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1、阅读理解考研英语二真题阅读理解考研英语二真题 阅读理解考研英语二真题1Text3Even in traditional offices,the lingua franca of corporate America has gottenmuch more emotional and much more right-brained than it was 20 years ago, said Ha rva rd Business School professor Nancy Koehn She sta rted spinning off examples.If you and I pa rachu

2、ted back to Fortune 500 companies in 1990,we would see much less frequent use of terms like Journey, mission,passion. There were goals,there were strategies,there were objectives,but we didnt talk about energy;we didnt talk about passion.Koehn pointed out that this new era of corporate vocabula ry i

3、s very team-oriented-and not by coincidence.Lets not forget sDorts-in male-dominated corporate America,its still a big deal. Its not explicitly conscious;its the idea that Im a coach,and youre my team,and were in this togethec. There are lots and lots of CEOs in very different companies,but most thi

4、nk of themselves as coaches and this is their team and they want to win.These terms a re also intended to infuse work with meaning-and,as Khu rana points out,increase allegiance to the firm.You have the importation of terminology that historically used to be associated with non-profit organizations

5、and religious organizations:Terms like vision,values,passion,and purpose,saidKhuranaThis new focus on personal fulfillment can help keep employees motivated amid increasingly loud debates over work-life balance The mommy wars of the 1990s a re still going on today, prompting arguments about whywomen

6、 still canthave it all and books like Sheryl Sandbergs Lean In,whose title has become abuzzword in its own right. Terms like unplug,offline,life-hack,bandwidth,andcapacity are all about setting boundaries between the office and the home But ifyour work is your passion, youII be more likely to devote

7、 yourself to it,even ifthat means going home for dinner and then working long after the kids are in bedBut this seems to be the irony of office speak:Everyone makes fun of it,butmanage rs love it,companies depend on it,and regular people willingly absorb itAs Nunberg said,You can get people to think

8、 its nonsense at the same timethat you buy into it. In a workplace thats fundamentally indiffe rent to your lifeand its meaning office speak can help you figu re out how you relate to yourwork-and how your work defines who you are31. According to Nancy Koehn, office language has become_Amore e motio

9、nalBmore objectiveCless energeticDless energeticEless corporate vocabulary is closely related to_Ahistorical incidentsBgender differenceCsports cultureDathletic executives33.Khurana believes that the importation of terminology aims to_Arevive historical termsBpromote compan

10、y imageCfoster corporate cooperationDstrengthen employee loyalty34.It can be inferred that Lean In_Avoices for working womenBappeals to passionate workaholicsCtriggers dcbates among mommiesDpraises motivated employees35.Which of the following statements is true about office speak?AManagers admire it

11、 but avoid itBLinguists believe it to be nonsenseCCompanies find it to be fundamentalDRegular people mock it but accept it答案:31.A more emotional32.C sports culture33.D strengthen employee loyalty34.A voices for working women35.C companies find it to be fundamental阅读理解考研英语二真题2Text 3The power and ambi

12、tion of the giants of the digital economy is astonishing-Amazon has just announced the purchase of the upmarket grocery chain Whole Foods for $l3.5bn,but two years ago Facebook paid even more than that to acquire the WhatsApp messaging service, which doesnt have any physical product at all. What Wha

13、tsApp offered Facebook was an intricate and finely detailed web of its users friendships and social lives.Facebook promised the European commission then that it would not link phone numbers to Facebook identities, but it broke the promise almost as soon as the deal went through. Even without knowing

14、 what was in the messages, the knowledge of who sent them and to whom was enormously revealing and still could be. What political journalist, what party whip, would not want to know the makeup of the WhatsApp groups in which Therea Mays enemies are currently plotting? It may be that the value of Who

15、le Foods to Amazon is not so much the 460 shops it owns, but the records of which customers have purchased what.Competition law appears to be the only way to address these imbalances of power. But it is clumsy. For one thing, it is very slow compared to the pace of Change within the digital economy.

16、 By the time a problem has been addressed and remedied it may have vanished in the marketplace, to be replaced by new abuses of power. But there is a deeper conceptual problem, too. Competition law as presently interpreted deals with financial disadvantage to consumers and this is not obvious when t

17、he users of these services dont pay for them. The users of their Services are not their customers. That would be the people who buy advertising from them-and Facebook and Google, the two virtual giants, dominate digital advertising to the disadvantage of all other media and entertainment companies.T

18、he product theyre selling is data, and we, the users, convert our lives to date for the benefit of the digital giants. Just as some ants farm the bugs called aphids for the honeydew the produce when they feed, so Google farms us for the data that our digital lives yield. Ants keep predatory insects

19、away from where their aphids feed; Gmail keeps the spamme out of our inboxes. It doesnt feel like a human or democratic relationship, even if both sides benefit.31. According to Paragraph 1, Facebook acquired WhatsApp for its .A digital productsB user informationC physical assetsD quality service32.

20、 Linking phone numbers to Facebook identities may .A worsen political disputesB mess up customer recordsC pose a risk to Facebook usersD mislead the European commission33. According to the author, competition law .A should sever the new market powersB may worsen the economic imbalanceC should not pr

21、ovide just one legal solutionD cannot keep pace with the changing market34. Competition law as presently interpreted can hardly protect Facebook users because .A they are not defined as customersB they are not financially reliableC the services are generally digitalD the services are paid for by adv

22、ertisers35. The ants analogy is used to illustrate .A a win-win business model between digital giantsB a typical competition pattern among digital giantsC the benefits provided for digital giants customersD the relationship between digital giants and their users阅读理解考研英语二真题3Text 4When the government

23、talks about infrastructure contributing to the economy the focus is usually on roads, railways, broadband and energy. Housing is seldom mentioned.Why is that? To some extent the housing sector must shoulder the blame. We have not been good at communicating the real value that housing can contribute

24、to economic growth. Then there is the scale of the typical housing project. It is hard to shove for attention among multibillion-pound infrastructure project, so it is inevitable that the attention is focused elsewhere. But perhaps the most significant reason is that the issue has always been so pol

25、itically charged.Nevertheless, the affordable housing situation is desperate. Waiting lists increase all the time and we are simply not building enough new homes.The comprehensive spending review offers an opportunity for the government to help rectify this. It needs to put historical prejudices to

26、one side and take some steps to address our urgent housing need.There are some indications that it is preparing to do just that. The communities minister, Don Foster, has hinted that George Osborne, Chancellor of the Exchequer, may introduce more flexibility to the current cap on the amount that loc

27、al authorities can borrow against their housing stock debt. Evidence shows that 60,000 extra new homes could be built over the next five years if the cap were lifted, increasing GDP by 0.6%.Ministers should also look at creating greater certainty in the rental environment, which would have a signifi

28、cant impact on the ability of registered providers to fund new developments from revenues.But it is not just down to the government. While these measures would be welcome in the short term, we must face up to the fact that the existing ?4.5bn programme of grants to fund new affordable housing, set t

29、o expire in 20XX,is unlikely to be extended beyond then. The Labour party has recently announced that it will retain a large part of the coalitions spending plans if returns to power. The housing sector needs to accept that we are very unlikely to ever return to era of large-scale public grants. We

30、need to adjust to this changing climate.36. The author believes that the housing sector_A has attracted much attentionB involves certain political factorsC shoulders too much responsibilityD has lost its real value in economy37. It can be learned that affordable housing has_A increased its home supp

31、lyB offered spending opportunitiesC suffered government biasesD disappointed the government38. According to Paragraph 5,George Osborne may_.A allow greater government debt for housingB stop local authorities from building homesC prepare to reduce housing stock debtD release a lifted GDP growth forecast39.It can be inferred that a stable rental environment would_.Alower the costs of registered providersBlessen the impact of government

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