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高考英语一轮复习课时作业必修四 Unit 5 Theme parks Word版含答案.docx

1、高考英语一轮复习课时作业必修四 Unit 5 Theme parks Word版含答案 课时作业(二十).阅读理解2017山东潍坊一模Helsinki is offering young people the chance to rent a cheap apartment in an old peoples home,if they agree to spend time socializing with the elderly residents.The city council is seeking applications from renters under the age of 2

2、5 who will commit to spending between three and five hours each week with their older neighbours,at a care home in the eastern Laajasalo district.In exchange,theyll get a studio flat measuring 23 square meters with a private kitchen,bathroom and balcony for 250 euros per month.Currently only three f

3、lats are available,but the scheme is part of a wider effort to deal with a lack of accommodation for young people in the capital.Ordinarily a studio costs about 600 euros a month,depending on the area,one local university advises.Those who apply dont need any specific care experience.“There are staf

4、f to look after the elderly,” project manager Miki Mielonen tells Yle.“We are looking for young people who maybe have a different perspective on everyday life,who will bring variety and recreation to the elderly residents.”More than 60 people have applied for the spaces in less than a week,and the i

5、dea has also been widely recognized by Finns on social media.“Great project,hopefully it will spread to other areas,” writes one person on Facebook,while another applauds the scheme for bringing different generations together.But some wish it were open to more people,with one user saying: “Its a sha

6、me the flats are so small.It would have been nice if the elderly had a small family with children or a single parent as their neighbour.” And one person has a different opinion about the cutoff age,writing:“Shame Im too old for thisI would have_surely_applied.”1One can probably get the cheap apartme

7、nt if he_.Areaches the age of 25Bhas financial problemsCpromises to accompany the elderlyDagrees to share it2Why is the new rent scheme accepted?AIt can benefit both the young and the old.BIt doesnt need any professional training.CThe flats are wellequipped.DBig apartments are in short supply.3What

8、does the underlined sentence suggest?AHe doesnt want to grow up.BHe has a chance to apply again.CHe disapproves of the age limit.DHe applies for the flat without hesitation.4What would be the best title of the text?AYoung Finns offered cheap flats at a care homeBNew apartments designed for the elder

9、lyCA new approach to caring for the oldDA good chance for the needy families答案:解题导语本文为新闻报道。在芬兰赫尔辛基市,愿意在养老院陪伴老年人的年轻人可以很便宜地租到养老院的公寓楼。1C解析:事实细节题。根据第二段中“.who will commit to spending between three and five hours each week with their older neighbours,at a care home.”可知凡是在25岁以下愿意陪伴老人的年轻人都可以申请租用便宜的公寓楼,故答案为C

10、项。2A解析:推理判断题。根据第二段“theyll get a studio flat measuring 23 square meters with a private kitchen,bathroom and balcony for 250 euros per month.”和第三段“Ordinarily a studio costs about 600 euros a month, depending on the area”可知年轻人可从此项新的租房计划中受益;根据第四段“.who will bring variety and recreation to the elderly res

11、idents”可知老年人也可从此项新的租房计划中受益。故答案为A项。3C解析:推理判断题。从画线句子可以看出说话者为自己超过了25岁这一年龄限制,不能申请租用公寓楼感到不满,故答案为C项。4A解析:主旨大意题。本文围绕年轻人可在养老院便宜地租用公寓楼这一事件展开,故答案为A项。.完形填空2017广东深圳调研Nowadays computers have become an important part in our daily life:we _1_ in touch with our friends through QQ,we write many short pieces about th

12、ings we are _2_by clicking the keyboard,and _3_we also use the computers to do business.Computers have changed our _4_in many aspects.However,here comes the problem:are we too dependent on computers?It is_5_to find that lots of people always make many mistakes in writing with a pen,and some of them

13、even have_6_their inspiration (灵感) because they have got used to_7_articles from computers.There is no doubt that_8_have made a great contribution to improving our _9_of life,making it easier and more convenient,but we shouldnt ignore the_10_of keeping our initial ability to do things with our own h

14、ead.One day,computers would seem to be_11_at the same time,but we would suffer a lot _12_we become too dependent on them.Imagine that in a _13_where you are required to write a paper with your pen._14_,sometimes you find yourself unable to remember the_15_spelling of several words,or you cannot get

15、your own ideas without_16_for information from a computer,and that would put you into _17_.In short,we are all too dependent on computers nowadays,and _18_this is not a good thing.It may add to our indolence (倦怠) and laziness.So now that we have_19_realized that,it is time for us to do something to_

16、20_ BkeepCsucceed Dend2A.impressed with Bengaged toCexposed to Dinterested in3A.sometimes BseldomCsomehow Dotherwise4A.habit BhobbyClife Dmind5.A.astonishing BexcitingCsatisfying Dinspiring6A.showed BdiscoveredCimproved Dlost7A.posting BborrowingCcopying Dstealing8A.computers BkeyboardsCc

17、ellphones Demails9A.direction BqualityCresource Didentity10A.possibility BimportanceCcondition Dsituation11A.somewhere BnowhereCanywhere Deverywhere12A.before BthoughCif Duntil13A.state BwayCcase Ddegree14A.However BThereforeCBesides DMoreover15A.same BcorrectCcommon Ddirect16A.avoiding BdeliveringC

18、searching Dreceiving17A.danger BangerCsorrow Danxiety18A.obviously BfinallyCdirectly Dsimply19A.even BhardlyCoften Dalready20A.enjoy BchangeCfollow Dforget答案:解题导语本文为议论文。当今,电脑已成为我们生活中的重要部分,但是过度依赖电脑会带来很多问题,使我们更加倦怠和懒惰,使我们不会写文章,不会拼写单词了。1B解析:由首句信息“Nowadays computers have become an important part in our d

19、aily life”可知,此处指的是电脑的积极作用,所以用keep in touch with “与保持联系”符合语境。2D解析:我们通过点击键盘,写一些我们感兴趣的小文章。be impressed with “对印象深刻”;be engaged to “和订婚”;be exposed to “暴露在;置身于;接触”;be interested in “对感兴趣”。3A解析:电脑的作用众所周知,我们有时(sometimes)也用它做生意,故选A项。4C解析:由首句信息以及现实情况可知,电脑在很多方面改变了我们的生活(life)。habit “习惯”;hobby “爱好”;mind “头脑”。5

20、A解析:许多人在用钢笔写字的时候总会犯错误,这令人吃惊(astonishing),故选A项。6D解析:他们中有些人甚至没有了(lost)灵感。由关键词even可知,此处表示电脑带来的不好的影响。7C解析:他们中有些人甚至没有了灵感,原因是他们常常从电脑上抄袭(copying)文章。show “显示”;discover “发现”;improve “改善”。8A解析:毫无疑问,电脑对于改善我们的生活质量做出了很大的贡献。本文主要议论的是电脑对我们生活的影响,所以此处用computers。9B解析:参见上题解析。10B解析:由语境可知,作者认为我们应用大脑思考、写作,而不是过分依赖电脑,因此可推知我

21、们不应忽视“保持我们用大脑做事的最初的能力”。11D解析:有朝一日,电脑似乎无处不在(everywhere)。由首句内容也可知道,电脑在生活中非常普及,所以选D项。12C解析:前后句之间有逻辑上的条件关系,故用if。13C解析:根据语境可知,这里描述的是一种情形(case)。degree “度数,程度”;state “状态”;way “方式”。14A解析:前后文之间表示转折,故用However。15B解析:形容单词的拼写时应用“错误”或“正确(correct)”。而common(普通的,常见的),direct(直接的)或same(相同的)与语境不符。16C解析:不从电脑上搜寻信息就不能有自己的

22、思想。由空格后面的关键词for可知,应用searching。avoid “避免”;deliver “运送”; receive “收到”。17D解析:前面听说的这种情形会使你焦虑(anxiety)。而danger(危险)或anger(生气)与语境不符。18A解析:显而易见(obviously),这不是一件好事情。finally “最后”;directly “直接地”;simply “只是;仅仅”。19D解析:由下文的“it is time for us to do something to”可知,我们已经(already)意识到了这种情况。20B解析:既然我们意识到了这种情况,该是我们采取措施改

23、变(change)的时候了,故选B项。.语法填空2017山东济南一模A computer program has beaten a human champion at the ancient Chinese board game Go.It marked an important advance for the 1._(develop) of artificial intelligence.The program,2._(call)AlphaGo,had taught itself how to win.It beat the European champion in all five gam

24、es of a match in October.The developers say 3._(it) learning ability may someday let computers help solve realworld problems.Those could include making medical diagnoses and 4._(conduct)scientific research.Previously computers have beaten humans in other 5._(game)But among classic games,Go has long

25、been viewed as the most challenging for artificial intelligence to master.Go originated in China more than 2,500 years ago.6._game involves two players who take turns putting markers on a checkerboardlike grid.The object is to surround more area on the board with the markers than ones opponent (对手)P

26、layers obtain the opponents pieces 7._surrounding them.The rules are simple,8._playing it is not.Its probably the most complex game ever created by humans.Martin Mueller,a computing science professor,9._(work) on Go programs for 30 years.He said,“The new program is really a big step up from everythi

27、ng else 10._weve seen.Its a very impressive piece of work.”答案:解题导语本文为应用文。是一篇新闻报道,主要报道了阿尔法围棋人机大战事件,标志着人工智能的重大进步。1development解析:考查词性转换。根据冠词the和后面的介词of可知,此处应填名词development。2called解析:考查非谓语动词。call和句子谓语had taught之间没有连词,故应用非谓语动词,且和句子主语The program构成动宾关系,故用过去分词作后置定语。3its解析:考查代词。此处应用形容词性物主代词修饰名词ability。4condu

28、cting解析:考查动名词。根据and可知,此处与making并列,故用动名词conducting。5games解析:考查名词复数。game是可数名词,且没有冠词修饰,故用复数形式。6The解析:考查冠词。此处的game特指上文中的Go,故用定冠词修饰。7by解析:考查介词。根据语境可知,此处表示通过的含义,故用介词by,后跟动名词surrounding作宾语。8but解析:考查连词。根据语境可知,上下句表示逻辑上的转折关系,故用连词but连接两个并列句。9has worked解析:考查动词时态和主谓一致。由“for 30 years”可知,此处用现在完成时;主语为Martin Mueller

29、,故应填has worked。10that解析:考查定语从句。that引导定语从句,在从句中作宾语,修饰先行词everything else。.短文改错Last Monday,on my way to school,I notice many people gathering at the crossing near the Peoples Park.Get closer,I saw an old man lying on the ground with her head bleeding heavily.Some people were whispered that the old man

30、must have fallen ill suddenly and if they helped him,they might get into trouble.With hesitation,I stepped forward and pressed my hand on the cut to stop the bleeding and called a ambulance at the same time.One onlooker helped by passing me a towel.Fortunate,doctors arrived at soon and took the old

31、man to the hospital.After the event,I thought,“If there are few onlookers and more timely helpers,our society will be better.”.书面表达2017河南郑州三模假定你是李华,你的好友张明邀请你参加他的18岁生日聚会,你因故不能参加。请用英语给他写一封电子邮件。内容包括:感谢邀请;表达祝愿;你不能参加的原因;你准备的礼物以及如何送给他;注意:1.词数100左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3开头语和结束语已为你写好,不计入总词数。Dear Zhang Ming,How are you?_

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