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1、工程建设行业标准交通工程JTJ B01-2003公路工程技术标准 Technical standard for highway engineering JTJ 002-87公路工程名词术语 Terms for highway engineering JTJ 003-86公路自然区划标准 Standard for climatic zoning of highway engineering JTJ 004-89公路工程抗震设计规范 Code for aseismic design of highway JTJ 005-96公路建设项目环境影响评价技术规范 Technical code for e

2、nvironment impact assessment of highway JTJ/T 006-98公路环境保护设计规范 Code for design of highway environmental protection JTJ 011-94公路路线设计规范 Code for design of highway route JTJ H12-2003公路隧道养护技术规范 JTJ 013-95公路路基设计规范 Code for design of highway subgrades JTJ 014-97公路沥青路面设计规范 Code for design of highway asphal

3、t pavement JTJ 015-91公路加筋土工程设计规范 Code for design of highway reinforced earth engineering JTJ 016-93公路粉煤灰路堤设计与施工技术规范 Technical code for design and construction of highway fly ash embankment JTJ 017-96公路软土地基路堤设计与施工技术规范 Technical code for design and construction of highway embankment on soft ground JTJ

4、 018-97公路排水设计规范 Code for design of drainage highways JTJ/T 019-98公路土工合成材料应用技术规范 Applied technical code for geosynthetics of highway JTJ 021-89公路桥涵设计通用规范 General code for design of highway bridges and culverts JTJ 022-85公路砖石及混凝土桥涵设计规范 Code for design of masonry and conerete highway bridges and culver

5、ts JTJ 023-85公路钢筋混凝土及预应力混凝土桥涵设计规范 Code for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed condrete highway bridges and culverts JTJ 024-85公路桥涵地基与基础设计规范 Code for design of ground base and foundation of highway bridges and culverts JTJ 025-86公路桥涵钢结构及木结构设计规范 Code for design of steel structure and timber

6、 structure highway brigdes and culverts JTJ 026-90公路隧设计规范 Code for design of highway tunnel JTJ 026.1-1999公路隧道通风照明设计规范 JTJ 027-96公路斜拉桥设计规范 Code for design of specifications of highway cable stayed bridge JTG C30-2002公路工程水文勘测设计规范 JTG F30-2003公路水泥混凝土路面施工技术规范 JTJ 032-94公路沥青路面施工技术规范 Technical code for c

7、onstruction and acceptance of highway asphalt pavement JTJ 033-95公路路基施工技术规范 Technical code for construction of highway subgrades JTJ 034-2000公路路面基层施工技术规范 Technical code for construction of highway roadbed JTJ 035-91公路加筋土工程施工技术规范 Technical code for construction of highway reinforced earth engineering

8、 JTJ 036-98公路改性沥青路面施工技术规范 Technical code for construction of highway modified asphalt pavement JTJ/T 037.1-2000公路水泥混凝土路面滑模施工技术规程 JTG D40-2002公路水泥混凝土路面设计规范 Code for design of cement concrete pavement for highway JTJ 041-89公路桥涵施工技术规范 Technical code for construction of highway bridges and culverts JTJ

9、042-94公路隧道施工技术规范 Technical code for construction of highway tunnel JTJ 051-93公路土工试验规程 Test methods of soils for highway engineering JTJ 052-2000公路工程沥青及沥青混合料试验规程 Specifications and test methods of bitumen and bituminous mixtures for highway engineering JTJ 053-94公路工程水泥混凝土试验规程 Testing methods of concr

10、ete for highway engineering JTJ 054-94公路工程石料试验规程 Test methods of stone material for highway engineering JTJ 055-83公路工程金属试验规程 JTJ 056-84公路工程水质分析操作规程 Operating rules for water-quality analysis of highway engineering JTJ 057-94公路工程无机结合料稳定材料试验规程 Testing methods of material stabilized with inorganic bind

11、ers for highway engineering JTJ 058-2000公路工程集料试验规程 Test mehtods of aggregate for highway engineering JTJ 059-95公路路基路面现场测试规程 Field test methods of subgrade and pavement for highway engineering JTJ/T 060-98公路土工合成材料试验规程 Test methods of geosynthetics for highway engineering JTJ 061-1999公路勘测规范 Code for h

12、ighway reconnaissance survey JTJ 062-91公路桥位勘察设计规范 Code for survey and design of highway bridge site JTJ 063-85公路隧道勘测规程 JTJ 064-98公路工程地质勘察规范 Code for survey of highway engineering geology JTJ 065-97公路摄影测量规范 Code for highway photogrammetry JTJ/T 066-98公路全球定位系统(GPS)测量规范 Code for global positioning syst

13、em (GPS) survey of highway JTJ 071-98公路工程质量检验评定标准 Standard for quality inspection and assessment of highway engineering JTJ 073-96公路养护技术规范 Technical code for maintenance of highway JTJ 073.1-2001公路水泥混凝土路面养护技术规程 JTJ 073.2-2001公路沥青路面养护技术规范 JTJ 074-94高速公路交通安全设施设计及施工技术规范 Technical code for design and co

14、nstruction of expressway safety appurtenances JTJ 075-94公路养护质量检验评定标准 Standard for quality inspection and assessment of highway maintenance JTJ 076-95公路工程施工安全技术规程 Technical specification for safety of highway engineering construction JTJ 077-94公路工程施工监理规范 Code for construction supervision of highway e

15、ngineering JTJ 200-2001水运工程建设标准编写规定 Regulations on preparation of construction standards of water transport engineering JTJ 202-87水运工程设计节能规范 Code for energy-conser-vation in water transport engineering design JTJ 203-2001水运工程测量规范 Code for survey in water transport engineering JTJ/T 204-96航道工程基本术语标准

16、Standard for basic terms of mavigation channel engineering JTJ 206-96港口工程制图标准 Standard for drawing in port engineering JTJ 211-99海港总平面设计规范 Code for design of general layout of sea ports JTJ 213-98海港水文规范 Code for sea port hydrology JTJ 214-2000内河航道与港口水文规范 JTJ 215-98港口工程荷载规范 Code for loads in port eng

17、ineering JTJ 216-2000水运工程施工监理规范 JTJ 220-98渠化工程枢纽总体布置设计规范 Code for design of general layout of junctions in canalization engineering JTJ 221-98港口工程质量检验评定标准 Standard for quality inspection and assessment of port engineering JTJ 225-98水运工程抗震设计规范 Code for aseismic design in water transport engineering J

18、TJ 226-97港口建设项目环境影响评价规范 Code for assessment of environmental inpact on port construction projects JTJ 227-2001内河航运建设项目环境影响评价规范 JTJ 228-2000水运工程设计节能规范 JTJ 230-89海港工程钢结构防腐蚀技术规定 Technical regulations for corrosion prevention of steel structures in sea port engineering JTJ 231-94港口工程环境保护设计规范 Code for en

19、vironmental protection design of port engineering JTJ 232-98内河航道与港口水流泥沙模拟技术规程 Technical specifications for current and sediment simulation of inland river navigation channels and ports JTJ 233-98海岸与河口潮流泥沙模拟技术规程 Technical specifications for tidal current and sediment simulation of coasts and river mo

20、uths JTJ 234-2001波浪模型试验规程 JTJ 235-2003通航建筑物水力学模型技术规程 JTJ 237-94水运工程导标设计规范 Code for design of leading marks in water transport engineering JTJ 238-99装卸油品码头防火设计规范 Code for fire-prevention design of oil loading unloading terminals JTJ/T 239-98水运工程土工织物应用技术规程 Technical specifications for application of g

21、eotextiles in water transport engineering JTJ 240-97港口工程地质勘察规范 Code for geologic investigation in port engineering JTJ 241-98渠化工程地质勘察规范 Code for geologic investigation in canalization engineering JTJ 244-95港口设备安装工程质量检验评定标准 Criteria for quality inspection and assessment of port engineering installati

22、on works JTJ 248-2001港口工程灌注桩设计与施工规程 JTJ 249-2001港口工程桩基动力检测规程 JTJ 250-98港口工程地基规范 Code for foundations in port engineering JTJ 251-87干船坞工艺设计规范 Code for technological design of dry docks JTJ 252-87干船坞水工结构设计规范 Code for design of hydraulic structures of dry docks JTJ 253-87干船坞坞门及灌水排水系统设计规范 Code for desig

23、n of dock gates and filling and enptying systems of dry docks JTJ 254-98港口工程桩基规范 Code for pile foundations in port engineering JTJ 255-2002港口工程基桩静载荷试验规程 JTJ/T 256-96塑料排水板施工规程 Specifications for construction of plastic drainage boards JTJ/T 257-96塑料排水板质量检验评定标准 Standard for quality inspection and asse

24、ssment of plastic drainage boards JTJ/T 258-98爆炸法处理水下地基和基础技术规程 Technical specifications for underwater foundations treatment by means of blasting method JTJ/T 260-97港口工程粉煤灰填筑技术规程 Technical specifications for flyash reclamation in port engineering JTJ/T 261-97港口工程预应力混凝土大直径管桩设计与施工规程 Specifications for

25、 design and construction of large diameter prestressed concrete pipe piles in port engineering JTJ 263-87船闸水工建筑物设计规范 Code for design of hydraulic structures of shiplocks JTJ 264-87船闸闸门阀门设计规范 Code for design of lock gates and valves of shiplocks JTJ 265-87船闸启闭机设计规范 Code for design of head-stock gears

26、 of shiplocks JTJ 266-87船闸电器设计规范 Code for design lf electric appliances of ship-locks JTJ 267-98港口工程混凝土结构设计规范 Code for design of concrete structures in port engineering JTJ 268-96水运工程混凝土施工规范 Code for construction of concrete in water transport engineering JTJ 269-96水运工程混凝土质量控制标准 Standard for quality

27、 control of concrete in water transport engineering JTJ 270-98水运工程混凝土试验规程 Testing specifications for concrete in water transport engineering JTJ/T 271-99港口工程混凝土粘接修补技术规程 Technical specifications for bonding and repair of concrete in port engineering JTJ/T 272-99港口工程混凝土非破损技术规程 Technical specifications

28、 for nondestructive inspection of concrete structures in port engineering JTJ/T 273-97港口工程粉煤灰混凝土技术规程 Technical specilications for flyash concrete in port engineering JTJ/T 274-98港口工程液态渣混凝土技术规程 Technical specifications for liquid-state slag concrete in port engineering JTJ 275-2000海港工程混凝土结构防腐蚀技术规范 JT

29、J 280-2002港口设备安装工程施工技术规范 JTJ 283-99港口工程钢结构设计规范 Code for design of steel structures in port engineering JTJ 285-2000港口工程嵌岩桩设计与施工规程 JTJ 286-90水运工程爆破技术规范 Code for blasting technics in water transport engineering JTJ 287-94内河航道维护技术规范 Technical code for maintenance of inland river navigation channels JTJ 288-93船闸工程质量检验评定标准 Standard for quality inspection and assessment of shiplock engineering JTJ/T 289-97

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