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本文(湖北省宜昌市届高三上学期第一次调研考试英语试题扫描版.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、湖北省宜昌市届高三上学期第一次调研考试英语试题扫描版湖北省宜昌市2015届高三上学期第一次调研考试宜昌市2015届高三年级第一次调研考试英语试题听力录音原文及答案简析一、听力理解:15 BCCAC 610 CABAA 11-15 BACBC 16-20 CACBB二、多项选择:21-25 ACDAB 26-30 BCDBA三、完形填空:31-35 BDACB 36-40 DCACB 41-45DADCD 46-50 BACBC四、阅读理解:51-54 DBDC 55-58 BDAC 59-62 DCDB 63-66 DABC 67-70ACDB五、完成句子 everyone/ ev

2、erybody wants to72.That he isnt modest/ His not being modest73.when I heard74.(should) be handed in75.accompanied by76.would like to have attended77.hasnt written(a letter) to it came is worthwhile to read/reading80.should owe it to六、作文:It cant be denied that the essential key to

3、 success is your determination. Therefore, whatever obstacles you come across, the best solution is to make up your mind to struggle for a way out. I can well remember what great difficulty I had learning English. Constantly failing in exams nearly destroyed my faith and confidence. However, the hea

4、d teacher sensed my depression and came to my help. Encouraged by her, I regained my ambition to learn English well. Buried in English for a long time, I finally achieved my goal. But for my resolution to learn it well, I wouldnt have had such a good command of English.Since then Ive been convinced

5、that only when you determine to succeed can you possess the perseverance to work hard, which will eventually lead to your success. So hold on to determination, and you are guaranteed to embrace a brighter future.答案解析多项选择21.A解析句意:小孩的绘画通常比例不协调,他们把胳膊画得太短,腿画得太长。proportion“比例; 部分”;recognition“认出,识别”;inte

6、ntion “ 打算,意图,计划”;assumption “ 假定”22.C解析句意:假如一个人不能成为自我性格的“建筑师”,他就会沦为的境遇失败产物。label “标签” ;frame “框架,构架” ;architect“建筑师”;genius“天才”23.D解析句意: 以收入分配为目的的改革应该重塑州与州之间,公司与公司之间和公民之间的关系开始。estimate“估计,评价”;highlight“强调,加亮”;finance“为提供资金”;target“把作为目标”24.A解析句意:他们将举行大规模的募捐活动来帮助贫困地区的人们。stage “举办,筹划”;emerge“出现,露出”;

7、swap“交换”; chase“追赶,追逐”25.B解析句意:2012年,私家车达到了五千三百万辆,较前一年增长了22 .8% 。make for“促成,向 移动” ;account for “是的原因,占(比例)” ;stand for “代表,象征”;pay for “付费”26.B解析句意:根据最近报告,因为消费的增加,稳定的出口总额和政府的改革政策,中国的经济正在稳步增长。hold up“举起;耽搁;抢劫;以为榜样”;pick up “改善,好转”;turn up “开大,出现” ;stand up “站起来”27.C解析句意:确立一个理想不能只是夸夸其谈,而应该采取真正的、具体的行动

8、。potential“潜在的;可能的”;slight “轻微的,细小的”;concrete“具体的”; ultimate“最终的,极端的”28.D解析句意:利用这个平台,用户可以借助自己的移动工具进行远程支付,使得支付过程更加简单和便捷。sufficient“足够的,充分的”;dramatic“巨大的,戏剧的”;genuine“真实的。真正的”;remote“遥远的”29.B解析句意:出乎我的预料,老师对我的作品一点都不满意,说树画得太呆板了。basically“基本上”;stiffly“呆板,僵硬” ;definitely“明确地;肯定地” ;originally“原来,起初”30.A解析句

9、意:人的衣着,工具和财产,在某种意义上,是其人格的一部分,但在某种情况下,也可以认为是其环境的一部分。 in some sense“在某种意义上” ;in addition to“除以外”;in consequence of “作为的结果”;in any case“无论如何,不管怎样”完形填空完形大意作者的爷爷身患重病,痛苦一直萦绕着作者,挥之不去。其间作者回忆起了许多爷爷给自己的美好记忆以及爷爷对自己的鼓励和关爱。最后作者希望爷爷挺过这一关,早日康复。31. B解析 I try to reason with it, only to end up feeling more miserable.

10、我尝试着和它评理(想要弄个明白),结果却让自己更加悲痛。reason with“与评理”。32. D解析见第31题解析。optimistic乐观的;unconcerned 漠不关心;satisfied满意的。均不合题意。33. A解析 When I was young, you were a constant figure.当我很小的时候,您是常常出现的人(暗指爷爷是常来帮作者的人)。figure人、人物。sponsor赞助商;organizer组织者;player运动员。34. C解析 and you were always there to guide me.您总是在那指导我。critic

11、ize批评;sympathize 同情;evaluate评价、评估。均不合题意。35. B解析 but your sudden smile would light up your face您那突然的微笑使您的脸“喜形于色”。light up“使放光彩”。36. D解析 That is the very thing I love about you. Your smile.这正是我爱您的地方-您的微笑。37. C解析 I think about the times I missed being with you. 我想起那些我们没能在一起的时光。missed“错过、没赶上”。Wasted浪费;d

12、evoted把用于;squeezed挤出。38. A解析 and for a brief moment, I imagined you not being in my life. I wanted to cry.在那一会儿,假如我的生命里没有你,我真的会痛哭涕零。39. C解析 Fortunately, I knew you would be there幸运的是,我知道你会一直陪伴着我。40. B解析 从Still the eyes were as bright as ever, and a mind that was well-running“您仍然视力很好,思维活跃”可知此处应填fragi

13、le“身体虚弱”。41. D解析 With your hunger for knowledge you taught me to love learning因为你对知识的渴求(hunger),您教会我热爱学习。42. A解析 always telling me that knowledge is a constant thing“总是告诫我获得知识是一个不停的工作”。43. D解析 You were so strong, so wise and your presence was always a comfort.“您是如此坚强、英明,您的存在对我来说是极大的安慰”。44. C解析 You a

14、lways gave me a hug when I felt down.“当我沮丧时他总是给我一个拥抱(安慰我)”。当一个人感到loose、relieved和 relaxed时是不需要拥抱来得到安慰的。45. D解析 I never loved crowds, and you always seemed to understand that我从来都不爱凑热闹,您总是能理解这一点。46. B解析never forcing me to join the others or pretend to have a good time从不强迫我去参加一些聚会或假装自己很快乐。47. A解析 You ne

15、ver said much和I always knew that every time we saw each other之间是转折的关系,故此处用连词but.48. C解析 I remember you with a teary face and a wistful smile. 含着泪,我面带伤感的微笑想着你。with“带着”。49. B解析 My pain is more insistent as I try to hold on to the hope 尽管我还是那么痛苦难受,但我还是怀抱一个希望50. C解析 that you will pull through this, like

16、 the strong person that you are. 期盼着你能挺过这一关,因为你从来都是那么坚强! pull through(大病、手术后)康复;pass through通过;look through浏览;break through突破。阅读理解A篇51.答案为D. 此题考查细节理解, 解题思路:根据文章第一段: “A young woman went to her mother and told her how hard life was. She was tired of struggling and fighting and wanted to give up.” 可知th

17、e daughter wanted to resign herself to life 她想屈服于生活,因为生活有太多艰难。52.答案为B 本题考查词意猜测。 解题思路: 根据划线后it softened and became weak. The egg had been fragile, but after sitting through the boiling water, its inside became hardened. The coffee beans were unique, however; after they had been in the boiling water,

18、they had changed the water,可知:是将萝卜放进水里,任由水支配,摆布它的命运,即为at the mercy of 的中文意思。53.答案为D,此题考查细节推理判断,根据第六段The daughter then asked, “What does it mean, mother?” Her mother explained that each of these objects had faced the same adversity but reacted differently,可以判断C为错误选项,根据最后一段Are you the carrot that seem

19、s strong, but with change and adversity will you wilt(萎缩) and become soft and lose your strength,可以看出A 不是正确选项,根据“Are you the egg that starts with a malleable(可塑的), heart, but changes with the heat? When faced with a death, a break-up, a financial hardship or some other trial, do you become hardened

20、and stiff? “The coffee bean actually changes the hot water, the very circumstance that brings the pain. When the water gets hot, it releases the fragrance and flavor,可以排除B,进而确定D为正确选项。54.答案为C,此题考查的是标题判断。本文介绍的是:妈妈用萝卜,鸡蛋和咖啡豆面临公共的挫折开水时的不同反应作为比喻,喻指我们面对挫折最好的态度应是像咖啡豆一样,故C 为最佳选项。 B篇疯狂英语2011年10月刊55. B. 推理判断题

21、。由文章第一段第一句可知间隔年源于二战后的十年里,各国政府提倡青年旅行和文化交流,从而增进全人类的共识,以防止世界性大战再次发生。56. D. 推理判断题。由文章第三段最后一句话可知英国和全球的间隔年事业在继续稳步发 展。57. A. 词义猜测题。由文末最后一句话的authority和spokesperson可知。58. C. 主旨大意题。全文按照时间顺序介绍了间隔年的起源和发展。C篇59. D. 文中三段提到if you are disinclined to venture far from home office;第四段提到了it is one of those professions w

22、hich pays well以及you get to work with other reasonably intelligent, technical people, while the investors throw money at you for their next great ideas。60. C 文中提到了Chris Leong a programmer in Sydney suggested “working for the government most roles have 35-hour weeks in Australia unless you become seni

23、or. ”,可以看出Chris Leong本身是名computer programmer,然后他的建议是“除非你是名资深的电脑程序员,否则最好working for the government,其原因就是大部分公务员每周工作35小时每周”,由此可推断出computer programmer可能较长。61. D 文中确实提到了需要具备专业技能,用专业知识和建议赚钱,但最关键的还是在于“identify the activities you dont consider work and find a career that will pay you for those.”62. B 全文都是讲的

24、对于finding the less-taxing, but most- profitable job的客观看法和观点,不涉及作者自己的观点。D篇文章大意:流行文化对中国人旅游目的地的影响。63.D. 细节理解题。由第三段Now more than ever, popular culture is driving their decision making得知64.A. 词义猜测题。从下文的参观马克思故居和因为徐志摩的诗而去看剑桥的寡妇树可以得知是朝拜之旅。65.B. 细节理解题。由最后一段But the Chinese interpretation is always different 得

25、知Mr. Brennen 说的是中国人对流行文化的理解不同。66.C. 主旨大意题。本文的中心是流行文化对中国游客的影响。因此C项正确。E篇本篇文章是关于香港警察依法清理“占中”非法活动的社会类文章。67. A. 推理判断题, 从文第三段“22 officers were injured during the clearances.” 可知选择A选项。68. C. 事实细节题。从文章第二段第二行The two-day operation saw 148 people arrested for various offenses, including contempt of court, resi

26、sting arrest, possession of offensive weapons, unlawful assembly and assaulting police.可知C答案正确。69. D. 推理判断题. 从文章第六段开头This weeks actions mark the first time the authorities have successfully cleared one of the three main protest sites,可以推断Hong Kong police已经成功的清理了被非法侵占的三个地区中间的一个,理所当然他们会据需采取行动继续清理另外两个地

27、区。70. B. 作者意图题.纵观全文,作者主要介绍了香港依法清理了“占中”非法活动的事。故选B.听力录音文稿:Text 1W:Lets go to bed early tonight. You are going to take a plane tomorrow, arent you?M: Its OK, I dont feel too tired.W: Youre not worried you might get airsick?M: Dont worry, I never get airsick. Text 2:W: I cant believe our boss is making

28、me work together with Mike.M: Why not? Hes very experienced.W: But he looks like a fool.M: Dont judge a book by its cover. Do you know his experience? He has been working here since his graduation from Harvard University ten years ago.Text3M: There is a good chance that Mary will get home today.W: W

29、ell, I hope she drives carefully. You know how the traffic is this time of year.M: Oh. Marys a good driver. Have confidence in her.Text 4W: Hello, what can I do for you?M: Id like to pay my phone bill.W: Whats your telephone number?M: 6547-4123.W:6547-4123。M: Your telephone bill this month is 104 RM

30、B in total.W: Here it is.Text5W: Whats your fathers name?M: Happy!W: Whats your mothers name?M: Smile!W: Are you joking?M: No! Thats my sister! I am Kidding! Hahaha. Dont take it seriously.Text6W:Wonder what we should have for dinner this evening.M:Are you asking me?W:Yes, I am. I really dont feel m

31、uch like cooking, but the family must eat.M:Well, you know me. I can always eat pizza-or spaghetti.W:So Ill call for a take-away. By the way, youre putting on a little weight, arent you?M:I know. Dont remind me. Im starting a new diet the day after tomorrow.W:Its about time.Text7W: Excuse me, is this seat taken?M: No, I dont think so.W: Thanks. I am waiting for the train at 9 oclock to Shanghai. Where will you go?M: What a coincidence! We will take the same train.W: Really? What is your seat number?M: No.5 on the second row. And you

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