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1、配套K12山西省三区八校届高三英语上学期第一次适应性考试试题山西高县、古县、离石区八校高三上学期第一次适应性考试(7月)英 语 试 卷第卷第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节 (共5小题;每题1分,满分5分)听下面五段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What will the speakers give George? A. A bike .

2、B. A guitar. C. Some videos.2. What will the man do?A. Visit a doctor. B. Get some rest. C. Take some medicine.3. What will the man probably do?A. Buy a newspaper. B. Put up an ad in the newspaper. C. Go for an interview.4. What has the woman left?A. The tickets. B. The passports. C. The camera5. Wh

3、at are the speakers mainly talking about?A. Matches. B. Hobbies. C. Soccer.第二节 (共15小题;每题1分,满分15分)听下面五段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题.6. Where will the speakers have dinner tonight? A. At Janes home. B. I

4、n a bar. C. In a restaurant.7. What will the man buy on his way home? A. Apple pies. B. Wine. C. Roses.听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。8. Why does the man frequently donate blood? A. To show his bravery. B. To help the patients. C. To meet a pretty nurse.9. What do we know about the woman? A. She works in the blood

5、station. B. She has trouble donating blood C. She has travelled to disaster areas.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题.10. How are the two speakers talking?A. Face to face. B. On the phone. C. On the internet.11. What does the woman ask the man to do?A. Look for a new apartment. B. Find a job to earn $ 200 a month.C. S

6、hare an apartment with one or two roommates.12. How much does the woman want to spend on rent?A. Less than $ 200 a month. B. Somewhere about $ 200 a month. C. A little more than $ 200 a month. 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题.13. Whats the possible relationship between the speakers? A. Manager and employee. B. Sale

7、sman and customer. C. Husband and wife.14. What does the woman want to do? A. Sell the television. B.Write a letter of complaint. C.Change the television for a new one.15. What did the woman do with the television? A. She asked someone to repair it. B. She adjusted the channels. C. She turned it on.

8、16. Why is the woman surprised at last? A. The man cant adjust it. B. Its an old television. C.The guarantee period is only two days.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题.17. How many people are there in the hip-hop group? A. 60. B. 16. C. 20.18. where do these hip-hop grannies come from? A. The countryside. B. A big c

9、ity. C. A dancing school.19. Why was it difficult for the hip-hop grannies at the beginning? A. They are too old to walk. B. They have no dancing experience. C. They need the help of other people to walk.20. What has happened to the hip-hop grannies since they began to do hip-hop ? A. They havent do

10、ne any farm work. B. They have grown older and older. C. They have become happier and healthier.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题:每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A Recently LonelyPlanet makes up the ten Asian tourist attractions, Shanghai also in the list of magic area.1. Hok

11、kaido, Japan Though known primarily to the outside world for its ski resorts and powdery snow, Hokkaidos year-round beauty might soon become a more familiar sight to foreign visitors. The new bullet-train service from Tokyo should help.2. Shanghai, China The enormous metropolis of Shanghai - Chinas

12、most populous city - has an historic urban core which sits alongside its status as a contemporary, global financial hub.3. Jeonju, South Korea Hundreds of traditional Korean houses remain in central Jeonjus Hanok village.4. Con Dao Islands, Vietnam Once the site of the infamous Con Dao prison, Vietn

13、ams isolated archipelago of 16 islands known as the Con Dao Islands is starting to become known for its scenery and fresh seafood.5. Hong Kong, China A junk boat set against the famous skyline might be the iconic shot of Hong Kong, but Lonely Planet picked the territory for its natural heritage mile

14、s away from Victoria Harbor.6. Ipoh, MalaysiaAround 200 kilometers north of Kuala Lumpur, the former British colonial city is now a foodie destination, where local street food and boutique cafes abound.Whats more, Taiwan is also included in this book. The footbridge which connects small, uninhabited

15、 Sanxiantai Island to Taitung is celebrated for its eight looping arches. This coastal county is inLonely Planets list of top destinations in Asia to visit in 2016.21. If you want to see beautiful sightseeing by train, youd better go to_.A. Shanghai, China B. Hokkaido, JapanC. Jeonju, South Korea D.

16、 Ipoh, Malaysia22. Con Dao Islands were located _ long time ago. A. jail B. scenery C. ocean D. colonial city23. We can infer that LonelyPlanetis the largest_ book publisher in the world.A. science B. expedition and adventure C. travel guide D. massiveopencourse24. There are _ places in China inLone

17、ly Planets list of top destinations in Asia to visit in 2016.A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5BYou have heard the expression “horse sense”. As you may imagine, it came from the time when the majority of people traveled in vehicles drawn by horses. A horse does have a lot of common sense, and there are many true s

18、tories about horses having saved their drivers from danger of death.Today for the most part, people travel by train, ship, airplane, and car, but very little by the Use of horses. Modem vehicles arepropelledby engines, and an engine does not have any sense. In case of danger, many horses could be de

19、pended on to help. Not so with the engine; the driver must do all the things.In recent years, the speed of travel has increased greatly. With the increased speed comes greatly increased danger. The driver of a powerful engine needs to be careful. A moment of being careless may cost a life. In order

20、to drive today, a person must be able to see clearly, and he must learn and follow carefully the rules for safety on the road. Greater attention is the price we pay for using a machine instead of a horse.25. The passage mainly talks about _.A. engines B. safe driving C. using horses D. modern machin

21、es26. The underlined word “propel” in the second paragraph means _.A. repair B. raise C. push forward D. made27. It can be inferred from the passage that _.A. a driver must know the rules of safetyB. a driver needs to be able only to tell red from greenC. an eye test is an important part of a driver

22、s examinationD. greater attention is needed for a driver while driving a machine28. Which of the following is NOT true?A. A driver must be able to see and hear well.B. The driver of a ear must follow the rules of safety.C. Horses are known to have saved their drivers from injury.D. It is better for

23、vehicles to be pulled by horse than to be pushed by engine.CSleeping in is one of the best parts of the weekend. After a long, exhausting work week, sometimes all you want to do is sleep. On Friday night, you slide under the covers, smiling in anticipation. Now you can finally catch up on your sleep

24、. Except you cant. When you open your eyes Saturday morning, its still early. If this were a weekday, youd be up before your alarm. So whats the deal?We hate to break it to you, but youve pretty much done this to yourself. Your body is very good at recognizing patterns and adjusting accordingly. If

25、youve got a 9-to-5 job, youre getting up early five days a week. This effectively sets your body clock to wake you at a certain time each day. You can shut off your alarm clock, but your body clock will just keep ticking.Theres another reason that you probably dont want to think about: Youre just no

26、t as young as you used to be. We need less sleep as we get older. Babies need between 16 and 20 hours. Teenagers should (but often dont) get nine hours a night. Younger and middle-aged adults need eight. In general, the older you get, the harder it is to snooze the day away.Even if you do manage to

27、sleep in, you may never fully catch up on your sleep. If your body needs eight hours every night and you only get six or seven from Monday to Friday, youd have to sleep an extra five to ten hours on Saturday to make it up. And experts say even that may not be enough.The bottom line: Sleep when you c

28、an, and enjoy those extra weekend morning hours. Who doesnt want a longer weekend?29. What does the underlined sentence mean in Paragraph 1? A. You know that you will oversleep on Saturday morning. B. You neednt get up early on Saturday morning, so you will have a better sleep. C. Since you dont wor

29、k on Saturday, you neednt go to sleep as usual. D. You know that even though you neednt get up early on Saturday morning, you will wake as usual.30. What can we learn from Paragraph 3? A. If you have a 9-to-5 job, you are likely to develop a flexible body clock. B. Once you have set your body clock,

30、 it is not easy to change it. C. The author will not break the pattern, but you will do it yourself. D. If you adjust your body clock accordingly, you are healthy.31. Which of the following is the reason why you cant sleep in on weekends? A. You are not willing to admit that you are old. B. You need

31、 to relax on the weekend. C. Your body clock still works on weekends. D. You can never get enough sleep.32. Which is the best title of the passage? A. Why cant I sleep in on weekends anymore? B. Why cant I catch up on my sleep? C. How to turn off my body clock on Saturdays? D. How to get more sleep on Saturday mornings?DRevolutionary TV EarsTV Ears has helped thousands of people with various degrees of hearing loss hear the television clearly without turning up the volume(音量)

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