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1、英语外研版m31introduction练习英语外研版m3-1introduction练习.单句改错1An adventure is a story which there is lots of action._2Id like to reading“Wolves of the Calla”_3“The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn”is perhaps the most famous American novel ever writing._4They see something in the water ahead them._5Huck is a teena

2、ger boy._6Two of them are sailing down the Mississippi River in the story._答案:1.whichwhere/in which2.readingread3.writing written4.aheadahead of5.teenagerteenage或去掉boy6.TwoThe two.单项填空1Your tie looks smart. It _ with your shirt perfectly.Amatches BmeetsCagrees Dgoes答案:A本题应该指的是在颜色、样式方面,领带和衬衫搭配得好,故应用m

3、atch。2From the _ of the Iraq War, we learn that most American soldiers there are terrified of the danger they are in.Areview BcriticismCaccount Dcount答案:C根据题意“从伊拉克战争的描述来看”,可知,应用account。意为“描述,叙述”。3He had always considered her an ideal _ for his elder borther.Acompany BaccompanyCcompanion Dcommunity答案

4、:C句意为“他一直认为她是他哥哥理想的伙伴”。companion意为“伙伴,共事者”。4The shoes are only _ in small sizes. Come back the day after tomorrow and we will have large size.Aavailable BrenewableCsatisfying Dessential答案:Aavailable“可获得的”,符合题意。5The young lady who was hurt demanded _ for what he said.Ato be apologized Ban apologyCapo

5、logizing Dbeing apologized答案:B如选A、C项,则表示the young lady被要求道歉,与题意相反;D项搭配错误,故选B项。6_ their hospitality, we wrote a thankyou letter.AIn case of BIn response toCIn favour of DIn terms of答案:Bin response to“作为的回应”。7How is she recently?She has been _ from a high fever for several days.Acarrying BsufferingCfa

6、lling Dcatching答案:Bsuffer from a high fever“发高烧”,此处suffer为不及物动词,意为“受折磨”。8She was grateful _ George _ all that he had done.Afor; to Bto; forCfor; for Dto; to答案:Bbe grateful to sb. for sth.为固定短语,意为“因某事感激某人”。9It took him three hours to _ the mathematics problem.Asettle BendCsolve Dfight答案:Csolve此处相当于wo

7、rk out,意为“解决,解答”。10The thief snatched the money on the counter and _.Aran away Btook awayCput away Dkept away答案:A句意为“那个贼抓起柜台上的钱就逃跑了。”run away意为“逃离,逃跑”。.完形填空The True Story of Treasure IslandIt was always thought that Treasure Island was the product of Robert Louis Stevensons imagination. _1_, recent

8、research has found the true story of this exciting work.Stevenson, a Scotsman, had lived _2_ for many eyars. In 1881 he returned to Scotland for a _3_. With him were his American wife Fanny and his son _4_.Each morning Stevenson would take them out for a long _5_ over the hills. They had been _6_ th

9、is for several days before the weather suddenly took a turn for the worse. Kept indoors by the heavy rain, Lloyd felt the days _7_. To keep the boy happy, Robert asked the boy to do some _8_.One morning, the boy came to Robert with a beautiful map of an island. Robert _9_ that the boy had drawn a la

10、rge cross in the middle of _10_. “Whats that?” he asked. “Thats the _11_ treatsure,” said the boy. Robert suddenly _12_ something of an adventure story in the boys _13_. While the rain was pouring, Robert sat down by the fire to write a story. He would make the _14_ a twelveyearold boy, just like Ll

11、oyd. But who would be the pirate (海盗)?Robert had a good friend named Henley, who walked around with the _15_ of a wooden leg. Robert had always wanted to _16_ such a man in a story. _17_ Long John Silver, the pirate with a wooden leg, was _18_ .So, thanks to a _19_ September in Scotland, a friend wi

12、th a wooden leg, and the imagination of a twelveyearold boy, we have one of the greatest _20_ stories in the English language.1A.However BThereforeCBesides DFinally答案:A由上句可知人们一般认为和最近的一项研究调查之间是不一致的,故选转折连词however。2A.alone Bnext doorCat home Dabroa答案:D由下句可知他在1881年回到了苏格兰。结合本句他是一个苏格兰人,说明他一直在国外生活。故选D。3A.m

13、eeting BstoryCholiday Djob答案:C纵观全文,没有他回来是为开会、写故事或找工作的暗示,并且通过下文每天早上带妻子和儿子去爬山也可看出是度假。4A.Lloyd BRobertCHenley DJohn答案:A由下段倒数第二句可知。 BrestCwalk Dgame答案:C由“他们一家三口每天早上去爬山”可知C项正确。6A.attempting BmissingCplanning Denjoying答案:D本句指在天气变得糟糕之前他们一直很享受这段时光。attempt尝试,试图;miss想念漏掉;plan计划,设计;enjoy享受,喜欢。根据句意,D项正确。

14、7A.quiet BdullCbusy Dcold答案:B因为下雨,窝在家中,所以他儿子可能会感到很无聊。 BwritingCdrawing Dexercising答案:C由下文可知看出,孩子在一张地图上了画了一个大大的十字,可知他让孩子画点东西。9A.doubted BnoticedCdecided Drecognized答案:B句意:当儿子拿着一张地图过来时,他注意到孩子在地图的中心画了一个大大的十字。notice“注意”。10A.the sea Bthe houseCScotland Dthe island答案:D由上句“a beautiful map of an

15、island”可知,他儿子是在岛的中间画了一个大十字。11A.forgotten BburiedCdiscovered Dunexpected答案:B财宝应该是埋在此处的,故用buried“埋藏的”。12A.saw BdrewCmade Dlearned答案:A由本句知他突然发现了孩子的画中的一个冒险故事。 BreplyCpicture Dmind答案:C作者是从儿子的画中得到了灵感。 BheroCwriter Dchild答案:B他想让像儿子一样的一个12岁的男孩当探宝的主人公。 BproblemCuse Dbottom答案:A他的朋友的腿是假

16、肢,故用help,在文中意为“在的帮助下”才能走。16A.praise BproduceCinclude Daccept答案:C作者一直想在他的作品中包含一个这样的人。praise“赞扬”,produce“生产”,accept“接受”均不合题意。include“包含,包括”,符合题意。17A.Yet BAlsoCBut DThus答案:D由上文可知,就这样,他创造了这样的一个海盗形象。 BbornChire Dwritten答案:B这样的一个海盗形象被创作出来或诞生了。19A.rainy BsunnyCcool Dwindy答案:A从第三段和第四段都可看出当时的天气不好,下雨,

17、故选A。 BloveCreallife Dadventure答案:D由第四段中的an adventure story可知。.阅读理解Frankenstein is a famous scientific fiction novel written by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, wife of the great British poet Shelley, who is called mother of scientific fiction.When young, Frankenstein read all books he could find

18、. He studied maths and physics and the works of many brilliant scientists. At the age of seventeen, his parents sent him to university boring. However, he found all that was taught at university boring. He decided that he would pioneer(开拓) a new way, explore unknown powers, and unfold(显露) to the wor

19、ld the deepest mysteries of nature.The structure of the human body and animals attracted his attention. He often asked himself where the principle of life came from. He made up his mind to carry out a horrible experiment on how to create life from dead matter. It was with this feeling that he began

20、the creation of human being. As the small size of some parts slowed down his speed, he decided to make the man much larger than any of normal persons, about eight feet in height.You cannot imagine the horrors of his secret work! He collected bones from graves and cut up dead bodies.Many of his mater

21、ials came from butchers shops and hospitals. It was on a night in November that his creation was finished. This was Frankensteins monster.One morning, the candle in the room was nearly burnt out, when Frankenstein saw the dull yellow eyes of the monster open. Frankenstein looked at the horrible mons

22、ter that he had created. The monster opened the curtain of his bed, and his eyes looked at Frankenstein. His hair was black and his teeth were as white as snow, but his skin was yellow. When his thin black lips opened, nothing came but some strange sounds. He was ugly and really a living horror. The

23、 monster was created by Frankenstein, but he could not accept him. Who would like a living horror? Then the monster began to hate his master. No one liked him and that he was regarded as a horror.He could not get love from human beings. At last, in anger the monster killed Frankenstein and destroyed

24、 his family.Now many people like to use the phrase “Frankensteins monster” in their talks and articles. We know some scientists fear that if human beings interfere with nature in an improper way, they may be on their way to producing a reallife Frankensteins monster. We can get a good understanding

25、of “Frankensteins monster” from this.1Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley is _.Athe mother of scientific experimentBa great British woman poetCa brilliant scientistDa famous scientific fiction writer答案:D由第一段who引导的定语从句可知,玛丽沃斯通克拉夫特雪莱被称为科幻小说之母,显然她是一位出色的科幻小说家。2What happened to Frankenstein while he was at unive

26、rsity?AHe read all books he could find.BHe made a good study of maths and physics and the works of many brilliant scientists.CHe decided to make discoveries about mysterious secrets of nature.DHe found all that was taught at university exciting.答案:C由文章第二段第五句可知,弗兰肯斯坦决定开拓一条新路,发掘未知的力量,向世人展示大自然的奥秘,故答案为C

27、项。3For what reason did Frankenstein make the man much larger than any of normal persons?AThe structure of a large human body attracted his attention.BThe small parts of a human body were not easily found.CTo make the man much larger was less difficult.DThe small size of some parts delayed him.答案:D根据第三段最后一句可知,原因在于“the small size of some parts slowed down his speed”,故选D项。4Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?AFrankensteins MonsterBFrankensteins LifeCFrankensteins AmbitionDFrankensteins Work答案:A文章主要介绍了小说法兰肯斯坦的内容:法兰肯斯坦如何造出怪物,及其后果,故答案为A项。

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