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仁爱英语七年级下导学案Unit 8.docx

1、仁爱英语七年级下导学案Unit 8仁爱英语七年级下Unit 8Topic1导学案单词集锦Unit8Topic11 天气2 春天3 温暖的;热心的4 季节5 夏天6 热的;辣的7 爬,攀登8 冬天9 冷的;寒冷;感冒10 下雨;雨11 下雪;雪12 阴雨的,多雨的13 记得;记起14 雨衣15 在外面,向外面16 下雪多的17 多风的,风大的18 有雾的19 多云的;阴天的21 明亮的;22 温度23 低;矮24 假期25 伞26 太阳镜27 短裤28 旅行,旅游29 穿,戴30 突然31 发光,照耀;32 更好33 应该,最好34 澳大利亚35 大多数;最36 太阳;阳光37 明亮地38 猛烈

2、地39 收割;收获40 忙于,忙碌的41 叶子42 风43 强烈地44 冰45 (戴檐的)帽子46 歌剧(剧本)47 我们自己48 希望,期望49 旅行,旅游50 正午,中午句型集锦Unit8Topic11.在春天in spring2.在夏天in summer3.在秋天in fall4.在冬天in winter5.放风筝fly kites6.去游泳go swimming7.爬山climb hills8.堆雪人make snowmen9.学做某事learn to do sth10.穿上put on11出去go outside12非常明亮nice and bright13.高温the highes

3、t temperatrure14.低温the lowest temperatrure15.大雨heavy rain 下大雨rain heavyily16.去旅行go traveling17.暑假summer holidays18.最好(不)做某事 had better (not)do sth19.需要做某事need to do sth20.带一把伞take a n umbrella21.记得去做某事remember to do sth 22.穿暖和的衣服wear warm clothes23.戴太阳镜wear sunglasses24.天气放晴get fine25.后来 late on 26.

4、复苏Come back to lif27.变绿turn green28.出来,开放,出版come out29.忙于做某事be busy doing sth30.刮大风blow strongly 31.大风strong wind32.变化很大change a lot33.到达某地get to34.散步take a walk35.休息一会儿have a short rest句型集锦Unit8Topic11.春天的天气怎样?很暖和。它是放风筝的好季节。 Whats the weather like in spring?Is warm.Its a good season for flying kite

5、s.2.秋天的天气怎样?很凉爽。它是爬山的好时间。 How is the weather like in fall?Its cool.Its a good time to climb hills.3.你最喜欢哪一个季节,春天,夏天,秋天还是冬天?哦,这很难说。 Which season do you like best,spring,summer,fall or winter?Well,its hard to say. 4.我最喜欢夏天。I like summer best.=我最喜欢的季节是夏天。My favorite season is summer.5.事情进展得怎么样?How are

6、things going? 6.北京的天气怎样?Whats the weather like in Beijing? 7.温度是多少?Whats the temperatrure? 高温2,低温-8.高温 The highest temperatrure is 2and the lowest temperatrure is -8.8.暑假就要来了。The summer holidays are coming.9.你最好了解一下澳大利亚不同地方的天气。 Youd better know about the weather in different areas in August.10.当你出去的

7、时候,你需要带伞。You need to take an umbrella when you go out.11.万物复苏。Everything comes back to life.12.夏去秋来。Fall comes after summer.13.冬天从十二月持续到二月。Winter lasts from December to February.课堂导练Section AI词汇A)根据句意及首字母提示,完成单词。1 He often climbs h_ with his friends on Saturday morning. 2 Which s_ is the hottest in

8、the year?Its summer.3 Its c_ in winter.4 It often r_ in summer.5 My f_ season is spring.B)根据汉语提示完成句子。6 There are four_(季节) in a year.7 Whats the _( 天气)like in spring?8 _( 夏季)comes after spring.9 It is _(凉爽的) in fall.10 It is _(热的)in summer. I like _(游泳)in the river.II单项选择( ) 1 It is a good time _. A

9、、sing B、to sing C、singing( )2. Which is _ season in Beijing?I think its fall.A. better B. the best C. best( ) 3 We usually fly kites_ spring. A on B at C in( ) 4 _ the weather like in summer? A Whats B Hows C What( ) 5 You can _ hiking on Sunday. A to go B going C go( ) 6 Fall is a good season _ mou

10、ntains. A to climb B climb C climbing( ) 7 Which month do you like _,May, June or July? A good B better C best( ) 8 Why do you like winter? _ we can make snowmen. A So B Because C AndIII. 句型转换1 My sister likes fall best. (划线部分提问)_ _ does your sister like best?2 How is the weather today? (改为同义句)_ the

11、 weather _ today?3 What do you think of the film star? (改为同义句)_ do you _ the film star?4 The weather in Hainan is very hot. (划线部分提问)_ the weather _ in Hainan ? Section B课堂导练I.根据句意及首字母提示,完成单词。1 In China spring begins in M_.2 Whats the w_ like in spring in Wuhan?3 In winter we all wear warm c_.4 He li

12、kes winter b_ in all the seasons.5 They m_ a snowman yesterday.6 Whats the t_, do you know? 25.7 Class Two is b_ Class One and Class Three.8 What do you t_ of the weather today? Its fine.9 How was your birthday party? W_.10 In fall, the weather is quite c_.II. 单项选择( ) 1 Which is _ month of the year?

13、 A hot B hottest C the hottest ( ) 2 _ city do you like_, Shanghai, Xiamen or Guangzhou? A Which, best B Which, better C What, best ( ) Look at the cloud. I think it will _ later on.A. cloud B. wind C. rain ( ) 4 Would you like _ a snowman with us? A to make B make C made ( ) 5 _ do you like summer?

14、 Because its a good time_ A Why, swim B How, to swim C Why, to swim ( ) 6. It was _ and hot all day. A. sunny B. sun C. suny( ) 7 It is _, and we can make a snowman. A、warm B、rainy C、snowy ) 8. Here _ the weather report today for Beijing. A. like B. be C. is( ) 9. Its _. The buses and cars cant run

15、fast. A. foggy B. cloudy C. windy( )10.Whats the weather _ today?Its _ warm.A. like; good and B. likes; nice and C. like; nice and( )11._ is the temperature in the suburbs in that day? 39.A. How much B. How many C. WhatIII 句型转换1 It will be cloudy tomorrow. (就划线部分提问)_the weather _ tomorrow?2 Which se

16、ason is your favorite? (改为同义句)Which season _ you like _?3 He likes winter.(改为一般疑问句)_ he _ winter?4 He speaks Japanese very well.(改为一般疑问句)_ he _Japanese very well?5 Its a good season for climbing mountains in fall.(改为同义句)Its a good season _ _ mountains in fall. Section C课堂导练I.根据汉语提示完成句子1 There are _

17、_ ( 七天)in a week.2 The _ ( 气温 ) was 36 yesterday.3 Where do you plan to go for your _ ( 假期 )4 Do you _ ( 记得)the old man?5 Its cloudy, youd better take an _(雨伞) with you.II. 单项选择( ) 1 Last Monday, it _ hot all day.; A is B are C was( ) 2 Whats _ temperature in new York? A low B lowest C the lowest( )

18、3. The snow is _. A. heavily B. heavy C. big( ) 4. Please remember _ the door when you leave the room. A. close B. to close C. Closing( ) 5 Here is the weather report _ some big cities.A、for B、at C、of 完成下列句子 我想我最喜欢冬季I think I _ _ _. 夏季是去游泳的最好时候。Its _ _time_ _swimming. 请记得明天把你的照片带来。Please _ _ _ your

19、photo. 在冬天,我们需要穿暖和的衣服。We _ _ _ warm clothes 在早上,阳光灿烂The sun _ _ in the morning. Section D课堂导练.词汇A)根据句意及首字母提示,完成句子1. He often climbs m_ with his friends on Saturday morning.2. Which s_ is the hottest in the year?Its summer.3. The yellow l_ fall from the trees in fall.4. Fruit and crops are ripe. The

20、farmers are busy h_ in fall.5. Sometimes it rains q _ heavily.B) 根据汉语提示完成句子1 It is _(热的)in summer. I like _(游泳)in the river.2 The boy is _ _ _(洗衣服)in the river.3 We usually _ _ _(呆在家里) on Sundays.4 This is a _(收割) season.5 The rain _(持续) for five days this month.II.单项选择( )1. Tom likes _ snowmen in w

21、inter. A. make B. makes C. making( )2. Fall _ summer. A. come after B. come before C. comes after( ) 3 It often rains and sometimes it rains _.A、heavy B、heavily C、strongly( ) 4 The students are _ their homework. A、busy doing B、busy do C、with busy( ) 5 It lasts _ December _ February. A、in; in B、from;

22、 to C、in; to用所给词的适当形式填空1 He _ (go) to Beijing on his summer holiday next year.2 The weather is quite _ (wind) in Jinan in fall.3 The students are busy _ (do) some exercises.4 Thats a _(hard) question.5 There are four _ (season) in a year. 完成句子1.他昨天晚上苏醒的。He _ _ _ _ last night.2.冬天天气变冷了。The weather_ _

23、in winter.3.大家正忙着看英语书。Everyone _ busy _ English books.4.暑假从7月持续到9月。Summer holidays _ _ July _ September.5昨晚既吹大风,又下大雨。It rained _ and the wind _ _ last night.仁爱英语七年级下Unit 8Topic2导学案单词集锦Unit 8 Topic21 一起;共同2 兴趣;趣味3 德国4 印度5 家乡,故乡6 在任何时候7 照相机8 帐篷9 准备10 分享,共用11 乐趣12 衣服13 携带;拿,提14 决定15 有危险的16 待,停留17 独自;单独

24、18 高山19 到达20 友好的21 礼物短语集锦Unit8Topic21.希望做某事wish to do sthhope to do sth. 2.绕着旅行travel around, 3.照相take pictures 4.回到去go back to5.聚在一起,聚会get together6.名胜place(s)of interest 7.去度假go for a holiday 去度假go on holiday 去云南度她的假 go to Yunnan for her holidays 8.做某事最好的时间the best time to do sth9.一年到头 all (the) y

25、ear round10.去旅行take a trip /go on a trip11.在太阳下in the sun 12.为.做准备prepare for.句型集锦Unit8Topic21.我想去古巴I want to Cuba.2.你的计划是什么?What are your plans?3.我计划去澳大利亚。I plan to go to Australia.4.我希望周游全国并拍些照片。I wish to travel around the country and take some pictures.5.我希望和他们相聚在一起。I hope to get together with th

26、em.6.我想参观中国的一些名胜。Id like to visit some places of interest in China.7.你们每个人都有一个好的假期计划。Each of you has a good plan for the holidays.8.我希望你们都玩得愉快。I hope you all have a wonderfull time.9.去那儿最好的时间是什么?Whats the best time to go there? 我认为你任何时间都可以去。I think you can go anytime.10.你去丽江的旅行怎样?How was your trip t

27、o Lijiang?11.你是如何旅行到英国的?How did you travel to England?SectionA课堂导练根据汉语提示完成句子1. I am planning to travel to some (名胜).2 Each of them _( 有) a good plan for the holidays.3. I hope you all (玩得愉快).4. I hope to (聚会) with my old friends.5. Jane , whats _( 最好时节)to go to Canada? 用hope 和wish填空1 Maria_ to be a

28、teacher.2 We _ you to be happy.3 I _ youll have a good time.4 I _ you a good night.II.单项选择( ) 1. I you with us tomorrow.A. will hope; to go B. hope; can go C. will hope; go( ) 2. of them takes many photos.A. All B. Each C. They( ) 3 A: I am planning to travel to Shenzhen. B:_. A Have a good time B You have a good plan C Im very glad.( ) 4 I went to Beijing _ my parents last year. A and B with C or( )

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