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1、秋广州版英语六年级上册Unit6TheSecrettogoodhealth学生姓名 年级 六年级 讲课时刻 教师姓名 课时 2 教学目标重点难点教学步骤Unit 6 The secret to good health只言片语1.接下来的一天 _2.健康的生活 _3.健康的秘密 _4.最重要的情形 _5.八十岁 _6.做些简单的事 _7.取得充沛的睡眠 _8.进行充沛的锻炼 _9.吃太多糖 _10.吃太多油腻食物 _11.多吃蔬菜 _12.少吃肉 _13.维持好的饮食 _14.维持健康 _15.感觉良好 _16.面带微笑 _17.忧心忡忡 _18.散步一个小时 _19.至少 _20.每晚 _21

2、.天天早上 _22.在公园 _说文解字Mr. Li is not a doctor or a nurse, but he knows the secret to good health.【有章有法】名词所有格(参考UNIT 2讲义)1._所有格:Curlys book, Teachers Day2._所有格:a window of the classroom3._所有格:a friend of my mothers4._所有格1)去学校的路:_ _ _ _ _2)门 的 钥匙:_ _ _ _ _3)问题的回答:_ _ _ _ _He is 80 years old but looks only

3、 60.【有章有法】询问年龄1)He is 80 years old. (对划线部份提问)_ _ _ _?2)He looks only 60. (对划线部份提问)_ _ _ he _?He says you can do some simple things to stay healthy.【添砖加瓦】1.healthy1)健 康:Curly is in good/ poor _.2)健康的:Curly is strong and _.2.维持健康1)Curly goes running early in the morning to _ _.2)It is important for ev

4、eryone to _ _.First, get plenty of sleep, at least 8 hours each night, so you will feel good for the next day.【添砖加瓦】最多至少1)至少:We should brush our teeth _ _ twice a day.2)最多:It will take two hours _ _ to get there.Second, keep a good diet.【添砖加瓦】diet1)维持好的饮食适应:How can I _ _ _ _?2)操纵饮食/节食:No meat, pleas

5、e. I _ _ _ _.You should _ _ _ _ and take more exercise.Eat more vegetables and less meat.【添砖加瓦】多多少少修饰可数名词修饰不可数名词多少多少原级比较级最高级Dont eat too much sweet or oily food.And drink tea or water, not coke or coffee.【添砖加瓦】1.oily1) 油:Do you cook vegetables with much _?2)油腻的:_ food is not good for old people.2.sw

6、eet1)_:Curly has a sweet tooth.2)_:Dont eat too many sweets. They are bad for your teeth.【有章有法】太多1)修饰_:I have _ _ books.2)修饰_:I have _ _ money.3)修饰_:Dont play computer games _ _.Third, take plenty of exercise.【添砖加瓦】exercise1)做早操(_名词):Students do morning exercises before classes.2)做练习(_名词):I do exerc

7、ises in English grammar every day.3)锻 炼(_名词):I think it is a good idea to take exercise every day.Mr. Li walks for one hour in the park every morning and sometimes dances with his friends there.【有章有法】介词有千秋1.for1)_:I practise the piano for two hours every week.2)_:This is a birthday present for you.3

8、)_:I study hard for my future.4)_:This exercise is hard for me.5)_:Thank you for your help.2.with1)_:I often go to the park with my parents.2)_:What are you going to do with the money?3)_:The boy with glasses is my brother.Finally, Mr. Li thinks the most important thing for a healthy life is to be h

9、appy.He never worries too much and always has a smile on his face.Thats why, even at 80, his hair is still black and not white.【添砖加瓦】1.smile1)_:Curly looked at the baby with a smile.2)_:She smiled at me.2.laugh1)_:Curly always makes everybody laugh.2)_:Dont laugh at other people.3.忧虑1)Dont _ if you

10、cant finish it.2)There is nothing to _ _.3)She _ _ _ her family and everything.今日说法:祈使句一、做不做做不做1.努力学习。_2.友好点。_1.不要看电视。_2.别吵。_二、让不让让不让1.咱们去看电视吧。_2.妈,让我们几个出去玩吧。_3.让他试试。_1.咱们别去看电视了。_2.别让他试了。_【小试牛刀】 单项选择( ) 1.(2012暨大附中/2011华附奥校) Lets _ her _ an interesting story.A. to hear, speak B. to hear, talkC. list

11、en to, say D. listen to, tell( ) 2.(2013大联盟) Please _ your book when you come here tomorrow.A. takes B. brings C. bring D. take 按动词的正确形式填空1.(2007大联盟) Lets _ (speak) English in class. _ (not speak) Chinese.2.(2010大联盟) _ (not stay) out too late, Wendy.3.(2012大联盟) _ (not eat) in the library, Tony.4.(20

12、07省实天河) Let him _ (carry) the heavy box.5.(2007省实天河) _ (not look) out of the window, please.6.(2010暨大附中) Jonny, _ (not walk) on the grass.7.(2012暨大附中) _ (not stay) out too late, Wendy. 句型转换1.(2006大联盟) Please read Lesson One._ _ Lesson One, please. 2.(2010西关外国语) You shouldnt litter here. (祈使)_养兵千日一、单

13、项选择( ) 1.- _? - I have a headache.A. Whats the matter, Judy B. Where are you, JudyC. Who are you D. What are you doing, Judy( ) 2.I think walking is _ our health.A. good at B. bad at C. well in D. good for( ) 3.We should not eat _ junk food.A. too many B. too much C. many too D. much too( ) 4.Did yo

14、u _ some medicine?A. take B. eat C. drink D. have( ) 5._ you have a cold?A. Do B. Are C. Can D. Should( ) 6.My grandfather takes exercises _ two hours every day. A. with B. in C. as D. for( ) 7.Do you know the secret _ good health? A. in B. on C. at D. to( ) 8.Can you find the answer _ the question?

15、 A. in B. on C. at D. to( ) 9.- Whats the matter with you?- I caught _ and had to stay in_ bed.A. a, / B. a, the C. a, a D. the, the( ) 10.- I have got a bad cold. I feel terrible. - _A. All right. B. Is that so? C. Sorry to hear that. D. Im afraid so.( ) B.of C.

16、at D.on( ) 12.Theyarewaiting_ abus _thebusstop. A.for,in B.on,at C.with,at D.for,at( ) 13.Childrengetgifts_Christmasand_theirbirthdays.A.on,on,on,in,on( ) 14.- Thereisnothing_ tomorrowafternoon,isthere? - No.Wecanhaveagameoftabletennis.A.on C.out D.up( ) 15.Alotofstudentsinoursch

17、oolwereborn _ March, C.on D.since( ) 16.Timsuddenlyreturned _arainynight.A.on D.during( ) 17.Mygrandfatherwasborn _ Oct.10,1935.A.on D.of( ) 18.Therearesomebirdssinging B.on D.from( ) 19.Therearesomanyapples B,on D.from二、单句改错,

18、 下列各句中均有一处错误, 请指出并更正( ) 1.Whatsthemattertoyou? A B C D _( ) 2.Myfatherofteneatstoomanyfood. A B C D _( ) 3.Wearetired,sowewanttohaverest. A B C D _( ) 4.Ifyouwanttostayhealth,youmusttakesomeexercise. A B C D _( ) 5.Theoldmanmightisadoctor. A B C D _三、对话排序, 选择下列每组句子的正确语序, 使其组成符合逻辑的对话_ _ _ _ _四、句型转换1.

19、Hehas a fever.(就划线部份提问)_ _ _with him?2.Tom should eat something.(变成否定句)Tom _ eat _.3.My headache startedtwo days ago.(就划线部份提问)_ _ your headache _?4.I have a cold.(变成一样疑问句)_ you _ a cold?5.She has a toothache.(变成否定句)She _ _ a toothache.6.You should drink a lot of water. (改成同义句)You should drink _ _ wa

20、ter.五、完成对话(一)从对话后的方框当选出能填入空白处的最佳选项A: We are going to play basketball. _B: Id like to, but I cant.A: _B: I have to see Xiao Fang in the hospital.A: Whats the matter with her? _B: _A: _B: Im afraid I cant.(二)依照对话内容在空白处填写入一个适当的词语使对话完整Doctor: Whats _ with you, young man?Paul: I dont feel _.Doctor: Im _

21、to hear that. Please take _ your shirt and _ down on the bed.Paul: Yes, doctor.Doctor: Well, theres _ much wrong with you. Do your take much exercise?Paul: No, doctor. I never have _ time for exercise.Doctor: How do you sleep?Paul: Very badly, doctor. Can you give me _ medicine to help me sleep?Doct

22、or: Yes, I can, but Im not going to. You dont need medicine. Just take more exercise.Paul: Youre right, doctor. Its important for me to _ healthy. Thank you for your advice.Doctor: Youre welcome. I _ you feel better soon.六、阅读明白得Itsimportantforustobehealthy.Buthowcanwekeephealthy?First, you shouldeat

23、fruitandvegetablesthreeorfourtimesaweek.Theneatsometofueverydaybecauseitsgoodforpeople,boththeyoungandtheold.Milkisalsonecessary (必要的), especially for woman. So you should have milk twice a day. It can help you to be strong. Next, doing more exercise is better. You can do morning exercises or evening exercises. After supper you should take a walk. ( ) 1.Youshouldeat _threeorfourtimesaweek.A.fruita

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