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1、届高三一轮复习英语第一册精品教案18Unit 18 New Zealand考纲要求: 考纲规定的考试范围:重点单词与短语fisherman; great-grandfather; northeastern; central; coast; surround; mild; bay; harbor; volcano; spring; heat; surface; rat; settle; settler; mainly; voyage; possession; bold; paragraph; grassland; mountainous; surprising; secretary; perce

2、nt; wedding; conference; relation; agricultural; cattle; export; lamb; ship; sail; cottage; seaside; camp;be made up of; lead to; so far; in relation to; sign an agreement with; refer to; be on the rise; apply for; come true; hand over; deal with; burst out; come up; get tired of; fall asleep; wake

3、up; try ones luck句型Weihai lies about 90 kilometers east of Yantai. 英语中描述方位和方向的表达方式The North Island is famous for an area of hot springs, some of which throw hot water high into the air. 部分与整体型的定语从句,即:部分+ of +which/whoNew Zealand is an important agricultural country, with cattle farming on the North

4、Isled, while the hilly South Island has more sheep farms. with + 名词 +宾补语法:it 的用法 复习本章要达到的目标1. 掌握central; surround; mild; harbor; spring; surface; settle; mainly; voyage; possession; surprising; secretary; percent; relation; cattle; export; cottage; camp; be made up of; lead to; so far; in relation t

5、o; sign an agreement with; refer to; be on the rise; apply for; come true; hand over; deal with; burst out; come up; get tired of; fall asleep; wake up; try ones luck 等重点单词及短语的用法。2. 掌握英语中描述方位和方向的表达方式;部分与整体型的定语从句的用法;it 的用法。教材知识归纳知识归纳1. Weihai lies about 90 kilometers east of Yantai.英语中描述方位和方向的表达方式有:(

6、1 ) It is / lies in the方位词of.位于的北部南部东部西部(表在某范围内)Zhejiang Province is in the east of China.浙江省在中国的东部(浙江在中国范围之内)(2) It is / lies to the方位词of.位于的北面南面东面西面(表在某范围之外) The city lies about 66 kilometres to the east of Yantai.这座城市位于烟台以东66公里。(3) It is / lies on the方位词of. 位于的北面南面东面西面(表接壤)China is on the north o

7、f India. 中国在印度的北部(中国与印度接壤)。 (4) It is / lies+具体距离+to the+方位词+of. The mountain lies 10 kilometers to the south of the city of Chengdu. 这座山位于成都南部10公里处。 注意:表示方位的介词短语位于句首时要采用完全倒装结构。 10 kilometers to the south of the city of Chengdu lies the mountain.这座山位于成都南部10公里处。2. New Zealand is an island that lies o

8、ff the eastern coast if Australia. off 的用法:离附近不远处They live on the island off the coast of Fujian.他们住福建沿海的一个岛屿上。They were sailing two miles off shore.他们在离岸两英里的海上航行。The restaurant is just off the main road.这家饭店就在主干道旁边。The ship sank off Cape Horn.轮船在合恩角外沉了。3. The ocean and seas surrounding the islands

9、are deep blue.surround 的用法;派生词:(1)surrounding adj. 周围的 The dance excited the surrounding bees. 这种舞蹈激起了周围的蜜蜂,(2) surroundings n 环境 The factories affected the surroundings. 工厂影响了周围的环境。The surroundings a child grows up in may have an effect on his development. 小孩生长的环境会影响他的发展。相关归纳:be surrounded by / wit

10、h 被围住 The village is surrounded on all sides by hill. 这个村子四面环山。 She has always been surrounded with fashionable friends. 她周围总有许多爱赶时髦的朋友。4. The North Island is famous for an area of hot springs, some of which throw hot water high into the air.some of which throw hot water high into the air.是定语从句。some

11、为部分of 后的which是整体,some 与of which可以交换位置。我们可以把这类定语从句归纳为部分与整体型的定语从句,即:部分+ of +which/who(先行词为人时关系代词用whom; 先行词为物时关系代词用which;)There are 50 numbers in the club, most of whom are from the city.=There are 50 numbers in the club, of whom most are from the city.这个俱乐部里有50个成员,其中大多数来自城市。I have 100 books, 30 of whi

12、ch are on English.= I have 100 books, of which 30 are on English.我有100本书,百分之30 是关于英语方面的书。5. They settled mainly on the North Island where the weather was warmer.settle 的用法:派生词:(1) settled adj. 固定的,不变的,永久的(2) settlement n. 殖民,移民;定居点;和解,解决,决定(3) settler n. 定居者知识梳理:(1)解决 Lets get down to settling the p

13、roblem.让我们开始认真处理问题吧(2)决定 He settled to sell his car. 他决定卖掉他的汽车。(3)落下来;沉下来;停下来 A bird settled on the branch.一只小鸟停留在树枝上。 Dust has settled on the furniture. 灰尘布满了家具。(4)使定居;使居住 He settled his family in the country.他在乡下安了家。相关归纳:settle down (使)安定下来;定居;安下心来 The teacher tried to settle down the students.老师试

14、图让学生安静下来。 He want to get married and settle down 他想结婚并且定居下来。 With the noise outside so aloud , I cant settle down to my work.由于外面噪音极其大,我不能静下心来去做作业。almost, nearly, mainly=mostly (1) almost的语气更强almost=very nearly I almost envy the little boy who got the geography book after five failures. 在失败了五次之后那个小男

15、孩得到了那本地理书,我几乎有点嫉妒他了。 (2) almost 后可跟代词尤其是具有否定意义的代词,而nearly不能。 Almost none got to school on time yesterday.昨天由于大雾几乎没有人准时到校。 (3) 在more than, any, too之前通常用almost,而不用nearly。 Almost more than ten students failed in the exam. 不及格的学生几乎不止十个。(4)nearly 可以和数词连用而almost不可以12 ten students failed in the exam几乎12个学生

16、不及格。 (5) nearly之前可用very, not修饰,而almost则不能。not nearly 远非,远远不 100 dollars is not nearly enough for the trip to Beijing.100美元对我们这次去北京的旅游远远不够。 (6)mostly=mainly强调整体中的组成部分 He looked around but mostly looked forward.他向周围看了看,但主要是向前看。6. More than 130 years later, Captain James Cook took possession of the isl

17、ands possess的用法:(1)拥有,持有;具有;占有The country possesses rich mineral deposits.这个国家拥有丰富矿藏。(2)使拥有,使掌握 Though plain-looking, Mary is possessed of great intelligence.虽然相貌平平,玛丽却拥有智慧。(3)支配,控制One main idea possessed her; she must get away from home.她只有一个想法;她一定要离家出走。相关归纳:(1)take possession of 占有; 占领French took

18、possession of the island in 1800.法国于1800 年占领了这个小岛。(2)sth. be in ones possession= sth. be in the possession of sb. 某物有某人所有或控制The land is in his possession.这块地由他占有。(3)sb. Be in the possession of sth.He is on the possession of the dictionzry.这本字典是他的。7. They make up about six percent of the total popula

19、tion.make up(1)组成,构成 The medical team was made up of twelve doctors.医疗队由十二名医生组成。(2)编造 The whole story is made up. 整个故事完全是虚构出来的。(3) 补足,补充We need $50 to make up the sum required.我们需要五十元以补足所需要的数目。(4)化妆She always makes herself up before going out. 她总是出去之前化妆。She is always heavily made up.她总是化浓妆。(5)配制The

20、doctor made up a bottle of medicine for his cold.医生给他配制了一瓶治感冒的药。(6) 占(多少百分比) The boy students in our class make up two fifths of the whole students.我们班男生占总人数的三分之二。take up (1) 开始从事When did he take up football? 他是什么时候开始踢足球的?(2) 占去(时间或空间)The work took up all his time. 那工作花费了他所有的时间。The piano takes up to

21、o much space. 那架钢琴占去了太大的空间。(3)拿起He took up arms and rushed out.他拿起了武器然后跑了出去。8. New Zealand is an important agricultural country, with cattle farming on the North Isled, while the hilly South Island has more sheep farms.(2)with + 名词 + 现在分词过去分词介词短语 /副词动词不定式形容测构成 with 的复合结构,这种结构通常在句子中作定语或状语,作状语时,表伴随状况或

22、原因。He likes sleeping with the windows closed. (做状语表示伴随) 他喜欢窗户关着睡觉。He gave his seat to a woman with a baby in her arms. (做定语)他把座位让给了一个抱着婴儿的女士。With Tom to help us were sure to complete the task on time. (做状语表示原因)由于有汤姆帮助我们我们一定能准时完成任务的。He stood there with a group of children surrounding him.他站在那里一群孩子围着他

23、。With a lot of difficult problems to be settled, the newly-elected manager is having a hard time. ( 做状语表示原因)由于有很多问题要解决,新上任的经理度日如年。With all the problems settled ,we went out for a swim. (做状语表示原因)He likes sleeping with lights burning/ on. With the noise outside so aloud , I cant settle down to my work

24、.(做状语表示伴随) (2)with 复合结构中with常可以省略,省略之后的结构可以称为“独立主格结构”He came in with a book in his hand.= He came in a book in his hand.= He came in book in hand.With all the problems settled ,we went out for a swim.= All the problems settled ,we went out for a swim.9. Some of the farmers have turned to keeping dee

25、r.turn to sth./sb./doing sth(1) 求助于If you have any problem in your English study, please turn to me for help.如果你英语学习上有什么问题,请跟我说。(2) 转向做某事After she left the university, she became a teacher, but later turned to journalism.她大学毕业后做了一名教师,但后来又转行干新闻工作了。(3) 转向某人或某个方向He turned to me and said hello to me.他转向

26、我向我问候。(4) 翻页 Please turn to page40.请翻到40页。(1)turn on/off开/关(电器、煤气等)Turn on the lights when you enter the room, and dont forget to turn them off before you leave.进入房间时请把灯打开,但要记住离开前关上。(2)turn up开大;调高(音量、煤气等);露面He hasnt turned up yet.他到现在还没有露面。Will you turn up the radio?请把收音机的音量开大一些好吗?(3)turn down 关小;调

27、低(音量、煤气等);拒绝Would you like me to turn down the radio a bit?我把收音机音量调低一点好吗?No, its all right. Im used to working with the radio on.不用,这就很好。 我已经习惯开着收音机工作了。Our request for a pay rise was turned down again.我们要求提高工资的请求再次被拒绝。(4)turn out 关掉;熄灭;证明;生产The day turned out fine.结果天晴了。It turned out that he had nev

28、er been there.后来证实他从来没有去过那儿。The factory can turn out 1 000 cars a day.这家工厂一天能生产1 000辆汽车。(5) turn over 翻地;翻身;翻倒;仔细考虑The farmers turned over the soil with a fork to destroy the weeds.农民用耙子翻地除草。He turned over in the bed and couldnt fall asleep.他在床上翻来覆去,睡不着觉。The car turned over twice and then fell into

29、the river.那辆车翻了两次后掉进了河里。He turned it over in his mind.他在心中仔细考虑那件事。(6)turn against背叛;反抗For this many of his former friends turned against him.鉴于此,他以前的许多朋友背叛了他。概念提示重点/热点1:New Zealand wine is of high quality and is sold all over the world. 该句中的be + of + n. 为一个固定结构。(1)be + of + n.= be + 相对应的adj. (名词多为抽象

30、名词,如: use,help,importance等) 这种结构在句中可以作表语、定语或宾语补足语。The suggestion he made at the meeting is of great use.(作表语) 他在会上提的建议很有用。The young guy of average height is our new chemistry teacher. (作定语)那位中等身材的年轻人是我们的新化学老师。We found the dictionary of no use. (作宾补)我们发现这本字典根本没用。He is a person of great determination.

31、 (作定语)他是个意志力非常坚决的人。(2)be + of a/an + n.= be + of the same + n表示相同性,同一性。常用于该结构的名词:age, weight, height, length, width, size等。They are of a height.= They are of the same height.他们身高一样。(3) be + of + different + n.(pl.) 表示不同,不一样。 These flowers are of different colors. 这些花颜色不一样。易混易错点1:“It”用法及其句型和固定搭配讲解 It 用法及其句型和固定搭配,是高中英语语法的重点、难点,又是近几年高考的热点,因此应给予充分的重视,现将it用法归纳如下:It 作形式主语的常见句型:1. It替代作主语的动词不定式,其句型为(1)It be adj. (for

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