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1、高级口译翻译第四版Unit11欢迎希尔博士和夫人来访上海。WelcometoShanghai,Dr.andMrs.Hill.2请允许我做自我介绍。Pleaseallowmetointroducemyself.3我叫洪建信,是中美医药公司的副总经理。MynameisJianxinHong.IamdeputymanagingdirectoroftheSino-AmericanPharmaceuticalCo,Ltd.4. 我们很荣幸能请到您,我也特别高兴能认识您。It is a great honor to have you here with us .And I am so delighted

2、to make your acquaintance .5. 我们去取行李吧。We wil go there and pick up the luggage .4久闻先生大名,我在研究生学习时期所写的两篇论文曾参考了您的研究成果。Ihavelongheardofyou,andasamatteroffact,Ireferredtoyourresearchfindingsinacoupleofmy papersduringmy graduatestudies.6我为能在上海接待您和您的家人深感愉快,我很高兴我们能在今后的半年里合作共事。Itgivesmesuchagreatpleasuretomee



5、oveoutofthehotel.The guesthouse is located in Zhangjiang High teck Park of pudong on the other side of Huangpu River ,a beautiful and peaceful environment that has never failed to attract any visitor.12不论您住在何处,我相信您和您的家人都会喜欢这里的生活。Inanycase,Ihopeyouandyourfamilywillenjoyyourstayinthiscity.13我们会尽力为您服务,

6、使你们在上海有一种舒适如归的感觉。Wewilldoeverythingwecandotoaccommodateyouandmakeyoucomfortable .14您在生活或工作中若有不尽如人意之处,请立即和我联系,我很乐意为您排忧解难。Ifyoushouldencounteranyinconveniencesinyourlifeandwork,donthesitatetoletmeknowandIwillbeverygladtohelpyouout.15今晚公司总经理将设宴为您洗尘,请您携家人一起光临。Ourmanagingdirectorwillhostareceptionbanquet

7、inyourhonortonight,andwewouldlikeyouandyourfamilycometothedinner this evening to meet our managing director .16我们晚上再见。Iwillseeyouagainthen.Unit21Your 4HonorMr.Mayor,MyChinesefriends,LadiesandGentlemen:市长先生阁下,中国朋友们,女士们先生们:2Ifeelhonoredtocomehereonmyfirstvisittoyourbeautifulcity.这是我首次访问你们这座美丽的城市,我为此深感



10、gpoetssaid.虽然我们远隔万里,但贵国唐朝一位诗人说得好:“海内存知己,天涯若比邻。”6ThewholeworldiswatchingwithgreatinteresttheremarkablechangesthataretakingplaceinChina,particularlyinShanghai,a thriving and robust megalopolis .整个世界都以极大的兴趣注视着中国正在发生的巨大变化,尤其是注视着上海这座朝气蓬勃向上的特大型城市所发生的巨大变化。7.To our great amazement ,this country boasts a thr

11、ee-decade persistent economic growth with its consequent immense contributions to the world economy ,which is unequalled elsewhere in the world . 令人惊讶的是,在过去的三十年里,中国经济强劲持续增长,她对世界经济发展的巨大贡献,没有哪一个国家可以与其媲美。7Thisisacountrywiththefastestgrowingeconomyintheworld.这是世界上经济增长最快的国家。8.Chinamiraculousriseasoneofth

12、estrongesteconomicpowersintheAsian-Pacificregionhasattracted,and will continue to attract ,agrowingnumberofbusinessandfinacialgiantsinourcountrytoinvestinChina,particularlytoinvestinanumberoflong-termprojectsinShanghaiand itssurroundingin the post-world-expo era .中国奇迹般的迅速崛起为亚太地区最具有实力的经济强国之一,吸引了并将继续吸


14、们来到上海寻求进一步发展我们在经济和金融的方面合作的更好途径。11OneoftheobjectivesofmymissionistosignourInvestmentProtectionAgreement and Intellectual Property Rights Protection Agreement .我此行的目的之一就是缔结我们的投资保护协议和知识产权保护协定。12Iamalsoseekingpossibilitiesofestablishing,throughpartnershipwithourChinesecolleagues,a jiont consultancyfirm

15、that will provide servicesfortransnationalcorporationsinShanghai.我此行的另一目的是希望能与中国同行携手建立一家以上海的跨国公司为服务对象的合资咨询服务机构。13Lastbutnottheleast,IwouldliketoextendinpersonourofficialinvitationtothemayorofShanghai.最后,我此行的又一项重要的任务是向上海市长面呈来访我市的正式邀请。14WewouldlikeHisHonortovisitour city athisearliestconvenience,soast



18、cooperation.我们真诚地希望彼此之间继续密切合作,发展我们的友好关系,确保我们在经济、金融和贸易方面的合作持续增长。19Ontheoccasionofthisreception,IwishMr.MajorandallourChinesefriendspresentheretonightgoodhealth!Thankyou!请允许我借此机会,祝愿市长先生,祝愿出席今晚招待会的的所有中国朋友,身体健康。谢谢。Unit3A: good afternoon ,may I help you ?下午好,我能为您做些什么吗?B: 我对贵公司新的经营范围颇感兴趣。我可以看一下汽车零部件到岸价的价目

19、表吗?Well ,I am interested in your new line of business . May I see your C.I.F price sheet of auto parts ?A: certainly .Lately we expanded our scope of business to better serve our Far East Asian customers ,Chinese customers in particular .China is such an enormous market that nobody can afford to neg

20、lect.My company is willing to establish business relations with all interested Chinese parties .当然可以。我们最近扩大了业务范围以便更好地为我们的远东亚洲客户服务。中国是一个无人敢忽略的巨大市场。我公司愿意同一切有兴趣的中国客户建立业务关系。B: 您这样说我很高兴。我们打算长期从贵公司进口一些汽车零部件,当然这得看贵公司的价格是否比他人优惠。坦率地讲,贵公司单子上的价格毫无竞争力。我希望知道贵公司的最新报价。That is very nice to hear .We would like to im

21、port auto parts from your company on a regular basis ,provided your prices compare favorablely with those of others .To be frank with you ,your listed price are indeed among the least competitive .i would like to hear your most recent quotations .A:we have just updated our prices .But of course I do

22、 not mean our offer is final.As usual, we would like to quote our new customers the most reasonable price to start our business relationship for the future ,even at the cost of a substantial loss on our part .我方最近做了调价。当然我不是说我们所报的是最终价。按我们的惯例,为了推动我们将来业务关系的发展,我们愿意给新客户以最公道的价格,即使这样做会使我方蒙受相当大的损失,我们也在所不惜。B

23、: 但是从我对汽车零部件市场所掌握的信息来看,贵方的报盘没有吸引力。此外我还需要时间来树立对贵公司产品质量的信心。如果您不愿意给我方一些合理的折扣,我还是打算等一下,先去别处看看再说。But my konwledge of the auto parts market tells me that your offer is not attractive .Beside ,I need time to build confidence in the quality of your stuff .In my case ,I would rather wait and hunt around ,if

24、you were unable to include any reasonable discount .A:We guarantee the quality of our supplies .And we have free samples for your inspection .As for the discount ,we can reduce the listed price by 5%.This is our floor offer and you will have to excuse me ,we are not prepared for any counter-offer .我

25、们保证货物的质量。我们有免费样品供您检查。至于折扣问题,我们可以将价目单上的开价再减去5%。这是我方的地盘,对不起,我们不准备还盘。B:我很欣赏您的直率。虽然贵方的底价和我方所希望得到的价格仍有差距,我还是愿意签合同。我与您有同感,我现在这样做是着眼于我们将来业务关系的发展。I appreciate your frankness .though there is still a gap between our rock-bottom prices and my expectations ,I am willing to sign contacts with you .i like what y

26、ou said .i am doing this for the development of our future business relation .A:but I am not sure if you are happy with the terms in the contract .不知道你们对合同的条款满意吗?B:我研究过你们的合同。有几处还不是很明确,需要讲清楚。还有合同的格式问题。我们希望用我们公司自己准备的、自己打印的合同副本。您看行吗?I have studied the contract .i think a few places are not clearly spel

27、t out ;they need further clarification .and the format of the contract .we would like to used copies prepared and printed by our own company .will that be all right with you ?A: no problem .but everything in the contract should be bilingual ,both in English and Chinese .没问题。但是合同中所有的内容必须用英文和中文两种文字写明。

28、B:是的,从品名、规格、数量、单价、总额、货运,全都以双语写明。还有,我们希望货品在六月底之前发出,我们不能接受货运的耽搁。Yes ,the names of the commodities ,specifications ,quantity, unit prices, the total payment ,and the shipment ,all to be writen bilingually .by the way ,we hope the shipment will be made before the end of June .we can not accept ang delay

29、 ,you know .A:of course .这还用说。B:我们付的是到岸价,所以保险费由贵方承担。It is CIF,and therefore the insurance premium should be borne by your side .A:certainty .we go by the contract .那当然咯,我们按合同办事。B:好了,没问题了。Good ,no more questions .A:that is wonderful .let us leave the technical details of the contract to our ansistants .i would like to invite you to a drink and celebrate the success of our first business transaction .太好了。让我们把合同文本的技术处理交给我们的助手去办吧。我想请您去喝一杯,庆祝我们第一笔生意的顺利成交。B:不胜感激。我相信我们这次合作仅仅是个开端,今后合作的机会将会更多。Thank you very much .i believe this initial cooperation will lead to many more in the future .U

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