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1、研究生英语词汇学单词1. Word List A 1. advocate /dvket/ v. to speak in favor of; to support vt.提倡;拥护;主张;鼓吹;为辩护:n.提倡者,倡导者;拥护者;鼓吹者(of);辩护者,辩护士;(辩护)律师,专门律师devils advocate故意持相反意见的人;故意唱反调的人The group does not advocate the use of violence. Many experts advocate rewarding your child for good behavior. 许多专家提倡奖励孩子的良好行为。

2、The report advocated that all buildings be fitted with smoke detectors. 该报告主张,所有建筑物必须配有烟雾探测器。Advocate can also be a noun, which means a person who pleads anothers cause. She is a staunch advocate of free speech. 她是言论自由的坚定拥护者。2. arrogant / rnt/ adj. full of pride and self-importance, especially in a

3、way that shows no respect for other people adj.傲慢的;骄傲自大的,妄自尊大的I found him arrogant and rude. The noun form of arrogant is arrogance. He has a self-confidence that is sometimes seen as arrogance. 3. contempt /kntempt/ adj. a lack of respect; the act of despising n.轻蔑,鄙视;耻辱,不名誉,不光彩;【法律】藐视法庭(或国会等) 短语:1

4、. bring contempt upon oneself 自取其辱,自讨没趣2. bring into contempt 使受辱,使丢脸3. hold (或 have) someone in contempt 鄙视某人,看不起某人4. in contempt of 蔑视,看不起She looked at him with contempt. They had shown a contempt for the values she thought important. The adjective form of contempt is contemptuous. He was contempt

5、uous of everything I did. 4. skeptical /skeptkl/ adj. having doubts; distrustful adj. 怀疑的;怀疑论的,不可知论的I am skeptical about his chances of winning. Many experts remain skeptical of his claims. A skeptic is a person who habitually doubts, questions, or disagrees. To be skeptical about something is to ha

6、ve skepticism疑问 about something. Such claims should be regarded with a certain amount of skepticism. 5. innovate /nvet/ v. to introduce new things, ideas, or ways of doing something vi.o 革新,改革,创新 (常与in, on连用):to innovate on the old ways革新旧方法 vt.1. 创立,创始:to innovate a new technique创立新技术 短语:o innovate

7、 or die 不创新即灭亡We must constantly adapt and innovate to ensure success in a growing market. 我们必须不断调整和创新,以确保在不断增长的市场上取得成功。The fashion industry is always desperate不顾一切的 to innovate. is the action or process of innovating. We are living in an age of innovation. He is knowledgeable about the latest innov

8、ations in computer technology. The adjective of innovate is innovative. She was an imaginative and innovative manager. 她是一个富有想象力的和创新的经理。6. profound /prfand/ adj. deep (in several senses) adj.1. 很深的;深深的2.(兴趣等)深厚的;深切的;深刻的3.深奥的;渊博的;造诣深的4.意味深长的;意义深远的5.(注意等)充分的;来自心底的;彻底的6.完全的,十分的7.谦恭的,低下的 n.2. 诗歌用语(时间、空间

9、等的)深邃;(灵魂等的)深处1.古语海,深海;海洋2.古语深奥的事物 短语:3. make a profound curtesy (或reverence) 恭恭敬敬地打招呼(或行礼)4. take a profound interest 感到很大兴趣;十分关切Profound understanding is deep understanding. To say something profound is to say something deeply intelligent or discerning眼光敏锐的. Profound respect is deep respect. Profo

10、und horror is deep horror. The noun form of profound is profundity. 7. digress /dares/ v. to stray from the main subject vi.1. 离题,(谈话或写作中)暂时离开主题:偏离,撇开,漫笔,漫谈,闲聊(from):to digress from the point at issue从论点上岔开Let me digress for a moment and tell you a short story.请允许我暂时离开话题一会儿,我给你讲个小故事。2. 背离,离开;转向,转到一边

11、:to digress to a new field转向另一领域Speaking metaphorically 隐喻地, 用比喻 to digress is to leave the main highway in order to travel aimlessly on back roads. When a speaker digresses, he departs from the main topic and tells a story only distantly远离地related to it. Such a story is called a digression漫谈,离题. So

12、metimes a writers or speakers digressions are more interesting than his or her man points. After a lengthy digression, the lecturer returned to this speech and brought it to a conclusion. 8. denounce /dnans/ v. to strongly criticize somebody/something that you think is wrong, illegal, etc vt.1. 谴责,痛

13、斥,指责,公然抨击:She denounced his drinking.她指责他饮酒。to denounce a politician as morally corrupt指责一政客道德败坏The council denounced the new law.该委员会谴责新法律。2. (如向警方或法庭)揭发,告发,控告,控诉:She was denounced as a thief.她被告发为贼。to denounce a person to the authorities向当局告发某人3. 正式通知废除(协定、契约、条约等),声明无效:to denounce a treaty, pact,

14、agreement, or the like通知废止条约、契约、协议等4. 古语宣布,宣称(尤指某事不详、邪恶):She denounced vengeance against him.她扬言要向他报仇。She publicly denounced the governments handling of the crisis. 她公开谴责政府对危机的处理。We must denounce injustice and oppression. 我们必须谴责不公正和压迫。The act denouncing is denunciation. 该法案声讨谴责As the title of the ar

15、ticle clearly indicates, this is an angry denunciation of the governments economic policy. 文章的标题清楚地表明,这是对政府的经济政策的愤怒谴责。 9. rigorous /rrs/ adj. strict; harsh; severe adj. 严格的,严厉的;严密的;严酷的To be rigorous is to have rigor. Our exercise program was rigorous but effective; after just a few months, our eight

16、een hours of daily exercise had begun to pay off. While no one doubts the need for more rigorous border controls now, there are critics who say the federal government is doing a poor job of distinguishing between potential terrorists and legitimate travelers. 毫无疑问,我们现在需要更严格的边境控制,但有评论家说,联邦政府在区分潜在的恐怖分

17、子和合法的旅客这方面的工作做得很不好。The professor was popular largely because he wasnt rigorous; there were no tests in his course and only one paper, which was optional. 这位教授很受欢迎,主要是因为他不严厉;而且,他的课没有考试,只有一篇论文,该论文是可选的。10. inevitable /nevtbl/ adj. unavoidable; bound to happen adj. 必然的,不可避免的 短语 Inevitable trend必然趋势 Inev

18、itable Accident不可避免的事故 ; the inevitable社会发展的必然结果 ; 不可避免的事 ; 不可避免的 ; 必然A rise in the interest rates seems inevitable. 利率上升似乎是不可避免的。It was an inevitable consequence of the decision. Inevitability is the quality of being unavoidable. 必然性是不可避免的本质When we observe nature, we see the inevitability of change

19、. We are all bound by the inevitability of death. 11. superficial /sjupfl/ adj. on the surface only; shallow; not thorough adj. 表面的;肤浅的 ;表面文章的;外表的;(人)浅薄的Tom had indeed been shot, but the wound was superficial; the bullet had merely creased the tip of his nose. 汤姆的确是被枪杀,但伤口是在表面的;子弹只是皱了他的鼻尖。The mechan

20、ic, who was in a hurry, gave my car what appeared to be a superficial tune-up. 机械师很着急,给我的车似乎只做了一个表面的发动机的调整。In fact, if he checked the oil, he did it without opening the hood. 事实上,如果他检查了油,就无需打开引擎盖。A person who is superficial can be accused of指责superficiality. The superficiality of the editors comment

21、s made us think that he hadnt really read the manuscript. 主编的肤浅评论使我们认为他并没有真正地阅读过稿子。12. aesthetic /esetk/ adj. having to do with artistic beauty; artistic adj.1. (有关)美学原理的,美学的;美感的2.美的;给人以美感的3.审美的;显示审美力强的;具有审美趣味的4.艺术的;爱好艺术的 亦作esthetic, esthetical n.2. 美学;美感;审美观;美学标准;美学原理2.审美家3.唯美主义者Our art professor h

22、ad a highly developed aesthetic sense; he found things to admire in paintings that, to us, looked like garbage垃圾. Someone who admires beautiful things greatly can be called aesthete审美家 /esit/. Aesthetics is the study of beauty or principles of beauty. 13. disparage /dsp rd/ v. to belittle轻视;贬低; to s

23、ay uncomplimentary难听的; 贬低的 things about, usually in a somewhat indirect way 1. 贬低,贬抑,轻视,小看,轻蔑地议论(或对待):2. 污蔑,诋毁,毁谤,说的坏话,降低的评价;损害的名声,丧失的信誉;使丢脸The mayor disparaged our efforts to beautify the town square when he said that the flower bed we had planted looked somewhat worse than the bed of weeds it had

24、replaced. 市长贬低我们美化城市广场的努力, 他说,我们亲手种植的花坛看起来比已取代的杂草的床还差。My guidance counselor disparaged my high school record by telling me that not everybody belongs in college. 我的辅导员贬低我的高学历。告诉我说,不是每个人都属于大学。14. elaborate /l brt/ adj. very complicated and detailed; carefully prepared and organized adj.1. 精心设计(或计划、制作

25、、装饰)的2.(结构)复杂的;精巧的,精密的,精致的3.详尽的,详述的,(详尽)阐述的4.(煞费)苦心的,费力的,刻苦的,艰苦的;辛勤的 vt.2. 尽心竭力地做;详细搞出;用心作成,精心制作,苦心经营:to elaborate his plans for a new engine精心设计一种新机器3. 详述,详尽阐述;推敲;发挥;发展:The expert elaborates his theory from his own reason.这位专家详尽阐述他的学说。4. 【生理学】加工;从简单成分合成(复杂有机物);使(体内食物或简单成分)转变成(能吸收、能排泄的)复杂有机物 vi.5. 详

26、述,详细说明(计划、观点、理论等),(详尽)阐述;详尽计划(常与 on或upon 连用):to elaborate upon a theme or an idea对某一主题或想法作详细说明6. 变得复杂 变形:vt.elaborated.elaboratingTheyre making the most elaborate preparations for the wedding. He came out with such an elaborate excuse that I didnt quite believe him. To elaborate is to state somethin

27、g in detail. Just give us the facts. You can elaborate on them later. 15. ambivalent /mbvlnt/ adj. undecided; having opposed feelings simultaneously 同时地 adj.1. (心理、态度)矛盾的;有矛盾情绪的2. 非规范用语含糊不清的,模棱两可的,不明确的 n.【病理学】两性人Susan felt ambivalent about Alec as a boyfriend. Her frequent desire to break up with hi

28、m reflected this ambivalence. 苏珊对于亚历克作为一个男朋友觉得模棱两可。她频繁的想和他分手的愿望反映了这一矛盾。16. subtle /stl/ adj. not obvious; able to make fine distinctions; ingenious; crafty adj. 微妙的;精细的;敏感的;狡猾的;稀薄的The alien beings had created a shrewd replica of Mr. Jenson, but his wife did notice a few subtle difference, including

29、the fact that the Mr. Jenson had no pulse. 外星人创造了简森先生的精明的副本,但他的妻子也注意到一些细微的差别,其中包括了简森先生有没有脉搏的事实。The burglar was subtle; he had come up with a plan that would enable him to steal all the money in the world without arousing the suspicions of the authorities. 窃贼是狡猾的;他想出了一个计划,该计划将使他偷走世界上所有的钱,却不会引起当局的怀疑。S

30、omething subtle is a subtlety. 17. indifferent /ndfrnt/ adj. having or showing no interest in somebody/something adj. 漠不关心的;无关紧要的;中性的,中立的Pedro was indifferent about politics; he didnt care who was elected to office so long as no one passed a law against Monday Night Football. 佩德罗关于政治是无动于衷的;他不关心谁当选官员

31、,只要没有人通过法律,反对周一足球之夜Henrys indifference was extremely annoying to Melissa, who loved to argue but found it difficult to do so with people who had no opinions. 亨利的冷漠让爱争辩的梅丽莎非常恼火,她发现很难与没有意见的人争论。18. resignation /reznen/ n. patient willingness to accept a difficult or unpleasant situation that you cannot change n.1. 辞职;放弃 2.辞呈,辞职书 3.顺从;屈从;忍受They accepted their defeat with resignation. If you resign yourself to something

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