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高三英语Unit 4复习教案.docx

1、高三英语Unit 4复习教案高三英语Unit 4复习教案 高三英语Unit 4复习教案单元测试题 Unit 4第一节:单项填空(共1小题,每小题1分,满分1分)从A、B、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1 _ and happ, Tn std up and aepted the prizeA Surprising B Surprised Being surprising D T be surprising2 ar anted t travel arund the rld all b herself, but her parents did nt _ her t d sA frbid

2、 B all fll D as3 The ild flers led lie a sft range blaned _ the desertA vering B vered ver D t ver4 Dnt spea in suh a anner, _ ull get int trubleA that B r as if D and - Lu, u ash the dishes, _- , ant Lil d it? Its her turnA dnt u B an u shall u D ill u6 It as nt until dar _ he fund _ he thught as t

3、he rret a t slve the prbleA that; hat B that; that hen; hat D hen; that7 _ that head had leared, brain as als beginning t r uh betterA Fr B N Sine D S8 ere living in an age _ an things are dne n puterA hen B hih that D hse9 The are teahers and dnt realize _ t start and run a panA hat taes it B hat t

4、he tae hat taes the D hat it taes10 Althugh he ne _little abut _large aunt f r dne in the field, he sueeded here re ell-infred experienters failedA a; the B the; a a; 不填 D不填;the11 I nder hat ill bee f daughter, _endless her She als bears ther leading lads suh as revisin and reitatinA As ell as B ith

5、 Exept D Rather than12H did u lie the _ f the interpreter(口译员)at the hinese F press nferene f 6-part tals n TV?A perfrane B ahieveent aterial D rds13 -Have u persuaded hi?-es After se hurs f disussin, I _ t reasn hi in aepting the ne planA had anaged B uld anage have anaged D anager14 - Is she reall

6、 ver ill?-_ Shes in hspital nA I afraid s B I dnt thin s I hpe nt D I nt sure1 Speial attentin shuld be paid _ ur earth fr _A t prevent; being plluted B t prevent; plluting t preventing; being plluted D t preventing; plluted第二节 完形填空(共20小题:每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短,掌握其大意,然后从36各题所给的四个选项(A、B、和D)中,选出最佳选项。I ade

7、a prise t self n the drive dn t the vaatin beah ttage Fr t ees I 16 tr t be a lving husband and father Ttall 17 N ifs, ands r butsThe idea had e t e as I listened t a entatr 18 ars tape plaer He as 19 a passage abut husbands being 20 f their ives 21 he ent n t sa, “Lve is an at f 22 A persn an hse t

8、 lve” T self, I had t adit that I had been a selfish husband 23 ur lve had been dulled b n insensitivit (感觉迟钝) In uniprtant as, reall; slding Eveln fr her tardiness (拖拉); 24 n the TV hannel I anted t ath; thring 2 da ld nespapers that I ne Eveln still anted t read ell, fr t ees all that uld 26 And i

9、t 27 Right fr the ent I issed Eveln at the dr and said, “That ne ell seater ls 28 n u” “h, T, u ntied,” she said, surprised and 29 , abe a little puzzledAfter the lng drive, I anted t sit and read Eveln 30 a al n the beah I started t refuse, but then I thught, “Evelns been alne here ith the hildren

10、31 ee and n she ants t be alne ith e” e aled n the beah hile the hildren fle their itesS it ent T ees f nt alling the all Street investent (投资) fir 32 I a diretr; a visit t the shell useu, 33 I usuall hate useus (and I ened it); 34 tngue hile Evelns getting read fr a late dier fr us Relaxed (轻松) and

11、 happ, thats h the hle vaatin passed I ade a ne prise t eep n 3 t hse lve16 A used t B uld shuld D uld17 A lving B lvel lvable D lved18 A at B ith n D n19 A thining B riting believing D reading20 A helpful B useful thughtful D hpeful21 A Instead B Then therise D Thus22 A pla B ill prise D str23 A th

12、at B but hen D if24 A insisting B hanging stiing D suggesting2 A abut B up aa D in26 A happen B hange develp D frbid27 A uld B had did D as28 A great B big srr D tight29 A frightened B anxius t D pleased30 A ased B suggested t D began31 A all f B all all f a D all a32 A hih B hat here D that33 A if

13、B but as D thugh34 A stpping B preventing eeping D hlding3 A reinding B requiring repaingD reebering第三节:阅读理解 (共20小题:每小题1分,满分30分)AI hear an parents plaining that their teenage hildren are rebelling I ish it ere s At ur age u ught t be gring aa fr ur parents u shuld be learning h t stand n ur n t feet

14、 But tae a l at the present rebellin It sees that teenagers are all taing the sae a f shing that the disagree ith their parents Instead f striing ut bldl n their n, st f the are luthing at (attepting t seize) ne anthers hands fr reassuraneThe lai that the ant t dress as the please But the all ear th

15、e sae lthes The set ff in ne diretins in ussel But seh the all end up rded rund listening t the sae rerd Their reasn fr thining r ating in thusand?suh a a is that the rd is ding it The have e ut f their n?(蚕茧) int a lager nIt has bee harder and harder fr a teenager t stand up against the ppularit av

16、e and t g his r her n a Industr had firl arved ut a teenager aret These das ever teenager an learn fr the advertiseents hat a teenager shuld have and be And an f tdas parents have e tard high ars fr the ppularit f their hildren All this adds up t a great barrier fr the teenager h ants t find his r h

17、er n pathBut the barrier is rth libing ver The path is rth flling u a ant t listen t lassial usi instead f ging t a part u a ant t llet rs hen everne else is lleting rerds u a have se thughts that u dnt are t share at ne ith ur lassates ell, g t it Find urself Be urself Ppularit ill e ith the peple

18、h respet u fr h u are That is the nl ind f ppularit that reall unts36 The authrs purpse f riting this passage is t tell_A?readers h t be ppular ith peple arundB?teenagers h t deide things fr theselves?parents h t ntrl and guide their hildrenD?peple h t understand and respet eah ther37Arding t the au

19、thr, an teenagers thin the are brave enugh t at n their n, but in fat, st f the _A?have uh diffiult understanding eah therB?la nfidene?dare nt pe ith prbles single?handedD?are ver uh afraid f getting lst38 hih f the flling is NT true arding t the passage?A There is n ppularit that reall untsB hat an

20、 parents are ding is in fat hindering their hildren fr finding their n paths It is nt neessaril bad fr a teenager t disagree ith his r her lassatesD st teenagers lai that the ant t d hat the lie t d39 The authr thins f advertiseents as _A nvining B instrutive effetive D?authritative40 During the tee

21、nage ears, ne shuld learn t _A?differ fr thers in as an as as pssibleB?get int the right seasn and bee ppular?find nes real selfD?rebel against parents and the ppularit avesBAbut six ears ag I as eating lunh in a restaurant in Ne r it hen a an and a ung b sat dn at the table, I uldnt help verhearing

22、 parts f their nversatin At ne pint the an ased: S, h have u been?” And the b h uld nt have been re than seven r eight ears ldreplied” franl, I have been feeling a little depressed latel”This inident stu in ind beause it nfired(确认) gring belief that hildren are hanging As far as I an reeber, friends

23、 and I didnt find ut e ere” depressed”, that is ,in l spirits, until e ere in high shlUndubtedl a hange in hildren has inreased steadil in reent ears hildren dnt see hildlie anre hildren spea re lie adults, dress re lie adults and behave re lie adults than the used thether this is gd r bad is diffiu

24、lt t sa, but it ertainl is different hildren as it ne as n lnger exist h?Huan develpent is depended nt nl n bth bilgial states, but als n patterns f gathing sial nledge veent fr ne sial rle t anther usuall invlves learning the serets f the ne sial psitins hildren have alas been taught adult serets,

25、but sll and in stages; traditinall, e tell sixth graders things e eep hidden fr fifth gradersIn the last 30 ears, hever, a seret-revelatin(揭示)ahine has been equipped in 98 perent f Aerian hes It is alled televisin Televisin passes infratin t all vieers alie, hether the are hildren r adults Unable t

26、resisted the teptatin(诱惑),an hildren turn their attends fr printed texts t the less hallenging, re attrative ving pituresuniatin thrugh print, as a atter f fat, alls fr a great deal f ntrl ver the sial infratin hih hildren ill gain hildren ust read siple bs befre the an read plex aterials41 Traditin

27、all a hild is suppsed t learn abut the adult rld _ A thrugh nnetin ith sietB graduall and under guidane naturall ithut being taughtD thrugh athing televisin42 Arding t the authr, that tdas hildren see adult lie result fr _A the idespread influene f televisinB the pr arrangeent f teahing ntent the fa

28、st pae f huan sientifi develpentD the rising standard f living43 hat des the authr thin f uniatin thrugh print fr hildren?A It enables hildren t gain re sial infratinB It develps hildrens interest in reading and riting It helps hildren t read and rite ellD It an ntrl hat hildren are t learn44 hat de

29、s the authr thin f the hange in tdas hildren?A He feels their adult lie behavir is funnB He thins the hange rth f nte He nsiders it a rapid develpentD He sees t be upset abut itThe first realit TV sh in the rld as alled Expeditin Rbinsn and it as shn in Seden in 1997 Half the ppulatin f the untr ath

30、ed the final event and a ne ind f TV prgra as brn T ears later in Hlland , the first series f Big Brther as filed Again, it as a great suess and the final prgra as athed b 1 illin peple N re than 20 untries arund the rld have Big Brther r Expeditin Rbinsn n their TV sreens The rdinar peple h tae par

31、t in the prgras are nn b illins f peple in their n untries and realit TV has bee big, big businessFr the TV prduers, realit TV is a drea e true beause an f the prgras st nthing t ae At se pint, the televisin vieers are ased t telephne the prgra t vte r t appl t tae part in the sh It is the st f these telephne alls that pas fr the shs ne f the st ppular shs is Pp Idl In the sh a grup f attrative ung peple are ade int pp stars TV vieers vte fr their favrite persn n the sh The inner aes a rerd and illins f pies f the rerd are s

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