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1、人教版中考英语教材同步复习含答案第14课时八年级下Units9102019人教版中考英语教材同步复习英语试题含答案第十四课时八年级(下)Units 910(课时重点话题:过去的经历)高频单词和词组过去的经历【单词】1_(n.)照相机;摄影机2_(adj.)难以置信的;不真实的3_(v.& n)进步;进展4_(adj.)迅速的;快速的5_(adj.)特别的;不寻常的6_(n.)坐便器;厕所7_(v.)鼓励8_(adj.)社会的9._(adj.)完美的;完全的10_(v.)收集;采集11_(n.)供乘骑的游乐设施;短途旅程12_(n.)省份13_(num.)一千14_(v.&n.)害怕;惧怕15_

2、(conj.)不管(还是);或者(或者);是否16._(conj.)在任何时候;无论何时17_(n.)春天【词组】18_ 游乐场19_ 两个;一对;几个20_ 数以千计的;许许多多的21_一方面另一方面22_ 全年周围环境【单词】1_(n.)院子2_(adj.)甜蜜的;甜的;含糖的3_(n.)记忆;回忆4_(n.)分;分币5_(n.)熊6_(adj.)软的;柔软的7_(v.& n)检查;审查8_(v.)清理;清除9_(n.)卧室10_(v.)拥有;有11_(n.)铁路;铁道12_(v.)离开;分开13._(adj.)诚实的;老实的14_(n.)家乡;故乡15_(adv.)现在;现今;目前16_

3、(v.& n)搜索;搜查17_(prep.)在(其)中;之一18_(n.)羞耻;羞愧;惭愧19_(v.)将认为;把视为20_(v.)数数21_(n.)百年;世纪22_(prep.)与相对;在对面(adj.)对面的;另一边的23_(n.)童年;幼年24_(v.)注视;仔细考虑25._(v.)拥有;抓住【词组】26_察看;观察27_ 清理;丢掉28_不再;不复29_放弃、交出(尤指不舍得的东西)30_ 至于;关于31_说实在的32_ 捐赠33_处理34_搜索35_ 依据;按照36_ 几乎;接近词汇拓展1.rapid(副词)_2unusual(反义词)_3peaceful(名词)_4itself(主

4、格)_(名词性物主代词)_ 5.German(德国)_6safe(名词)_7Indian(印度)_8Japanese(日本)_重点句型1._ you _ _ to a science museum?你曾经去过科学博物馆吗?Yes,I _是的,去过。2_ _ _ _ today.让我们今天去个不同的地方吧。3_ _ _ technology has progressed in such a rapid way!科技以如此迅猛的方式发展真是令人难以置信啊!4_ you like Indian food,Western food or Japanese food,_ _ it all in Sing

5、apore!无论你是喜欢印度食品、西方食品还是日本食品,在新加坡你全部都能找到!5_ might _ _ _ _ to a zoo when its dark.天黑的时候去动物园似乎很奇怪。6._ _ _ you _ the bike over there?那边的那辆自行车你买多久了?7_ _ it _ his fourth birthday.自他四岁生日起,他就拥有它了。8As for me,I didnt want to give up my football shirts,but,_ _ _,I _ _ for a while now.至于我,我不想放弃我的足球衫。但说实话,我现在已经有

6、一段时间没有踢足球了。9_ people still live in their hometown. However,_ may only see it _ _ _ a year.有些人仍然住在家乡。然而,另一些人可能一年只能回家乡一两次。10_ will they _ _ the money you raise from the sale?他们将怎样处理通过卖东西筹来的钱?核心语法1. 现在完成时(含been,ever和never)2现在完成时(含since,for). 听对话及问题,选择正确的答案。( )1.A. To the amusement park. BTo the space m

7、useum. CTo the water park.( )2.A.His parents. BHis classmates. CHis friends.( )3.A.7 years. B18 years. C13 years.( )4.A.Mary. BMike. CJim.( )5.A.Five. BFour CThree. 听短文,选择正确的答案。( )6. When did Jenny write the letter to Lucy?AOn November 25th. BOn December 5th. COn December 24th.( )7. When did Jenny l

8、eave Lucy?AAbout four weeks ago. BAbout two months ago. CAbout one year ago.( )8. Where is Jenny working now?AIn New York. BIn London. CIn Washington.( )9. What does Jenny think of her new job?AInteresting. BEasy. CBad.( )10. Why cant Lucy go to Jennys Christmas party?AShe is busy with her work.BShe

9、 has to visit her grandfather.CHer grandfather will come to visit her family. 1. On the one hand,more than three_quarters of the population are Chinese,so you can simply speak Putonghua a lot of the time. 一方面,超过四分之三的人口是华人,因此大部分时间里你只要讲普通话就足够了。. 单项选择。( )1.(2015 南充模拟一)About _ of the teachers in the sch

10、ool were born in the_.Atwothirds;1980 Btwothirds;1980sCtwothird;1980 Dtwothird;1980( )2.(2015兰州)_ of the land in that district is covered with trees and grass.AFifth two BTwo fifth CFifth second DTwo fifths( )3.There are fifty students in our class,_ of us _ football.Atwo third;likes Btwo three;like

11、 Ctwo thirds;likes Dtwo thirds;like. 根据汉语意思完成英语句子。4六分之五的食物已经变坏了。_ of the food _ gone bad.5我们学校五分之三的学生是男生。About _ of the students in our school _ boys. three quarters意为“四分之三”,是分数的一种表达方法,也可以表示为three fourths。【拓展】英语中分数的表达方式:分子用基数词,分母用序数词。当分子大于1时,分母须用复数形式。当分数作主语时,谓语动词要根据分数词后面的名词来确定:“分数of 不可数名词”作主语时,谓语动词用

12、单数形式;“分数of 复数可数名词”作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。如:One third of the girls in our class like Duan Linxi.我们班里三分之一的女生喜欢段林希。Three quarters of the information is true.四分之三的信息是真实的。 2. Whether you like Indian food,Western food or Japanese food,youll find it all in Singapore!无论你是喜欢印度食物、西方食物或者日本食物,在新加坡你全部都能找到!. 单项选择。( )1.(2

13、014广安) Do you know _?Sorry,I dont know.Aif she will come to the concert or notBwhether she will come to the concert or notCif will she come to the concert( )2.(2013资阳)Why did Miss Wang look so worried when we saw her?Because she wondered _Awhere did the other students goBwhat her students have done

14、during the tripCwhen would the students comeDwhether her students had won the match( )3. (2015青岛)I wonder _.Ahow will you celebrate ThanksgivingBthat the Water Festival is really funCwhat do people eat on the MidAutumn FestivalDwhether you will make resolutions on New Years Day. 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。4不

15、管你是去还是留,都要在8点前给我打电话。_ you go _ stay,you should call me before 8:00.5你知道他们明天是否前往北京吗?Do you know _ they are leaving for Beijing or not tomorrow?whether作连词,意为“不管;或者;是否”。用以引入选择的可能性,引导的句子通常作状语。whetheror意为“不管还是”。如:Whether she wins or loses,this is her last tournament.不管她是赢还是输,这是她的最后一次锦标赛。【辨析】whether与if当表示

16、“是否”时,两个词可以互换。其区别是:(1)与or not连用时,只能用whether,而不用if。如:I dont know whether he will come or not.我不知道他是否会来。(2)引导宾语从句,且从句位于句首表示强调时,只能用whether,而不用if。如:Whether he will come I am not sure.他来不来我不确定。(3)从句作介词宾语时,只能用whether,而不用if。如:It depends on whether it will be fine.那取决于天气好不好。(4)在动词不定式之前时,只能用whether而不用if。如:We

17、 havent decided whether to stay.我们还没有决定是否留下。(5)引导主语从句、表语从句时用whether而不用if。如:Whether they win or lose is all the same to me.他们是赢是输对我都一样。 3. Nowadays,millions of Chinese leave the countryside to search_for work in the cities.现在,数百万的中国人离开了农村到城市去寻找工作。. 单项选择。( )1. (2015 武威)Mr Wang,can you tell me _?http:

18、/ will help you.Awhat I can do to help youBwhere can I get my score for this examinationCwhy I need some helpDwhere I can search for the information about education in our province( )2. (2014安徽)Rose finished her study in the university and went to _ a good job.Atake after Blook after Ccare for Dsear

19、ch for( )3. They spent the whole day _ the woods _ the lost boy.Asearching;for Blooking;for Csearching;with Dto search;for. 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。4他在不同的商店寻找工作。He _ _ work at different stores.5他翻遍了自己的口袋寻找钥匙。He _ his pocket _ his keys.(1)search作及物动词,意为“搜寻、搜索、搜查”,其后既可以接人又可以接物,接人时表示“搜某人的身”;接物时表示“搜查某处或某物”。如:

20、They searched him but couldnt find anything.他们搜他的身,但是没有发现任何东西。(2)search for指“寻找某人或某物”,多指丢失的人或物。如:I must search for that lost money until I find it.我必须去寻找那些丢失的钱,直到找到为止。(3)search sb.(sth.)for指“搜查某人或某处以寻找”。如:We searched the whole city for the lost old man.我们搜查整个城市去寻找这个丢失的老人。 4. Most of the children in

21、my time liked to play together under that big tree,especially during the summer holidays. 在我那个年代的大多数孩子喜欢在那棵树下一起玩,尤其是在暑假期间。. 单项选择。( )1.(2014 德州)The basketball match was really fantastic,_ when ShuHow Lin scored in the last second.Aprobably Bespecially Cexactly Dmostly( )2.(2014东营)On March 8th,Flight

22、MH 370 went missing. The news brought great sadness to us,_ the families of the passengers.Aeven Bonly Calso Despecially( )3.(2013哈尔滨)The city of Harbin is beautiful all the year round,_ in winter. Ice lanterns decorate streets and attract plenty of tourists.Aespecially Bgenerally Cprobably. 用括号内所给单

23、词的适当形式填空。4I want to travel to Shandong Province,_(especial) to Mount Tai.5The old man is so lonely that he hopes to know about something _ (special) every day.(1)especially意为“尤其;特别;格外”。多用于陈述某一事实后,要列举一个具有代表性的例子作进一步强调时使用,其后接名词、介词短语、从句等。如:We want to invite some friends,especially Jim and John.我们想邀请几个朋友

24、,尤其是吉姆和约翰。(2)especially用作副词,还可以修饰动词、形容词或副词,强调程度。如:We are especially busy today.我们今天特别忙。I especially want to see that film.我特别想看那部电影。 5. consider. 单项选择。( )1. (2015武威)For our coming vacation,why _ going abroad and seeing the outside world?Anot consider Bto consider Cdont think Dnot think( )2. (2014云南)

25、Mom,why not _ having hamburgers instead of dumplings?Good idea. Ill get for you.Apractice Bremember Cforget Dconsider( )3. They have been considering _ the problem.Ato work out Bwork out Cworking out Dworked out. 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。4他们正在考虑什么时候举办运动会。They are considering _ _ _ a sports meeting.5我们的老师总把

26、我们看做他的孩子。Our teacher always _ _ _ his children.(1)consider用作及物动词,意为“注视;仔细考虑”。后接名词、动名词形式、宾语从句或“疑问词to do结构”。如:Please think over to consider the problem.请仔细考虑那个问题。Were considering moving to countryside.我们正在考虑搬到农村。We are considering whether we can afford it or not.我们正考虑是否能负担得起它。Ive begun to consider what to do next.我已经开始考虑接下来怎么做了。(2)consider用作不及物动词,consider常用于“consider sb./ sth.(as)名词”结构或“consider sb./ sth.( to be)形容词”结构。如:We consider her (as) our friend.我们把她当作我们的朋友。They consider this idea(

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