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高考英语一轮选修8 Unit 4单元练习有答案人教版.docx

1、高考英语一轮选修8 Unit 4单元练习有答案人教版2017高考英语一轮选修8 Unit 4单元练习(有答案人教版) 2017高考英语一轮练习及答案人教版选修8Unit 4选修8 一、单句语法填空1st f the students are illing _ (nden) his deed in the lass as la f anners2u shuld realize that ur_ (rearable)a hurt the feelings f peple arund u3Peple h har thers t benefit theselves are reall _ (disgu

2、st)4I uld have n _ (hesitate)in delining the psitinIt as at a edding that I first ade the _ (aquaint)f hi6esterda her ld ther_ e fr her daughterThat eans I as _ fr her daughterIn fat she ften aes the sae_(istae)7T is ften_Last ear he ent t Shanghai t tr his _ he et and arried his girlfriend there(fr

3、tune)8The hildren _ (lassif) int different grups arding t h uh the n9u shuld l up the right _ (prnune)f this rd in the ditinar答案1t nden2rears3disgusting 4hesitatinaquaintane6ist;istaen;istae7frtunate;frtune;Frtunatel8ere lassified9prnuniatin二、完形填空阅读下面短,掌握其大意,然后从以下题所给的A、B、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。The puter is f

4、ast, and never aes a istae, hile peple are t sl, and full f istaes seties Thats _1_ peple ften sa hen _2_ tal abut puters Fr ver a quarter f a entur, sientists have been _3_ better and better puters N a puter an _4_ a lt f _ bs nderfull It is _6_ used in fatries, hspitals, pst ffies and airprts A pu

5、ter an reprt, deide and ntrl in alst _7_ field an puter sientists are thining f _8_ the puter “thin” lie a an ith the help f a persn, a puter an _9_ pitures, rite usi, tal ith peple, pla hess, regnize vies, translate languages and s n Perhaps puters ill _10_ reall thin and feel D u thin the peple il

6、l be afraid _11_ the find that the puter is t lever t listen t and serve the peple? N, peple ill _12_ better use f the puters in _13_ future an is _14_ the aster f the puter The puter rs nl _1_ the help f an It annt tae the plae f an名师点评本讲述了电脑在人类工作与生活等方面起着越越大的作用,并告诉人们不必担心不断发展的电脑会威胁人类的安全,因为它永远处于人类的操纵

7、之中。(B)1 A thatB hat hD h【解析】B。这里需要一个表语从句的引导词,并在从句中作sa的宾语,代替上的内容。 hat从意思和语法上都合乎意,为正确选项。(B)2 A eB the uD peple【解析】B。替代前的peple应用the。()3 A lvingB taing aingD thining【解析】。科学家们一直在制造越越好的电脑,故选择aing。()4 A haveB get dD ffer【解析】。d a lt f bs意思为“干许多事情”。其余三个动词皆不合意。(A) A everdaB ever da eah daD se da【解析】A。词组ever d

8、a意思为“每天”;se da指将的“某一天”;形容词everda意思为“日常的”,合乎意,为正确选项。(A)6 A idelB ide greatD deepl【解析】A。这里应选择一个副词,表示电脑应用的程度。idel意思是“广泛地”,为正确选项。(D)7 A eitherB all bthD ever【解析】D。下中的field是可数名词单数形式,意思为“领域”,而either指两者中的任意一个,不合意,故选择ever。()8 A prduingB rdering aingD building【解析】。ae作使役动词时,后面应接不定式的复合结构,且不定式省去t,即ae sb d sth,故

9、选择ae。()9 A tae B l at draD put【解析】。dra意思为“画图”,合乎意。(A)10A ne daB a da an daD the ther da【解析】A。the ther da指过去的某一天;ne da既可指过去的某一天,也可指将的某一天。这里讲的是将的设想,故选ne da。(A)11A henB that hD hile【解析】A。这是一个时间状语从句。hile引导的从句中的动词必须是延续性动词;hen引导的从句中,动词既可以是延续性动词,也可以是瞬间动词,故hen为正确选项。(D)12A hseB get taeD ae【解析】D。固定结构ae use f意

10、思为“利用”。()13A aB an the D /【解析】。in the future意思为“将”,为正确选项。而in future意思为“今后”,不合意。()14A ftenB never alasD seties【解析】 。根据上下,电脑是不可能取代人类的,而人类应永远是电脑的操纵者,故选alas(A)1A ithB under b D fr【解析】A。固定结构ith the help f意思为“在的帮助下”。三、阅读理解A段【2016模拟题】阅读下列短,从每题所给的四个选项中(A、B、和D)中,选出最佳选项。(201•江苏)In the United States alne

11、,ver 100 illin ell&sh;phnes are thrn aa eah earell&sh;phnes are part f a gring untain f eletrni aste lie puters and persnal digital assistantsThe eletrni aste strea is inreasing three ties faster than traditinal garbage as a hleEletrni devies ntain valuable etals suh as gld and silverA Siss stud rep

12、rted that hile the eight f eletrni gds represented b preius etals as relativel sall in parisn t ttal aste,the nentratin(含量)f gld and ther preius etals as higher in s&sh;alled e&sh;aste than in naturall urring ineralsEletrni astes als ntain an pisnus etalsEven hen the ahines are reled and the harful

13、etals reved,the reling press ften is arried ut in pr untries,in pratiall unntrlled as hih all an pisnus substanes t esape int the envirnentreating prduts ut f ra aterials reates uh re aste aterial,up t 100 ties re,than the aterial ntained in the finished prdutsnsider again the ell&sh;phne,and iagine

14、 the ines that prdued thse etals,the fatries needed t ae the bx and paaging(包装)it ae inan astes prdued in the prduing press are harful as ellThe US Envirnental Prtetin Agen ntes that st aste is dangerus in that“the prdutin,distributin,and use f prdutsas ell as anageent f the resulting asteall result

15、 in greenhuse gas release”Individuals an redue their ntributin b reating less aste at the startfr instane,buing reusable prduts and relingIn an untries the nept f extended prduer respnsibilit is being nsidered r has been put in plae as an inentive(动机)fr reduing asteIf prduers are required t tae ba p

16、aaging the use t sell their prduts,uld the redue the paaging in the first plae?Gvernents inentive t require prduers t tae respnsibilit fr the paaging the prdue is usuall based n neh,the as,shuld ities r tns be respnsible fr paing t deal ith the bubble rap(气泡垫)that enased ur televisin?Fr the gvernent

17、s pint f vie,a priar gal f las requiring extended prduer respnsibilit is t transfer bth the sts and the phsial respnsibilit f aste anageent fr the gvernent and tax&sh;paers ba t the prduers大意:主要讲述了电子垃圾的产生、危害以及相关解决措施。1B entining the Siss stud,the authr intends t tell us that_Athe eight f e&sh;gds is

18、rather sallBe&sh;aste deserves t be ade gd use fnatural inerals ntain re preius etalsDthe perentage f preius etals is heav in e&sh;aste答案:B推断判断题。结合第二段第一句“Eletrni devies ntain valuable etals suh as gld and silver”可知,该段主要讲述电子设备中包含有很多贵重的金属;下引用瑞士的研究进一步论证电子垃圾中的贵重金属含量比自然矿产中的高。由此可知,作者提及瑞士的研究旨在告诉我们电子垃圾应该得到很

19、好的利用。故正确答案为B。2The respnsibilit f e&sh;aste treatent shuld be extended_ Afr prduers t gvernentsBfr gvernents t prduersfr individuals t distributrsDfr distributrs t gvernents答案:B细节理解题。结合最后一句“a priar gal f las requiring extended prduer respnsibilit is t transfer bth the sts and the phsial respnsibilit

20、f aste anageent fr the gvernent and tax&sh;paers ba t the prduers”可知,电子垃圾的责任应该从政府延伸到生产者。故正确答案为B。3hat des the passage ainl tal abut?AThe inrease in e&sh;asteBThe reatin f e&sh;asteThe seriusness f e&sh;asteDThe anageent f e&sh;aste答案:D主旨大意题。本从电子垃圾与日俱增这一现象出发,分析了电子垃圾治理的必要性,并对一些国家政府将电子垃圾治理的责任延伸到生产者这一考虑进

21、行评述。由此可知,本通篇是围绕着电子垃圾治理这一话题展开的。故正确答案为D。 B段【2016高考训练题】阅读下列短,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、D)中,选出最佳选项。ne hetn ner in Detrit is intending t exhange his villa fr the latest iPhne 6The ner has drpped the asing prie fr $ ,000 t a ne iPhne 6 as the ner is desperate t sell befre the tax autin (拍卖) seasn here “thusands” f h

22、es near frelsure (房屋止赎权) ill fld int the aret, a real estate brer (房地产经纪人) alled Larr Else tld AB Nes“This huse is reall nt rth uh at all,” Else said The inds are bren and there is n frnt dr The brer hiself has nt been inside the he beause his pan has a pli f nt ging in unseured huses alne Detrits d

23、elining frtunes have left its ppulatin abut a third f hat it used t be in its pea, arding t the US ensus Bureau(人口普查办公室)N, the prpert has arued (拖欠) re than $6,000 in ba taxes (退税款) and ill enter frelsure next ear if that debt is nt settled S hile the ner is asing fr an iPhne 6, the true st f the sa

24、le es fr the buer inluding the st f the ba taxesThat attrated great interest in the prpert, as Else said that he reeived fur ffers tda alne ne an said she as interested in the huse fr the d Anther said that the uld be illing t hand ver an iPhne , and anther ffered $ 80 But Else hinted that the st li

25、el buer is sene h alread lives n the bl and put in a $ 700 bid(出价), and their failiarit ith the area appeared t put the at the head f the pa He said he expets ne f the fur ffers t r ut, and a even nfir the sale tnightThis is nt the end f his bartering (物物交换) business, hever, as Else said that hes al

26、read gtten anther all fr a hener h has had truble selling their prpert 1、h did the ner drp his prie fr the huse?ABeause the huse as t ldBBeause there is a b in en Beause he anted t sell the huse quilDBeause the ppulatin in Detrit is sall2、Larr Else hasnt e int the huse beause _Ait is dangerus t ente

27、r itBthe ner desnt perit ithe is nt failiar ith the areaDit ill brea the pans rule3、The huse ill st pssibl be sld at the prie f _A $ ,000 B $ 80 $ 700 D an iPhne 64、The passage is st prbabl taen fr _A a str b B a nes reprt an en reprt D a turist brhure参考答案14、DB 四、七选五(201•东济南市月针对性训练)Fr se peple

28、,the arest eries fr hildhd e fr being read a great str_1_ It develps hildrens language sills and inreases their abilit t sueed in shl and,later,rA ne reprt b the Aerian Aade f Pediatris sas reading alud is s iprtant that parents shuld start as sn as their hildren are brn and ntinue t read alud even

29、after their hildren an read b theselvesThe sa parents shuld als pint t and tal abut pitures in bs fr infants(婴幼儿)_2_The pan Shlasti is a ar USpublisher f hildrens bsEver t ears,Shlasti publishes a reprt n Aerian reading attitudes and habitsThe 201 reprt sas nl 31 perent f hildren in the USread a b f

30、r fun alst ever da_3_ ne is sipl t have bs in the heElizabeth Lttletn,the ther f three,is luHer ther ne rte and illustrated hildrens bs,s the fail alas have plent t readShe sas all her hildren learn fr bs but in different as_4_ Researhers fr the Shlasti pan fund that 80%f hildren surveed f all ages

31、sa the lve being read tAnd hildren ages 6 t 11 hse parents d nt read t the anre sa the iss it_ f all the six t 17&sh;ear&sh;lds in the Shlasti stud,re than 90%said their favrite bs are the nes the hse fr theselvesAThe Shlasti reprt als suggests peritting hildren t hse their n bsBShlasti als identifies se as t develp a lve f reading in a hildA b des nt have t be serius t be gd fr idsDFr ung hildren,parents shuld as questins abut the bED hildren still read fr fun?FAnther a t develp a reading habit in hildre

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