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1、湖南电大高级商务英语试题试卷代号:7660 湖南广播电视大学2014年1月开放教育期末考试高级商务英语 试题 2013年12月注 意 事 项一、 将你的准考证号、学生证号、姓名及分校(工作站)的名称填写在答题纸的规定栏内。考试结束后,把试卷和答题纸放在桌上。试卷和答题纸均不得带出考场;二、 仔细读懂题目的说明,并按题目的要求答题。答案一定要写在答题纸的指定位置上,写在试卷上的答案无效;三、 用蓝、黑圆珠笔或钢笔答题,使用铅笔无效。Part I Vocabulary and Structure ( 30 分)Section 1 (1-10 题,每题1分,共10分) Match the words

2、 on the left with their definitions on the right. 1. to sack A. a short tune used in a commercial to advertise a product 2. intranet B. business company made up of a number of different firms 3. to log on C. a time limit for an activity 4. slogan D. a system that connects together computers in the s

3、ame company or organisation 5. to position oneself E. to connect to the Internet 6. conglomerate F. to find a place from which to operate themselves 7. jingle G. to dismiss8. deadline H. a memorable sentence used to advertise a product 9. to quantifyI. a general plan intended to achieve something ov

4、er a period of time 10. strategyJ. to measure statistically Section 2(11-20题,每题2分,共20分)Choose a word or phrase from the list for each space in the passage below. environment face analysis features requiredresult capital may help lookshave hand up to intoA SWOT analysis is an analytical tool that can

5、 help you work through all the information you have about your business. SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. This type of (11) _ represents an effort to examine the interaction between the particular (12) _ of your business and the external marketplace in which you comp

6、ete. Many of the conclusions that you draw as a (13) _ of the SWOT analysis will be incorporated (14) _ strategy sections of the business plan. the market analysis and the market. The internal portion of a SWOT analysis (15) _ at the individual strengths and weaknesses of your specific business. For

7、 example, you may have a favorable geographic location that makes you more accessible to customers than your competitors. You may (16) _ the other (17) _ invested in state-of-art equipment that only recently became available. On the other (18) _, you may have problems managing your inventory or you

8、may have employees who just are not (19) _ to the tasks that will be required to implement your plan. Similarly, the external analysis looks at the opportunities presented by the marketplace and the threats that you face in your chosen market. Be as accurate as possible in assessing the market (20)

9、_ in which you do business. Identify those areas in which your competitors pose a threat. Part 2 Reading (35 分) Section 1 (21-30题,每题2分,共20分)Choose the best answer according to the information provided in the 2 passages.Passage One What is the purpose of a marketing system in a society? One very comm

10、on view is that it should encourage consumption. In theory, if more people buy more things, the demand for goods will increase. And if demand increases , this will result in higher production , more employment and more “wealth”the main indicators of a healthy economy. Finally it is generally believe

11、d that the more people consume the more goods and services they buy the happier they will be. But, some experts disagree with this view. They feel that increasing consumer satisfaction is more important than making consumers buy more. They say that manufacturers should concentrate on producing goods

12、 that suit the tastes and needs of consumers. If customers find goods that suit their tastes and needs , this will help to improve their lifestyles , and they will feel satisfied. Unfortunately, increasing the amount of choice also has some disadvantages. Firstly, when a company increases the variet

13、y of products this also increases the cost of production. So, goods and services tend to become more expensive. And higher prices lead to decreasing sales. Secondly, greater variety of products means that more money needs to be spent on market research, to find exactly what the customers want. Third

14、ly, consumers themselves have to spend more time and effort looking at a variety of products, before they decide which one suits their needs. If there wasnt so much choice, the customers would have more time, and this time could be spent buying more things. Finally, having more products to choose fr

15、om does not necessarily increase the consumers real choice, because such products may be very similar to other brands of the same product. Advertisers would like us to believe that their washing powder is better than any other. They are always telling us that their brand gives us a “white wash” than

16、 that of their competitors. But, in fact, one detergent powder is very much the same as any other, and it really doesnt matter which one we buy. This same problem can occur with all kinds of products from beer and cigarettes to toothpaste and toilet soap.Perhaps the most important purpose of a marke

17、ting system is to improve the quality of our lives. We have to consider not just the amount we buy, but also about how easily available products are , whether we can afford them , and whether we are satisfied by their quality. For a company the most important thing is whether the people really like

18、the product. No matter how much marketing a company does , if in the end people dont enjoy using the product, then the marketing has failed. 21. Most people think that the purpose of a marketing system is _. A. to keep consumers happy by providing more choiceB. to improve customer satisfaction by im

19、proving qualityC. to satisfy peoples needs by selling them more productsD. to increase consumption22. We know that an economy is doing well if _. A. people buy more things B. people own more things C. production and employment rise and more money circulates D. people seem satisfied23. Besides choice

20、, the three things which are important in improving peoples lives are _. A. quantity, quality and satisfaction B. quality, availability and affordability C. suitability, satisfaction and quantity D. necessity, cost and quality 24. Beer, cigarettes and face cream are all examples of _. A. products wh

21、ich everybody needs B. products which are very similar, whichever brand you chooseC. products of which the consumer has little choiceD. products for which it is not necessary to provide choice25. The most important factor which influences the choice of products is _. A. whether people like them B. w

22、hether they have been marketed properly C. how much time it takes to choose them D. whether there are enough of themPassage Two Getting the Most Out of Meetings One aspect of business life which many managers are unhappy with is the need to attend meetings. Research indicates that managers well spen

23、d between a third and a half of their working lives in meetings. Although most managers would agree that it is hard to think of an alternative to meetings, as a means of considering information and making collective decisions, their length and frequency can cause problems with the workload of even t

24、he best-organised executives. Meetings work best if they take place only when necessary and not as a matter of routine. One example of this is the discussion of personal or career matters between members of staff and their line and personnel manager. Another is during the early stages of a project w

25、hen the team managing it needs to learn to understand and trust one another. Once it has been decided that a meeting is necessary, decisions need to be taken about who will attend and about the location and length of the meeting. People should only be invited to attend if they are directly involved

26、in the matters under discussion and the agenda should be distributed well in advance. An agenda is vital because it acts as a road map to keep discussion focused and within the time limit allocated. This is also the responsibility of the person chairing the meeting, who should encourage those who sa

27、y little to speak and stop those who have a great deal to say from talking too much. At the end of a well organised meeting, people will feel that the meeting has been a success and be pleased they were invited. They will know not only what decisions were made but also the reasons for these decision

28、s. Unfortunately, at the end of a badly organised meeting those present will leave feeling that they have wasted their time and that nothing worthwhile has been achieved. Much thought has been given over the years to ways of keeping meetings short. One man who has no intention of spending half his w

29、orking life in meetings is Roland Winterson, chief executive of a large manufacturing company. He believes that meetings should be short, sharp and infrequent. I try to hold no more than two or three meetings a week, attended by a maximum of three people for no longer than half an hour, he says. The

30、y are clearly aimed at achieving a specific objective, such as making a decision or planning a strategy, and are based on careful preparation. I draw up the agenda for every meeting and calculate it in advance; those attending are expected to study it carefully and should be prepared to both ask and

31、 answer questions. Managers are best employed carrying out tasks directly connected with their jobs not attending endless meetings. In business, time is money and spending it in needless meetings that dont achieve anything can be very costly. Executives should follow the example of lawyers and put a

32、 cost on each hour of their time and then decide whether attending a long meeting really is the best way to spend their time. 26. What do most managers think about meetings? A. Meetings take up most of their working life. B. Meetings allow them to monitor decision-making. C. Meetings prevent them from establishing a routine. D. Meetings are the only way they know of achieving cer

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