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中考英语800句 让你记住7000个单词00.docx

1、中考英语800句 让你记住7000个单词00中考英语800句 让你记住7000个单词(201300)记单词是件苦差事,现有800句有趣的英语句子,能帮你记住7000个中考单词。201. The loser closely enclosed himself in the closet.那个失败者把自己严密地封闭在小室内。202. The composer was proposed to decompose his composition into components.作曲家被建议将著作分解成单元。203. Suppose you were exposed in the opposite pos

2、ition by your opponent.假设你被对手暴露在相反的位置204. The depositor positively positioned the preposition in that position on purpose.储户有意确信地介词放置在那个位置。205. In church the nurse cursed the people pursuing the purple purse.在教堂里,护士诅咒了追求紫色钱包的人们。206. The faculty for agricultural culture isnt difficult to cultivate.农业

3、栽培能力不难培养。207. The reservoir in the reserved preserve is an obstacle to the obstinate observer.预留保护区内的水库对固执的观察者是一个障碍。208. The desert deserves the nervous servants to observe.那个沙漠值得神经紧张的公务员们去观察。209. The bulk of the ruby rubbish on the pebble bubbles when stirred by bulbed rubber club.小卵石上的大部分红宝石废料在用有球

4、状突起的橡胶短棍搅动时会起泡。210. The adjective injected new meaning into the objected objective object.这个形容词给受到反对的客观物体注入了新的意义。211. The projector is subject to rejection and may be ejected from the project.投影机有遭到否决的倾向并可能被逐出工程。212. A day goes through daybreak, morning, noon, afternoon, evening and midnight.一天经过坲晓、

5、上午、正午、下午、傍晚和午夜。213. His affection for the defects is affected by the infectious perfect effect.他对缺点的钟爱受到具有感染力的完美效果的影响。214. The critics criticism is critical to the crisis.评论家的批评对这场危机至关重要。215. The directors indirect direction led to the incorrect erection of the rectifier.指导者间接的指导导致整流器的错误安装。216. The

6、prospective inspector prospected his prospect with his own perspective.未来的检查员用自己的观点勘察他的前景。217. Two suspicious aspects are suspected respectively.两个可疑的方面分别受到怀疑。218. This section about insects is written by a respectable specialist.关于昆虫的这一节是由一位可敬的专家撰写的。219. I assure the injured jury that a sure insura

7、nce is ensured.我让受伤的陪审团确信一笔有把握的保险得到确保。220. My durable endurance made me endure the injury during insurance.我持久的忍耐力使我忍受了保险期间的伤害。221. I cant endure the leisured mans measures for the treasures in the treasury.我不能容忍那个悠闲男子对金库财宝采取的措施。222. In the exchange the oranges are arranged into strange ranges.在交易所里

8、橙子被排成奇怪的行。223. The ashtray, splashed with ash, crashed with a clash in a flash while being washed.那个溅有灰尘的烟灰盘在清洗时咣当一声一下子摔碎了。224. He dashed to smash the fashionable ashtray with cash.他猛冲过去用现金砸那个过时的烟灰盘。225. I feel a bit of bitterness for his ambitious exhibition.我为他雄心勃勃的展览感到一点点触痛。226. On the orbit, the

9、 rabbits habitually inherited the merits of the inhabitants.在轨道上,兔子习惯性地继承了居民们的优点。227. Her rejoicing voice is void of something avoidable.她那令人高兴的声音缺少某种可避免的东西。228. I prefer the preferable preference you referred to in the reference books.我更喜欢你在参考书中提到的那个更可取的优先权。229. The specialist specifically specifie

10、d a special pacific means especially.专家特地明确指定了一种和解的特殊方法。230. The speculator specifically specified the specification of this species specimen.投机者特地指定了这种物种标本的规范。231 Im to be punished for publishing his bad reputation to the public of the republic.我将因把他的坏名声公布给共和国的公众而受到惩罚。232. The drug trafficker is co

11、ncerned about the condition of the traditional concert.毒品贩子担心传统音乐会的状况。233. Its a fable that the cable enables the disabled man to be able to walk.电缆使得残疾人能够行走是天方夜谭。234. The problem is that those who are out of jobs probably rob.问题是那些失业者们可能行劫。235. His wicked trick is to get the kids to kick bricks and

12、 lick the cricket ticket.他的缺德恶作剧是让孩子们踢砖和添板球门。236. The thin sick chicken picks the thick sticky stick quickly.瘦病鸡快速地啄粘乎乎的粗棍。237. The animals unanimously vanished from the mammals room furnished with Spanish furniture.动物一齐从配备有西班牙家具的哺乳动物的房间消失。238. The loosened goose chooses the cheese to eat.被解开的鹅挑选奶酪吃

13、。239. By policy, the police impolitely sliced the politicians politics books.根据政策,警方不客气地把政客的政治书籍切成了薄片。240. At the neck of the wrecked deck, the reckoner checked the opaque cheque.在遭破坏的甲板的颈部,计算者检查了这张不透明支票。241. The scholar foolishly took the school cooling pool for swimming pool. 学者愚蠢地把学校的冷却池当成游泳池。242

14、. Having played golf, the wolf in wool rested on the tool stool in the zoo.打过高尔夫球之后,穿羊毛衣的狼歇在动物园里的工具凳子上。243. Citizens in the citys civil buildings are all civilized.城市全民建筑中的市民都是可教化的。244. The pious man is dubious about the vicious civilians vivid description of his vicinity to his wife.虔诚的男子对邪恶的平民生动地描

15、述他与其妻子的密切(关系)半信半疑。245. The corps corn in the corner is scorned by the stubborn corporation.军团种在角落里的玉米遭到顽固公司的蔑视。246. The attorneys horn lies horizontally in the thorns.代理律师的号角水平地躺在荆棘中。247. I seem to deem his foreseeing of that the man will seek seeds in the weed.我似乎相信他的预见,他预见那个人将在杂草中寻找种子。248. The agr

16、eement disagrees in the degree of agreeable freedom.协议在使人愉快的自由程度上存在分歧。249. In the freezing breeze, the breeder greedily squeezed oil from the seeds.在冰冷的微风中,饲养员贪婪地从种子中榨油。250. We need reed needles to speed the deed indeed.我们确实需要一些芦苇针来加快行动。251. The accessory successor never made concessions to difficul

17、ties, so he succeeded in accessing successive successes.附属继承人从未向困难妥协,因此在走向连续的成功之路上成功了。252. I exceed the excellent student who has excessive excellence.我胜过那个有过多优点的优秀学生。253. During the procession, the microprocessor finished the processing procedure.在队伍行进时,微处理器完成了加工过程。254. The chess professor confesse

18、d his professional blessing in the confession.象棋教授在供状中承认了其职业福气。255. The progressive congressman dressed in black stressed his distress.穿着黑色衣服的进步国会议员强调了他的不幸。256. The man depressed by the pressure from the press expressed the impression on him.那个受到来自新闻界压力压抑的人表达了他的印象。257. Initially I kept silent to the

19、 essential essay.起初我对这个重要的短评保持沉默。258. The enforced law reinforced that forced divorce is forbidden.实施的法律强化了禁止强迫离婚。259. In the cork workshop, the workers fork the pork.在软木车间,工人们用叉子叉猪肉。260. That person personally persuaded the personnel with persuasive words.那个人用有说服力的话亲自说服了人事部门。261. The dull bull full

20、y fulfilled pulling the bulletproof bulletin board. 迟钝的公牛充分履行了拖防弹公告牌(的职责)。262. The lucky duck tucked in truck suddenly sucked the gas from the bucket.塞在卡车里的幸运鸭子突然从桶里吸汽油。263. Boil the oil soiled by the coil in the toilet lest it spoil.把被盥洗室里的线圈弄脏的油煮开,免得它变质。264. The selfish man put himself on the shel

21、f.那个自私的人把自己束之高阁。265. In this climate, the climber climbed up the cliff with his stiff limbs.在这种气候下,攀登者用僵硬的四肢爬上悬崖。266. The puffy staffs stuffy chests are stuffed with sufficient suffering.喘气的职员们闷热的胸中填满了足够的痛苦。267. The member of good memory remembers to commemorate his friend with memorials.那位记性好的成员记得用

22、纪念品纪念他的朋友。268. The room is lumbered with numerous cucumbers.房间里乱堆着大量黄瓜。269. The poets toes get out of his shoes. Here heroes are zeros.诗人的脚趾露出了鞋子。在这里英雄无足轻重。270. In the library, arbitrary the librarian wrote the auxiliary diary about military literature.在图书馆,武断的图书管理员写下了有关军事文学的辅助日记。271. The royal dest

23、royer employs lots of loyal employees.皇家驱逐舰雇佣了很多忠心的雇员。272. On the voyage, the enjoyable toy brought me joy and annoyance.在航行中,使人愉快的玩具给我带来快乐和烦恼。273. Her boyfriend fed a box of oxygen and hydrogen to the ox and fox.她男朋友给牛和狐狸喂了一盒子氧和氢。274. The instructor struggled to say, The structure of the constructi

24、on led to the destruction.教师挣扎着说:“建筑物的构造导致这场毁灭。”275. I debated that the debtor was doubtless in double troubles.我争论说债务人很可能处在双重困境中。276. With a dim triumph, she trims the swimming-suit rim at the swimming-pool brim.她带着暗淡的喜悦在泳池边整理泳装的边缘。277. Twice the twin king wins the winter swinging under the wing of

25、 the plane.孪生国王两次赢得冬季机翼下的荡秋千赛。278. Having piled miles of files, the compiler smiled a while at the profile.堆了几英里长的文件之后,编辑对着侧面笑了一会。279. By the spoon youll soon see the smooth tooth of the moon above the booth.借助勺子你可以立刻看到电话亭上方月亮的光滑牙齿。280. She met me in the Fleet Street and greeted me with a sweet smil

26、e.她在舰队街上遇见我,并对我致以甜甜的一笑。281. The conductor is reluctant to reduce the conductivity of the semiconductor.导演不情愿降低半导体的导电率。282. The producer introduced a productive technological product into production.制造者把一项多产的技术成果引进到生产中。283. The anxious man is unconscious of my anxiety.那个不安的人没有觉察到我的忧虑。284. Previously

27、he was obviously envious of my success.先前他明显地嫉妒我的成功。285. I highly appreciate the preceding mans precious precise exercise.我高度欣赏前面那个人可贵的精确演练。286. The miracle mirrors a horrible error made by the terrorists in the terrible territory.这件奇事反映了恐怖分子在这一可怕地区犯的可怕错误。287. I hurt my tongue when I hurried to eat

28、cherry and strawberry merrily.我匆忙快活地吃樱桃和草莓时伤了舌头。288. The man proclaimed in exclamation that he aimed to reclaim the aimless claim.那个人呼喊着声明说他打算索回无目标的索赔。289. In no circumstances can the bicycle in the circle of the circus be a focus.马戏表演圈子中的自行车决不会成为焦点。290. Im busy unless Im blessed with less lesson.我很

29、忙,除非我很幸运只有少量功课。291. How to pronounce the noun ounce in the announcement?布告中的名词“盎司”怎样发音?292. Its incredible that the editors editorial in this edition is edible.本版中的编辑社论可以食用让人难以置信。293. The whistler whispered, Which is rich?鸣笛者低语道:“哪一个富有?”294. Which method of making the metal helmet is more economical

30、 in total?生产这种金属头盔的方法哪一种总体上更节约?295. The diligent teller told a tedious story about the intelligent satellite.勤奋的出纳讲述了一个关于智能卫星的乏味故事。296. The soda made the goddess nod by the fishing rod.苏打使女神在钓竿旁打盹。297. The modest man moderately modified the model in this mode.谦虚者适度地用这种方式修改了模型。298. The humorous rumour has something to do with human humanity and vanity.那个幽默传闻与人类的仁慈和虚荣心有关。299. The wakened cake baker awakes to that he has to brake by the lake.被唤醒的蛋糕师傅醒悟到他必须在湖边刹车。3

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