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学年高中英语北师大版选修八教学案Unit 22 Section 3 Word版含答案.docx

1、学年高中英语北师大版选修八教学案Unit 22 Section 3 Word版含答案.根据首字母及英文释义写出单词1quilt:_a thick warm cover on a bed 2warehouse:_a place where goods are stored3considerate:_thoughtful towards other people 4tusk:_teeth of an elephant 5allocate:_to assign for a particular purpose 6fragile:_able to be broken easily 7evolution

2、:_a gradual development, esp. to a more complex form 8mature:_ fully developed or fully grown .根据词性及汉语意思写出单词1plugvt.塞住2adoptvt.采用,采取;收养adoptionn采用,采纳,收养adaptvt.改编,改写(形近词)3financen资金financialadj.财政(上)的,金融的4politicsn政治(活动)politicaladj.政治的politiciann政治家5sharpenvt.削尖sharpenern卷笔刀sharpadj.尖的;锋利的6carvevt.

3、 &vi.雕刻;刻carvingnC雕刻品, U雕刻术carvern雕刻师7calculatevt.计算,算出calculationn计算calculatorn计算器.补全短语1plug ones ears塞住耳朵2all the best 祝一切顺利3as a matter of fact 实际上4break away from 摆脱,脱离(团体、组织、某种思想体系)5sum up 总结,概括6. as a result 结果7deal with处理,应付8be similar to与相似9. give up 放弃10. work out想出,制定出,算出1As a matter of fa

4、ct, average urban noise pollution levels have decreased by 3 decibels since 1989.事实上,自从1989年以来城市的平均噪音污染水平已降低了3分贝。句式分析since可以作介词,亦可作连词,其引导的介词短语或时间状语从句常与完成时态连用。佳句赏析他在这个村子里住了10年了。It has been ten years since he stayed in the village.2What we should do is start using different sources of energy. 我们应该做的是利

5、用不同的能源形式。句式分析本句为主从复合句。当主语从句中有do时,作表语的不定式可以省略to。佳句赏析我们所能做的只有给他一些钱。What we can do is only give him some money.考点1adopt vt.采用;收养;领养;正式通过、批准教材原句The Chinese government has adopted several noise control plans .中国政府已采取了几种控制噪音的方案(1)adopt a new standard采取新标准adopt ones idea/suggestion/plan采纳某人的意见/建议/计划adopt s

6、b. as sth. 过继;收养;选定/选举某人为(2)adopted adj. 领养的adoption n. 采纳;收养She was adopted as parliamentary candidate for Wood Green.她被推举为伍德格林选区的议员候选人。After much consideration, the manager decided to adopt her suggestion.经理再三考虑之后,决定采纳她的建议。The agenda was_adopted (adopt) after some discussions.经过几番讨论,议事日程获得通过。Mrs S

7、miths only have an adopted (adopt) child.史密斯夫妇只有一个领养的孩子。1写出下列句子中adopt的汉语意思They are trying to persuade the UN to adopt a resolution.采纳Having no children of their own, they decided to adopt an orphan.领养The council is expected to adopt the new policy at its next meeting.正式通过2单句语法填空Pauls mother had him

8、adopted (adopt) because she couldnt look after him.He was pleased by the adoption (adopt) of a little girl.The suggestion that we have a group of these records printed as soon as possible is_adopted (adopt) by the committee.考点2considerate adj.想得周到的,体贴的教材原句We can all help by being more considerate an

9、d thinking of our neighbours.多体谅多考虑一下我们的邻居,我们就会起到这一作用(降低噪音污染)。be considerate to/of/towards 对体贴,体谅It is considerate of sb. to do (sth.) 某人做某事真是体贴If you learn to be considerate to others, you will gain respect.如果你学会为别人着想,你将会赢得尊敬。It was considerate of you to turn down the radio while he was sleeping.在他

10、睡觉时,你把收音机音量关小真是体贴。word familyThe novel received considerable praise.这部小说获得了很高的评价。Considering (consider) the strength of the opposition, we did very well to score two goals.考虑到对方实力强大,我们进了两个球已经很不错了。1单句语法填空We should be considerate to the old.The project wasted a considerable (consider) amount of time a

11、nd money. Taking everything into consideration (consider), the event was a great success.Considering (consider) hes just started, he knows quite a lot about it.2完成句子他不体谅别人,这跟他弟弟一样。He is no_more_considerate towards others than his brother is.你时不时拜访亲戚,真是很周到啊。It_is_considerate_of_you to call on your re

12、latives from time to time.因为爸爸工作上的调动,我们正考虑搬到西雅图。We are considering moving_to Seattle because of my fathers job transfer.考点3allocate vt.分配,配给教材原句New schools, hospitals and housing areas will be allocated positions away from main roads, rail roads and industrial areas that create high levels of noise.

13、划拨给新学校、医院和居住区的用地将会远离那些制造高分贝噪音的公路干线、铁路和工业区。A large sum of money is being_allocated (allocate) for buying new books for the library.正在划拨一大笔钱为图书馆购买新书。(1)allocate sb. sth. allocate sth. to sb.分配给某人某物allocate sth. for sth. 拨出某物做某事allocate sth. among . 在范围内分配(2)allocation n. C划拨的款项;分配的东西U划拨,分配They intende

14、d to allocate more places to mature students this year. They intended to allocate mature students more places this year.今年他们打算分配给成人学生更多的名额。The Ford Foundation allocated millions of dollars for cancer research.福特基金会拨款数百万美元用于癌症研究。1单句改错Please allocate the food between all those in need.betweenamongThe

15、boss allocated an expensive car for him.forto2完成句子He allocated_tasks_to (把任务分给) each of us.More resources are_being_allocated_to (正被调拨给) the project.考点4break away from 摆脱,脱离(某种思想体系、团体、组织);放弃习惯等教材原句But we need to break away from that way of thinking.但是我们需要摆脱那种思维方式。The southern states wished to break

16、away from the union.南部各州想脱离联邦政府。He is no longer what he was. He has_broken_away_from his bad habits.他不再是以前的他了,他已经改掉了坏习惯。break in强行闯入;打断谈话break into 闯入,突然起来(后接名词)break through 突破,冲破break out 爆发;突然发生break up 结束;绝交,分手;解散break down 出故障;身体垮掉;(谈判、计划等)失败Her health broke down under the pressure of work.工作的压

17、力把她的身体弄垮了。The couple had no choice but to break up.除了分手,这对夫妇没有别的选择。They broke through in their fight against heart disease.他们在同心脏病的斗争中取得了突破。1介、副词填空The prisoner broke away from the guards.The telephone system has broken down.Fire broke out during the night.The meeting broke up at eleven oclock.The th

18、ieves broke into the office last night.2完成句子去车站的路上,我的车坏了。On my way to the station my_car_broke_down.现代音乐已摆脱了18世纪的规则。Modern music has_broken_away_from the 18thcentury rules.考点5calculate vi.计算,算出;打算;觉得;认为教材原句How do I calculate the answer to this question?我如何算出这道题的答案?(1)be calculated for sth.打算为某事be ca

19、lculated to do sth. 打算用来做某事Its calculated that . 据估算(2)calculation n. 计算calculator n. 计算器The room is not calculated for production.这个房间不是打算用作生产的。This advertisement is calculated to_attract (attract) children.这个广告是为吸引儿童设计的。It is calculated that this trip will cost us $1,000.据估算这次旅行要花掉我们1 000美元。The sc

20、ientists calculations (calculate) proved exactly right.那位科学家的计算结果完全正确。1单句语法填空I think a pocket calculator (calculate) is very convenient.By my calculation (calculate), we made a profit of $20,000 last year.It was calculated (calculate) that at least 10,000 jobs were offered during the 2012 London Oly

21、mpic Games.Her latest play is calculated to_shock (shock)2完成句子We havent really calculated_the_cost_of_the_vacation (计算出度假要花多少钱) yet.Conservationists calculate_that (估算) hundreds of species could be lost in this area.考点6deal with 处理;安排;对付;论述;涉及教材原句Finance has been organised to deal with road noise po

22、llution in all major cities.资金已被筹集来处理所有大城市的马路噪音污染问题。The boy dealt with the maths problem in a different way.这个男孩用不同的方法解决了这道数学难题。This is a book dealing with Asian problems.这是一本论述亚洲问题的书。deal with do with处理,对付how . deal with what . do with如何处理/对付How would you deal with an armed robber?What would you do

23、 with an armed robber?遇到带有武器的强盗,你怎么对付?How should we deal with those old computers?What_should_we_do_with those old computers?我们应该怎样处理那些旧电脑呢?1选词填空: deal with, do withI dont know what they will do_with the problem.We are studying a plan how to deal_with your case.2单句改错We are discussing how to do with

24、it next.howwhat或dodealWhat will we deal with the present problem matters a lot.dealdo或WhatHow1As a matter of fact, average urban noise pollution levels havedecreasedby3decibelssince1989.事实上,自从1989年以来城市的平均噪音污染水平已降低了3分贝。(1)since 1989意为“自1989年以来”,是表示时间的介词短语作状语,常与完成时态连用。I have lived here since 1998.自199

25、8年以来我就在这里居住。(2)since作连词引导时间状语从句时,也与完成时态连用。若since引导的状语从句的谓语是终止性动词的过去时,则从句表示的时间是“从动作开始的那一时刻起”。We have been missing them since they left here.自从他们离开这里,我们就一直很想念他们。若since引导的状语从句的谓语动词是持续性动词或表示状态的动词的过去式时,则从句表示的时间是“从动作或状态结束时算起”。I havent heard any noise since I slept.我醒后还未听到任何声音。I havent eaten anything since

26、 I worked.我工作之后还没有吃东西。since在特殊句型中的应用.“It is/has been时间since短暂动词过去式”,表示“自从以来到现在已有多久”。It is/has been five years since he went abroad.他出国已经5年了。.“It was时间since短暂动词过去完成式”,表示“自从到过去某个时间点以来”。It was quite some time since I had_left (leave) university.我大学毕业已有一段时间了。.“It is/has been时间since延续动词/状态动词过去式”,表示“自从结束以

27、来到现在已有多久”。It is/has been 10 years since I lived in the countryside.我不在乡下住已有10年了。It is three years since_I_smoked_a_cigar.我不吸烟有三年了。1. 单句改错He has studied very hard since he has come to our school.has_comecameIt was more than a year now before he had seen her.beforesince2翻译句子自从我生病以来,他从未来看过我。He_has_neve

28、r_come_to_see_me_since_I_fell_ill.我不在北京住已经半年了。It_is_half_a_year_since_I_lived_in_Beijing.It was 8 years since she had married me.那时她嫁给我已8年了。2Whatweshoulddo is start using different sources of energy.我们应该做的是开始利用不同的能源。(1)本句为主从复合句。what引导主语从句并在该从句中作do的宾语。is后为省略了to的不定式作表语。由all, what 引导的主语从句或者主语被only, fir

29、st, one, least或形容词最高级修饰而且从句中含有do 的某种形式时,其表语如果是不定式,则往往可省略to。What you have to do is (to) study even harder to make preparations for your future.你需要做的是更加努力学习为将来做准备。The only thing to do now is (to) go on.前进是现在唯一的出路。All I did was (to) press the button.我只是按了一下按钮。(2)在介词but, except, besides, than等表示“除了”之意的词

30、前,若有实义动词do时,常用省略to的不定式作介词的宾语。若but, except等词前无实义动词do时,则后接带to的动词不定式。We can do nothing but wait for his coming. We have no choice but to_wait (wait) for his coming.我们只能等待他的到来。1. 句型转换At the moment, to go to bed is the very thing that I want to do.What_ I want to do now is_ go_ to_ bed.Only by working hard, can you succeed.If you want to succeed, you can_ do_ nothing_ but_ work hard.I can give you a hand to get throngh it.I can help_ you_ to_ get through it.2完成句子你要做的是把问卷填上。

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