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1、六年级英语阅读理解带翻译五篇六年级英语阅读理解带翻译【五篇】 【第一篇:读书之乐】 Reading is a pleasure of the mind, which means that it is a little like a sport: your eagerness and knowledge and quickness make you a good reader. Reading is fun, not because the writer is telling you something, but because it makes your mind work. Your own

2、 imagination works along with the author”s or even goes beyond his. Your experience, compared with his, brings you to the same or different conclusions, and your ideas develop as you understand his. Every book stands by itself, like a one-family house, but books in a library are like houses in a cit

3、y. Although they are separate, together they all add up to something; they are connected with each other and with other cities. The same ideas, or related ones, turn up in different places; the human problems that repeat themselves in life repeat themselves in literature, but with different solution

4、s according to different writings at different times. Reading can only be fun if you expect it to be. If you concentrate on books somebody tells you “ought“ to read, you probably won”t have fun. But if you put down a book you don”t like and try another till you find one that means something to you,

5、and then relax with it, you will almost certainly have a good time-and if you become as a result of reading, better, wiser, kinder, or more gentle, you won”t have suffered during the process. 【参考翻译】 读书是愉悦心智之事。在这一点上它与运动颇为相像:一个优秀的读者必需要有热忱、有学问、有速度。读书之乐并非在于要告知你什么,而在于它促使你思索。你跟随一起想像,有时你的想象甚至会超越的。把自己的体验与的相

6、互比拟,你会得出一样或者不同的结论。在理解想法的同时,也形成了自己的观点。 每一本书都自成体系,就像一家一户的住宅,而图书馆里的藏书好比城市里千家万户的居所。尽管它们都相互独立,但只有相互结合才有意义。家家户户彼此相连,城市与城市彼此相依。一样或相像的思想在不同地方涌现。人类生活中反复的问题也在文学中不断重现,但因时代与作品的差异,答案也各不一样。 假如你盼望的话,读书也能布满乐趣。如果你只读那些别人告知你该读之书,那么你不太可能有乐趣可言。但假如你放下你不喜爱的书,试着阅读另外一本,直到你找到自己中意的,然后轻轻松松的读下去,差不多肯定会乐在其中。而且,当你通过阅读变得更加优秀,更加和善,更

7、加文静时,阅读便不再是一种熬煎。 【其次篇:月儿随我同行】 When the Moon Follows Me(Mary E. Potter) Each of my sons made the discovery early. We would be riding in the car at night, and a little voice would call out from the back seat, “Hey, the moon is following us!” I would explain that the moon was not actually gliding along

8、 with our car. There would be another period of critical observation and the final verdict, delivered more quietly this time: “But it really is moving. I can see it.” I thought of that one evening as I was driving. The moon, one day short of fullness, rode with me, first gliding smoothly, then bounc

9、ing over the bumpy stretches, now on my right, then straight ahead, the silver light washing over dry grasses in open fields, streaking along through black branches, finally disappearing as the road wound its way through the hills. When I crested the hill in the village, there it was again grown sud

10、denly immense, ripe, flooding the town with a sprawling light so magical I began to understand why it is said to inspire “looniness.” I could hardly wait to get back home to show the boys. Robert was in the bathtub, so I grabbed John. “ Close your eyes and come see what followed me home,” I said, ho

11、ping to increase the dramatic impact. I led him out into the night. “Okay. Open! Isnt it beautiful?” John blinked a few times and looked at me as if I might, indeed, be loony. “Mom, its just the moon. Is this the surprise?” I suppose he was hoping for a puppy. I should have realized that, being only

12、 ten, he was probably too young to know how much we sometimes need the magic and romance of moonlighta light that is nothing like the harsh glare of the sun that it reflects. Moonlight softens our faults; all shabbiness dissolves into shadow. It erases the myriad details that crowd and rush us in th

13、e sunlight, leaving only sharp outlines and highlights and broad brushstrokesthe fundamental shape of things. Often in the soothing, restorative glow we stare transfixed, bouncing our ambitions and hopes and plans off this great reflector. We dream our dreams; we examine the structure of our lives;

14、we make considered decisions. In a hectic, confusing world, it helps to step out into a quiet, clear swath of moonlight, to seek out the fundamentals and eschew the incidentals. The night after I showed John the moon, he burst breathlessly through the door, calling, “Mom, come out for a minute!” Thi

15、s time, he led me, coatless and shivering. The driveway gravel crunched underneath our sneakers. From somewhere in the woods beyond the pond, the plaintive calls of geese honked and died away. Past the row of pine trees that line the road, the sky opened up with the full moon on it, suspended so pre

16、cariously close that it might come hurtling toward us incandescent, even larger and more breathtaking than the night before, climbing its motionless climb over the molten silver of our pond. Even a ten-year-old could see this wasnt just the moon. This was The Moon. When I turned around, John was gri

17、nning, expectant, studying my face intently to see if he had pleased me. He had. I knew that now the moon was following him too. 月儿随我同行(玛丽.E.波特) 我的两个儿子各自都在很小的时候就有了那惊人的发觉。每当我们驱车夜行的时候,后座上总会传来稚嫩惊异的声音: “嘿,瞧!月亮实际上并没有跟在我们的汽车后面滑行。发出赞叹的孩子往往端详良久,最终得出定论,再一次用较冷静的口吻说: “它的确在动的嘛,我看得见的。” 一天晚上,在驱车回家的途中,我想起了这件事儿。再过一

18、天就要盈满的月亮随我一路同行;它先是平稳地滑行,继而又在坎坷的山路上跃动,忽而在我右边,忽而又跑到我的前头。银色的月光泼洒在原野的枯草上,沿着一路黑黝黝的枝丛投下斑驳的光点,最终,当车道在山间绕了个弯,它便消逝得无影无踪。 当我的车开上村子里的小山顶时,月亮又消失了突然变得硕大、饱满;奇妙的银辉充盈四野,整个城镇都被沉没在溶溶的月色中。我这才开头明白,为什么人们会说月儿能激发起“疯狂”。我急不行待地赶回家,想让孩子们出来看看。 罗伯特正在洗澡;于是我一把拉起约翰,说:“闭上眼睛,来看看什么东西随我回家了。”盼望这样能增加戏剧性的效果。我牵着他走到户外的夜色中。 “行了,睁开眼睛!瞧,多美啊!”

19、 约翰眨巴眨巴双眼,盯着我看,仿佛我真的发疯了一样。“妈,不就是月亮嘛。这有什么稀奇的?”我猜他盼望我带了只小狗回来。 我本应当意识到这一点:他才十岁,或许还太小,弄不清我们有时是何等需要月光的魅力和浪漫,这种光和它所反射的太阳那刺眼的光线是多么大相径庭。月光淡化了我们的各种缺点,全部的卑微都化解为依稀模糊的阴影。它抹去了在阳光下充塞于我们四周、压迫着我们的很多微小的事物,只留下轮廓鲜亮的剪影、最精彩的场面和粗线条的绘画万物的根本外形。 经常,在那令人屏神静气的光华中,我们注目注视;这时,我们的雄心壮志、美妙盼望和雄伟蓝图便会从那了不起的反射物上跃然而出。我们做着五光十色的梦,考察我们的生活构

20、造,作出深思熟虑的打算。在一个喧嚣、混乱的世界上,走进一片安静、清爽的月光,去寻循事物的根本,避开不期而至的变故,那可真是大有裨益。 就在我让约翰看月亮的其次天晚上,他气喘喘地一头闯进屋来,喊道:“妈,快出来一会儿。”这一次是他牵着我。当时我没穿外衣,不由得一阵哆嗦。车道上的砾石被我们的旅游鞋踩得嘎嘎作响。从水塘此岸的树林里不知什么地方传来几声鹅的哀鸣,转而又悠闲消逝。 走过路边那排松树,天空豁然开朗,一轮满月晃晃悠悠地悬浮在上面,离我们那么近,仿佛就要掉下来撞到我们身上。它光华照人,比前一天晚上还大,更令人心驰神往,在熔银般的水塘上空静静地爬升。就连十岁的孩童也能看出,这不仅仅是个月亮。这是

21、个大写的月亮。 我转过身,只见约翰正咧着嘴笑,满脸期盼的神情;他热切的目光想从我的脸上探明他是否博得了我的欢心。他的确博得了我的欢心。我意识到现在月儿也正在随他同行。 讲解 这是一篇特别美丽的关于月亮的散文,它将细腻的描写和真挚的情感及人生感悟交融在一起。翻译这样的文章,译者不仅要译出根本信息字面上的意思,还要译出原文的韵味。这就需要在选词、句式安排及形象化词语的运用上认真琢磨,不仅要留意字、句上的局部效果,更要留意段落、篇章的整体效果。 就该篇译文而言,译者根本做到了形神合一。原文中不乏一些非常抽象的描写性的语言,然而译者能发挥自己的形象思维力量,用形象化的语言化解原文的抽象性描述带来的理解

22、与认知上的困难,从而使译文更贴近译语读者的理解模式(比方原文其次、六、七自然段)。这种应用形象化语言替代抽象化描述语言的译法较广泛地应用于文学语篇的翻译,是翻译的难点,也正是这篇译作的最主要的特长。 此外,在处理形容词方面,该译作也有值得鉴赏之处。形容词在描写文体中消失的频率颇高。在翻译形容词时,译者一是要精确理解形容词在特定的上下文及搭配中的含义,二是在用汉语表达时要顺应汉语行文及修辞标准。该原文消失了好几处多个形容词排放在一起的句式,如翻译时把握不好,很简单造成上下文不通顺的断句,严峻时会造成上下文意义的断裂,从而导致歧义。这也是同学们在翻译实践中常犯的错误之一。该译者充分留意到了这方面的

23、问题,在充分理解原文的根底上他还充分考虑到了汉语的表达习惯和修饰特点,并顺应之,使译文流畅自然。 该译文实行的抽象描述语言形象化的处理以及翻译时侧重考虑译入语的表达习惯等其实表达了译者归化的翻译技巧的敏捷应用。归化和异化是翻译时常用的方法。归化指译者实行透亮、流畅的风格以尽可能减弱译语读者对外语语篇的生疏感的翻译策略;异化则指刻意打破目的语的行文标准而保存原文的某些异域特色的翻译策略。可以说,任何译文都是归化和异化翻译策略相互结合的产物,而归化尤为重要,由于对异域语言文化标准的接纳和汲取必需在本民族语言文化标准的根基上进展。 【第三篇:任教印象】 The main impression gro

24、wing out of twelve years on the faculty of a medical school is that the No.1 health problem in the U.S. today, even more than AIDS or cancer, is that Americans dont know how to think about health and illness. Our reactions are formed on the terror level. We fear the worst, expect the worst, thus inv

25、ite the worst. The result is that we are becoming a nation of weaklings and hypochondriacs, a self-medicating society incapable of distinguishing between casual, everyday symptoms and those that require professional attention. Early in life, too, we become seized with the bizarre idea that we are co

26、nstantly assaulted by invisible monsters called germs, and that we have to be on constant alert to protect ourselves against their fury. Equal emphasis, however, is not given to the presiding fact that our bodies are superbly equipped to deal with the little demons and the best way of forestalling a

27、n attack is to maintain a sensible life-style. 【参考翻译】 在医学院任教十二年来,我获得的主要印象是,当今美国头号安康问题一个比艾滋病或癌症更为严峻的问题是美国人不知道如何去熟悉安康与疾病。我们的反响是惊慌万状。我们怕最坏的事,想着最坏的事,而恰恰就召来了最坏的事。结果 ,我们变成了一个孱弱不堪,总疑心自己有病的民族,一个分不清哪些是日常偶发病症,哪些是需要治疗的病症,而自己擅自用药的社会。 我们年轻的时候还染上了一种惊奇的观念:一种肉眼看不见的叫做细菌的小妖怪在不断向我们进攻,我们必需长备不懈地爱护自己不受其损害。然而,对另一个重要事实,我们却

28、未能赐予同样的重视,那就是,我们的身体装备精良,足以应付这些小妖怪,而且防止妖怪进攻的途径就是保持合理的生活方式。 【第四篇:生命之坚持】 【#小学英语# 导语】英语网为大家整理了英语阅读理解带翻译10篇,盼望对同学们有所帮忙,更多内容尽在英语网。 Some people insist that only today and tomorrow matter. But how much poorer we would be if we really lived by that rule! So much of what we do today is frivolous and futile an

29、d soon forgotten. So much of what we hope to do tomorrow never happens. The past is the bank in which we store our most valuable possession: the memories that give meaning and depth to our lives. Those who truly treasure the past will not bemoan the passing of the good old days, because days enshrin

30、ed in memory are never lost. Death itself is powerless to still a remembered voice or erase a remembered smile. And for one boy who is now a man, there is a pond which neither time nor tide can change, where he can still spend a quiet hour in the sun. 【参考翻译】 一些人坚持认为只有今日与明日最重要。可要按这条规章来生活的话,我们将会变得更加可怜

31、。今日我们所做之事有多少是琐碎无功的,很快就被人遗忘.又有多少我们明天要为之事将会成为泡影。 过去是一所银行。我们将最珍贵的财宝记忆珍藏其中,这些记忆给予我们生命的意义和厚度。真正珍惜过去之人不会为美妙时间逝去而哀叹。那些珍藏于记忆的时间是永久不会消逝的。死亡本身也无法止住记忆中的声音,或擦除记忆中的微笑。对于已经长大成人的小男孩来说,那儿将会有一个池塘。它不会因时间和潮汐而转变,可以让他大连续在阳光下享受静谧的时间。 【第五篇:篮球】 Interest in basketball in the United States peaks around three big championship

32、 events in the spring: the college championships for men and women in late March or early April and the professional playoffs that climax in June. But thats only organized basketball. Informally, the game has been learned by generations of American youths on city playgrounds and schoolyards, on lonely baskets put up in backyards of rural homes and on the driveway basketball courts of countless suburban homes. Here, playing on teams, going one-on-one against a single opponent or just shooting the ball hou

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