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本文(胡锦涛回答华盛顿邮报与华尔街日报书面采访提问双语由外交部翻译成英文发布.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、胡锦涛回答华盛顿邮报与华尔街日报书面采访提问双语由外交部翻译成英文发布The Wall Street Journal submitted a series of questions for Chinese President Hu Jintao ahead of his visit to the U.S. from Jan. 18 to 21. The Washington Post also submitted questions. Chinas Foreign Ministry supplied responses from Mr. Hu to seven questions, as fo

2、llows:1. How do you view the current state of China-U.S. relationship? What do you see as the most promising areas of mutually beneficial cooperation between China and the United States? What do you see as the major challenges to the long-term, sound and steady development of China-U.S. relationship

3、?關於推動中美關系長期健康穩定發展,A: Since the beginning of the 21st century, thanks to the concerted efforts of both sides, China-U.S. relationship has on the wholeenjoyed steady growth. Since President Obama took office, we have maintained close contact through exchange of visits, meetings, telephone conversation

4、s and letters. We agreed to build a positive, cooperative and comprehensive China-U.S. relationship for the 21st century and together, we instituted the China-U.S. Strategic and Economic Dialogues mechanism. Over the past two years, China and the United States have carried out practical cooperation

5、in a wide range of areas including economy and trade, energy, the environment, counterterrorism, law enforcement and culture. The two countries have maintained close contact and coordination in dealing with major international and regional hotspot issues and addressing global challenges, such as cli

6、mate change and the international financial crisis. Thestrategic significanceand global impact of China-U.S. relations have been on the rise.胡錦濤表示,進入世紀以來,在中美雙方共同努力下,兩國關系總體保持穩定發展。奧巴馬總統就任以來,我和奧巴馬總統通過互訪、會晤、通話、通信等方式保持密切溝通,共同確立了建設世紀積極合作全面的中美關系定位,倡導建立了中美戰略與經濟對話機制。兩年來,中美兩國在經貿、能源、環境、反恐、執法、人文等廣泛領域開展務實合作,在處理重

7、大國際和地區熱點問題、在應對氣候變化和國際金融危機等全球性問題上進行密切溝通和協調,中美關系的戰略內涵和全球影響不斷增加。China and the United States have major influence in international affairs and shoulder important responsibilities inupholding world peaceand promoting common development. Under the new circumstances, the common interests of our two countri

8、es have been growing and areas of cooperation expanding. There is great potential for our mutually beneficial cooperation both in advancing Asia-Pacific regional cooperation and inimproving global economic governanceand promoting sustainable growth of the world economy; both in expanding cooperation

9、 in economy and trade and in strengthening cooperation in new areas like new energy sources, clean energy, infrastructure development and aviation and space; and both in fighting terrorism and preventing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and in meeting challenges like natural disaster

10、s, food security andmajor communicable diseases.胡錦濤指出,中美兩國在國際事務中都具有重要影響,在維護世界和平、促進共同發展方面肩負著重要責任。新形勢下,兩國共同利益越來越多、合作領域越來越寬。無論在促進亞太地區合作方面還是在完善全球經濟治理、推動世界經濟可持續增長方面,無論在擴大經貿領域合作方面還是在加強新能源、清潔能源、基礎設施建設、航空航天等新領域合作方面,無論在打擊恐怖主義、防止大規模殺傷性武器擴散方面還是在應對自然災害、糧食安全、重大傳染性疾病等方面,雙方開展互利合作潛力巨大。We bothstand togain from a sou

11、nd China-U.S. relationship, and lose from confrontation.We shouldact in the fundamental interests of our two peoplesanduphold the overall interests of world peace and development. We should rise up to challenges, remove disturbances,work for shared goalsand promote continuous growth of our relations

12、. I wish to stress the following four points. First, we should increase dialogue and contact and enhance strategic mutual trust. Second, we should abandon the zero-sum Cold War mentality, view each others development in anobjective and sensible way,respect each others choice of development path, and

13、 pursue common development through win-win cooperation. Third, we should respect each others sovereignty, territorial integrity and development interests and properly address each othersmajor concerns. And fourth, we should make constant efforts to expand our converging interests so that China and t

14、he United States will be partners for cooperation in broader areas.胡錦濤強調,中美兩國和則兩利,斗則俱傷。tip:stand to means to be in a situation where you are likely to do sth雙方應該從兩國人民根本利益出發,從世界和平與發展大局出發,排除干擾,應對挑戰,相向而行,推動兩國關系不斷向前發展。最重要的,一是要加強對話和溝通,增進戰略互信二是要摒棄“零和”的冷戰思維,客觀理性看待對方發展,(tip: sensible明智聪明。sensitive敏感。)尊重彼此對發

15、展道路的選擇,堅持互利雙贏、共同發展三是要尊重對方主權、領土完整和發展利益,妥善處理彼此重大關切四是要不斷擴大兩國利益交匯點,使中美兩國在更廣領域成為合作伙伴。There is no denying that there are some differences and sensitive issues between us. Both sides should keep to the right direction in the development of our relations, increase exchanges, enhance mutual trust, seek commo

16、n ground while reserving differences, properly manage differences and sensitive issues and jointly promote the long-term, sound and steady development of China-U.S. relations.胡錦濤指出,毋庸否認,中美兩國之間也存在一些分歧和敏感問題。雙方應該牢牢把握兩國關系發展大方向,加強交流,增進互信,求同存異,妥善處理分歧和敏感問題,共同推動中美關系長期健康穩定發展。2. Despite the continuous growth

17、of foreign investment in China, some American companies have complained about Chinas business climate. What steps is China taking to ensure a level playing field for U.S. and other foreign companies in China?在回答關於外資企業在華投資環境的提問時,胡錦濤表示A: The use of foreign investment is an important part of Chinas bas

18、ic state policy of opening-up. Over the past decade since its accession to the WTO, China has fullyhonored its commitmentsby abolishing all domestic laws and regulationsincompatible withWTO rules and giving foreign companies national treatment. All foreign companies registered in China are Chinese e

19、nterprises. Their innovation, production and business operations in China enjoy the same treatment as Chinese enterprises. The package plan and the related policy measures that the Chinese government introduced to counter the international financial crisis have also provided good opportunities for t

20、he growth of all enterprises in China, foreign companies included.,利用外資是中國對外開放基本國策的重要內容。加入世貿組織近年來,中國全面履行承諾,清理和取消了與世貿組織規則不一致的法律規定,對外商投資企業實行國民待遇。所有在中國注冊的外商投資企業都是中國企業,它們在中國境內開展創新、生產、經營活動享受與中資企業一視同仁的待遇。在應對國際金融危機沖擊過程中,中國採取的一攬子計劃和各項政策措施也為包括外商投資企業在內的各類企業發展提供了有利商機China will stay firmly committed to the basi

21、c state policy of opening-up. We will actively and effectively use foreign investment, improve its structure, diversify its form, and open up more channels and sectors so as to facilitate investment. China will continue to improve laws and regulations concerning foreign investment, strengthenIPR pro

22、tection, promptly address the legitimate concerns of foreign companies and facilitate the growth of enterprises of all kinds in China by offering them a stable and transparent legal and policy environment, a consistent and open market environment as well as a standardized and efficient administrativ

23、e environment.胡錦濤強調,中國將堅定不移實行對外開放的基本國策,堅持積極有效利用外資,優化外資結構,豐富外商投資方式,拓寬吸引外資渠道,擴大對外開放領域,促進投資便利化。中國將繼續完善外商投資法律法規,加大知識產權保護力度,及時解決外商投資企業的合理關切,為各類企業在華投資興業創造穩定透明的法規政策環境、統一開放的市場環境、規范高效的依法行政環境。3. What lessons do you think can be drawn from the 2008 international financial crisis? What effective measures did Ch

24、ina adopt to counter the impact of the crisis?在回答關於如何認識國際金融危機教訓的提問時,A: This international financial crisis has reflected the absence of regulation in financial innovation. Its root cause lies in the serious defects of the existing financial system. They are mainly as follows: First, the internationa

25、l financial system has not kept up with the latest development of economic and financial globalization and was incapable of tackling the risks and challenges brought about by massive financial activities. Second, international financial institutions failed to fully reflect the changing status of dev

26、eloping countries in the world economy and finance. The global representativeness and enforcement capabilities of these institutions need to be further strengthened. Third, the international financial system was in serious shortage of resources and means to tackle the international financial crisis

27、and its rescue capabilities need to be built up.胡錦濤表示,這場國際金融危機直接反映了在金融市場創新中監管的缺失,而究其根源則是現行國際金融體系存在一些嚴重弊端,主要有:一是國際金融體系與經濟金融全球化發展不適應,難以應對大規模金融活動中存在的風險和挑戰二是國際金融機構未能充分反映發展中國家在世界經濟金融格局中的地位變化,代表性和執行力需要進一步增強三是國際金融體系應對國際金融危機的資源和手段嚴重不足,救援能力亟待提高。However, thanks to the concerted efforts of the international co

28、mmunity and G-20 members, progress has been made in the reform of the international financial system over the past two years since the outbreak of the financial crisis. China hopes that the international community will work together to further advance the reform of the international financial system

29、 and move toward the establishment of a fair, just, inclusive and well-managed international financial order. To achieve the long-term and sound growth of the world economy, we must not only address specific issues such as managing properly the relationship between the financial sector and the real

30、economy, between financial innovation and financial supervision and regulation, and between consumption and saving, but also, and more importantly, review those fundamental problems in the world economy on a macro level. The most prominent problem in the worlds economic imbalance today is the seriou

31、s development imbalance between the North and the South. The international community should make concerted efforts to build a new and more equal and balanced global partnership for development and encourage developed and developing countries to have more mutual understanding and closer coordination,

32、 so as to promote the strong, sustainable and balanced development of the world economy.The international financial crisis has inflicted on China unprecedented difficulties and challenges. To address its impact and maintain the steady and relatively fast growth of the economy, China quickly adjusted its macroeconomic policies, resolutely adopted the proactive fiscal policy and moderately easy monetary policy, put in place a package plan to boost domestic demand and stimulate economic growth, significantly increased government investment, implemented industrial readjustment

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