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3、课堂学习的情境对话或小动画,以更直接的方式引导学生学习英语,对英语产生浓厚的兴趣。利用听、说促进学生写单词,写短语,写句子,写对话,不能反其道而行,又造成以往我们说的“哑吧英语”。总的来说,新课标对发展学生自我主观能动性起到了很积极的作用。素质教育在其中深有体现。并且由升学教育向终身教育的转变等等都是很好的突破。在这一新课标的指导下,希望在英语教学中可以达到更好的效果。Teaching contents: 本册书共六个单元,其中五个单元是精读课文,一个复习单元,而且每个单元都有听、说、读、写 等多项练习。书后有分类清晰的词汇表,更有利于教师的教和学生的学。Teaching Aims:知识技能:

4、1、Listening:充分利用学校的电教资源,在发展学生自主学习的基调上,让学生可以接触到更多的可能更直观的学习方式。掌握部分常用的日常用语,如:能够运用一般过去时和一般将来时询问一些事情,能够用现在进行时表示将来时来表达一些事情,能够用情态动词表达自己的想法。 2、Speaking:根据册书的教学要求,作为一个主导方向,指导学生在一定的教学情境中,能够正确用过去式讲发生过的事情,用将来时表达将来的事情以及能用进行时表达将来发生的事情。3、Reading:正确,流利的朗读课文对话及功能操练中的对话,正确读出与课文相关的单词,认读感带有字母组合的单词和一些带有辅音字母的单词。4、Writing

5、:以听、说、读的基础上,培养学生写的能力。正确使用英语中的标点符号。正确对所学句子进行排序。过程方法:1、 发挥老师的指导做用的同时,充分发挥学生的自我主观调动意识,且提高他们自主学习的能力,但要注意教师在教的过程中,对学生思想的指导方向,不能一味的任学生自己发展。 2、充分运用学校已有资源,如:电子媒体进行多方位教学,网络教学等。这样不但可以提高学生的学习兴趣,又可以丰富学生对新事物的接触机会,从而更直观方便的教和学,在潜移默化中培养学生学习英语的兴趣。3、在英语的教学过程中,加入适当的对英、美等国家一些风俗习惯在日常生活中的应用。主要采取同学之间互相帮助的方法,可以形成一帮一小组等方式。使


7、eaching Emphasis:1、对于一些日常用语的应用。2、理解用现在进行时表示将来时的用法。 3、一些情态动词的用法。4、一些频度副词的用法。5、一些词的特殊用法。6、重点提高学生对单词的掌握。Teaching Difficulty:1、对日常用语的应用和学生听力的培养。2、现在进行时表示将来时的用法。3、学生对课文的理解及自己阅读课文的能力。4、学生对单词的理解和运用。Teaching planning:六年级内容课时Unit1 Meeting the BINGO Kids3Unit1 Meeting the BINGO Kids3Unit2 Charlies chores3Unit

8、2 Charlies chores3十一假3复习(月考)3Unit3 Redrock Bay Health Club3Unit3 Redrock Bay Health Club3Unit4 Choosing a gift3Unit4 Choosing a gift3复习(期中考试)3Unit5 The broken computer3Unit5 The broken computer3Unit6 Review 33复习(月考)3Unit6 Review 33Review(复习考试)UNIT OneMeeting the BINGO Kids新课标体现: 本单元主要是要求学生能够用一般过去时和将

9、来时描述学校与日常生活中的事情,并能与同学进行简单的交流。并能激发学生进一步了解其他国家同龄孩子学习和生活情况,并尝试通过多种途径或交流自己学习和生活的情况,培养学生的国际意识。Teaching Aims:知识技能:1、 Listening:能够理解本单元的故事。2、 Speaking:能够运用一般过去时和将来时描述学校与日常生活中的事情,并能与同学进行简单的交流。能够运用形容词的比较级、最高级形式谈论学校学习的科目、任课教师等并进一步说明原因。能够谈论自己喜欢的课外活动。3、 Reading:能正确、流利的朗读课文。4、 Writing:能正确、规范地拼写本单元要求掌握的生词和短语;能听写本

10、单元功能句,并做出应答。过程方法:1、利用现有的教设备资源,使学生可以更加直观的对所要学习的内容有整体了解,并且可以培养学生良好的发音习惯,为以后的学习打下基础。 2、在教授对话的同时,把单词或重点句型出示给学生,这样可以使学生更方便于学习,掌握,和运用。3、在教学时多采取同学之间互相帮助的功能,可以加深同学之间的感情,还可以帮助班主任更好的完成思想道德教育工作。Teaching Emphasis:1 复习一般过去时和将来时的用法。2 复习比较级和最高级的用法。Teaching Difficulty:1 能够理解课文的大意,回答一些关于课文的问题。2能够运用一般过去时和将来时描述学校与日常生活

11、中的事情,并能与同学进行简单的交流。能够运用形容词的比较级、最高级形式谈论学校学习的科目、任课教师等并进一步说明原因。能够谈论自己喜欢的课外活动。3 一些单词的记忆。 Teaching Aims:1. The students can describe the picture.2. The students like to learn English.3. The students can be writing and reading.Teaching Emphasis:a) How can use past tense.b) How can use “will” to describe so

12、me matters. Teaching Difficulty1. How to use past tense.2. How to understand the story and read the story.Teaching process:Step1:Review T: Prepare one songs and settle down from their exciting vacation experiences and get ready for the new term. Have the children try to talk about their experiences

13、of summer vacation. S: Try to talk about it.Step2:To review what learned last semester.Step3:Set the sceneT: Ask the children if they can tell you the names of any school subjects in English.S: Try to talk about.T: Have the children look at the pictures for the story.S: Look at the pictures. (困)Step

14、4:Pre-story activityT: Have the children look at the pictures and read dialogues on the pages and talk about what they can see in each picture and what they think is listen to the tape. Ask some questions.S: Listen to the tape and try to answer the questions. Step5:Tell the storyT: Have the children

15、 look at the pictures .The teacher tells the story to the children.S: Listen and look at the picture.T: Have the children read the text by themselves.S: Read the text. (困)Homework: Tell the story to their parents.Teaching Aims:1. The students can describe the picture.2. The students like to learn En

16、glish.3. The students can be writing and reading.Teaching Emphasis:1. Learn the new words.2. Try to review the story.Teaching Difficulty1. How review the story.2. Emphasis new words.Teaching process:Step1:Review :( plays a game)Step2:Learn the new words.T: Have the children open their books at page4

17、. Draw their attention to the top you see in the picture?” S: Open the book and answer the question.T: Model the word and repeat. Use the same procedure with the other words in the picture.S: Read the words after the teacher.T: Let student read the words again.S: read the words. (困)T: Let students l

18、isten to the tape and point the new wordsS: listen and point. Repeat after the tape.Step3:Listen to this.T: Have the children look at the pictures at the bottom of the page. Explain that each of the picturesS: Look at the picture.T: Play the tape and match the pictures.S: Listen to the tape and matc

19、h. T: Play the tape again. Have the children repeat after the tape.S: listen and repeat. (困)Step4:Talk togetherT: Have the children open the books at page 5 and look at the picture on top of the page.S: Open the books look at the picture.T: Read the text and ask the children repeat.Step5:Words you k

20、nowT: Point to each drawing and orally elicit the subject name and the board.S: Check the answer.Step6: Homework: Read the story.Copy the new words four times.The 3rd perTeaching Aims:1. The students can tell the story.2. The students like to learn English.3. The students can be writing and speaking

21、.Teaching Emphasis:1. Review the words and the story.2. Do some reading. Teaching Difficulty1. How to use the words.2. How to tell the story.Teaching process:Step1: Review the story.T: Point to each picture, elicit the story from the children. S: Follow the teacher and retell the story.T: write the

22、sentences on the blackboard and let the children read each sentences.S: Read the sentences after the teacher.Step2:Read and find outT: Have the children read the text and try to find the answer “Do you know what activities American children do after school?”S: Read the text and find the answer.T: Ha

23、ve the children read the text again more carefully and then work in pairs to check the answer.S: Read the text again work in pairs.T: Ask students to work in pairs and discuss the activities they do after school.S: Work in pairs.Step3:Listen and matchT: Have the children open their books at page7. H

24、ave the children understand the phrases.S: Look at the pictures and read the phrases.T: Play the tape and try to match. S: Listen the tape and try to match.T: Check the answer by calling out the sentences number and choosing individual students to provide the answers.S: Check the answer.Step4:Find t

25、he antonymsT: Have the children pay attention the words and tell them read these words.S: Read these words loudly. (困)T: Have the children make some sentences use these words.S: Write the sentences.Step5:HomeworkWrite more sentences use these words .The 4th perTeaching Aims:1. The students can under

26、stand the grammar and use them.2. The students like to learn English.3. The students can read the story and do some exercise.Teaching Emphasis:3. Review the grammar.4. Do some reading and do some exercise. Teaching Difficulty1. How understand the grammar and “Whats your favorite subject” answer the

27、question.S: Try to answer the question.T: Ask another question “Why do you like it?” Have the children answer the question.S: Try to answer the question and review the words.Step2:Focus the grammarT: Tell the students check the answer with the partner.S: Talk about the answer.T: Ask some students sp

28、eak out their answers and check them.S: Check the answer correctly.T: Have the children read them loudly.S: Read the sentences.Step3:Read and answerT: Have the children look at the picture and ask them “What are they?”S: Try to answer the question in Chinese.T: Ask another question “Where can you se

29、e pyramids?”S: Read the text and try to find the answer.T: Have the children read the text again and do the exercise.S: Read the story and do exercise.T: Check the answer, ask some students answer the question.S: Check the answer.T: Have the children read the text again and find some words that they

30、 dont understand.S: Read again and find them.T: Explain these words.Step4:Complete the dialogT: Tell the children they will complete the dialog use the correct form.S: Try to complete the dialog.T: Check the answer and do a pair work.S: Check the answer and do pair work.Homework:Have the children re

31、ad the text again and tell their friends what they know. The5th perTeaching Aims:1. The students can understand the pronunciation and read them correctly.2. The students like to learn English.3. The students can do some listening practice.Teaching Emphasis:5. Learn the pronunciation.6. Do some listening practice. Teaching Difficulty1. How to understand the pronunciation and read them correctly.2. How to do the liste

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