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1、外研社新标准英语小学六年级上册教案全册 六年级英语 Module 1 Unit 1 Its more than twenty thousand kilometres long. 课型:新授课(第一课时)学习目标: 1、能够听、说、读、写本单元的单词和基本句型。 2、能听懂会说: These postcards are great! Tell me more about. How long is it?并能回答 3、学会用英语讲述某个地方或某件事物的情况。教学重难点:1、准确理解对话中的语句,掌握单词和基本句型,并能正确书写。熟练区分运用amisare.2、会用“Can you tell me

2、something about ? Can you tell me more about it? ”等问句,并能回答“Yes,its ”学情分析:在学生已掌握Is it? 及回答Yes,it is.No,it isnt.句型的基础上进一步学习How longbig.?相关的句型。通过长城了解中国,通过纽约了解美国。学会如何描述一个景点,一座城市或它们的地理位置等。教具学具准备:点读机、PPT、景点照片等教学过程:一、热身复习(Warm up)1. 老师热情地问候学生们,欢迎他们在暑假过后回到学校。老师可以询问学生们在假期里都去了哪些地方,做了哪些事情,有没有特别有趣的经历。建议他们通过展示图片

3、和照片介绍相关的情况,可以使用句型“Its a picture of.Its very”等。2.Listen and chant.(点读课本Activity 1,Ss chant)二、导入 1. 老师从学生的图片或照片中选取几张比较典型的并提问: T: Do you know this place? (引导全班学生自由回答)Ss: Yes,its.T:Can you tell me something about it?(问几个程度较好的学生,让学生初步感知Can you tell me句型。)Ss:Yes, itsT: Can you tell me more about it?Ss: .

4、问答完毕后T: These photos/pictures are great!2. 老师再拿出一张来自纽约的明信片,出示单词卡片 “postcard。T: Do you know this place?Ss: Yes,its New YorkT: Its a picture of New York. In this summer,Daming is visiting America. He is in New York with his cousin, Simon. What are they talking about? Lets look at them.2、PPT出示本节课教学目标。三

5、、课文教学T: OK,now lets look at the picture and listen to the tape. First time , please think about: Who is Simon? Wheres Daming? What are they doing?Ss: Simon is Damings cousin. Daming is in America. They are talking about the Great Wall.T: Good! Please open your book and listen to the tape again. (再听录

6、音,要求学生勾画出文中的重要信息) 然后引导他们找出书中原句回答:1、 How long is the Great Wall?2、 How big is New York?3、 How big is Beijing?(全班分成两组,分角色朗读。进行评比)四、操练出示几幅相同物品的单复数对比图片,让学生学会使用并区分amis 和are的用法. 知道“单数 is复数 are的基本规则。可以用“This is”和 “These are”句型进行练习。教师可以出示一个例句,再点出程度较好的学生进行展示描述。然后全班自由练习,5分钟后教师检查学生练习情况,重点让程度较差的学生展示。活动二:学生四人小组内

7、开展小记者调查活动,调查学校的一位任课教师。如:Tell me more about Miss Longs age? 等等。因为是学生熟悉和喜爱的人,所以学生发问的积极性很高,有效地运用了“Tell me about” “Tell me more about”的句型。 活动三:小组比赛读课文,评选优秀小组。五、当堂检测:用amisare填空1.These postcards _ great!These postcard _ great!2.What _ I? You _ a teacher.3.It _ a picture of the Great Wall.4.How long _ Beij

8、ing?5.Amy _ my good friend.六、Homework. 1、Copy words five times2、Read text板书设计:Module 1 Unit 1 Its more than twenty thousand kilometres long. -These postcards are great! -Yes,they are. -Tell me more about the Great Wall. How long is it? -Its more than twenty thousand kilometres long. 教学反思: Module 1 U

9、nit 2 Its in the west .课型:新授课(第二课时)学习目标:1、能够听、说、读、写本单元的单词和基本句型。2、能听懂会说“Where is New York? ”等问句,并能回答“Its in the east of US. 3、学会用英语讲述某个地方的方位及情况。教学重难点:1、准确理解对话中的语句,掌握单词和基本句型,并能正确书写。2、会用“Where is .? ”等问句,并能回答“Its in the . of . ” 学情分析:学生在掌握Is it? How long?句型的基础上进一步学习相关的句型。学会如何描述一个景点,一座城市或它们的地理位置等。教具学具准备

10、:点读机、PPT等教学过程:一、 热身复习1、PPT出示一张中国地图进行介绍:“This is a map of China. Im from Henan. Its in the north of China.”如果有必要,可以用中文稍加解释和说明,然后向学生们提问:“Where are you from?Where is your pen friend from?如果学生能说出其他国家的名称,要及时鼓励表扬,并带领其他学生一起学习这个国家名称。2、Listen and read.(课本A1)。Do the game:在地图上标注东(east)、南(south)、西(west)、北(north

11、),帮助学生复习这些单词根据老师的口令做动作例如:Please point to the north.Please point to the south.Please point to the east.Please point to the west.二、导入: 1、PPT出示Simon的图片,向学生提问:“Who is he?” “Where is he from? ” 引导回答:“Simons from New York, the US.” 老师把国家名称写在黑板上,领读,然后提问:“Where is New York?” 2、PPT出示美国地图并向学生提问:“This is a map

12、 of America. Can you find New York?” 引导学生在地图上找到纽约的位置。可以向学生说明:“New York is a big city in America. 大家已经在地图上找到了它的位置,可是你们知道用英语应该怎样表达吗?今天我们就来学习这些内容。”3、PPT出示本节课教学目标。三、课文教学 1、老师放录音,请学生边听边看边指SB Unit2活动2的地图。2.老师用彩色笔或其他方式在地图上标出纽约的位置。T: Where is New York? Its in the east of the US.T: What about San Francisco?

13、Its in the West (让学生在小组内练习问答)T: And what about Houston? Its in the south .3、Listen and read in pairs.(同桌进行角色扮演)四、操练活动一:请学生把书翻到SB Unit 2活动4。请学生边听边看,熟悉韵诗的大致内容。然后向学生讲解他们不理解的内容,如单词“Tennessee”等。再放录音,请学生看着书小声地跟读。可以请男生和女生分组读也可以请单个学生读。掌握chant之后,可以全班起完成AB Unit2练习3。再听录音,根据录音判断练习中的陈述是否正确。活动二:两个学生一组,各自说出自己心中想的一

14、个城市,如果两人说的城市不一样,即可让学生说出这两个城市的相对应的位置。如:S1:Guizhou is in the south of China. It is in the east of Xingjiang. S2: Xingjiang is in the west of China. It is in the west of Guiyang.教师可贴一幅中国和一幅世界地图在黑板上,也可让学生自己带。五、当堂检测:用方位词eastwestnorthsouth填空。1、Where is Shanghai? Its in the _ of China.2、Where is Haikou? It

15、s in the _ of China.3、Where is Harbin? Its in the _ of China.4、Where is Lasha? Its in the _ of China.六、Homework. 1、Copy words :eastwestnorthsouth five times.2、Read A2 for 10 minutes.板书设计:Module1 Unit2 Its in the west . -Where is New York? -Its in the east of US.教学反思: Module1 测试题 课型:练习课(第三课时)听力部分一、听录

16、音,选出你听到的单词。( ) 1、A、east B、west C、south( )2、A、miss B、more C、most( )3、A、thousand B、these C、those( )4、A、million B、more C、Mexico( )5、A、how big B、how long C、how tall2、选出你所听到的句子。( )1. A. Daming is visiting America. B. Simon is visiting China. ( )2. A. Its a picture of the Great Wall. B. Its a picture of N

17、ew York.( )3. A. How long is it ? B. How big is it? ( )4. A. What a big map ! B. How a big map !( )5. A. These birthday cards are great. B. These postcards are great.3、请根据录音内容,判断正误。(正确T,错误F)( )1. This postcard is great! ( )2. Its a picture of the West Lake. ( )3、What a big map of China !( )4、Beijing

18、 is in the north of China. ( )5. How big is New York ? 4、听问句,选答句。 ( ) 1、A、Yes, I do. B、Yes, they are. C、No, I dont. ( ) 2、A、Yes, it is . B、Its about eight million people. C、 Yes, I do . ( ) 3、A、Its about six thousand seven hundred kiolmetres. B、 No, I cant.C、Its about eight million people. ( ) 4、A、I

19、ts about eight million people.B、Thank you. C、Its about fourteen million people.( ) 5、A、No, I dont. B、No, I cant. C、It is a panda.笔试部分 五、选择填空。( )1 These postcards_ great!A am B is C are( )2 Daming is _ America.A visit B visited C visiting( )3 Its a picture _ the Great Wall.A of B for C at( )4 _ is th

20、e Great Wall? - Its more than twenty thousand kilometres long.A How big B How long C How ( )5 _ the New York?Its in the east of America. A、Whats B、Wheres C、Whos 六、情景对话。( ) 1.当你想赞美这些明信片很棒时,你会说:A. Here you are. B. These postcards are great! ( ) 2.当你想知道更多关于熊猫的信息时,你会说:A. Its an animal. B. Tell me more a

21、bout pandas. ( )3.当你想问长城有多长时, 你会说:A.How big is the Great Wall ? B. How long is the Great Wall ? ( )4. 当别人问你纽约有多大时,你会说:A. Its more than eight million people.B.Its about six thousand seven hundred kiolmetres.( )5.当你想给对方表达北京的位置时,你应该说: A. Its in the south of China. B. Its in the north of China.七、连词成句。 1

22、. are postcards these great ( . )_2. is how the Wall long Great(?)_3. more tell the West Lake me about (.)_4. big how is Beijing(?)_ 5. is in of New York east the America (.)_八、选择合适的问答句。( )1.Where is New York? ( ) 2.How long is it? ( ) 3.How big is it? ( ) 4.What are you doing? ( )5.Can you see lots

23、 of animals here? A、Yes, I can. B、Its in the east of the US.C、Its two kilometres long. D、Its got 14 million people.E、Im sending an email. Module 2 Unit 1 Theres Chinese dancing. 课型:新授课(第一课时)学习目标: 1、掌握句型:Theres a Chinatown in New York! There are lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there.2、学会用“There

24、 be”句型描述事物。教学重难点:3、准确理解对话中的语句,掌握单词和基本句型,并能正确书写。熟练区分运用There isThere are.4、会用There be 句型描述某地有某物学情分析:六年级学生已学习了There be 句型,本模块要在学生已有基础之上巩固、拓展学习There be 句型的否定、疑问及肯否回答。教具学具准备:点读机、PPT、微课教学过程:一、热身复习1. PPT出示世界各国唐人街的相关图片引入:Chinatown .教师补充世界各地唐人街的相关知识。 2. Look,listen and say(点读课本Activity 1,Ss say)二、导入1. PPT出示一

25、张纽约唐人街的图片,T: Do you know where it is? What can you see in this picture?”T: Daming现在在美国表兄的家里,他正在给家人发送email。他想念家人吗?他今天了解到了关于美国的什么情况呢?让我们一起看看。学过今天的课文。我们要试着使用这些语言介绍一个我们自己去过的有趣的地方.2、出示本节课教学目标。 三、课文教学1. 老师将本课的挂图贴在黑板上,播放录音呈现SB活动2。2. 请学生认真听Daming和Simon的对话,初步熟悉课文内容并简略翻译文中句子。然后判断Daming是否想念中国,为什么?通过文中的对话“Do yo

26、u miss China ? Sometimes.”以及Daming迫不及待地想要去唐人街的表现,老师可以引导学生得出肯定的回答,并引出“Chinatown”的话题。3. 再放一遍录音,教师提出问题,引导学生从文中找出答案:T:“Where is Chinatown? What is it like?”(再放一遍录音)Ss: Theres a Chinatown in New York. Therere lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there. Theres Chinese dancing.(老师板书以上三个重点句子,并向学生进行关于唐人街的背景

27、介绍。)4. 教师领读这几个句子,让学生熟悉并理解句子意思。5. 引导学生回顾并比较”there is”和“there are”的用法。四、操练活动一:用“There be”句型表述周围事物或文中句子。注意be动词单复数的用法。活动二:全班学生两人一组完成活动四,从三幅图所画的教室(computer room,classroom, music room),向同伴进行描述。讲述得较好的学生可以自荐或是由同伴推荐,到教室前面向全班讲述。五、当堂检测:单项选择题1 - What is Lili doing? - _A Shes sending an email.B Shes send an emai

28、l.C Hes sending an email.2 - Do you miss China? -_A Yes, I am. B No, I do. C Yes,I do.3 There_ a Chinatown in New York.A are B C is4 There are _ computer in the room.A lots of B lot of C lot5 Let _ go to Chinatown now.a is b us c was选择There is There are填空 1 _ lots of books on the desk.2 _ some ballo

29、ons on the floor.3 _ a long wall in China.4 _ Chinese dancing in Chinatown.5 _ seventy students in my classroom.6 _ a teacher in the office.六、Homework. 1、Copy words five times2、Read text for ten munites.板书设计: Module 2 Unit 1 Theres Chinese dancing.Theres + 可数名词单数不可数名词 Therere + 可数名词复数(ses).教学反思: Module 2 Unit 2 There are lots of beautiful lakes in China. 课型:新授课(第二课时)学习目标: 1、掌握句型:1、There are lots of beautiful lakes in China. There is a famous mountain in Anhu

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