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1、中考英语英语中考题(古城中学)第一题 情景反应听句子,根据所听内容选择适当答语:1. A. About a week B. In a week C. Once a week2. A. Im really sorry to hear that. B. Can I help you. C. I think shell be better soon.3. A. Really? You look smart ,too. B. No, I dont think so. C. Oh, thanks a lot.4. A. When I was six years old. B. Since I was s

2、ix years old. C. Four years ago.5. A. OK, Id love to. B. Yes, I do. C. Its exciting.第二题 对话理解 这大题共有5个小题,每小题你将听到一组对话和 一个问题。请你从每小题所给的A.B C三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。6. A. Betty B. John C. Nick7. A. Rainy B. Windy C. Sunny8. A. A bank ckerk B. A worker C. A teacher9. A. In the classroom B. At home C. At

3、 the library10. To take the test B. To go hiking with C. To do some schoolwork第三题 语篇理解 这一大题你将听到一篇短文。请你根据短文内容和所提出的5个问题,从每小题错给ABC三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。11What are the after-school activities for?A. Learning to cook B. Developing acting talent. C. Being a person with skills12. How many clubs are th

4、ere in the school?A. 30 B. 16 C. 913. Who set up the clubs for the students/A. The scientist. B. A girl named Ann C. The school and students14. What do students do in the Future Star Club?A. They only perform for fun . B. They make up shows for charity C. They make money for performing15. Which club

5、 help kids know more about the scientist world?A. The Music club B The Chemistry Club C. The Balanced Diet Club单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)16.Excuse me, is this your ticket?_No, it isnt. _is in the drawer.A. Mine B. Yours C. Hers17. Im thirsty. Could you please give me some_?A. orange B. apple C. fish18. Some p

6、eople think money makes everything possible, _I dont think so.A. and B. but C.or19.-Which people do you like running._- of them. like runningA. Both B. Neither C. Either20.- I can_ _read the words in the newspaper-_Its dark. Let me turn on the light fou you.A. clearly B. nearly C. hardly21. Id like

7、to be in good health. But_, I dont have a good a good lifestyleA. to be honest B. to my surprise C. to start with22. - What a cute model robot!-Thank you! Its a present_ my friend made for me.A. who B. that C. where23. -Listen! Helen is singing in the next room-It_ be Helen .She has gone to Beijing.

8、A. cant B. must C. might24. They are in trouble. We need to_ _some ideas to help themA. come up with B. run out of C. pay attention to25. Dsshan, a foreign who loves Chinese history very much,_ in China for many years.A. lives B. lived C. has lived26-_will you finish building your new school?-In two

9、 yearsA. How long B How far C. How soon27. Everone_ _to the party except David. He was very upsetA. invited B. is invited C Im sorry28.hi, would you like to go to the zoo with us?-_,but I have to study for the physics test tomorrow.A. Id love to B. I think so C. I m sorry29. morning, Frank. _Great!

10、My new book will come out soonA Hows your mother B. hows the weather today. C. Hows it going30. -Do you know_ during the coming summer holiday?-Yes, she will go with her motherA. what will Xiao Qian doB. where Xiao QIan will goC. who Xiao Qian will go with阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后三个选项(A、B、C)中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂

11、黑。Kathy is a lovely girl. She used to be quiet, but whese days she likes to talk with others about a spcial dress she always wears.Do you like my dress? she asked a stranger. My mum _31_ it just for me, she said with tears in her eyes.Well, I think its very beautiful, so tell me, little girl, why ar

12、e _32_? The little girl answered in a low_33_, After mum made me this dress, she went away. My dad says that shes up in heaven now with Grandfather.The woman_34_ the little girl and gently held the child in her arms.Then suddenly the little girl did_35_a bit strange. She stopped crying, walked back

13、from the woman and began to sing. She sang softly. It was_36 sound the woman had ever heard, almost like the song of a very small bird.After the child stopped _37, she said to the lady, My mum often sang that song to me before she went away, and she asked me to sing it _38_ I started crying and it w

14、ould make me stopSee, she said loudly, It did, and now my eyes are _39_!Just before the lady wanted to go, the girl_40_her a spot (印迹) on her dress, and said, Right here is where my mum kissed my dress, and here, pointing to the sportsand here is _41 one, and here, and here. Mum said that she put al

15、l those kisses on my dress so that I would forget my _42_.Then the lady realized that she wasnt just looking at a dress, no, she was looking at a mother. The mother knew that she was going a away and would not be there to kiss away her daughters tears any longer. So the mother gave all her love _43

16、her beautiful daughter and put it into this dress. Now her child was wearing it so _44_.The lady no longer saw a little girl wearing a simple dress. She saw a child wrapped (包) in her mothers _45_.31A. sent B. bought C. made32.A. cry B. are crying C. cried33.A. voice B. sound C. noise34.A. felt angr

17、y with B. felt interested in C. felt sorry for35.A. something B. anything C. everything36.A. dry B. wet C. big37.A. laughing B. singing C. reading38.A. whenever B. whatever C. however39.A. brought B. wet C. dry40.A. showed B. offered C. donated41.A. the other B. other C. another42 A. happiness B. sa

18、nness C. illness43 A. on B. to C. ifor44 A. quetly B. proudly C. slowly45 A. love B. smile C. help阅读理解(一)(每小题分,共分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的、三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,并将答案卡上将该项涂黑()There was a pilot and three people in a small plane. Suddenly there was something wrong with the plane when it was flying in the air. The smoke

19、 was everywhere in the plane. The pilot told the people there were only three parachutes(降落伞). They all became worried and started to make excuses.I must go and mend the machine. said the pilot, taking one of the parachutes. There was nothing he could do so he just jumped out.The next person said, I

20、 must have a parachute. I am a very clever person, and I have to attend an important sports game. I know I am going to win the game because I am going to be the cleverest person there. He picked up a pack and jumped out.Two men were left, an old businessman and a young mountain climber. By this time

21、 the plane was going down fast. The businessman said, Young man, I am old but youre still young. You take the last parachute. the young mountain climber smiled, Dont worry, he said, we can both jump to safety because there are still two parachutes. Just now the clever person jumped out with my backp

22、ack.46 Why did all the people in the p;ane become worried?A. Because they couldnt find the parachutesB. Becaus ethey were afraid to jump out of the planeC. Because there was not enough parachutes for each person,.47 when was the pilots excuse_?A. he is younger than the otherB. he must go and mend th

23、e machineC. he had to take part in an important competition48 who was a person that thought of others more than himselfA. the pilotB. the clever manc. the businessman49 what did the clever man jump out out with ?A. nothing B A parachute C the climbers backpack50 From this story, we know_ would die.(

24、A. the clever manB. the businessmanC. the pilotD. a young mountain climber(B)A website recently listed the best cites to live in. here are two of the cities listed as”the worlds best.San jose costa ricaThe city has comfortable weather all year round. The temperature is usually between 15 and 26. hou

25、sing is not expensive in San Jose。Also ,many of the citys older neighborhood are very beautiful and have small hotels and cafes. Beautiful mountains are around the city. You can visit them easily from san jose. So lots of people go there for holiday every year. But in the city center the air is ofte

26、n dirty.Hong kong, chinaThis lively city-used to be a small fishing villagetoday is an international business center. It is not too cold or too hot in a year. It is an in interesting mixture of East and West, old and new. Outside the city, there are parks for walking or relaxing. Hong Kong is famous

27、 for its wonderful food. Theres also food from Europe, north America , and other parts of Asia. Nearly seven million people live in Hong Kong.Thats why housing is often very expensive. However, the traffic is busy in this city., What do the two cities have in common?(C)Sore throat, running nose, and

28、 dizzy head. Head. Oh, you ve got a cold! We all get a cold from to time. Late autumn and early winter are the seasons when people are easy to get a cold. The cold a annoying. Whether you take medicine for your cold or not, it usually lasts at least a week. It may get in the way of concentrating in

29、class and having fun on the playing ground. So we should do something to stop it.Can exercise help our body fight a cold? It isnt easy to answer the question. On the one hand, there is no difference between people who exercise and those who exercise and those who do not. For exercise at the beginnin

30、g of a cold is impossible to change the course of the illness. But on the other hand, a person who exercise often will be in better physical condition. They will be more energetic. They may feel less stressed because of a cold. So regular exercise can help a person fight a coldsScientist support an

31、idea that a good night sleep night get a cold more easily than those who sleep eight hours or more a night. Besides sleeping more,sleeping better also seems to help the body fight illness.Because the colds are caused by viruses, you should often wash your hands with soap in warm water and try to keep your hands away from your face. Also youd better not get close to the person who has got a cold.56. when may you easily get a coldA. in April B. In July

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