有真实意义的语言对话操练。表演有趣的课文

22、和拓展对话都是贴近学生的有意义的语言对话操练。Step 3: Post-task6. Practice and consolidation1) 运用:出示图片( Show 3 pictures of rooms),看图说话。Kitchen Bedroom BathroomT: What are they? .And can you tell me some things you can see in these room?Ss: They?re kitchen/ bedroom . /I can see a bed, a table, a cooker,a chair, a pot , a b

23、asin and the windows 设计意图 设计看图说话环节, 给学生布置真实任务, 利用图片培养学生细致的观察能力并提高和保持学生的注意力。2)再现创新,巩固操练Give more example pictures about the household wares:(如:镜子,空调,纸篓,柜子,电话,窗帘等。) Ask and answer the questions about these pictures:e.g. What?s in your bedroom?Where is it?Can you clean it?Is there a trash bin in your k

24、itchen ( bedroom/ bathroom)?Get the students put the other things ( photos or pictures) in these rooms,thenask and answer the dialougues.(Act the dialougue for the class). 设计意图通过探索和调查心的情况提供运用好奇动机的机会,迎合不同学生感官上的需要,促进学习。3) Verbal reinforcement and Non-verbal reinforcement: 表扬并用贴画或糖果来鼓励表现出色的学生。 设计意图鼓励注意

25、听讲的行为、积极举手发言的行为,是对不注意听课、保持沉默的行为的一种间接的评语,能起到抑制的作用。Step 4: Sum up7. 读读看看( , Pair work?) .1) 要求学生看对话,看图,描述房间以及房间中的物品。T: Ok, now let?s look at the dialougue in, Pair work ?. Turn to page 84,Let?t look at it. What?s in the pictures。2) 让学生试读对话。T: Can you read the dialougue from Milk and Chenjie.Read the d

26、ialogue by themselves.分组来做对话,利用书中问答提示。Have them to work in pairs (askand answer the questions shown in the studen?tsbooks).8总结重点句型:利用 CAI展示句型:There is a . There are .Is there ? Are there ?Yes,there is./No,there isn?t. Yes,there are./No,there are?nt.Where is it?/ are they?It ?s in/ on /under/ behind/

27、 in front of They?re in / under/ on/ behindWhat can you do?I can empty the trash bin/ sweep the floor/ water the flowers .Are you useful? Yes ,I am useful.9. Todayshomework家庭作业1)鼓励学生尽可能多的提出更多问题并找一个好朋友来回答,最终画出一幅朋友房子的结构图片。2)画一幅自己的房间图,用英语向家人和朋友来介绍。Draw a picture about your room .then introduce it for y

28、our partnersor your friends. 设计意图 学以止用, 活学活用所学的知识和语言, 把书本中生生的语言带到生活中,提起学生兴趣,让学生感受成就感,提高学生自信心。 教学流程简图 Start谈话利用四季图片开始复习季节、月份,以及不同季节的导气候特点和人们相应的活动,帮助学生复习并回忆运用已入学过知识,使学生从开课以来的紧张中放松开来,从而自然进入,引导的课文中的 chant 部分,活跃气氛。新授在 chant 放松之后,借助季节话题,自然而然过度谈到一个秋天里 monkey 和 father monkey 一家人对housework 的谈论 ,让孩子们有一种好象要听一个

29、动物家族的故事一样的心境 使学生产生对课文内容学习兴趣,然后再通过 听力、阅读 等训练,学习动词 can 在新语境中的运用,让学生做学习的主人,不再被动学习。练习巩固让学生在新环境下, 再次利用家庭与家务劳动的各种 图片来巩固所学内容, 并且同时复习巩固家具名称以及家具位置的语言,让语言生动,让学生体验语言的实践价值,拉近书本知识与生活的距离,强化其实用性,学生亲身感受语言学习的重要和成就感。拓展 让学生自制图片或通过形容照片来达到在生活中自觉运用已学语言,训练听力,最终达到英语语言 交流的学会交际目的。提高End板书设计RecycleWhere is it? Where are they?T

30、here are 复数 It ?s in/ on /under/ behind/ in front of There is 单数 /不可数 They?re in / under/ on/ behindWhat can you do?I can empty the trash bin/ sweep the floo/r water the flowers .Are you useful? Yes , I am useful.教学反思 Thinking after class在本课的教学中,以对话的形式展开任务,即训练了听力,又进行了口语交际,使枯燥的课文任务化,真实化,结合日常生活中日日能见到的事物来做英语语言交流的背景,使语言亲切而自然,也可以给予学生更多空间来运用创新,加入自己的主动参与,让学习轻松快乐。若句型变化的讲解能做成课件,自动演示,学生会更容易理解和记忆!所以教师要学会不断学习和思考,提高业务水平的同时也会提高教学质量。第 二 课 时 The first period教学内容和要求 Teaching contents and demands:Listening and Speaking1To listen, speak , read and write all th

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