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5、einKingArthursCourt8傻瓜威尔逊TheTragedyofPudd nheadWilson9败坏了哈德莱堡的人TheManThatCorruptedHadleyburgUnit9HenryJames亨利-詹姆斯1热衷游历的人APassionatePilgrim2罗德里克-赫德森RoderickHudson3亨利-詹姆斯小说、故事集TheNovelsandTalesofHenryJames4一个美国人TheAmerican5黛西-密勒DaisyMiller6一个女士的画像ThePortraitofaLady7波士顿人TheBostonians8卡萨玛西玛公主ThePrincess


7、ueHotelUnit14F. ScottFitzgerald弗-斯科特-菲茨杰拉德作品1人间天堂ThisSideofParadise2漂亮的冤家3姑娘们与哲学家TheBeautifulandtheDamned4爵士乐时代的故事TalesoftheJazzAge5了不起的盖茨比TheGreatGatsby主人公:盖茨比(JayGatzby)黛西(Daisy)汤姆(Tom)故事叙述人:NickCarraway6夜色温柔TenderistheNight7崩溃TheCrack-UpUnit15WilliamFaulkner威廉-福克纳作品1大理石牧神TheMarbleFaun2士兵的报酬Soldie


9、利Henry4丧钟为谁而鸣ForWhomtheBellTolls5老人与海TheOldManandtheSea6AClean,Well-LightedPlaceUnit17EzraPound埃兹拉-庞德1狂喜Exultations2人物Personae3中国Cathay4诗章Cantos5意象派诗选DesImagistes6在一个地铁车站InaStationoftheMertoWallaceStevens华莱士-斯蒂文斯1必要的天使TheNecessaryAngel2坛子的轶事AnecdoteoftheJar Unit18EugeneGlastoneONeil尤金-格拉斯通-奥尼尔1东航加的夫


11、rtheMisbegotten15休依Hughie16更庄严的大厦MoreStatelyMansionsUnit21RalphWaldoEllison拉尔夫-华尔多-埃利森作品1看不见的人InvisibleMan2影子与行动ShadowandAct3走向领域GoingtotheTerritory Unit24SaulBellow索尔-贝娄1晃来晃去的人DanglingMan2受害者TheVictim3奥吉-玛琪历险记TheAdventuresofAugieMarch4只争朝夕SeizetheDay5雨王汉德森HendersontheRainKing6赫尔索格Herzog7塞姆勒先生的行星MrS


13、得GodKnowsUnit26ToniMorrison托尼-莫里森1在黑暗中游戏:白色与文学想象PlayingintheDark:WhitenessandtheLiteraryImagination2最蓝的眼睛TheBluestEye3秀拉Sula4所罗门之歌SongofSolomon5柏油孩子TarBaby6宠儿Beloved7爵士乐Jazz8天堂Paradise9爱Love.Complete the following statements with a proper word or a phrase according to the textbook.1.The arbiter of n

14、ineteenth-century literary realism in America was _ ( William Dean Howells )2._had already pointed towards Mark Twains uneasy acceptance of the values of nineteen-century American society.( The Gilded Age)3._ (1878) which one American critic described as “an outrage to American girlhood” brought Jam

15、es his first international fame.( Dassy Miller)4._(1900), which traces the material rise of Carrie Meeber and the tragic decline of G.W.Hurstwood, was Dreisers first novel.( Sister Carrie)5.In the years preceding World War, nineteenth-century realism and _remained vital forces in American Literature

16、. ( naturalism)6.Writers of the first postwar era self-consciously acknowledged that they were a “_”, devoid of faith and alienated from a civilization.( Lost Generation)7.Early in the 1920s the most prominent of the new American playwrights, _established an international reputation.( Eugene ONeil)8

17、.Jazz music of the American _- the most influential art form to originate in the United States-spread throughout the world.( Negro)9.In London, Frosts first book, _, brought him to the attention of influential critics(A Boys Will)10.Frost employed the plain speech of rural _and preferred the short,

18、traditional forms of lyric and narrative.( New Englanders)11.In his finest novels, The Great Gatsby and_, Fitzgerald had revealed the stridency of an age of glittering innocence.( Tender is the Night)12._was the first American to be wounded in Italy during World War.( Hemingway)13.A Farewell to Arms

19、 portrayed a farewell both to _and to _ (war; love)14.In 1952, Hemingway portrayed an old fisherman_ in The Old Man and the Sea.( Santiago)15.The only Faulkner novel that had come close to being a best seller in its day was_, a book more famous for its shock value than for its literary quality.( San

20、ctuary)16.*Oxford was with some fictional modifications, a prototype of Jefferson, in the mythical county of Yoknapatawpha, the setting of _and most of Faulkners subsequent works.( Sartoris)17.Emerson was recognized throughout his life as the leader of_ movement, yet he never applied the term to him

21、self or to his beliefs and ideas.( Transcendentalist)18.Emersons truest disciple, the man who put into practice many of Emersons theories, was_.( H.D Thoreau)19._deals with the effects of a curse, and though the tale itself is fiction, the germ of the story sprang from the authors family history.( T

22、he House of the Seven Gables )20.Hawthornes unique gift was for the creation of strongly _stories which touch the deepest roots of mans moral nature. The finest example is the recreation of Puritan Boston, _.( symbolic; The scarlet letter)21. _ is a tremendous chronicle of a whaling voyage in pursui

23、t of a seemingly supernatural white whale. (Moby-Dick)22.As we have seen, _dominated the Puritan phase of American writing . _was the next great subject to command the attention of the best minds.( theology; Politics)23.From 1732 to 1758 , Franklin wrote and published his famous_, an annual collecti

24、on of proverbs(Poor Richards Almanac)24.In 1828 the election of the frontier hero _as the seventh President of the United States had brought an effective end to the “Virginia Dynasty” of American Presidents .( Andrew Jackson)25.Washington Irvings _became the first work by an American writer to win f

25、inancial success on both sides of the Atlantic .( Skwtch Book )26._was the first great prose stylist of American romanticism , and his familiar style was destined to outlive the formal prose of such contemporaries as Acott and Cooper ,and to provide a model for the prevailing prose narrative for the future .( Washington Irving). Define the literary terms listed below.1.*American Naturalism American naturalism was a new and harsher realism. It had

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