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1、外贸英语会话自考大纲外贸英语会话自考大纲最牛英语口语培训模式:躺在家里练口语,全程外教一对一,三个月畅谈无阻!太平洋英语,免费体验全部外教一对一课程:、课程性质及其设置的目的和要求 一、本课程的性质与设置的目的 “外贸英语会话”是高等教育自学考试商务英语专业(独立本科段)的必考课,是为提高自学应考者在进出口业务谈判中英语口语能力的实践课。设置本课程的目的是使已具有一定商务英语水平的自学应考者把已掌握的英语听说读写译的基本功和进出口实务知识综合运用于外贸业务谈判中,使自学应考者在将来的工作中能做到学以致用。 二、本课程的基本要求 在高等教育自学考试商务英语专业(独立本科段)必考课程中,“外贸英语

2、会语”占4个学分。本课程的基本要求是:熟悉和掌握指定教材内容,努力提高商务谈判中英语听说译的能力。鉴于考生来自不同工作岗位和教育背景,英语水平参差不齐,课程又以自学为主,所以在学习本课程之前或期间,建议考生应学习相关外经贸专业知识及专业英语词汇、术语等。三、与相关课程的联系 本课程是一门专业英语课程,各种基础英语课程及“进出口贸易实务”是本课程的先修课程。其他专业英语课程,如“进出口英语函电”、“商务英语阅读”、“外经贸应用文”等与本课程密切相关,使考生从不同角度和层次对英语在对外经济贸易领域的运用有一个较全面的、多维的了解。、课程内容与考核目标 根据本课程性质与学习目的对各个单元的学习作以下

3、安排: 第1单元 机场迎接 一、学习目的和要求 通过学习,使学生掌握机场迎接等所需的词汇、术语、习惯表达,以达到运用英语口语流畅、熟练地迎接外商及向外商介绍城市、酒店等的目的。二、课程内容 1 有关机场寒暄的表达方式。 2 有关互相介绍的表达方式。 3 有关行程安排的表达方式。 4 有关城市、酒店介绍的表达方式。 三、考核知识点 1 商务英语专业(独立本科段)外贸英语会话自学考试大纲 1、词汇: corporation, to tie up, regard, formality, uneventful, turbulence, crisp, inquire, jet lag, limo, sc

4、hedule, reserve, suite, to look forward to, municipality, county, financial, commercial, confirm, instruction, oriental, to set up, to pull up, reception 2、句式: 1) Mr. Wang asks me to come and meet you, because he was unexpectedly tied up this morning. 2) He is very eager to meet you, and sends his w

5、armest regards. 3) And please feel free to call me John. Im not big on formalities. 4) This one was uneventful, except for a little turbulence now and then. 5) In fact, I feel as crisp as a new dollar bill. 6) Its very nice of him, but truthfully Id rather just have a good rest tonight in the hotel

6、to overcome the jet lag. 7) Ive been looking forward to this visit, and Im really happy to be here. 8) Ill pick you up at the hotel at 9:30. 9) Id be happy to show you around. 10) I have instructions not to mix pleasure with business on this trip. 11) After a while, the limo pulls up at the gate of

7、the hotel. 四、考核要求 1、识记:机场寒暄、互相介绍、行程安排、城市及酒店介绍的相关词汇。2、领会:有关机场寒暄、互相介绍、行程安排、城市及酒店介绍的对话、篇章。 3、简单应用:按所给要求进行有关机场寒暄、互相介绍、行程安排、城市及酒店介绍的表达。 4、综合应用:参与机场迎接外商及陪同外商的外事任务。 第2单元 介绍企业一、学习目的和要求 通过学习,使学生掌握介绍企业的词汇、短语、句型,以达到运用英语口语流畅地向外商介绍企业的目的。二、课程内容 1、介绍公司历史的表述。2、介绍公司经营范围的表述。3、介绍企业发展动态的表达方式等。三、考核知识点 1、词汇: supplier, to

8、 keep an eye on, specialize, oil-drilling equipment , line, export, be 2 商务英语专业(独立本科段)外贸英语会话自学考试大纲 warmly received, conclude, substantial, explore, off-shore, incorporate, advanced, terms, favorable, catalogue, detailed, initial, manufacture, appliance, range, impressive, expand, access, globalizati

9、on, essential, leading, sector, domestically, plant, overseas, share 2、句式: 1) We are a manufacturer of household appliances. 2) We are the leading exporters of garments in China. 3) We are the China National Textiles Import and Export Corporation, with our headquarters in Beijing. 4) Our company was

10、 established in 1985. 5) We have about 1,000 employees. 6) Our sales volume was about 50 million dollars annually. 7) We developed a new assembling system. 8) Let me show you around our factory. 9) Our products are less expensive but higher in quality. 10) The machine is durable / small and light/ea

11、sier to use. 11) What do you think (of it)? 12) What interests you most? 13) Im interested in your new products. 14) Herere some handouts that give a brief introduction our products. Please take a look. 四考核要求 1、识记:介绍企业的相关词汇。2、领会:介绍企业时需涵盖的方面和内容。 3、简单应用:按所给要求表达有关介绍企业的句子。 4、综合应用:参与和翻译有关介绍企业的商务沟通。 第3单元

12、参观交易会 一、学习目的和要求 了解在交易会上见面时基本问候、打招呼用语。熟练表达对交易会的感受和印象。熟练地向来访者介绍本公司在交易会上参展的产品。二、课程内容 1、见面时打招呼用语; 2、对交易会的感受和印象; 3、向来访者介绍本公司产品。 三、考核知识点 1、词汇: fair,participate, decorative, kitchenware and tableware, available, booth, on 3 商务英语专业(独立本科段)外贸英语会话自学考试大纲 display, attend, commodity, damp-proof, to be made of, en

13、vironmentally friendly 2、句式1) Im very glad to meet you at the Fair. 2) I would be pleased to accompany you to the exhibits. 3) Will you show me around this exhibition? 4) I think Id better go around the exhibition hall first. 5) I am invited to attend the Guangzhou Fair by a local company of yours.

14、6) There are lots of commodities which greatly interest me. 7) You certainly have a great variety of goods on display. 8) Our home textiles are made in a great variety of colors. 9) Our products have met with a warm reception in many countries. 10) We have many patterns and shades for you to choose

15、from. 四、考核要求 1、识记:熟练一些常见产品的英文名称。 2、领会:基本打招呼用语,介绍产品、表达对交易会印象的重要句型。 3、简单应用:介绍特定产品,描述对一般交易会的感受和印象 4、综合应用:按情景/要求描述对某一特定交易会及某些产品的印象,向来访者介绍某些特定产品。第4单元 询价 一、学习目的和要求 了解询价的基本内容和流程,熟练掌握询价的技巧,掌握常用词汇及句型。如:询问产品的质量、交货期、付款方式等;请求对方提供产品目录、价目表、样品及表达感谢等句型。同时,若作为卖方,对于对方的询价应能灵活、正确地应对。二、课程内容 1、了解询价的基本内容; 2、针对具体问题提出询问或要求;

16、 3、能灵活、正确地应对询价; 4、表达感谢。 三、考核知识点 1、词汇: inquire /enquire about, import, export, be interested in, purchase, sample, latest catalogue, brochure, price list, supply, quotation, appreciate 2、句式: 1) May I know the main items you export? 2) Will you please give me an introduction to your products? 3) What

17、else do you handle besides office equipment? 4 商务英语专业(独立本科段)外贸英语会话自学考试大纲 4) We are considering buying a large quantity of raisin. 5) We have a great interest in your chinaware. 6) We are experienced importers of sports shoes. 7) What products do you want to purchase this time? 8) Which items do you

18、think might have a chance in your market? 9) Our printed pure silk fabrics have met with/have won a warm reception in many countries. 10)We have been in the line of textiles for many years. 11) Please quote us your lowest price for road construction equipment. 12) Id be glad to have your quotation,

19、please. 13) Demand exceeds supply for the present market. 14) As soon as our supply position improves, we will cable you. 15)We are quite sorry that we are now unable to supply what you require. 16) Our commodities have found a firm footing in the international market. 四、考核要求 1、识记:询价的基本内容及相应的英文表达。 2

20、、领会:关于询价及对询价应对的重要句型。 3、简单应用:针对具体要求能恰当地进行询价,如询问信息、索取相关资料、提出礼貌的请求、表示感谢等。 4、综合应用:按情景/要求进行询价及对对方询价的灵活应答。 第5单元 规格一、学习目的和要求 了解特定产品的规格并能用英语正确、流利地表述出来,熟悉常用句型,掌握常用词汇及重要句式。如:对特定产品规格的描述;介绍替代产品;对新产品性能的描述等。 二、课程内容 1、对特定产品规格的描述; 2、对某特定规格的产品感兴趣; 3、介绍替代产品; 4、对新产品性能的描述。三、考核知识点 1、词汇: specifications, to be /go out of

21、date, according to ones requirements, best quality/ first-rate quality, to enjoy a good reputation, decoration, durable, style-conscious, to attach importance to something, to distinguish from, to rest assured that 2、句式: 1) Id like to know if you could accept orders in the buyers design and measurem

22、ent. 5 商务英语专业(独立本科段)外贸英语会话自学考试大纲 2) Could you make supply according to the samples given? 3) Id like to know if you can develop a new design according to our requirement. 4) Our products are famous for their high-quality raw materials, full range of specifications and sizes, and great variety of des

23、igns and colors. 5) Our T-shirts are available in various designs and specifications for your selection. 6) We can supply you with medical instruments of all types and sizes. 7) Of fine quality and low price, our products will stand a good chance with your clients. 8) We cant produce the jade crafts

24、 according to your samples. 9) Such patterns are out of production already. 10) Im sorry, N0. 200 is no longer made. What do you think of N0.202? It can serve as a good substitute. 11) I suggest that you buy this product instead of that. 12) I am not quite certain if we could persuade our customers

25、to accept the new specifications. 13) I am not sure whether we could interest our users in your new product. 14) I guarantee that I shall send you many repeat orders if the first shipment proves to be satisfactory. 15) We cant accept anything other than the specifications mentioned. 四、考核要求 1、识记: 特定产

26、品规格的正确描述。 2、领会: 关于产品规格描述的常用句型。 3、简单应用:要求对方按特定要求供货、介绍替代产品,描述新产品的性能。4、综合应用:按情景/要求描述产品规格,表达对某一特定规格产品感兴趣,介绍替代产品,描述新产品性能。第6单元报价 一、学习目的和要求 熟悉报价的基本结构,熟练掌握六种主要价格术语。灵活运用有关报价的重点词汇及相关句型,如:对报价及报价有效期的正确表述。 二、课程内容 1、产品价格的正确表述2、报价及报价有效期的表述3、对有关报价及报价有效期的询问 三、考核知识点 6 商务英语专业(独立本科段)外贸英语会话自学考试大纲 1、词汇: offer, to make a

27、firm offer, to accept/entertain an offer, to decline an offer, to push the sale of something, potential, CIF, FOB, to take something into account, adoption,establish, the principle of equality and mutual benefit, promote, assure, to be subject to, delivery, salable 2、句式: 1) We are pleased to make yo

28、u an offer for our products. 2) We have quoted you our lowest /rock-bottom prices. 3) If you make an inquiry, I can offer you firm. 4) This is our latest price list. Would you like to have a look? 5) Our offers usually remain firm for three days. 6) We usually keep our offers open for five days. 7)

29、All the quotations on the list are subject to our final confirmation. 8) We offer you firm for three days on FOB basis. 9) The offer will remain firm until 29th May, beyond which date, the terms and prices should be discussed anew. 10) What price do you quote for this item? 11) How long do you gener

30、ally keep your offers open? 四、考核要求 1、识记:六种主要价格术语及其表达方式。2、领会:不同产品的不同报价方式及有效期。3、简单应用:对特定产品的正确报价,询问有关产品的报价及有效期。4、综合应用:按情景/要求对产品进行正确报价,对报价及有效期的询问。第7单元还盘 一、学习目的和要求 了解还盘的技巧,能够对特定产品进行恰当还盘。熟练掌握有关还盘的常用词汇和重要句式。 二、课程内容 1、还盘的技巧。2、还盘的常用词汇及句型。3、有关达成交易的常用句型。 三、考核知识点 1、词汇: counteroffer, make a difference, prevailin

31、g, gap, concession, adjust, charge, unworkable, to call off, raw materials, slightly, to insist on, to turn to, turnover 2、句式: 1) My offer is realistic, which is based on reasonable profit. 7 商务英语专业(独立本科段)外贸英语会话自学考试大纲 2) You may notice that the price for this commodity has gone up a lot in the last few months. 3) This is our lowest quotation. Im afraid we cant go further. 4) As far as I can see, it would be impossible for us to make any further concession. 5) Youre our old customer. You know that we dont do m

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