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必修三 单词短语.docx

1、必修三 单词短语必修三Unit 1The world of our senses写得准1. vi.& n瞥一眼,匆匆看2. vt. 靠近;着手处理 n. 靠近;方法;路径3. vi. 凝视,盯着看4. adv. 无处,到处都不5. n. 谜,疑问 vt. 迷惑,使困惑6. n& vt. 帮助7. n. 志愿者 vi.& vt. 自愿做,义务做8. adj. 可能的9. vi.& vt. 小声说;私下说10. adj. 相反的 n. 相反的事实或情况11. adj. 镇静的,沉着的 vt.& vi. 使平静,镇静12. vt. 抓住,抓牢13. adj. 狭窄的14. vi.& n. 惊慌,恐慌

2、15. attach vt.把附在上 n(用电子邮件发送的)附件;依恋16. suit n套装vt.适合,满足需要 adj.合适的,适宜的17. confuse vt.使糊涂,使迷惑 adj.困惑的 adj.令人困惑的 n迷惑,混淆18. observe vt.观察;注意到;评论 n观察者;评论者 n观察;评论19. hesitate vi.犹豫,迟疑不决 n犹豫20. anxious adj.焦虑的,忧虑的 n焦虑;渴望21. recognize vt.认识,辨认出;意识到;(正式)承认 n识别;确认,认可;赏识22. ignore vt.忽视,对不予理会 adj.无知的,愚昧的 n愚昧,无

3、知23. employ vt.使用;雇用 n雇用者,雇主 n受雇者,雇员,雇工 n职业;雇用;使用24. grateful adj.感激的,表示感谢的 n感谢(的心情);感激25. relief n轻松,宽慰 v减轻;解除26. reduce v减少 n减少27. analyse vt.分析 n分析;验定28. distance n距离;远处 adj.遥远的29. disability n缺陷;伤残 adj.残疾的 v使(某人)失去能力/残疾30. attract vt.吸引 adj.有吸引力的,诱人的 n吸引,有吸引力的人或事用得活用所给词的适当形式填空1. What you said le

4、ft all of us in . We were completely. (confuse)2. The has been the situation of that region for a long time, so his is believable. (observe)3. My mother always gets a bit if we dont arrive when we say we will. We can even feel her . (anxious)4. Dont forget to check that your is actually to the email

5、. (attach)5. An contract is not only an exchange of labour and wages, but also a union between an and an . (employ)6. The scenery is so that it attracts many tourists attention every year, and it will keep on holding much for more travellers. (attract)7. Although she at first, she still took up the

6、red flag and rushed out without any on hearing order. (hesitate)8. I found a shopping mall, where last night I bought a coat that me just fine. (suit)9. Deaf though she is, the girl refuses to let her prevent her from doing what she wants. (disable)10. It was within easy walking of the hotel, but he

7、 felt it and chose another one. (distant)积得多1.“看”遍天下notice注意到,留心observe 观察watch 观看,关注stare (at) 凝视,盯着看glance (at) 匆匆看一眼glare (at) 怒视peer 窥视,凝视witness 目击,目睹2.“方法”多样way方法,方面means 方法,方式method 方法,办法approach 方法,途径manner 方式,方法3.“抓住,捕捉”集合catch 接住,抓住seize 抓住,夺取hold 拿,抓住grasp 抓住;领会capture 俘获,捕捉4.narrow形似词一览a

8、rrow箭头borrow 借sorrow 悲伤sparrow 麻雀5.“惊恐”万状fear 担心,害怕alarm 使惊恐,警告frighten 使害怕,吓唬horror 惊骇,恐怖terror 恐怖,惊骇shock 震惊,使吃惊panic 惊慌,恐慌6.“er”与“ee”结尾意义不同写得准1. 瞥一眼,匆匆看2. 看得见,在视力范围内3. 伸出(手)4. 留心,密切注意5. 偿还;回报;报复6. 有差别,有影响7. 与有关/联系8. (天气)放晴9. 制订出;算出;进展顺利10. 邂逅,不期而遇11. 卷起来12. 导致,结果是13. 盯着看,睁大眼睛看14. 把附在上15. 有意义;讲得通1

9、6. 盼望,企盼17. 对表示感激18. 使某人惊奇的是19. 帮助某人20. 在远处用得活选用以上短语填空1. I looked in her face for some response, but she just me blankly.2. I left my wallet at home. Can you lend me 10 dollars? I will it to you on Friday.3. Youd better keep your child in case he needs your help.4. In China, packets of cigarettes co

10、me with a government health warning them that smoking is harmful to health.5. If you any further explanation, you had better apply in person to the chief of police.6. The doctor said I might be sick, and that I must symptoms which can send me to hospital.7. Its advisable not to consult the dictionar

11、y the moment you a new word. Try to guess at its meaning.8. Any significant social change brings about problems and it is essential to proper solutions.9. The fourth blind man his hands, and grasped one of the elephants legs.10. Whether you are in a large company or in a small one, it doesnt .积得多1.“

12、v.across”常用短语come across 偶然遇到get across 使明白cut across 走捷径run across 穿过;碰到go across 穿过,通过2. wish短语小结wish for希望得到as you wish 随心所欲fulfill a wish 实现愿望get ones wish 如愿以偿make a wish 许愿,祈求best wishes 美好祝愿go against ones wishes 与某人的意愿相违have no wish to do sth. 无意做某事3. pay短语速记pay back 偿还,回报pay off 付清;取得成功pay

13、for 为而付钱pay a visit to 参观,拜访pay attention to 注意Unit 2Language写得准1. adv. 现在,如今2. vt. 占领;占用3. vi. 组成,构成4. vt. 养育;举起;提高;筹募;提及5. adv. 因此,所以6. vt.& n. 禁止;取缔7. adj. 独特的8. n. (书写或印刷)文字,符号;人物;性格9. vi.& vt. 插嘴,打断,暂停10. vt. 代表;展示,描绘11. vt. 显示;暗示12. vt. 战胜, 击败13. vt. 压,挤,推,施加压力 n. 报刊;新闻界;出版社14. vt. 替换;代替,取代15.

14、 combine vt.& vi.组合;(使)联合 n联合,结合16. contribution n贡献,促成因素;捐赠 v贡献17. mixture n混合,混合体 v使混合,拌和18. conclusion n结论;推论 v总结,归纳,推论19. entire adj.完全的,整个的 adv.完全地,整个地20. concern n关心;忧虑vt.涉及;使担忧;对感兴趣 adj.担心的,关心的 prep.关于21. access vt.进入;使用n.通道;(使用的)机会,权利 adj.可到达的;可接近的22. mistaken adj.错误的;误解的 n错误;误会vt.弄错;误解23. s

15、implify vt.简化 adj.简单的24. differ vi.相异,有区别 adj.不同的 n不同25. distinguish vt.区分,辨别;使具有某种特征 adj.著名的 n区别26. convenient adj.方便的 n方便 adv.方便地,附近地27. practical adj.切实可行的,实用的 n实践28. embarrass vt.使尴尬,使难堪 adj.令人难堪的,使人尴尬的 adj.感到尴尬的,难堪的用得活用所给词的适当形式填空1. We can come to the that nothing is so precious as freedom in th

16、e world. (conclude)2. He was to hear that two of his essays concerning agriculture couldnt be published. (concern)3. My most moment was trying to introduce a woman whose name I couldnt remember and it also made the woman . (embarrass)4. If you want to live a life, you need to your mind. (simple)5. E

17、uropean and American science with efficient and cheap Chinese manufacturing should be a powerful . (combine)6. My house is located just off the High Street. Its for you to drop in. Please come at your . (convenient)7. In 1941, the Japanese army Hong Kong, which began a period of three years and eigh

18、t months of the Japanese . (occupy)8. WHO welcomes Chinas of mobile laboratory to west Africa against Ebola, which can to fighting the disease. (contribute)9. We should learn to put the theory into and be and realistic all the time. (practice)10. Like many skills, guitar playing also comes with tech

19、niques which from one person to another. (differ)积得多1.“眼下,目前,如今”知多少nowadays如今at present 目前at the present time 目前at the moment 此刻at the current time 当前2.词根“ture/ature/iture”联想mixmixture n混合signsignature n. 签名fixfixture n. 固定装置expendexpenditure n支出3.“re前缀”一览replay 重放renew 更新replace 取代review 复习remind 想

20、起reunite 重聚4.“整个,完全”团圆entire adj.整个的whole adj. 全部的total adj. 完全的wholly adv. 完全地complete adj. 完全的all over 到处,遍及5.词根“inter(相互)”家族intersect v. 相交,交叉interaction n. 相互影响international adj. 国际的interchange v. 相互交换interact v. 互相来往6.“因此”表达种种thus因此,这样hence 因此therefore 因此,所以accordingly 因此,于是consequently 因此,结果7.

21、“后缀fy( 使)”荟萃beautify 美化,使变美glorify 赞美,美化classify 分类,分等purify 净化,使纯净simplify 简化写得准1. 代表,象征2. 由组成(构成)3. 由组成(构成)4. 以命名5. 除之外6. 控制7. 导致8. 对做出贡献9. 经历,浏览,检查10. 考虑11. 向上看;查询12. 接近;取得利用的机会13. 取笑,开的玩笑14. 应该15. 和不同16. 总体上17. 总之18. 上上下下19. 在中起作用20. 考虑用得活选用以上短语填空1. The rest of the furniture / a bed, a table and

22、 four chairs, which are made of steel and wood.2. being fun and good exercise, swimming is a very useful skill.3. Different colours different meanings. For example, the white represents purity and dignity, and the red is for joy.4. The Silk Road was ancient Chinas silk trade which played an importan

23、t role in the civilization development of China, South Asia and Europe.5. / ,_having a rich vocabulary is important, especially if you want to sound like a native.6. It was reported that the big fire / hundreds of people suffering from injury and more than 160 deaths.7. I can not see where they each

24、 other; to me they look exactly alike.8. The army the city after the presidents fall from power, which left the whole country in a mess.积得多1.name短语集合name after以命名by name 名义上;名叫by/in the name of 以名义call ones name 点名2.“开某人的玩笑”表达法pull ones legjoke/tease sb.make fun of a trick/tricks on

25、a joke/jokes on sb.3.“应该”表达种种should 应该ought to 应该be supposed to 应该,应当4.“总之”说法种种in a word(all) in allin conclusionin short/briefin generalto concludeUnit 3Back to the past写得准1. n讲座2. vi. 涌流,倾泻 vt. 倒出(液体)3. vt.& vi. 逃避;迅速离开4. n. 灾难5. n. 废墟;毁坏 vt. 破坏,毁灭6. vt. 使腐化,使堕落 adj. 贪污的,腐败的7. n. 仪式,典礼8. vi.& n. 前

26、进,进发;游行9. n. 雕塑,雕像10. adv. (时间、空间)在前面;提前,预先;领先11.found vt.兴建,创建;建立,创办 n建筑物;基金会12.judge v判断;审判n.法官 n判断;判决13.decorate vt.装饰,装潢 n装饰,装饰品14.destroy vt.毁坏,摧毁 n破坏,毁灭 adj.破坏性的,毁灭性的15.wealthy adj.富有的,富裕的 n财富,财产16.gradually adv.渐渐地,逐渐地 adj.逐渐的,逐步的17.wooden adj.木制的 n木料,树林18.explode vi.爆炸 n爆炸,爆发plain vi.抱怨 n抱怨2

27、0.expression n表达;表情,神色 vt.表达,表示21.declare vt.宣布,宣称 n宣布,宣告;宣言,声明;申报,声明(书)22.educate vt.教育 n教育,培养 n教育者,教育家23.aware adj.意识到的,知道的;察觉到的 n认识,意识24.remains n遗物,遗迹,遗骸 v遗留, 剩余;继续存在 adj.剩余的25.unfortunate adj.不幸的,遗憾的 adv.不幸地,倒霉地;令人遗憾地 adj.幸运的 adv.幸运地26.poison n. 毒药(物) vt.毒害,下毒 adj.有毒的 n纪念馆,纪念碑adj.纪念的 n记忆(力);回忆 vt.记忆;背诵28.basis n基础;基准;原因 adj.基础的 n基地;根基;基础v.以为基础用得活用所给词的适当形式填空1. A number of about the standard of service on Britains railways are received and many p

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