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1、每日5句小长跑注:作者(Diler),坚持每天学5句句子,坚持每日不断更新!谢谢支持!In my eyes, Im just afraid of one kind of person -clever but still works very hard. What I cant tolerate most is the sense of my own ignorance! 我最不能容忍的是自己有无知感。-1. Dont set your goals according to what are deemed important by others. Only you know what is be

2、st for yourself. 别人认为重要的,并不就是你的追求。只有自己才知道什么最合适。2. Everything will be okay in the end. If its not okay, its not the end.每件事最后都会是好事。如果不是好事, 说明还没到最后。3. Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking outward together in the same direction生活告诉我们,爱不在于朝夕相伴,而应能风雨同舟。4. Y

3、our future depends on your dreams. So go to sleep.你的未来取决于你的梦想,所以赶快去睡觉吧。晚安!5 The stupid seek happiness far away, and the clever plough it under feet.愚笨的人到远处去寻找幸福,聪明的人就在自己脚底下耕耘幸福。6. Most of people are looking forward the crystal-like lovepure without any defect. However the truth s most people are hav

4、ing the glass-like love. 许多人向往水晶般的爱情,晶莹剔透没有瑕疵。但更多人拥有的是玻璃般的爱情。7. Im not kidding myself. 我不是在自欺欺人。8. If two past lovers can remain friends, its either they were never in love or they still are.如果分手的恋人还能做朋友,要不从没爱过,要不还在爱着。9. Dont tell lies because those who believe your lies are the ones who believe in

5、you. 不要去骗人,因为你能骗到的,都是相信你的人。10. We need fresh start. 我们需要重新开始。11. Theres a game which is enduringly adored among people called “You mean it, you lose it!”(endure vi忍耐;持续) 人和人之间喜欢玩一种历久不衰的游戏,叫“你一认真就输了”.12. Do you have a map? I just keep losing in your eyes. 你有地图吗?因为我刚在你的眼神里迷失了。13 He is too busy searchi

6、ng the answer. 他正忙于寻找答案。14.In fact,Bree believes so strongly in her values. 事实上,Bree太过执着于她的价值观了。15. You are avoiding me? 你在躲我吗?16. I have thousands of things to do before that. 在那之前(比如一个时间)我还有很多事情要做。17. Im going to lose it. 我要发火了。18. What I am trying to is. 我想说的是.19. Are you saying that Im too emoti

7、onal? 你是说我太感情用事了?20. its her soul that is fatal feitl. 要命的是她的心眼。21. We are here to add what we can to life, not to get what we can from it. 我们要尽可能的为生活增添一些东西,而不是从中索取什么东西。22. Cherish always understand in regret later. Sorry but how also couldnt get to know to cherish before.(understand怎么不用第三人称,这句话没语病?

8、) 珍惜总是明白在遗憾之后,遗憾却怎么也走不到明白珍惜之前。23 If you are brave enough to say Goodbye ,life will reward you with a new Hello. 如果你勇敢地说出再见,生活一定会赐予你一个新的开始。24. A sad thing in life is when you meet someone who means a lot to you ,only to find out in the end that it was never meant to be and you just have to let go.25.

9、 If I could rearrange the alphabet, Id put U and I together. 如果我能重新来排列字母,我要把U和I排在一起!26. A smile doesnt always mean a person is happy. Sometimes it simply means they are strong enough to face problems.微笑并不代表一个人是快乐的,有时它仅仅代表人们能足够坚强地面对自己的问题。27. Can I hold your hand? No. But why? Because itll hurt when y

10、ou let go.-我可以牵你的手吗?-不可以-给个理由先。-因为,有天你一旦放手它们就会受伤。28. I want what I want when I want it. 我随心所欲惯了。29. Would you just get back, you! 你给我回来!30. Somebody say something. / Say something. 说句话呀。31. Thank god you were in flats. 还好你当时是穿平底鞋。32. Its no big deal.没什么大不了的。33. You are clearly a gentleman. 你真是个绅士.34

11、. Somebody gets an active imagination. 有些人的想象力就是丰富。35. I know a little Russian, but this is a sealed book/ hieroglyphic to me.我懂一点俄语,但这种语言对我来说如天书一般难懂。36. When you wanna be wealthy(adj. 富有的;n. 富人),your head is using! (己试译) 如果你想发财了,说明你的脑子懂得转了!37. FREE Newsletter. Sign Up Now!免费通迅。现在就报名!( newsletter n.

12、 时事通讯)38. I predict that you have at least 1 facebook account.我猜你至少有一个facebook帐号。39. Facebook makes money by selling advertising.脸谱网站靠商业广告位盈利。 40. These solar terms have meaningful titles. 每个节气的名称都有一定含义。( terms, n术语 )41. .Armed( vt. 武装;备战) with the following resume checklist, you can learn to make t

13、he most of your one-page pitch(投掷 n) and enter the running(n. 赛跑;运转) for the positions you want. (己试译)带着下面的清单,你就可以充分利用你这一页纸的投掷,进入你想要的位置的竞争中去。42. Sylvester, 39, an executive assistant. ( 行政的 )西尔维斯特39岁,是一名行政助理。43. Tailoring resumes and cover letters to fit employers. 根据不同的雇主制作简历和求职信。44. The key to cre

14、ating killer of cover letters and resumes is understanding what they really are and how they should be used in a successful job search. 制做求职信和简历的杀手锏关键是理解它们到底是什么以及它们应该怎么被应用到成功求职中。 (己试译)45. Mind the Gap: How to Handle Holes in your Work History. 小心空隙:如何处理你的工作履历洞.46. Ways to respond to an employers con

15、cerns and assure them that you are committed to your career and the position. (己试译)如何回应一个雇主的担忧和让他们确信你会致力于你的职业生涯和职位。47. Gabrielle got pregnant(adj. 怀孕的;富有意义的). Gabrielle怀孕了。48. We should grab it and hold on tightly. 我们应该抓住不放。 49.If it is how its going to be ,this is what Im going to be. 如果你坚持事情这样()发展

16、的话,我也会坚持(这样对待你的)!50. Pretty as a picture.像幅画一样美。51. You have just only one shot. (机会 n)你只有一次机会。52. Ill have Belle for my wife. ( belle,美女 n) 我一定要娶贝尔做我的妻子。53. Make no mistake about that! 谁敢阻止,我就要他好看!54. Why your resume got tossed. 为什么你的简历会被扔? (toss, 被乱扔,投掷 v)55. Now the time ,why wait? (己试译) 时机来了,为何还

17、要等?(现在有时间那还等什么呀!)56. It was a comedy called Rush Hour. (comedy, 喜剧 n)它是一部叫做尖锋时刻的喜剧片。57. He had no comedy vein in his youth. ( vein,才干,气质 n)他年轻时没有演喜剧的。58. Its noting to worry about that. (那)没什么好担心的。59. Lets start over. 让我们重新来过。60. Deadline of 3 working days. 三天的工作期限。61. 高端产品的商标通常炫目华丽。High-end goods a

18、re often ostentatiously labeled.62. Good for you/him! 或 Good show! 干得好!63. Good news goes on crutches. 好事不出门。64. Goodness knows(接从句) (注意,不是Godness!) 老天作证65. What has he got up his sleeve? 他葫芦里到底卖的什么药?(他袖子里藏了什么?)66. You are hot. 你很性感。67. Be well, my man. 保重,兄弟。68. Dont get me wrong. 别误会。69.So that I

19、can move on my life. 只有那样我才能继续我的生活。70. I think she understands something. 我觉得她说得有道理。71. She did her laundry on Tuesdays. Bree 每周三洗衣服.72. In the past, I only wanted people to see the best of me. Now I dont mind your seeing my faults coz I want you to accept me the way I am. 过去,我只想让人看到我的最好一面,现在我不介意你看到

20、我的缺点,因为我希望你接受的是一个真实的我。73. Not only be proud to have you, but take every risk and chance just to be with you. (to, 是表目的!) 不光为拥有你而感到骄傲,而且愿意为了和你在一起,甘愿冒一切险。74. Among thousands of people, you meet those youve met. Through thousands of years, with the boundlessness of time, you happen to meet them, neithe

21、r earlier nor a bit too late. 于千万人中,你遇见你所遇见的人;于千万年中,时间无涯的荒野里,没有早一步,亦没有晚一步,赶巧赶上了。75. I dont want to blow it. ( vt. 风吹,殴打) 我不想放弃。(不想这件事就这么吹了即)76. You cant socialize with her any more. (vi. 交际)你不能和她交往了。77. Do it quick. 快点行事。/ (口语化:干什么事)快点行不罗!78. -When R U COMING HOME? 你什么时候回家?-At this rate?Never.(按)这种效

22、率, 别想!-what do U want me 2 do about that? 那你想我怎么办罗?79. OK. Go and get him. 好吧,你去找他。80.The (一件事情) didnt appeal 2 u? 你对某事情没兴趣?81. You know wheres weird ? ( adj. 怪异的;不可思议的;)你知道是哪不对劲吗?82. Dont bother. 别白费力气了。83. We may end up all by ourself. 我们也许会孤独终老。84. Do you have a moment. 你有时间吗?(指的是将会短暂地打扰一下)85. Yo

23、u treat me like dirt. 你虐待我。86. What are you being so coy about? (adj. 腼腆的;怕羞的) 你干嘛这么遮遮遮掩掩?87. You move fast ! 你进展真快!88. Do I come first with you? 你会先想到我吗?89My American dream is officially dead. (官方地;正式地)我的美国梦已经完全破灭了。90. Even a perfect couple can find themselves at a dead end. 甚至完美夫妇也会发现他们会走进死胡同。91.

24、You will be bound together for as long as you live.你们会一生都紧密地联系在一起。92. What an excellent question. (adj. 极好的) 多么好的一个问题。93. Strangers may talk ,but I know the truth. 陌生人也许会说闲话,但我是了解事实的真相的。(言外:别理他们就可以了)94.-You trust me ?-Clearly I do. (当然!)95. Tom is ass. (贬义 n. 驴子;屁股;蠢人) 他是个混蛋。96.Every guy over there

25、is just a boring stiff. (n. 俚死尸;不可救药的人) 哪儿全是些无聊的呆子。97. Buy him some deodorant di:udrnt. (n. 除臭剂) (快)给他买点除臭剂吧。98. You and Tom will survive this. 你和Tom会挺过去的。 99. Something were built to/ doomed to / destined to / bound to last. 有些事/东西注定会持久。100. You deserve him. 你和他很般配。101. Hard to miss. 很难不注意到()。102.

26、Due to Lynettes sudden departure. 由于Lynette的突然离开。103. How very saucy. 妙极了。104. Youre colorful(有趣的;富有色彩的). Colorful in a way that might respond to medication(n. 药物治疗;药物).你个性丰富。丰富到了需要药物治疗的地步。105. People like me who just have a little big personality. (所以who从句的谓语由前半句主语来定)像我这样的一些人只是很有个性罢了。106. For God s

27、akes. 看在老天的份上。107. Do yourself a favor and stay away from my nephew. (远离) 帮帮忙,离我侄子远点吧。108. Your flower is breathtaking. 你的花太美了。109. I failed him . (vt使失望;不及格) 我让他失望了。110. I dont wanna screw it up. (搞乱,弄乱,弄糟) 我不想把这事搞砸。111. Pretty rough luck,huh? 运气真坏,是不是?112. It pains me to sell it. (v. 使痛苦) 卖它 我很头疼!

28、113. Ive been trying to be civil . (adj 有礼貌的;客气的) 我现在已经很客气了。114. Watch and learn . 跟我学着点。115. She is a bit of stalker (vi.潜近,偷偷接近) 她有点缠人。(老悄悄跟着不就是 很缠人吗)116. My key wont work. 钥匙打不开门了。117. Oh, lighten up. 打起精神来吧 / 高兴点吧。118. You cant leave me out here in the middle of nowhere. 你不能把我丢在这荒芜人烟的地方。(不能把我忽略在

29、这即)119. We all have our reasons for rewriting history. 我们都有改写历史的原因。(rewrite v. 重写;改写 )120. He treats you like dirt. (n. 污垢,泥土) 他视你如粪土。121Its / Theres irony for you. (n. 讽刺;反语;具有讽刺意味的事)( 当对人感叹时) 对你来说还真是讽刺。122. What is all this? 这是在干嘛?123. Im gonna open another bottle of wine. (gonna =going to) 我要再开瓶酒

30、。124. Youre gonna seduce me with a glass of wine? (vt. 引诱;诱惑)你想用杯酒诱惑我? 125. You know ,Im really beat. (adj. 筋疲力尽的)我真的不行了。126. Im done talking. 我话说完了。 / 我没什么话可说了。 127. I have really big ears. 我耳朵很灵敏的。128. The grounds really suck. Its a sucky(让人讨厌的) idea! (常用复数 理由;根据 ) 这些理由太烂了。 简直是个烂透了的主意!(suck vi.俚糟糕)129. Call my bluff. ( n. 绝壁;断崖;吓唬) 咱们走着瞧。 130. You had me scared there for a second. 你刚才吓了我一跳。,no,no,do me a favor, let me go. 不不不,求求你了,放过我吧,(别给我来这套)。132. This is pointless.这毫无意义。133. You gotta understand. (adv. 必须即=have got to)gotta go口得走了) 你要了解。1

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