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1、英语学习绯闻女孩学习笔记1. - Look, she need time to decompress from her breakup anyway.- Covering for me works for her, too.- Lets go to my place before somebody spots us.decompress: chill out, wind down.放松,减压,释放。这句话的意思就是“Serena需要时间从分手里缓过劲来”。另外举个例子:After a hard day in the office I like to decompress with a larg

2、e cup of coffee.cover: to help someone out by1) filling in(代替). e.g. I got a hot date, can you cover my shift (替我上班) on Friday night?2) backup their excuse3) going along with their lie, cosign for them, corroborate their story (替人圆谎) e.g. He told his mom that hed been at my house all night. I covere

3、d for him.4) provide supporting firepower for them in a shootout(枪战片里的“掩护我”) e.g. Cover my back, Im goin in!在这里cover应该是第3个意思,S和N互相圆谎,各取所需。N可以背地里与有夫之妇继续affair(婚外情), S则可以假装已经忘记与Dan分手的伤痛。注意N在用了works for her这个短语,work意思是“有作用,有效果,有好处”。任何有效的东西,都可以说It 住的地方就是place. 很少说go to my house, 更不说go to my

4、 to detect or discern, especially visually. “别人发现我们了,认出我们”,不说find, 也不说recognize,而是应该用这个spot. 另外,辨认出罪犯的模样,也用spot the culprit.2.Also spotted-Serena Van der Woodsen on Coppers beachAlone again. Weve heard talk that things are heating up with Nate Archibald. And where theres smoke, theres usu

5、ally fire. But if thats the case, why has Nate fallen off our radar and Serena, as always, sighted solo?heat up: When two people are together and things start heating up, whether it be holding hands, making out, fooling around or having sex. A synonym for hook the radar: radar就是雷达,意思说总是消失在我们视

6、线里,连雷达都探测不到。off the radar还可以表示illegal, illegitimate: I took his money and did the job off the radar, avoiding the IRS, the FBI, and Mothers Against Drunk Driving.4. - Speaking of, where is that story of yours? You know, the one your internship requires you turn in?- Yes, its, uh, its imminent.- So i

7、s death. Be more specific.imminent: ready to take place; hanging threateningly over ones head,马上就要发生的。特别强调 “命悬一线”的情况,比如danger, illness, death. 所以教授催Dan教功课,Dan回答imminent(快了,马上就好了), 教授就tease他说”so is death”,你的死期也不远了。6.The only thing lamer than dating Dan Humphrey is mourning Dan Humphrey. And the only

8、reason youre still sitting shivah is because you havent gotten back out there and had your summer fling.mourn和shivah都是哀悼的意思,shivah源自shiva, 犹太教里它指七日服丧期。fling: deliberately short-term sexual relationship between two people. Longer than a one-night stand, not as serious-sounding as affair. No deep pers

9、onal involvement required, just the sex and a bit of attention.7. -At least I could have gotten a more interesting stand-in than James. Do you know how hard it is to find a good fake boyfriend on short notice?-Well, he was smart and fun at tea yesterday, and hes really cute, too.-You dont have to li

10、e anymore, Serena, he served his purpose. Now that Chuck on his way back to the city, I can dump James just in time to go to the white party stag.stand-in: 替身serve ones purpose: 符合需求,解决问题。这里表示“他可以功成身退了”。stag: to go alone1.-Things are going south with Lord Marcus.-Whos Lord Marcus?-James. It turns ou

11、t that he was only pretending to be a commoner. Its like Roman Holiday, only Im Gregory Peck, and hes Audrey Hepburn.- Oh, suddenly its all so clear.go south means things are turning bad. 这个说法来源于地图上北下南的规定,所以go south可以用来代表任何下降、变坏的趋势。可以用来形容和某人的关系,经济走势,或者物品的变坏。commoner: 普通人,凡人。另外,这里B用了罗马假日来做比喻,把自己比作记者,

12、Marcus则是那位公主,非常可爱的比喻。suddenly its all so clear: 一下子就明朗了,清楚了。clear是个常用词,一种表示“无障碍,畅通的”,比如警察冲进房间,发现里面没有危险,他就会喊clear。第二种用法是用来询问对方是否明白你的意思,通常有种很权威,很高高在上的语气,比如Do I make myself clear? / Is it clear?3.Blair Waldor, a fling? Youre not exactly low maintenance.low maintenance: 相对于high maintenance而言,就是蛋白质女孩里提到的

13、“高维修女子”,那种需要花很多心思,要求特别高的女孩子就叫做high maintenance,B就是其中的典型. 而low maintenance,指的就是那种要求很低,很容易打发的人。5.-The federal prosecutor(起诉人,控方) has taken your fathers leaving town as an admission of guilt(认罪). They want to forfeit(没收) our assets for restitution(归还,赔偿).-What, they wanna take our money?-Well, not yet,

14、 but they have frozen(冻结) our accounts.-And now they are making an inventory(盘点) of everything that we own.主要是一些法律词汇,“认罪”除了admission of guilt(这里指默认自己有罪), 还有一种叫做plead guilty, 后者多用于法庭,法官问,被告是否认罪,回答就是plead guilty(PG), 或者plead not guilty(PNG).inventory: 存货,make an inventory of就是盘点存货的意思。后文Chuck还提到自己在liqu

15、idate my shares in Victorla, 这里的liquidate是清算财产的意思, share就是股份。7.-Ive dated a lot of top flight girls, and she always sends them running. Its likeand she gets inside their head, figures out their worst fears and just ruthlessly exploits that fear.-Thats rough.-Not to mention, shes completely got my fa

16、thers ear. Of course, Blair is desperate to meet her. And when Blair sets her mind on somethingtop flight: top notch, very good. Moslty used to describe ones wife.send them running: 使她们落荒而逃get my fathers ear: 我父亲对她言听计从sets her mind on something: 下定决心做某事8.-Marcus dated the descendant of Princess Grac

17、e. His consort needs to be able to host royal dinners and hobnob with oligarchs and dictators.- Well, if you cant find common ground with a dictator, I dont know who can.hobnob with: 亲切交谈oligarchs: 寡头政治执政者find common ground with: 找到共通点。这里S在嘲讽B,暗指B也是一个独裁者。10.-Hes outside of my regular circle.-Oh, so

18、you just asked someone you barely know for money?第一句用来表示“他不是我社交圈子里的人”,第二句里的barely know指“不太熟的人”。注意这两种句型,有时候在中翻英的时候,我们不一定能想到如此地道的表达方法。11.-I wasnt expecting anyone so young or so beautiful.-Just because I didnt give birth to Marcus doesnt mean Im any less interested in his well-being. I dont usually ta

19、ke meetings with children, Charles, so what do you have to say for yourself?-Lordy, lordy, look whos 40-or ate least a well-preserved 38.expect: 料想到,预料到。特地highlight出来,是因为很多人在写“想到”的时候,都习惯用think,其实很多时候expect会更贴切。give birth to: Marcus不是我生的。怀孕叫做carry a baby, 流产就是miscarry. 预产期叫做due date, 生孩子就是give birth

20、to a child.well-being: 幸福what do you have to say for yourself: 你有什么要说的?well-preserved: 保养的很好13.-But I assure you, theres an explanation for all of it.-Save your breath(省省吧), Blair. Chuck didnt tell me a thing.-Wait, he didnt?-I told him not to bother(不用麻烦了). None of it makes any difference to me(对我来

21、说毫无意义), because nothing will change the fact the despite your best efforts which are completely transparent(显而易见), by the way, Marcus is never going to end up with a lowly(地位低下的) Waldorf.end up: 相当于wind up, 注意这里的wind发I的音,和“风”那个wind发音不同,这个词组表示最后结局如何,沦落到什么地步,你可以说He ends up alone.(他最后孤独终老), 以可以说Jack en

22、ds up in the jail.(Jack最终沦落到蹲监狱的地步). end up也可以表示arrive at, 比如说After 30 minutes driving, we finally ended up at the shopping center.14.-This party is a complete bust. My whole life is a bust.-Well, it serves you right. You were scheming to convince Marcus youre someone youre not.-But my intentions we

23、re good. I really do like him. I justas soon as I knew he like me, I would have relaxed and dropped the manipulative plotting and devoted myself to being the best girlfriend ever.bust: A total failure, a complete waste of time. 另外,在枪战片里,我们也经常能听到got busted,这个时候bust指的是police action, or got caught, e.g

24、. Joey got busted for selling drugs to an undercover serves you right: 给某人应得的结果,可以指生活带你不薄,也可以指给你应得的报应。贬义褒义都可以用。scheme, manipulative, plot: 这三个单词都可以指诡计多端的,善用心计的But my intentions were good: 但我的出发点是好的。这也是我们口语里经常说的一句话。drop: give up2.- Clearly theres some sort of. blockage.- Perhaps.- No, Chuck

25、.- One more go-around, just to clear the pipes.- You are not using Blair as sexual Drano.关键的地方来了。blockage本意是阻塞,你家的水管堵住了,就用blockage.而clear the pipe就是疏通管道。上文和下文是对应的,但这里用的是字面意思背后的metaphor. pipe, 可以用来指dick(omg, 希望没有人再用Dick这个英文名字了),而clear the pipe就是指you receive an orgasm from a girl; usually its when you

26、 havent received sex in a while. 另外说一下,pipe这个单词除了指dick, 还可以用来指blow job, 来源据说是法语里一摸一样拼写的pipe, 读做peep. (恩这些单词都是当年看sex and the city学来的)至于后面Serena叫Chuck不要把Blair当作是sexual Drano, 这里的Drano是一个排水管清洁剂的品牌,人家的作用就是用来clear the pipes的。8.Duchess, its me. Hes bringing her. And for the record, whatever youre planning

27、 with Nate, my bedroom floor is off-limits.for the record: 一种用法是“必须指出,让我提醒你”,就是这句话里的含义。另外一个用法就是按照它的字面解释“正式记录在案,有记录可查的”。还有一个词组也很常用,就是off the record, 解释为“秘密的,不被记录的”,比如警察要盘问线人套资料,他跟线人说“你说的话不会纪录在案,不会被追究责任”,那么就可以说Its off the禁止进入的,禁止接触的10.- Uh, you still positive you dont want me taggin

28、g along?- Yeah. No offense, Dad, but I think you, me and Serena-Things are awkward enough.- Well, tts not like Id have to be a third wheel. I can bring a date.positive相当于sure, tag along尾随,跟随No offense: 无意冒犯。当你要说一些比较直接但又是事实的话(比如说对方很boring,或者很胖之类的),就会先说no offense我无意冒犯,不过我们就事论事的说third wheel: 就是第三者啦-But

29、 someone could walk in. Dorota or.-So? Didnt you see Atonement? That scene in the library when theyre discovered?-Mm. No. No, Blair. Thats not you.-Its not?-Youre a delicate little flower, Nothing like that tart, Keira Knightley.这个出现在比较开头的部分,Marucs帮忙Blair准备party,Blair在客厅里挑逗他。其中提到的Atonement(赎罪),是Keir

30、a Knightley和James McAvoy一起主演的电影,其中有个场景就是他们两人在家里的图书馆里发生sex,并且被女主人公的妹妹撞见,由此引发了后面的悲剧anyway,个人认为Keira Knightley在这一段里穿绿色长裙的形象是非常stunning的。这部电影及它的原著,都很值得一看。- Say Mom, and I will kill you in your sleep.- Decaf, Serena. I was going to say Mrs. Bass.decaf: 这里指那些uncool, lame, stupid的事情。本意是不含咖啡因的咖啡,国内的Starbuck

31、s就有提供,无论是cappuccino还是latte,任何口味的咖啡都可以是decaf的,只要你在买的时候跟店员说明一下就可以。2.No, wait. Just hold on for a second. You crash the party and you tell me to break it off with Catherine and thenyou pull an 180 and you tell me to stay with her and then you just bolt. I. I mean, did I do something.crash the party: To enter a party uninvitedbreak it off with: 和某人断绝往来,注意它和break up的差别,后者是分手的意思。pull an 180: 当然就是态度180度大转弯啦,change your mind的另外一种说法。bolt: run away, 逃跑,闪了3.Its having to see them date someone else thats hard. Why do you think I rub it in Chucks face every chance I get?- A twisted version of

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