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1、福建省三明市泰宁三中学年九年级英语上学期第一次月考试题仁爱版泰宁三中2015-2016学年上学期九年级英语第一次月考试卷II 听力(20分).听句子,选择正确答案。每个句子读一遍。(5分)( )1.A.Great. B.Thats nothing. C.Youre welcome.( )2.A.Never mind. B.Sure, Id love to. C.Bye-bye.( )3.A.What a pity. B.Im fine. C.I agree with you.( )4.A.Its great. B.Well done. C.Of course.( )5.Thats all ri

2、ght. B.Have a good time. C.Help yourself.听句子,选择与所听句子意思相近的选项。每个句子读一遍。(5分)( )6.A.Tom is a student. B.Tom is not a student. C.Tom doesnt like school.( )7.A.Kangkang is at home. B. Kangkang is at school. C. Kangkang isnt at home.( )8.A.She works hard. B. She is a good woman. C. She teaches well.( )9.A.S

3、chool ended a little earlier.B.School ended as early as usual.C.School didnt end so early as usual.( )10.A.Tom doesnt like the heavy traffic. I dont like it, either.B.I dont like the heavy traffic, but Tom likes it.C.Tom doesnt like the heavy traffic, but I like it.听句子,选择正确答案。每个句子读两遍。(5分)( )11.A.Thr

4、ee. B.Tom and Mike. C.Beijing.( )12.A.A river. B.A market. C.A school.( )13.A.Last year. B.Before 3 years. C.Since 3 years ago.( )14.A.Ive no idea. B.Can I have some fish? C.Yes, you can.( )15.A.It is tall. B.They are wide. C.She is in the office.听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(5分)( )16.What did Jack want to do o

5、ne day?A.He wanted to borrow some books from Jim.B. He wanted to play with Jim.C. He wanted to buy some books.( )17.Where did Jack want to read the books?A.In the reading room. B.At Jims home. C.At his own home.( )18.How long did Jack want to borrow Jims books?A.Two weeks. B.Less than two weeks. C.M

6、ore than two weeks.( )19.Why didnt Jack want to lend the brush to Jim?A.Because his brush is broken.B.Because he had lent it to others.C.Because Jim didnt lend the books to him yesterday and this made him very angry.( )20.What might happen after Jacks words?A.Jim was happy. B.Jim was unhappy. C.Jim

7、thanked Jack very much.II. 语言知识运用。(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)A) 单项选择:从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。( ) 21 I _ many places of interest since I _ to the city. A visited, came B have visited, came C visited, have come( ) 22 My family _ be poor. _ the help of the government, we have lived a happy life. A used to, Thank

8、s to B got used to, With C got used to, Thanks( ) 23 Tim is angry because I stepped on him just now. But in fact, I didnt do that _. A in need B on purpose C call up( ) 24 - _ my dictionary ? - Yes, I _ it on your desk just now. A Did you see, have seen B Have you seen, saw C Do you see, have seen(

9、) 25 I have _ read the novel. How about you ? - I havent read it _. A never, just B ever, before C already, yet( ) 26 They have a lot of rules at school. - _, and _. A So have they, so we have B So they do, so do we C so they have, so have we( ) 27 You must have _ skills in the computer if you want

10、to get the job. A normal B training C basic( ) 28 May I speak to Tom ? - Sorry. He _ Japan. He _ Japan for two days. A has been in, has been to B has been to, has been in C has gone to, has been in( ) 29 How long have you been in Beijing ? - _. A Five years ago B For last year C Since last year( ) 3

11、0 There are over _ students in our school. And _ of them are boys. A two thousands, third five B two thousand, three fifths C two thousands of, three fifths( ) 31 - _ is the population of China ? Its a _ population, about 1.3billion. A How much, lot of B How many, big C What, large( ) 32 - How much

12、is the black coat ? - Its _ yuan. A one thousand, six hundred, eighty-eight B one thousand and six hundred and eighty-eight C one thousand, six hundred and eighty-eightB) 完形填空:从每题的三个答案中选出可填入相应空白处的最佳答案。 Once there was a postman.Day after day,he went around the village delivering mail (递送邮件)to the peo

13、ple of the village.For him ,life was _33_waves. One day when he was delivering mails as usual,a little _34_made him lose his balance.He looked at the stone and found it strange but beautiful. The postman then put the stone in his bag carefully.He suddenly had a brave thought,”I can _35_a castle)城堡)w

14、ith such beautiful stones.”His life has become different since then.He still delivered mail,_36_he collected every stone he could find along the way.People didnt understand what happened to the postman.After collecting enough stones, he started to build the castle. During the daytime ,he delivered d

15、reams to others;and during the night he built his _37_dream.Nobody was willing to join in,but he didnt _38_because he knew the dream the and the castle only belonged to him. After 20 years of working day and night,_39_the postmans dream castle was finished.It was an excellent castle as he had imagin

16、ed. This is a real _40_.The postmans name is Xue Waller.The stone castle has become a famous tourist arraction in France. ( )33.A.with B.without C.against ( )34. A.toy C.stone ( )35. B.visit C.change ( )36.A.because B.but ( )37.A.single B.own C.each ( )38. A.wait B.agree C.mind( )

17、39.A.especilly B.finally C.mainly ( )40.A.story B.person III. 阅读理解。(共25小题,每小题2分,满分50分)A The Internet, mobile phones and iPads are part of our lives now. Technology is greatly affecting all ways of our lives, from the ways we work to the ways we play. And it even causes a number of social p

18、roblems such as cloning humans. We have had lots of technology and it has changed our lives a lot. There is no doubt that humans will continue to use more and more technology. Here are some examples of modern technology that will change our ideas and will affect our lives greatly. Global positioning

19、 system(GPS)Its a system that uses radio signals from satellites to show exact information. It tells you where the user is on the earth in all weather conditions. Its made up of three parts:satellites, control equipments on land and receivers. Space TechnologyRussian and American scientists have wor

20、ked together for the international Space Station(ISS) for a long time. They hope the ISS will provide a long-lasting lab. Such a lab will bring humans limitless advantage. Its even hoped that one day space technology will take humans to their new housed in space. Underwater RobotHercules is kind of

21、underwater robot with some high technology equipments. It will be used to search for ancient ships which were destroyed into the deep sea during their journey long ago. The world is changing so quickly that its hard for us to catch up with all the new inventions because they seem to come out every m

22、onth. Its important for us to learn about new technology and the role that it plays in our lives. So we should be willing to accept modern technology, or we will fall behind the times.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。41. _can tell you where the user is on the earth exactly. A. Satellites B. Underwater Robots C. Global

23、 Positioning System42. According to the passage, which is NOT true about the ISS? A. It has carried people to other planets. B. It will provide a long-lasting lab or us. C. Russian and American scientists are working for it.43. Hercules is used to_. A. save lives in the sea B. repair the broken ship

24、s C. look for the ancient ships in the sea44. From the passage, we know that_. A. the use of GPS is affected by the weather conditions B. its very important for us to learn about new technology C. technology brings us many advantages such as cloning humans45. What is the purpose of the passage? A. T

25、o help us study some new technology. B. To tell us technology is changing the world. C. To help solve the problems that technology causes.B Nowadays, more and more people like to shop on the Internet. How can you protect yourself from different types of Internet tricks? Following these tips can make

26、 you online shopping safer: (1) Never click on an unsolicited(主动提供的) e-mail. If you are interested in the things well-known company that sells the same thing, dont click on any links in the e-mail itself. (2) Dont answer any e-mail that asks you for personal financial(财政的) information. Most of the l

27、egitimate(合法的)companies will not ask your information through e-mail. And dont believe what the e-mail says easily. Sometimes some e-mail will ask you to make a telephone call to get more information about the things you want. Dont forget to check the phone number on your phonebook to make sure it i

28、s the number of a legitimate company before you make the call. (3) When you are searching for information on the Internet, make sure that there is a key symbol at the bottom of your browser(浏览器)and the “http” in the website address. These mean that the website is safe. (4) Dont sent your money to an

29、 unknown website before you receive the things they send to you and make sure they work well. Shopping on the Internet is convenient and fun. It is also safe if you are careful enough.46. If you want to protect yourself from Internet tricks, what can you do? A. Click on the links in the e-mail itsel

30、f. B. Make sure the website is safe. C. Make a phone call according to the information in the e-mail.47. When searching for information, make sure there is _at the bottom of your browser and _in the website address. A. a key picture, the “http B. a key symbol, the phone number C. a key symbol, the “

31、http”48. The best title for the passage may be_. A. Tips on Sending E-mail B. Tips on Making a telephone C. Tips on online Shopping49. From Tips 2 we can learn that_. we should refuse to answer an e-mail about personal financial information we should click on an unsolicited e-mail we should remember to check the phone number before we call the company most of legitimate companies will ask for your information through e-mail A. B. C. 50. Which of the following is NOT

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